
Faerzen's first strife!

Apr 6th, 2015
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  1. [23:06] <Faerzen[aberrant]>
  2. [23:06] <Faerzen[aberrant]> My land is full of tall rocky spires jutting out of darkness, and I've been trapped in my house on top of one. I found some stairs down inside.
  3. [23:07] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I recently made GentlemanCraftSprite by second prototyping minecraftsprite with a monocle & tophat
  4. [23:07] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And I'm sneaking down stairs into a room with a chest and single humanoid figure
  5. [23:30] <Pissy[DM]> You watch as the carapaced creature digs into the chest in the center of the room. The very air of this room seems to shimmer with light, illuminating it completely. You look closely at the creature, as it dons a silver helmet onto its speckled green, squarish head from within the chest. You notice it has bright red gloves with a bit of fluffy stuff on each of the fingers.
  6. [23:30] <Faerzen[aberrant]> o.O
  7. [23:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Does this speckled green squarish head resemble that of a creeper?
  8. [23:31] <Pissy[DM]> You cannot tell from this angle. What do?
  9. [23:31] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I attempt to sneak further down the stairs
  10. [23:34] <Pissy[DM]> Roll a D20 plus your stealth modifier.
  11. [23:35] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((14+3=17))
  12. [23:35] <Pissy[DM]> The imp is preoccupied with digging further into the chest and fails to notice you.
  13. [23:36] <Faerzen[aberrant]> As I get further down the stairs, I try and get a better look at the imp. Byron noticed that the enemies seem to adopt characteristics of the things we throw into the glowing orbs.
  14. [23:37] <Faerzen[aberrant]> If I can just notice verify the minecraft-y appearance....
  15. [23:37] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I wouldn't want to shoot it if I don't know for sure it's a monster!
  16. [23:39] <Pissy[DM]> You watch as the imp, shaped with rather blocky proportions, proceeds to don a pair of boots you recognize from minecraft as being made of leather, also taken from within the chest. The light of the room is terrible for this, but you distinctly notice the imp has a green checkerboard patterned carapace and doritoes as fangs.
  17. [23:39] <Pissy[DM]> It remains intent upon the chest for now.
  18. [23:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> DORITOS
  19. [23:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> THAT'S IT
  20. [23:39] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I SHOOT IT
  21. [23:40] <Faerzen[aberrant]> 11+3=14
  22. [23:43] <Pissy[DM]> Your crossbow bolt misses the imp, but barely. It stumbles backward in surprise, and turns to bare its dorito fangs at you, hissing reminiscently. ((16 against your 14 misses))
  23. [23:44] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Oh no!
  24. [23:44] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((Do we roll initiative now?))
  25. [23:45] <Pissy[DM]> Yes.
  26. [23:46] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((10+3=13))
  27. [23:47] <Pissy[DM]> You move first.
  28. [23:47] <Pissy[DM]> The Imp continues to bear its dorito fangs at you. You notice its eyes are made from peppermints.
  29. [23:48] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Whoa, I can't say I was expecting that!
  30. [23:48] <Faerzen[aberrant]> This imp has Byron's food blob written all over it!
  31. [23:49] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I won't let this messed up game deter me though. Fire again!
  32. [23:49] <Pissy[DM]> You fire again. Roll a d20 and add your dex
  33. [23:49] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((19+3=22! :D))
  34. [23:50] <Pissy[DM]> Your aim is true. Roll for damage.
  35. [23:50] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((1d6+3=4+3=7))
  36. [23:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Do I still have a move?
  37. [23:51] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I kind of forget how actions work in RPGStuck
  38. [23:53] <Pissy[DM]> Your aim is true, and strikes the imp, two inches to the left of where its heart would be, if it had a heart. It starts to bleed profusely from its wound, but snaps the arrow off and charges at you. Roll a d20 and add your AC.
  39. [23:53] <Pissy[DM]> ((Parenthesize your OOC))
  40. [23:54] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((balls))
  41. [23:54] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((Armor if it's just clothes is 5+1+Dex, right))
  42. [23:55] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((I rolled 5+5+1+3=14))
  43. [23:55] <Pissy[DM]> ((Something like that. Roll your dice.))
  44. [23:56] <Pissy[DM]> The imp runs and headbutts you in the stomach. While you're rather winded after being headbutted by an imp wearing an iron helmet, you're undamaged. The imp is now far too close for comfort, especially for a crossbow wielder. It hisses at you menacingly.
  45. [23:58] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I carefully back up the stairs enough that I have enough room to maneuver my crossbow without difficulty
  46. [23:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> And then fire again!
  47. [23:59] <Pissy[DM]> I'll allow it. Roll D20 and add dex for your aim.
  48. [23:59] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((11+3=14))
  49. [00:00] <Pissy[DM]> Your arrow unleashes hell on the wall behind the imp, who attempts to attack you again. Roll to defend.
  50. [00:01] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((20+3=23))
  51. [00:02] <Pissy[DM]> The imp doesn't stand a chance. It foolishly blunders past you and trips, faceplanting into the staircase.
  52. [00:03] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I shoot it in the back while it's face down and confused!
  53. [00:03] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((8+3=11))
  54. [00:03] <Pissy[DM]> I'll give you this one, since the imp is currently eating staircase. Roll for damage.
  55. [00:04] <Faerzen[aberrant]> ((3+3=6 nice!))
  56. [00:05] <Pissy[DM]> You shoot the imp in the back of the head, killing it instantly, and also causing a fiery explosion that causes you one damage as you're thrown to the wall in the room, and slide to the ground. The staircase is destroyed.
  57. [00:05] <Pissy[DM]> You notice that the imp has turned into fruit gushers.
  58. [00:07] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I splutter as I try and pick myself up off the ground out of the rubble, and wipe the dust off of my face
  59. [00:07] <Faerzen[aberrant]> Well, Byron was actually quite correct that these look like fruit gushers!
  60. [00:07] <Faerzen[aberrant]> I walk over and pick them up.
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