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Mar 16th, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. amietron: dude
  3. amietron: do you know vhalin?
  4. 'Makk: not in rl
  5. amietron: but in game, you know who he is?
  6. 'Makk: yea
  7. amietron: yesterday he added me to his friends list and started creeping on me
  8. 'Makk: what was he saying
  9. amietron: like oh do you have a pic?
  10. amietron: and then i said no
  11. amietron: and then he's like oh i go to community college and i like my living situation and my car
  12. amietron: telling me things like i give a fuck
  13. amietron: then is like, why aren't you talking to me? why are you so shy and quiet and reserved?
  14. amietron: then was like, oh one thing i don't have is a pocket med
  15. amietron: then why don't you be my pocket med instead of gambon?
  16. amietron: then he says something like oh i'll duel gambon
  17. amietron: and all the while i'm reading all this to gambon and he's laughing
  18. amietron: then he messages me again today like "hi"
  19. amietron: Never tell your password to anyone.
  20. Monday, July 13, 2009
  21. 7:12 PM - vhalin: hey
  22. vhalin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  23. vhalin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  24. 7:34 PM - amietron: hi
  25. 7:36 PM - vhalin: hey
  26. 7:36 PM - vhalin: you know
  27. 7:36 PM - vhalin: not everyone on the internet is trying to rape you
  28. 7:36 PM - amietron: OK
  29. 7:39 PM - amietron: why are you telling me this?
  30. amietron: 7:46 PM - vhalin: so you can be a little bit more friendly to everyone :]
  31. 7:47 PM - amietron: do you message guys you add to your friends list and ask them for a pic?
  32. 7:47 PM - amietron: or tell them that you live alone and are content with your car but you feel bad about yourself because you go to community college?
  33. 7:48 PM - vhalin: i asked jjjaxn for his pic yesterday
  34. 7:48 PM - vhalin: :)
  35. 7:48 PM - amietron: yeah, ok what about everyone else?
  36. 7:48 PM - amietron: i'm sure you do it to girls only
  37. 7:49 PM - vhalin: usually i get a facebook
  38. amietron: 7:49 PM - amietron: i don't play tf2 because i'm looking for a boyfriend
  39. 7:49 PM - vhalin: what really
  40. 7:49 PM - amietron: that's why i don't talk in game
  41. 7:49 PM - vhalin: I THOUGHT THATS WHAT THIS GAME IS FOR?!?!
  42. 7:50 PM - vhalin: you know, you are probably trying to explain why i might come across as weird, but the sad part ist hat this is the most friendly ive ever seen you act
  43. 7:50 PM - amietron: go ask jackson if i'm nice to him
  44. amietron: 7:50 PM - vhalin: you werent that time in the server
  45. 7:51 PM - vhalin: please its not "jackson" you pronounce it "juh juh juh jaxin"
  46. 7:51 PM - vhalin: when someone acts friendly to you usually the correct response both in person and over the internet is to act friendly back
  47. 7:51 PM - vhalin: not to "..."
  48. 7:51 PM - amietron: you were telling me your life story
  49. 7:52 PM - vhalin: there was a premise for it
  50. 7:52 PM - amietron: and asking why i was healing gambon and not you
  51. 7:52 PM - vhalin: why would anyone not heal me?
  52. 7:52 PM - amietron: you're good, but if you're creeping on every girl you talk to in tf2
  53. 7:52 PM - amietron: then wonder why you don't have a pocket med
  54. amietron: 7:52 PM - amietron: then maybe that's your answer
  55. 7:52 PM - vhalin: if i wanted a good pocket med id ask a guy
  56. 7:53 PM - vhalin: but
  57. 7:53 PM - vhalin: you know im trying to get some laughs
  58. 7:53 PM - vhalin: i have a few pocket meds
  59. 7:53 PM - vhalin: but i could always use more
  60. 7:53 PM - vhalin: i mean
  61. 7:53 PM - vhalin: that are girls
  62. 7:54 PM - vhalin: you are especially entertaining to talk to because you dont ever say anything
  63. 7:54 PM - vhalin: it just makes it all the more hilarious
  64. 7:54 PM - amietron: ok
  65. 7:55 PM - vhalin: i have several female pocket meds
  66. 7:55 PM - vhalin: but none as attractive as you
  67. 7:56 PM - vhalin: but you know.... its not like im the only person that feels this way
  68. 7:57 PM - vhalin: in fact i asked someone today
  69. 7:57 PM - vhalin: who knows you
  70. amietron: 7:57 PM - vhalin: i was like "whats up with amietron that bitch is stuck up as hell"
  71. 7:57 PM - vhalin: and he said
  72. 7:57 PM - vhalin: "yeah she acts like everyone is going to rape her"
  73. 7:57 PM - vhalin: which you know put it into better words
  74. 7:58 PM - vhalin: im not the only person who feels this way so dont act as if me trying to cupcake with you has some how changed you into a bitch that you arent usually are
  75. 7:58 PM - vhalin: for reals for someone with as thick of a bitch shield as you i expected you to be way hotter....
  76. 7:59 PM - vhalin: did a bunch of my retarded white bretheren with yellow fevor hit on you to end to the point where you think youre the hottest shit on the earth
  77. amietron: 8:02 PM - vhalin: and for the record
  78. 8:02 PM - vhalin: im happy with my APPARTMENT
  79. 8:02 PM - vhalin: or content
  80. 8:03 PM - vhalin: but im fucking exuberant with my car
  81. 8:04 PM - vhalin: let me get on your nuts now for telling me you go to UCSC
  82. 8:04 PM - vhalin: like
  83. 8:04 PM - vhalin: fucking creepy
  84. 8:04 PM - vhalin: is it only because i grew up in anta cruz
  85. 8:04 PM - vhalin: that you go around talking to people o n TF2 about how you went to ucsc WHAT THE FUCK
  86. 8:07 PM - vhalin: oh and for the record i only told you i went to a cc because you told me you went to ucsc
  87. 8:07 PM - vhalin: fuckin hypocrite
  88. 8:09 PM - amietron: i'm a hypocrite how?
  89. 8:10 PM - vhalin: you wanna give me shit about going to community college
  90. 8:10 PM - vhalin: or
  91. 8:10 PM - vhalin: for telling you
  92. 8:11 PM - vhalin: i went to community college
  93. 8:11 PM - vhalin: after you told me you went to ucsc
  94. 8:11 PM - vhalin: which neither of us should give shit eachother for BEIN JUST A *LITTLE BIT* FRIENDLY
  95. amietron: 8:11 PM - amietron: i told you i went to ucsc past tense as in, i'm familiar with the area
  96. 8:11 PM - vhalin: i told you i went to a cc
  97. 8:11 PM - vhalin: as in
  98. 8:11 PM - vhalin: im a loser
  99. 8:12 PM - amietron: why would i care either way?
  100. 8:12 PM - vhalin: but then im not because i live on my own get it?
  101. 8:12 PM - vhalin: why would i care that you went to ucsc
  102. 8:12 PM - vhalin: who cares its called BEIN FRIENDLY
  103. 8:12 PM - vhalin: like
  104. 8:12 PM - vhalin: do you ignore people irl too?
  105. 8:14 PM - amietron: no
  106. 8:15 PM - vhalin: so can we start over
  107. 8:15 PM - vhalin: and just be COOL
  108. 8:16 PM - vhalin: without me whipping my giant e-cock out, and you without having your bitch shield on
  109. 8:16 PM - amietron: why do i need to have these long, extensive conversations wtih you?
  110. 8:17 PM - vhalin: i brought up my e-cock and the next adjectives that came out was long and exentsive
  111. 8:17 PM - vhalin: rawr
  112. 8:17 PM - amietron: this is why i don't talk to you
  113. 8:17 PM - vhalin: thats why you still are
  114. 8:17 PM - vhalin: i know about a million and one other girls that would laugh at that
  115. 8:17 PM - vhalin: but i guess when youre as hot as you are
  116. 8:18 PM - vhalin: you would think with all those interests in losing weight, dieting and exercise on your live journal you wouldnt be such a FAT ASS
  117. 8:21 PM - vhalin: like are you that unhappy with yourself that you have to project your unhappiness on other people
  118. amietron is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  119. amietron is now Away.
  120. 'Makk: rofl.
  121. 'Makk: wow
  122. 'Makk: unfriend
  123. 'Makk: end of story
  124. amietron is now Online.
  125. 'Makk: i like his pick up lines
  126. amietron: fucking creep
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