
Daybreak or Nightmare - Vexd

Aug 15th, 2017
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  1. >Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker clashed across the countryside
  2. >A raging battle without end
  3. >minutes passed, then hours, then days
  4. >until finally, the barrage of beams stopped
  5. >Both monarchs glared at each other from across the way
  6. >Finally Nightmare Moon spoke up
  7. >”It’s no use, we’re too evenly matched”
  8. >”Says you!” Daybreaker yelled before firing another bolt
  9. >Nightmare deflected it before firing her own which was deflected in kind
  10. >”See!?” Moon said pointing
  11. >”So, now what?”
  12. >”We’ll have to prove we’re superior in some other manner!”
  13. >”Such as? Who can be the darkest and more brooding?” Day said in a mocking voice.
  14. >”Who can uhhh, sing the best!?”
  15. >The two of them opened their mouths and took a breath
  16. >But both suddenly stopped and shook their heads
  17. >”No no no no, that’d be too silly”
  18. >”Right”
  19. >“Just as well, you’d probably scare any kids you got near to sing.”
  20. >”I’ll have you know that I STILL defend the dreams of my subjects, and the children ADORE me!”
  21. >”You can’t even have kids!” Daybreaker chided
  22. >”Can too!”
  23. >”Prove it!”
  24. >”Fine! You and I! We’ll bear the best our wombs can conceive! That will be the deciding factor of who is truly best!”
  25. >”I can do that! Don’t cower in a corner when I reveal my glorious progeny when you can’t even get a stallion to bed you!”
  26. >”8 months! Then we meet back here!” Nightmare Moon declared before flying off into the night
  28. >Neither side wasted any time with their conceptions
  29. >In the glorious dining hall of the Radiant Palace, a banquet fit for the highest nobility lay spread across the massive table.
  30. >But there was no nobility visiting today, only the entire garrison of the Day Guard crammed in the hall
  31. >Most of the poor ponies didn’t know what to do with themselves besides just stand and wait
  32. >Then, their glorious leader entered
  33. >A warm glow emanating from her as she spread her wings
  34. >”My dear guards, why so tense? This is all for you! Eat and drink to your hearts content!”
  35. >Once she entered the room however, the double doors rabidly shut and locked.
  36. >”On ONE condition….Not a single one of you may leave this room until. Every. Single. One of you plows me like the Queen I am! You shall worship me with your bodies! Your seed shall the tribute to the temple of my body!”
  37. >More than a few guards stared wide eyed in disbelief
  38. >She then turned, bent over, and revealed her magnificent orange folds to them.
  39. >”Get busy”
  41. >Meanwhile in the Moonlight Palace, things were being conducted a tad differently.
  42. >The entirety of the Moon Guard was lined up single file down the length of the throne room in silence.
  43. >Nightmare Moon walked down the front of the line, inspecting every single soldier at her disposal.
  44. >Some were fresh recruits from the various villages, others were battle-scarred veterans that had seen their share of war.
  45. >She passed all of them by, determined to find the perfect one
  46. >Then, she stopped in front of one bat pony.
  47. >He was no green horn, but the spark of youth still remained in his eyes, and something else….
  48. >”What’s your name?”
  49. >”Comet Sweeper, your highness.” He said calmly.
  50. >”How long have you served under me, Comet?”
  51. >”Two years.”
  52. >In truth, she didn’t really need to ask all this
  53. >she had seen his face before
  54. >She had seen his dreams, time and time again.
  55. >His desire to serve her, inspiring him as a young colt to join the Moon Guard
  56. >His rigorous training, outperforming his fellow classmates at the academy
  57. >All in the hope that one day, she would notice him
  58. >And now she stood before him, judging him.
  59. >”The rest of you are dismissed” was her only command.
  60. >Obediently, the other bat ponies cleared out of the throne room.
  61. >Leaving only the bat and his lovely queen
  62. >He could feel her turquoise eyes piercing through his amber ones
  63. >And then, she motioned him to follow, leading him behind to throne
  64. >Behind it was a set of double doors
  65. >Within, her private chambers
  66. >A lovely room of dark pillows, candles, and a luxurious bed. All lightly smelling of lavender.
  67. >Once he entered, she closed the door behind them
  68. >As she approached, her armor seemed to disintegrate into a fine purple dust, revealing the entirety of her body to him
  69. >Those dark nipples, her bare nether, every curve and contour of her body
  70. >It was a sight few ever dreamed of seeing, and it was all laid for him
  71. >Placing a hand on his chest, she guided him over to the bed and pushed him onto it.
  72. >”You have served me well, little Comet. Now it is time for you to be rewarded.”
  73. >And with that, she was upon him
  75. >The months came and went and soon it was time for the two queens to reveal their bounties to the other.
  76. >A hour before the scheduled confrontation, Daybreaker was waddling down the halls of her palace
  77. >Flaunting her massive cream colored belly full of foals in her finest bikini to anyone that passed her
  78. >They were her subjects? They were to worship her fertile belly!
  79. >Caress it! Lick it! It didn’t matter! It was to be adored by!
  80. >Still, she couldn’t get her mind off the confrontation that was to come, always having a sense of…unease
  81. >Nervous? She couldn’t be nervous! She was the avatar of the freaking sun and all its power!
  82. >”You!” She said, pointing to a random maid who froze in place
  83. >She hadn’t marveled at her belly today!
  84. >”W-what?”
  85. >Suddenly she was pinned against the wall, a gigantic orange belly smooshed against her face.
  86. >A foal kicking her through the strained flesh
  87. >"You think you can top this?"
  88. >"No, your highness!"
  89. >"You sure?"
  90. >"Yes your highness!"
  91. >”Good” She said, letting the pressure off the maid’s face and allowing her to scurry off down the hall.
  92. >Had to remind them from time to time who was still in charge after all
  94. >Nightmare Moon was in her private chambers putting on her clothes
  95. >Or at least what passed for clothes on her these days
  96. >Her pregnant bely made wearing her old armor impossible
  97. >So instead, she had to resort to what was effectively a plate mail bikini
  98. >With her now engorged breasts mostly covered, she inspected herself in the mirror.
  99. >What was once her middle was now a great dark orb teeming with life.
  100. >Her hands idly came to rest on the shiny dome, admiring her progress
  101. >A pair of hands from behind came to rest beside her own on her great expanse as a familiar face came to rest on her shoulder
  102. >”How do I look?”
  103. >”Beautiful, my Moon” Comet answered.
  104. >She smiled, but looked off to the side
  105. >”Nervous?”
  106. >”What? No!” She said in a huff, looking off to the side before making eye contact with him through the mirror again, prompting a sigh.
  107. >”Well, ok. Maybe a little.”
  108. >He drew slow circles across her tummy for a moment before answering.
  109. >”My gracious Moon. You are the greatest gift bestowed upon Equestria. A guiding to all and, the mother of my children. You will not fail, I know it.” He said with confidence.
  110. >She gave a nod and a smile before giving him a kiss
  111. >”Now, we have a stubborn sun spot to meet.”
  113. >The field was bare on the crisp summer evening
  114. >save two armies on each side
  115. >One dazzling gold, the other ebon black
  116. >And standing in front of each was the physical goddess of their respective natures
  117. >Both nearly ripe with the fruit of their wombs
  118. >After a stare-down for almost half an hour, the two alicorns made their approach to the middle of the field
  119. >They were twenty-five feet away, then fifteen, ten-
  120. >they passed any respective comfort zone and were standing as uncomfortably as possible to each other as their immense bellies would allow
  121. >their belly buttons grazing the other as they inspected the other in silence
  122. >It was Daybreaker that broke the silence by cackling
  123. >”What?”
  124. >”You call that big? I’m brighter than your dark small moon!
  125. >Nightmare Moon frowned
  126. >”You may be bigger, but at least my size is decent!”
  127. >Daybreaker just rolled her eyes
  128. >”Face it, sister. I have more foals than you, which means I’m superior and clearly the wi-“
  129. >Her gloating was cut short as a sharp kick struck her womb, making her back up with a gasp
  130. >But it didn’t come from within, it came from outside, from Nightmare Moon’s belly
  131. >Even the dark alicorn was taken a back for a moment
  132. >Then a smile creeped up her face
  133. >”As they say, “Sister.” Quality over quantity.”
  134. >”Wha!? But that doesn’t count! Mine can kick too!”
  135. >The orange alicorn grabbed her belly from both side and gave it a hefty jiggle
  136. >”Come on, babies! Kick for mommy!” She ordered.
  137. >She stared intently on her belly for a few seconds, hoping for some grand roundhouse kick
  138. >instead, she got a much smaller, tiered kick.
  139. >She looked back up, seeing Moon’s unwavering smile
  141. >The sun goddess was forced to swallow her pride.
  142. >”Fine, a draw for now.”
  143. >”I can live with that.”
  144. >”But don’t think you’ve won! I’ll go into labor first! I’ll give birth before you!”
  145. >Moon just rolled her eyes.
  146. >”How about we settle on after they’re born? Then we can settle their superiority properly.”
  147. >”Fine! You’ll still lose all the same!”
  148. >”Riiight.” Moon said as she turned to returned to her army.
  149. >Daybreaker just stamped her foot, flared her wins, and turned away to stomp back to her faction as well.
  150. >She had some brooding to do
  152. >3 months later
  153. >Daybreaker was sprawled out in her throne, panting as her belly heaved up and down in front of her
  154. >The day had finally arrived for her children to come into this world
  155. >And the world was going to know it!
  156. >With a cry, her stomach clench again
  157. >a jet of steaming forewater nearly splashing one of her guards that elected to be the midwives
  158. >the air was already getting thick as the temperature in the throne room was slowly beginning to rise
  159. >”Mmm, yes my dear children! It’s time to show Equestria your glory!”
  160. >Her wings flared, her body immolating
  161. >Her midwives dropped any illusionary pretense of helping and bolted for the doors out of fear of being turned to ash.
  162. >With a scream that shattered the stained glass, there was a sudden splash, and then everything went still
  163. >One of the midwives finally mustered their courage and peaked in the door
  164. >multi-colored glass littered the floor, the sun proudly pouring through the newly made holes
  165. >the carpet laced with scorch marks
  166. >And still on her thrown, was Daybreaker
  167. >holding a steaming, crying infant
  168. >The guards slowly made their approach before dropping into bows
  169. >”He’s beautiful.” One of them declared
  170. >”Like it was an impossibility.” She said, quieting her child’s cry by offering him her breast.
  171. >”Yes, my dear. Grow big and strong for Mommy.”
  172. >There was a brief quiet where everyone took in the private scene, until Daybreaker winced in tandem with her belly quivering again.
  173. >”You might want to run, there’s another one on the way.” She said as fire began to ignite on her wing tips again.
  175. >Under a moonlight sky, rest an untouched glade
  176. >In its center was a single grand oak three, and beneath it a small flowing stream surrounded by bioluminescent lilies and fireflies
  177. >Against the moonless purple sky and stars, two figures were making their way across the field
  178. >As they approached the stream, the natural glow illuminated them
  179. >Nightmare Moon, bare and holding her belly stopped just short of the stream alongside her consort
  180. >”Are you sure you want to do this out here?”
  181. >”For last time, Comet, yes. If I am to bring these children into the world, it will be on my terms!”
  182. >She looked up
  183. >”They’ll be born under this sacred night, not in some old dusty castle.”
  184. >”As you wish.” He said dutifully as he set his pack down, filled with supplies
  185. >Nightmare Moon slowly stepped into the stream, having to stop for a moment to become acclimated to the cold water
  186. >Finally, she sat down, the top of her dark belly cresting the water
  187. >Comet squatted down behind her, holding her under her armpits in case she lost her footing
  188. >Once she was in position, she simply closed her eyes, and breathed slowly
  189. >For a long while, under that still night, she labored in silence
  190. >Then, she tensed up, her muscled straining under Comet’s hands
  191. >She bore down for a moment, her legs rising a bit out of the water
  192. >Then when the contraction ends, she slumped back against her chosen bat pony, her belly causing ripples through the water as it twitched
  193. >”You can do it.” He whispered in her ear.
  194. >She could, she knew she could.
  195. >She bared down again a light scream escaping her gritted teeth
  196. >the pressure was building, a burning sensation gnawing between her legs
  197. >and then, there was a give
  198. >reflexively, she shot her hands forward and into the water, feeling for something
  199. >Comet looked over her should, holding his breath
  200. >And then, carefully, she brought a foal to the surface of the water
  201. >a cry breaking the silence as the crisp air hit its face
  202. >”It’s…it’s a girl.” He said, in awe of the foal.
  203. >Nightmare Moon nuzzled her firstborn
  204. >”Hello, my little star.”
  205. >Carefully she guided her daughter to her chest, who readily accepted one of the dark breasts.
  206. >”I can see why they kicked so hard, she’s so big!” he declared
  207. >”Need I repeat the line? Quality over quantity.” Moon said beaming, before her face contorted a bit.
  208. >”Speaking of which, you might need to take her soon. I can feel one of her siblings making their descent.”
  210. >One week later
  211. >Once again the two armies stood across from one another
  212. >And in the center of the field were Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon
  213. >One Day’s side two guards held a large crib from both ends
  214. >One Moon’s side, Comet held an ebon one
  215. >Daybreaker tapped her foot on the grass
  216. >”Let’s get this over with.” She declared, prompting the two sides to set the two cribs down besides each other.
  217. >Daybreaker’s foals were looking around curiously taking in all the sights, sounds, and strange figures around them
  218. >Nightmare Moon’s foals, being of a nocturnal nature, we’re more content to simply rest in their cribs
  219. >Oh so gently, Nightmare Moon picked on up
  220. >”I trust in you.” She whispered to her daughter before setting her and her three siblings into the golden crib
  221. >briefly awakened, the dark foals fumbled around the
  222. >the golden foals eager to examine their new neighbors approached excitedly
  223. >the night ponies, sensing no immediate danger, began to fall back asleep one by one
  224. >Nightmare Moon looked up at her rival nervously
  225. >Daybreaker was donning her most wicked smile.
  226. >”Now my dearest children, finish them!”
  227. >Her children however, agreed with their cousins’ decision. Now WAS a good time for a nap!
  228. >And suddenly they too began to fall asleep
  229. >some side by side, other sprawled on top of each other like a sleepy mosh pit
  230. >”What? No! You’re supposed to fight them! Not nap with them!”
  231. >”You must admit though” Moon started. “It is kinda cute.”
  232. >”I will not!” Daybreaker spat, looking away before taking a glance back down in the crib
  233. >”Ok, maybe a little…”
  234. >”Soooo?” Nightmare Moon asked, raising an eyebrow.
  235. >”A truce, for now. Clearly they’re not ready for the trials of combat yet. I mean yours, not mine of course!” She stated
  236. >”Riiiight.” The dark goddess said as she carefully levitated her children out of the golden crib
  237. >”Till next time, “sister!” Daybreaker yelled as her and her army marched away
  238. >”And same to you…sister.” Moon said looking down at her still sleeping foals
  239. >She felt a hand on her should
  240. >”Still not a win.” He said
  241. >”But not a lose either” she finished
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