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"Three men in a Boat, to say nothing of the Owl!"

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Dec 16th, 2012
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  1. [2012-12-09 06:57:11] <Helpax> There were two others that have magical means of transport nearby
  2. [2012-12-09 06:57:12] <Class> Yes but I think we could make it if you manage to rest on my back and walk during the day
  3. [2012-12-09 06:57:34] <Class> as I allon could make it when only make short breaks in owl shape
  4. [2012-12-09 06:57:38] <Class> err alone
  5. [2012-12-09 06:57:40] <Makara> make yourself big enough that we can make it through
  6. [2012-12-09 06:58:28] <Makara> bigger = faster flight speed?
  7. [2012-12-09 06:58:44] <Class> I think so
  8. [2012-12-09 06:58:52] <Silas_> he would have to, to a degree
  9. [2012-12-09 06:59:00] <Helpax> And if we do the carry you by day thing, it would be faster, since you could be moving while sleeping
  10. [2012-12-09 06:59:00] <Makara> so yeah, big enough to do 1 mph per wing flap
  11. [2012-12-09 06:59:03] <Silas_> as he likely weights more
  12. [2012-12-09 06:59:44] <Makara> or be size 50 and goes mach 1 spped
  13. [2012-12-09 06:59:48] <Makara> speed
  14. [2012-12-09 07:00:18] <Class> But CJ sayed he calculated the speed
  15. [2012-12-09 07:00:30] * Makara is making crazy criamon ideas
  16. [2012-12-09 07:00:44] <Calpurnia> Please share
  17. [2012-12-09 07:00:57] * Makara just did
  18. [2012-12-09 07:00:57] <Calpurnia> Also how do I do italics?
  19. [2012-12-09 07:01:06] <Makara> /me words
  20. [2012-12-09 07:01:09] * Helpax is thinking about mach one
  21. [2012-12-09 07:01:16] <Helpax> How would we stay on
  22. [2012-12-09 07:01:20] <Helpax> *?
  23. [2012-12-09 07:01:26] <Makara> hide in the owl's ear?
  24. [2012-12-09 07:01:31] <Class> I just hope I don't mess up my Wilderness Sense Roll to keep on the right direction
  25. [2012-12-09 07:01:41] <Calpurnia> might as well if it gets large enough
  26. [2012-12-09 07:01:47] <Silas_> cling to the back?
  27. [2012-12-09 07:02:07] <Silas_> maybe tie a harness to Class or something?
  28. [2012-12-09 07:02:13] <Silas_> do we have rope?
  29. [2012-12-09 07:02:17] <Makara> hold us in mouth if it have to.
  30. [2012-12-09 07:02:19] <Silas_> can someone actually tie a knot?
  31. [2012-12-09 07:02:46] <Makara> we would have to size up the harness to I think
  32. [2012-12-09 07:03:13] <Makara> and all these is assuming you are casting at no chance of going twlight
  33. [2012-12-09 07:03:39] <Helpax> ...We have a boat that fit us all
  34. [2012-12-09 07:03:42] <Silas_> details *cough*
  35. [2012-12-09 07:03:43] <Class> thats your problem with this method of travel as I have done enough with going up to this size
  36. [2012-12-09 07:04:00] <Helpax> Tie it to giant class's feet...
  37. [2012-12-09 07:04:08] <Silas_> haha
  38. [2012-12-09 07:04:11] <Class> To heavy for me
  39. [2012-12-09 07:04:30] <Makara> not when you are big enough
  40. [2012-12-09 07:04:31] <Silas_> the less weight the faster the speed too
  41. [2012-12-09 07:04:42] <Makara> to carry a boat :D
  42. [2012-12-09 07:04:55] <Class> especial as I consider that the giant size is only posible for tonight as I realy doubt he allow the stacking again
  43. [2012-12-09 07:05:41] <Helpax> point.
  44. [2012-12-09 07:05:42] <Makara> hmm... going to other convenant and hope for more chance to loot? :3
  45. [2012-12-09 07:06:10] <Helpax> Or maybe some assitance via magical transport
  46. [2012-12-09 07:06:12] <Calpurnia> But what do we say with all this loot?
  47. [2012-12-09 07:06:13] <Helpax> *?
  48. [2012-12-09 07:06:38] <Class> We should make iot toward Stonehenge thats my opinion
  49. [2012-12-09 07:07:05] <Makara> we only have a few vis and two books
  50. [2012-12-09 07:07:10] <Class> unless there is something other more important comming up in the talk with the girl
  51. [2012-12-09 07:07:20] <Makara> or three books depends if someone grabbed some too
  52. [2012-12-09 07:08:19] <Class> Hi CJ
  53. [2012-12-09 07:08:29] <CJ> Hey Class
  54. [2012-12-09 07:08:30] <Class> We are complet :D
  55. [2012-12-09 07:08:31] <Helpax> Hello boss
  56. [2012-12-09 07:08:38] <Calpurnia> Hey
  57. [2012-12-09 07:08:55] <Makara> Hi CJ, ready for another destructive day?
  58. [2012-12-09 07:08:59] <CJ> Hey are we all here? I thought Mr Shades could not make it?
  59. [2012-12-09 07:09:16] <CJ> Indeed, what do you want to destroy today?
  60. [2012-12-09 07:09:20] <Makara> then you must be naked.
  61. [2012-12-09 07:09:20] <Silas_> Helpax is here ^^
  62. [2012-12-09 07:09:36] <Calpurnia> Most likely
  63. [2012-12-09 07:09:39] <CJ> No I found some clothes in the chaos of my room :)
  64. [2012-12-09 07:09:42] <Class> So you can make the talk with the girl first :D
  65. [2012-12-09 07:10:08] <CJ> Yes, give me two minutes to just get my notes :)
  66. [2012-12-09 07:10:11] <Calpurnia> I will do some stuff but helpax first
  67. [2012-12-09 07:10:26] <Silas_> ...
  68. [2012-12-09 07:10:36] <Silas_> sweet god you are going to kill her, aren't you?
  69. [2012-12-09 07:10:56] <Calpurnia> ...?why would we do that?
  70. [2012-12-09 07:11:15] <Helpax> I got a shift change last minute
  71. [2012-12-09 07:11:18] <Silas_> why wouldn't you? :p
  72. [2012-12-09 07:11:37] <Calpurnia> Because I have more important problems
  73. [2012-12-09 07:12:04] <Helpax> Don't kill her yet, she might know something useful.
  74. [2012-12-09 07:12:10] <Makara> sacrifice her to the god of sweet
  75. [2012-12-09 07:12:16] <CJ> Good to see you Helpax. :) I'm currently researching poltergeist cases. So I spend most of my time doing nothjing, obviously ;) Seriously though I'm still busy writing Ars books..
  76. [2012-12-09 07:12:18] <Silas_> she might even know how to tie a knot!
  77. [2012-12-09 07:12:25] <Helpax> Give me five minutes to talk with her and we're good
  78. [2012-12-09 07:12:33] <CJ> OK time in
  79. [2012-12-09 07:12:34] * Class will use the break to increase size once more and drink a bit of water ;)
  80. [2012-12-09 07:12:51] <Calpurnia> Silas..........thats a bad pun.
  81. [2012-12-09 07:12:56] <CJ> Edith looks sniffy "we all knew the story of the dragons, but in the three years we were there we saw nothing of them! My father was a brave man, a hero! And now it is time for you magi to keep your promise!"
  82. [2012-12-09 07:13:27] <Helpax> "I made no promises, those Magi did!"
  83. [2012-12-09 07:13:34] <CJ> You can all smell smoke from the direction of Libellas...
  84. [2012-12-09 07:13:42] * Helpax gesture back towards the covenant
  85. [2012-12-09 07:13:45] <Makara> "They will rebuild your father, better, stronger, faster."
  86. [2012-12-09 07:13:55] <Calpurnia> (YAY BURN PYRO!!)
  87. [2012-12-09 07:14:00] <Silas_> (I actually meant that, what do wizards know about tieing a harness to an owl, or even just a knot?)
  88. [2012-12-09 07:14:01] <Makara> *in latin
  89. [2012-12-09 07:14:11] <Helpax> "...and they have not been kind to you. What promise?"
  90. [2012-12-09 07:14:18] <CJ> Edith looks at Helpax, whether with scorn or bemusement it is hard to say "Then take me to Stephen Eruditus, and I shall hold him ot account for his sworn oath"
  91. [2012-12-09 07:14:41] <Helpax> (" "= English, * *= latin)
  92. [2012-12-09 07:14:49] <Calpurnia> (ugh more detours)
  93. [2012-12-09 07:14:52] <CJ> (Good plan Helpax)
  94. [2012-12-09 07:15:11] <Helpax> "He left for the tribunal, yes?"
  95. [2012-12-09 07:15:21] <CJ> (Who among you has Gentle Gift?)
  96. [2012-12-09 07:15:36] <CJ> "He is at Stonehenge, meeting with magi"
  97. [2012-12-09 07:15:38] <Silas_> *[loud sqeeky noise from Baruch's pocket] what is going on out there*
  98. [2012-12-09 07:15:40] <Calpurnia> (sure as hell not me)
  99. [2012-12-09 07:15:54] <Silas_> (me, currently an inch tall man in a pocket)
  100. [2012-12-09 07:16:17] <Helpax> "That is where we are trying go. It is no hardship to take you. What were you promised?"
  101. [2012-12-09 07:16:20] <Class> (Sorry only animal have no problem with my Gift)
  102. [2012-12-09 07:16:30] <Makara> (me too)
  103. [2012-12-09 07:16:49] <CJ> Silas, there is a gaint piece of hard cheese and some fluff that will make a comfortable pillow in there. It's actually in the hood: hoods are used as pockets in period, as no one has invented poclkets yet!
  104. [2012-12-09 07:16:50] <Helpax> (Someone had gentle gift and it wasn't me)
  105. [2012-12-09 07:16:55] <Baruch> (We are flying near Class, so I hear what Silas is saying, the others might not. I certainly can't hear any conversations on the owl's back, let alone understand because its in english)
  106. [2012-12-09 07:17:19] <Helpax> (I am not silas. Silas is silas!)
  107. [2012-12-09 07:17:35] <CJ> As Class rises in to the night air and circles, all on his back can see the burning remains of Libellas. Edith averts her gaze.
  108. [2012-12-09 07:17:55] <Baruch> (Silas is in my pocket, I'm flying next to class all windy-windy)
  109. [2012-12-09 07:18:02] <Calpurnia> (YAY!!!!!)
  110. [2012-12-09 07:18:05] <Baruch> (my hood, sorry)
  111. [2012-12-09 07:18:25] <CJ> You rise higher and higher, chasing silvery clouds, and swooping in low graceful curves over the night landscape. The first heavy giant snowflakes drift lazily past you
  112. [2012-12-09 07:18:46] <Class> [CJ you saw that I got me something to drink and increased size once more during the talk?)
  113. [2012-12-09 07:18:55] <CJ> Class has turned south west west, and is flying despite the unnatural burden with immense grace.
  114. [2012-12-09 07:19:01] <Calpurnia> *...snow*
  115. [2012-12-09 07:19:05] <CJ> I did indeed Class :)
  116. [2012-12-09 07:19:31] <CJ> Yes, big white flakes, falling faster now. Not likely to bother an owl!
  117. [2012-12-09 07:19:32] <Makara> (the owl is still look like a cloud I think)
  118. [2012-12-09 07:19:35] <Class> (A bit over 2x as much place now ^^)
  119. [2012-12-09 07:19:42] <CJ> However rest of you are getting a bit wet
  120. [2012-12-09 07:19:54] <Makara> (time to start a fire on top of the owl)
  121. [2012-12-09 07:19:56] <Silas_> *[squeeky still] Baruch, do you know if transformations stay transformed if they die before the spell expires?* (and perhaps directed to CJ too ^^)
  122. [2012-12-09 07:20:03] <CJ> (laughs at Makara!)
  123. [2012-12-09 07:20:14] <Helpax> *It's getting a little cold here...*
  124. [2012-12-09 07:20:22] <CJ> Silas Int + Magic Theory roll please
  125. [2012-12-09 07:20:29] <Calpurnia> *It's nice*
  126. [2012-12-09 07:20:37] <Class> (Do I nee Wilderness Sense roll to keep on direction?)
  127. [2012-12-09 07:20:38] <Silas_> !roll 1d10+2
  128. [2012-12-09 07:20:38] <MagicBot> Silas_: 7 :5+2
  129. [2012-12-09 07:21:06] <CJ> (Class: No, because you have wilderness Sense you know the direction)
  130. [2012-12-09 07:21:22] <Helpax> "You have to tell me what the promise was, Edith. Answer me, please."
  131. [2012-12-09 07:21:26] <Class> (OK thought it was a roll vs 9)
  132. [2012-12-09 07:21:38] <CJ> (Silas: That will do: spells last till the expiry, in this case Dawn, whether the caster is living or not, unless they have Harnessed Magic)
  133. [2012-12-09 07:21:52] <CJ> (^ is an easy task - 9 average - 12 hard and so on)
  134. [2012-12-09 07:22:44] <CJ> Edith looks ta Helpax and shrugs. "You said it was not your promise. I will speak to Stephen, and he can tell you if he chooses". She tosses her hair in a slightly disdainful manner
  135. [2012-12-09 07:23:02] <Calpurnia> (heheh)
  136. [2012-12-09 07:23:13] <Silas_> *[muses in Baruch's hood] So, if the dragon that Mele turned into a toad does not stay a toad upon the coming dawn... what will happen to the dragon that ate it?*
  137. [2012-12-09 07:23:21] <CJ> Snow is getting faster. Class is fine:rest of you had best think about ways of not soaking or freezing
  138. [2012-12-09 07:23:38] <Helpax> (Is there someway this will backfire on us legally if we take to the tribunal?)
  139. [2012-12-09 07:23:49] <CJ> (Silas: indeed!)
  140. [2012-12-09 07:23:53] <Baruch> "Silas, yes, you may be right; the dragon is surely in trouble"
  141. [2012-12-09 07:24:22] <Makara> *It's getting cold. Let's start a fire*
  142. [2012-12-09 07:24:30] <Class> (8h might be enough to have not much left of the toad
  143. [2012-12-09 07:24:36] <Baruch> (CJ: I have my flying furs on - that should be enough, yes?)
  144. [2012-12-09 07:24:51] <CJ> You pass over a river, and then are flying over a somewhat bleak landscape of low rolling - hills is too strong a word - undulating rises and hollows
  145. [2012-12-09 07:24:59] <CJ> (Baruch, yes that will suffice)
  146. [2012-12-09 07:25:10] <Helpax> *In the mean time we still have one nasty dragon and a swift form of transport, thanks to Class*
  147. [2012-12-09 07:25:36] <Class> "No fire on my back!"
  148. [2012-12-09 07:25:38] <Silas_> *did Jonaquil not say something about their covernant's power coming from the dragons?... I think they may have a problem in the future...*
  149. [2012-12-09 07:26:41] <Makara> *They won't have to deal it getting destroyed by dragon again, it's a bright future*
  150. [2012-12-09 07:26:42] <Helpax> (Dragons killed one another in the previous tale, maybe not so big a problem)
  151. [2012-12-09 07:26:45] <Class> (ups Latin so it shoudl be **)
  152. [2012-12-09 07:26:56] <Baruch> (CJ: I'll spont ward against rain on everyone)
  153. [2012-12-09 07:27:18] <CJ> OK< I think it's level 5 yes, but group will make it 15?
  154. [2012-12-09 07:27:30] <CJ> This will ward against snow
  155. [2012-12-09 07:27:38] <Baruch> (It's level 10, but can't I cast it on each one individually?)
  156. [2012-12-09 07:27:41] <Class> (Each cast is only seconds so he can make one after the other)
  157. [2012-12-09 07:27:52] <CJ> So Rego +Auram + Stamina +2 for shoutiing and waving
  158. [2012-12-09 07:27:56] * Silas_ curls up with some lint in Baruch's hood
  159. [2012-12-09 07:28:11] <CJ> You can, but it will be a stress die as you are flying. Go for it
  160. [2012-12-09 07:28:21] <CJ> Poor edith already looks half frozen
  161. [2012-12-09 07:28:28] <Baruch> (Does my Weather major focus count for this or not?)
  162. [2012-12-09 07:28:35] <CJ> (Silas, Baruch and Class are fine)
  163. [2012-12-09 07:28:48] <CJ> Baruch: Yes it does of course
  164. [2012-12-09 07:28:51] <Makara> (you should do a big one to avoid getting botch...)
  165. [2012-12-09 07:29:11] <CJ> (botch? You chaps??? never!!!)
  166. [2012-12-09 07:29:40] <Makara> (what if makara hug him while he''s casting)
  167. [2012-12-09 07:29:40] <CJ> Baruch is it a Major or Minor focus?
  168. [2012-12-09 07:29:54] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+39 (divided by 2, right?)
  169. [2012-12-09 07:29:55] <MagicBot> Baruch, (divided by 2, right?): 47 :8+39
  170. [2012-12-09 07:30:00] <Calpurnia> (-5436554754674645)
  171. [2012-12-09 07:30:10] <Baruch> (CJ: major)
  172. [2012-12-09 07:30:30] <Baruch> (I'm a careful sorcerer, besides, so not much of a botch chance)
  173. [2012-12-09 07:30:30] <Class> (minor would lightning ect)
  174. [2012-12-09 07:30:42] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+39 (again)
  175. [2012-12-09 07:30:43] <MagicBot> Baruch, (again): 48 :9+39
  176. [2012-12-09 07:30:46] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+39 (again)
  177. [2012-12-09 07:30:47] <MagicBot> Baruch, (again): 43 :4+39
  178. [2012-12-09 07:30:47] <CJ> OK, the snow comes nowhere near any of you, as Baruch spell takes effect. It flashes past your eyes, and gfoes to settle on your nose, but spins rapidly away
  179. [2012-12-09 07:30:53] <Class> (by 5 if you still mage it then without roll)
  180. [2012-12-09 07:31:01] <Class> (err manage)
  181. [2012-12-09 07:31:36] <CJ> Far down below it is settling now however, and you are flying over a white landscape of frozen fields, passing villages of thatched huts dyed white in the wintry blanket
  182. [2012-12-09 07:31:43] <Class> (Is enough palce for barauch also on my back now?)
  183. [2012-12-09 07:31:46] <Baruch> (Class: huh? I'm not sure I get what you mean - my bonus is 39)
  184. [2012-12-09 07:32:17] <Baruch> (and its level 10)
  185. [2012-12-09 07:32:27] <Helpax> *Odd. Does winter normally come on the fats?*
  186. [2012-12-09 07:32:35] <Class> (39/5=8 so 10 is sadly no within your ability :( )
  187. [2012-12-09 07:32:35] <Helpax> *fast
  188. [2012-12-09 07:33:01] <CJ> It's November, and you don't know much about the English weather
  189. [2012-12-09 07:33:09] <Baruch> (Yeah, but I can still roll and divide by 2 right? And I pulled if off already? :) )
  190. [2012-12-09 07:33:12] <Calpurnia> *I like it*
  191. [2012-12-09 07:33:18] <Makara> *I hate it*
  192. [2012-12-09 07:33:20] <CJ> You grew up in a floating city
  193. [2012-12-09 07:33:34] <Class> (Yes at the cost of stress)
  194. [2012-12-09 07:33:45] * Makara buries himself in the owl's fur.
  195. [2012-12-09 07:33:50] <Calpurnia> *Well it's warmer closer to the ground so why don't you jump off*
  196. [2012-12-09 07:33:57] <Helpax> *Why don't they just move the town's so they don't get snowed on so much?*
  197. [2012-12-09 07:33:59] <Class> (Fur???? )
  198. [2012-12-09 07:34:12] <Makara> (feather)
  199. [2012-12-09 07:34:49] * Makara wonders if biting the owl now would make him a lice.
  200. [2012-12-09 07:35:24] <Class> *Baruch you should als stay on my back so some of you maybe can get some rest*
  201. [2012-12-09 07:35:32] <Makara> *no. no, this feather bed is comfortable*
  202. [2012-12-09 07:35:36] <Helpax> *Where are we headed now?*
  203. [2012-12-09 07:35:50] <Class> *Stonehenge*
  204. [2012-12-09 07:36:05] <Calpurnia> (Says the owl)
  205. [2012-12-09 07:36:21] <Class> (Yes in a clearly Human voice)
  206. [2012-12-09 07:36:21] <CJ> Class, have you ever worked out your Owl stats?
  207. [2012-12-09 07:36:23] <CJ> :)
  208. [2012-12-09 07:36:33] <Silas_> (at least he knows where we are going :p)
  209. [2012-12-09 07:36:34] <Makara> (battle stats)
  210. [2012-12-09 07:36:50] <CJ> (yes)
  211. [2012-12-09 07:36:59] <Class> (on my char sheet for size -3)
  212. [2012-12-09 07:37:15] <Helpax> *Can we get there before the Tribunal ends?*
  213. [2012-12-09 07:37:23] <CJ> (what size are you now?)
  214. [2012-12-09 07:37:47] <Makara> (I think 6?)
  215. [2012-12-09 07:37:57] <Calpurnia> *I don't personally know*
  216. [2012-12-09 07:38:04] <Class> (You would have to give me the adjustmens for the +9 extra size if needed)
  217. [2012-12-09 07:38:17] <Class> (+6 Size now)
  218. [2012-12-09 07:38:32] <Class> (thats hopefull big enough for all)
  219. [2012-12-09 07:38:37] <CJ> Hey class, town up ahead. Quite sizeable, with a small motte and baily castle flying a yellow and red flag, and a large church, but nowhere near as the ones back near Libellas
  220. [2012-12-09 07:38:37] * Silas_ lets out a loud shrill yawn
  221. [2012-12-09 07:39:14] <Class> (I will avoid to fly direct over it)
  222. [2012-12-09 07:39:25] <Helpax> "Edith, do you recongise the town?"
  223. [2012-12-09 07:39:57] <CJ> Edith shrugs. "It looks poor" she says. "Not Sudbury, Stowmarket or Bury"
  224. [2012-12-09 07:40:21] <CJ> Class does a graceful curving swoop, staying well away from the town
  225. [2012-12-09 07:40:57] <Class> (Its a good thing now that owl are silent flyer ^^)
  226. [2012-12-09 07:41:21] <Helpax> "Thank you. It's no good if we get lost on the way."
  227. [2012-12-09 07:41:32] <CJ> OK, you fly on for almost an hour avoiding another two small towns. Everyone but Class, even Edith is growing tired.
  228. [2012-12-09 07:42:02] <CJ> Baruch can still fly, but if you fall asleep your magic item will just carry on in the last direction issued to it. :)
  229. [2012-12-09 07:42:06] * Silas_ is snoozing cozily in the hood
  230. [2012-12-09 07:42:25] <Class> (I told barauch to get on my back but its his decision)
  231. [2012-12-09 07:42:32] <Class> (-a)
  232. [2012-12-09 07:42:45] <Helpax> *Maybe we should rest. No good if we all fall off you're back Silas.*
  233. [2012-12-09 07:42:54] <Helpax> *your
  234. [2012-12-09 07:43:27] * Makara is sleeping cozily in feather bed
  235. [2012-12-09 07:43:45] <Baruch> (CJ: Does it look like they might be able to rest on Class' back? Does it look like I might fit as well?)
  236. [2012-12-09 07:44:06] <Silas_> (um, I'm the inch tall guy in Baruch's pocke- hood, not the feathery bundle you are all clinging to ^^)
  237. [2012-12-09 07:44:26] <CJ> Yes just about now he is even bigger
  238. [2012-12-09 07:44:49] <Helpax> (Sorry Silas and Class)
  239. [2012-12-09 07:44:58] <Silas_> (^^)
  240. [2012-12-09 07:45:00] <Baruch> (Ok
  241. [2012-12-09 07:45:10] <Baruch> (I'll land on Class' back and try to get some rest)
  242. [2012-12-09 07:45:29] <CJ> STR +6
  243. [2012-12-09 07:45:30] <CJ> STA +1
  244. [2012-12-09 07:45:32] <CJ> PRE -1
  245. [2012-12-09 07:45:33] <CJ> COM -2
  246. [2012-12-09 07:45:35] <CJ> DEX +1
  247. [2012-12-09 07:45:36] <CJ> QIK 0
  248. [2012-12-09 07:45:38] <CJ> SIZE +6
  249. [2012-12-09 07:45:41] * Helpax makes sure Makara doesn't fall off Class while he is asleep
  250. [2012-12-09 07:45:48] <CJ> That is the modified stats for Class at Size +6
  251. [2012-12-09 07:46:09] <Class> (OK)
  252. [2012-12-09 07:46:29] <CJ> Up ahead there is a forest, looking magical in the deep blanket of snow. Among the trees you can see the tower of a large abbey
  253. [2012-12-09 07:47:28] <Helpax> *Was that on the map? I don't remember.*
  254. [2012-12-09 07:48:00] <Helpax> "Edith, I know you're tired but do you recongise that abbey?"
  255. [2012-12-09 07:48:21] <CJ> OK, class, you have been flying for a few hours now. YOu are getting VERY hungry. I mean REALLY HUNGRY. Mice don;t cut it when you are this big. There are tasty smelling things on your back, but you would have to flip them off. Oh no, they are your friends. Anyway, you need to hunt now Class :D
  256. [2012-12-09 07:48:48] <Class> (I thought we haved a evening meal?)
  257. [2012-12-09 07:49:01] <CJ> Edith looks and says "Not Bury, nor even Thetford Priory". She had leant against Makara and is trying to sleep now.
  258. [2012-12-09 07:49:23] <CJ> You did, but owls have to eat very regularly while flying.
  259. [2012-12-09 07:49:26] <Silas_> (you are a gown owl now, can't settle with just one meal at evening ^^)
  260. [2012-12-09 07:49:46] <CJ> (Especially when they are bigger than an elephant)
  261. [2012-12-09 07:49:56] <Class> (I hoped the 2 meal would be enough at dawn and dusk)
  262. [2012-12-09 07:49:58] <Makara> (won't he gulp down a bunch of fish when he sip at the river before?)
  263. [2012-12-09 07:50:17] <Helpax> *Class, we're falling asleep here. Maybe we can just stop here and stay the night in the abbey?*
  264. [2012-12-09 07:50:51] <Class> *You wan't to stay in the dominion of the curch for the night?`*
  265. [2012-12-09 07:50:52] <Helpax> (At this point he could eat a horse, literally)
  266. [2012-12-09 07:51:01] <Calpurnia> *Why there, why not in the forest?*
  267. [2012-12-09 07:51:17] <Helpax> *Do you see another place to rest?*
  268. [2012-12-09 07:51:32] <Silas_> (maybe a nice farm family too, just to get rid of the witnesses..)
  269. [2012-12-09 07:51:37] <CJ> Beyond the woods you can make out a low marsh. T the south there are lights, despite the late hour - a huge camp perhaps. To the north there are meadows with cattle in. In the forest yuu can see deer scurrying about in the snow
  270. [2012-12-09 07:51:47] <Calpurnia> *Your spine is weak. You can sleep everywhere"
  271. [2012-12-09 07:51:47] <CJ> (LOL! at Silas)
  272. [2012-12-09 07:51:58] <Helpax> *...The forest? We would be even less safe there than in the abbey!*
  273. [2012-12-09 07:52:00] <Class> (OK deer is about right size for me for a meal)
  274. [2012-12-09 07:52:12] <CJ> (Class yu can fly much longer, you just need food)
  275. [2012-12-09 07:52:23] <CJ> OK, you want to have a go at catching a deer?
  276. [2012-12-09 07:52:35] <Silas_> (hehe)
  277. [2012-12-09 07:52:37] <Calpurnia> *Yeah we ride in on a GIANT OWL MONSTER, so yeah they surely will be nice to us*
  278. [2012-12-09 07:53:01] <Calpurnia> *They would never start attacking class and us*
  279. [2012-12-09 07:53:03] <CJ> Actually he is about the same size as a very small drake now :)
  280. [2012-12-09 07:53:15] <Class> (Yes but first I have to go down and let the people on my back get off as They maybe get hurt if I hunt)
  281. [2012-12-09 07:53:24] <Helpax> *Caution does not equate to cowardice Calpurnia. And we could have landed a few minutes away.*
  282. [2012-12-09 07:53:25] <CJ> Good plan.
  283. [2012-12-09 07:53:35] <Helpax> *Bit late now though*
  284. [2012-12-09 07:53:42] <CJ> OK, Class lands in the forest, in a clearing.
  285. [2012-12-09 07:53:45] <Class> *I need to get me something to eat so I think it would be good If I let you of at some place*
  286. [2012-12-09 07:53:59] <Helpax> (Oh good, Class and I went to the same thought place*
  287. [2012-12-09 07:54:03] <Calpurnia> *okay*
  288. [2012-12-09 07:54:11] <Makara> *zzz* in latin
  289. [2012-12-09 07:54:14] <Helpax> *Of course...*
  290. [2012-12-09 07:54:41] <CJ> Class, can you make a straight Dex + Hunt roll please. Or actually you can use Dex +Survival, with the + 1 bonus for woodland speciality
  291. [2012-12-09 07:55:03] <Makara> (anyone waking me up?)
  292. [2012-12-09 07:55:04] <Class> (Survivial? Dont remember Hunt as a seperat skill)
  293. [2012-12-09 07:55:09] <Baruch> (I'll get off and fly up so I can see Class while he's hunting, but keep good distance so I don't disturb him)
  294. [2012-12-09 07:55:31] <Baruch> (Yeah, I'll wake everyone up and get them off Class :D)
  295. [2012-12-09 07:55:44] <Class> !roll 1d10+4
  296. [2012-12-09 07:55:44] <MagicBot> Class: 7 :3+4
  297. [2012-12-09 07:55:44] <CJ> Hunt is a separate skil. Class has bnoth. However this is more like foraging, at Class size. He just grabs a deer or two and wolfs them down :)l
  298. [2012-12-09 07:55:50] * Helpax wakes Makara up as we get off our comrade)
  299. [2012-12-09 07:55:53] <Class> (Yes I even have it ^^)
  300. [2012-12-09 07:56:01] <Silas_> "zzzz" in poor english
  301. [2012-12-09 07:56:04] <CJ> Class manages to get a deer, and you all hear the animals shrieks.
  302. [2012-12-09 07:56:07] <Calpurnia> (Calpurnia is staying out side the city*
  303. [2012-12-09 07:56:12] <CJ> Don't last long
  304. [2012-12-09 07:56:26] <Class> (Ups would be 8 forgot the DEX ^^)
  305. [2012-12-09 07:56:27] <CJ> However, he si still hungry with that roll.
  306. [2012-12-09 07:56:31] <Makara> (Won't see the cloud coming)
  307. [2012-12-09 07:56:49] <CJ> The rest of you are huddled under a tree. Anyone doing anything?
  308. [2012-12-09 07:57:11] * Silas_ is still sleeping in the hood
  309. [2012-12-09 07:57:21] <Helpax> *Anyone know how to make a shelter?*
  310. [2012-12-09 07:57:27] <Baruch> (I'lm flying around up above, keeping watch)
  311. [2012-12-09 07:57:31] <Calpurnia> (I use sense nature of vis on the book, the one that wants to kill me)
  312. [2012-12-09 07:57:44] <CJ> No vis in it :D
  313. [2012-12-09 07:57:49] <Class> (CJ I gave my Mentor the name "Pistrello" Esposito so you can add this to my char sheet you have)
  314. [2012-12-09 07:57:56] <CJ> Baruch Per + Awareness
  315. [2012-12-09 07:58:03] <CJ> Helpax, INT + Survival
  316. [2012-12-09 07:58:13] <CJ> (OK will do class)
  317. [2012-12-09 07:58:33] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+1
  318. [2012-12-09 07:58:33] <MagicBot> Baruch: 3 :2+1
  319. [2012-12-09 07:58:38] <Calpurnia> *Makara I need you to guard this damaged book from futher damage so we can study it later*
  320. [2012-12-09 07:58:51] <Class> (a second deer in sight as they are usualy not alone)
  321. [2012-12-09 07:58:53] <Makara> *why me*
  322. [2012-12-09 07:58:56] <Helpax> (no survival, so -2 right)
  323. [2012-12-09 07:59:03] <Helpax> *right)
  324. [2012-12-09 07:59:13] <CJ> BAruch, something is making a lot of noise, creaking mainly, in the tree above the others. You can't see it though in the snow, and you only realise when yoiu have flown some distance. Too late!
  325. [2012-12-09 07:59:19] <Calpurnia> *You have a huge pile of books already so it wouldn't be odd for you to have one more*
  326. [2012-12-09 07:59:30] <Makara> *Oh, okay.*
  327. [2012-12-09 07:59:37] <CJ> (Helpax: NOpe, no -2, just three botch dice Helpax)
  328. [2012-12-09 07:59:48] <CJ> (If you roll a zero)
  329. [2012-12-09 07:59:59] <Calpurnia> Calpurnia gives formerly red cover book to Makara CJ
  330. [2012-12-09 08:00:08] <CJ> Everyone, you can hear something big on a branch somehwere above your heads now, creaking in the wind
  331. [2012-12-09 08:00:22] <CJ> (OK CAlpurnia. So Makara gets killed instead???)
  332. [2012-12-09 08:00:29] <Helpax> !roll 1d10+4 (Hut making)
  333. [2012-12-09 08:00:29] <MagicBot> Helpax, (Hut making): 6 :2+4
  334. [2012-12-09 08:00:37] <Makara> (CLASS EAT FASTER)
  335. [2012-12-09 08:00:46] <CJ> Helpax pulls some brances around and banks uop some snow
  336. [2012-12-09 08:00:50] <Calpurnia> (Well it includes companions doesn't it CJ so we would all die technically)
  337. [2012-12-09 08:00:57] <CJ> Class, make a second roll for your hunting now :)
  338. [2012-12-09 08:01:11] <CJ> (Calpurnia: Yep!)
  339. [2012-12-09 08:01:17] <Helpax> *...I don't suppose that was a normal, safe forrest sound Calpurnia?*
  340. [2012-12-09 08:01:37] <Calpurnia> Calpurnia looks up to the branch
  341. [2012-12-09 08:01:39] <CJ> (Class is chasing the second deer)
  342. [2012-12-09 08:01:43] <Class> !roll 1d10+3 (Hunt)
  343. [2012-12-09 08:01:44] <MagicBot> Class, (Hunt): 7 :4+3
  344. [2012-12-09 08:01:56] <Calpurnia> *Depends what it is*
  345. [2012-12-09 08:02:10] <CJ> Calpurnia, there is a corpse swaying in the wind, hanged by the neck. It is rather decomposed. The odd thing s that it has no hands
  346. [2012-12-09 08:02:23] <CJ> Class grabs a second deer
  347. [2012-12-09 08:02:43] <CJ> (Crunch! *sound of deer being chomped*)
  348. [2012-12-09 08:02:45] <Calpurnia> *Why does this corpse have no hands* (I personally know, character most likely doesn't)
  349. [2012-12-09 08:02:48] <Helpax> * it's not a normal noise?*
  350. [2012-12-09 08:02:52] * Helpax sighs
  351. [2012-12-09 08:03:05] <Helpax> *Let me know when it tries to kill us*
  352. [2012-12-09 08:03:15] <CJ> It has been hanging here a week or more, maggots fall from with gentle plops in to the snow below
  353. [2012-12-09 08:03:19] <Class> (Thats enough so I get back)
  354. [2012-12-09 08:03:32] <Calpurnia> *You could bury it so we don't have to look at it*
  355. [2012-12-09 08:03:34] <CJ> Class returns so silently you barely notice his landing
  356. [2012-12-09 08:03:37] <Helpax> *...wait, what corpse? I didn't kill anyone today!!*
  357. [2012-12-09 08:03:56] <Class> *Back can we continue?*
  358. [2012-12-09 08:03:56] <CJ> :)
  359. [2012-12-09 08:03:58] <Calpurnia> *the thing above you dropping maggots on you*
  360. [2012-12-09 08:04:00] <Baruch> (I'll climb back on board owl express)
  361. [2012-12-09 08:04:07] <CJ> :)
  362. [2012-12-09 08:04:11] <Makara> *Welcome back, feather bed!*
  363. [2012-12-09 08:04:13] * Helpax shakes off maggots
  364. [2012-12-09 08:04:28] <Calpurnia> *So why no hands?*
  365. [2012-12-09 08:04:34] <Helpax> *Welcome back Class, good hunting?*
  366. [2012-12-09 08:04:37] * Makara runs to climb on the owl
  367. [2012-12-09 08:05:03] <Silas_> (don't forget Edith)
  368. [2012-12-09 08:05:09] <Class> *Yes 2 Deer shoudl be enough till Dawn, hopefull*
  369. [2012-12-09 08:05:18] <CJ> Edith looks at the corpse "A poacher of the King;'s deer! Caught twice it seems - first time he lost his hands, second time his life. It is treason to hunt deer in the kings forest!"
  370. [2012-12-09 08:05:28] <Helpax> "Time to go Edith!"
  371. [2012-12-09 08:05:36] <CJ> She leaps on Class, seemingly fascinated by the rotting corpse
  372. [2012-12-09 08:05:41] <Calpurnia> (MOTHER F*******)
  373. [2012-12-09 08:05:55] <Baruch> *Handless poacher? Must have been unusually talented, what a waste*
  374. [2012-12-09 08:05:56] * Helpax hops on Class
  375. [2012-12-09 08:05:59] <CJ> Edith says "unless someone took his hands to make a Hand of Glory!"
  376. [2012-12-09 08:06:06] <Class> *Ohh good that I'm a clowd and no human atmoment ^^*
  377. [2012-12-09 08:06:22] <Helpax> *By the way, if anyone asks, you didn't eat here Class*
  378. [2012-12-09 08:06:44] <Calpurnia> *Did you remember to eat everything*
  379. [2012-12-09 08:06:46] <CJ> Edith "You are right Baruch! Some fould villain must have stolen them after he died to make the awful Hand of Glory!" (She seems both horrified and fascinated!)
  380. [2012-12-09 08:06:56] <Class> *Oh it looks more like a dragon got them then a human *
  381. [2012-12-09 08:07:07] <CJ> (Class has eaten plenty now - on to Stonehenge)
  382. [2012-12-09 08:07:11] <Calpurnia> "Da wat?"
  383. [2012-12-09 08:07:23] <CJ> Right, 5 minute break guys. Everyone ok?
  384. [2012-12-09 08:07:31] <Class> (Sure)
  385. [2012-12-09 08:07:34] <Silas_> (sounds good CJ)
  386. [2012-12-09 08:07:38] <Calpurnia> (sure)
  387. [2012-12-09 08:07:48] <Calpurnia> (time for plotting)
  388. [2012-12-09 08:08:06] <Baruch> (k)
  389. [2012-12-09 08:08:15] <Helpax> (Oh look, the langauge barrier is gone :) )
  390. [2012-12-09 08:08:29] <Helpax> sure
  391. [2012-12-09 08:08:44] <Calpurnia> (Yep calpurnia learned english apparently also edith learned latin)
  392. [2012-12-09 08:09:21] <Helpax> (Baruch too! ^^)
  393. [2012-12-09 08:09:36] <CJ> (Edith knows Latin!)
  394. [2012-12-09 08:09:45] <Makara> (we need to learn a translation spell once we get a lab)
  395. [2012-12-09 08:09:55] <CJ> (You did not know that?)
  396. [2012-12-09 08:10:05] <Calpurnia> (THEN WHY THE HELL IS SHE NOT SPEAKING THAT!!!)
  397. [2012-12-09 08:10:19] <CJ> (Because she was listening to you lot...)
  398. [2012-12-09 08:10:31] <Calpurnia> .............................................. kill her
  399. [2012-12-09 08:10:39] <CJ> ;)
  400. [2012-12-09 08:10:40] <Helpax> ( maybe because I was the only one talking to her and CJ has enough things too do?)
  401. [2012-12-09 08:10:49] <Silas_> (I told you, didn't I Calpurnia? :p)
  402. [2012-12-09 08:11:06] <Class> (back)
  404. [2012-12-09 08:11:13] <Calpurnia> (Technically I wan't planning it)
  405. [2012-12-09 08:11:21] <CJ> (be 2 more just getting coffee - please plan)
  406. [2012-12-09 08:11:45] <Silas_> (<-- psychic)
  407. [2012-12-09 08:11:58] <Helpax> (Where r we?)
  408. [2012-12-09 08:11:59] <Calpurnia> (sleep outside, re cast all spells on class, go to tribunal. Right?)
  409. [2012-12-09 08:12:23] <Makara> (take turn sleeping on feather bed)
  410. [2012-12-09 08:12:37] <Makara> (We are going tribunal)
  411. [2012-12-09 08:12:51] <Silas_> Class will need to sleep during the day though, and we need to move during the day if possible
  412. [2012-12-09 08:13:04] <Class> (I try to land near some road or setlement bevore dawn comes)
  413. [2012-12-09 08:13:16] <Helpax> (Yeah, but still worried about making it)
  414. [2012-12-09 08:13:17] <Calpurnia> (moving on land is pointless)
  415. [2012-12-09 08:13:42] <Calpurnia> (takes too long Class is the only way we will make it)
  416. [2012-12-09 08:14:03] <Class> (During the day you walk on land during the night I fly so we make mor distance)
  417. [2012-12-09 08:14:16] <Silas_> (We won't make it if he drops out of the sky from exaustion)
  418. [2012-12-09 08:14:24] <Calpurnia> (But we would have to leave you behind then)
  419. [2012-12-09 08:14:29] <Helpax> (I know, but then we need to take shifts)
  420. [2012-12-09 08:14:39] <Class> (Why I'm normal size owl on dawn?)
  421. [2012-12-09 08:14:51] <Makara> (anyone else is a bird?)
  422. [2012-12-09 08:15:02] <Helpax> (No, we could carry Class. He's still an owl until he changes back)
  423. [2012-12-09 08:15:04] <Makara> (don't we have two bird)
  424. [2012-12-09 08:15:09] <Calpurnia> apply palm directly to the forhead.
  425. [2012-12-09 08:15:14] <Silas_> (hopefully I'll be my normal size on the dawn too ^^)
  426. [2012-12-09 08:15:48] <Helpax> (Sun duration, should be dawn)
  427. [2012-12-09 08:15:49] <CJ> OK time in
  428. [2012-12-09 08:15:50] <Baruch> (I'm not a bird, I fly in human form by manipulating winds)
  429. [2012-12-09 08:15:52] <Class> (Why did you think I absolut whant to land bevore dawn?)
  430. [2012-12-09 08:16:03] <Helpax> (How close to dawn is it?)
  431. [2012-12-09 08:16:04] <CJ> Everyone is on Class, who is climbing again in ot the snowy skies
  432. [2012-12-09 08:16:17] <Class> (How long thill dawn?)
  433. [2012-12-09 08:16:23] <Class> (-h)
  434. [2012-12-09 08:16:26] <CJ> Edith has started to look at Silas, and suddenly picks him out of the hood
  435. [2012-12-09 08:16:34] <CJ> (About an hour and a half Class)
  436. [2012-12-09 08:16:39] * Silas_ rouses
  437. [2012-12-09 08:16:47] <Silas_> *what?*
  438. [2012-12-09 08:16:58] <Silas_> *Who are you* [alarmed]
  439. [2012-12-09 08:17:05] <CJ> She puts Silas on the plam of her hand, and regards him curiously, unaware he has woken!
  440. [2012-12-09 08:17:17] <Class> (OK then I keep going for a other 40-50 Min but keep a eye open for a seetlement or a road in the right direction)
  441. [2012-12-09 08:17:25] <Makara> (so size up baruch and we ride him on day?)
  442. [2012-12-09 08:17:27] <CJ> Edith to Helpax "is he a pharisee?"
  443. [2012-12-09 08:17:54] <Helpax> "EDITH! Please put Silas back! He is a Magi, he just shrunk himself!"
  444. [2012-12-09 08:18:22] <Helpax> (What's a pharisee?)
  445. [2012-12-09 08:18:34] <CJ> Edith looks amused, and puts Silas back gently. She takes out her handkerchief and wraps him in it
  446. [2012-12-09 08:18:46] <Makara>
  447. [2012-12-09 08:18:49] <CJ> Edith "You know, one fo the Gentry"
  448. [2012-12-09 08:18:51] <Silas_> *ergh, thank you!*
  449. [2012-12-09 08:19:15] <Makara> (either a jew or an insult)
  450. [2012-12-09 08:19:24] <CJ> "the Fair Folk, the Good Neighbours"
  451. [2012-12-09 08:19:45] <Helpax> (That question was OOC)
  452. [2012-12-09 08:19:55] <Calpurnia> *Faeries*
  453. [2012-12-09 08:20:19] <Helpax> "I see. Could I please have my...friend back now?"
  454. [2012-12-09 08:20:29] * Helpax puts out he's hand
  455. [2012-12-09 08:21:01] <Calpurnia> She put him down
  456. [2012-12-09 08:21:02] <Silas_> (I think I was returned to the hood :))
  457. [2012-12-09 08:21:11] <CJ> Edith in Latin to Calpurnia: Don't say that. Very bad luck to call them that! We call them Pharisees in Suffolk!
  458. [2012-12-09 08:21:23] <Makara> *Maybe you are safer in my pocket* Makara extend his hand
  459. [2012-12-09 08:21:37] <CJ> Class, you fly on through the gently caressing snow
  460. [2012-12-09 08:21:38] * Silas_ looks alarmed
  461. [2012-12-09 08:22:01] <Helpax> (She wrapped him in a hanky, not the same)
  462. [2012-12-09 08:22:06] <Calpurnia> *... it's bad luck to say a name*
  463. [2012-12-09 08:22:12] <Silas_> *I think I am fire where I am!*
  464. [2012-12-09 08:22:18] <CJ> Class, you can see now that mass of lights to the south - it is a HUGE city, on a river
  465. [2012-12-09 08:22:35] <Baruch> (Yeah, no, she put him back into my hood)
  466. [2012-12-09 08:22:38] <Class> (How fare away?)
  467. [2012-12-09 08:22:39] <CJ> Biggest city you have ever seen
  468. [2012-12-09 08:22:49] <Helpax> *So be it...What is that?*
  469. [2012-12-09 08:22:57] <CJ> Must be 50,000, maybe a 100,00 souls in there
  470. [2012-12-09 08:23:11] <Helpax> *It's bigger than home!"
  471. [2012-12-09 08:23:13] <CJ> about twenty miles south east of you
  472. [2012-12-09 08:23:24] <Silas_> (London?)
  473. [2012-12-09 08:23:37] <CJ> You are flying south west west
  474. [2012-12-09 08:24:01] <CJ> Keep on course?
  475. [2012-12-09 08:24:05] <Calpurnia> (Were we even heading to it's rough location, aka WHERE THE HELL IS STONEHENGE!!)
  476. [2012-12-09 08:24:18] <Calpurnia> (On map)
  477. [2012-12-09 08:24:37] <CJ> (roughly, west of London)
  478. [2012-12-09 08:24:37] <Helpax> (Sounds right Silas)
  479. [2012-12-09 08:24:46] <Silas_> (north west of Southampton)
  480. [2012-12-09 08:25:03] <Class> (I get south in hope to find a road that go west of this city)
  481. [2012-12-09 08:25:06] <Helpax> (Which means we are very close)
  482. [2012-12-09 08:25:12] <CJ> Yes, you work out that must be London back there. If so, you are flying in the right direction!
  483. [2012-12-09 08:25:33] <CJ> (compared with say Dublin, yes)
  484. [2012-12-09 08:25:55] <Helpax> *Next time, I say we fly on Class, rather than a boat.*
  485. [2012-12-09 08:25:57] <Class> (But I defenitve go down bevore dawn if I dont see a west/ sout west road)
  486. [2012-12-09 08:26:10] <Silas_> (hehe)
  487. [2012-12-09 08:26:13] <Helpax> "So, London looks nice."
  488. [2012-12-09 08:26:38] <Calpurnia> *Stay way from it, smells of filth*
  489. [2012-12-09 08:26:42] <Makara> *We need to bring blanket next time*
  490. [2012-12-09 08:27:05] <Calpurnia> WE LOST CJ
  491. [2012-12-09 08:27:09] <Silas_> *aw I would like to go there..*
  492. [2012-12-09 08:27:11] <Makara> TANGO DOWN
  493. [2012-12-09 08:27:29] <Calpurnia> Huston we have a problem
  494. [2012-12-09 08:27:33] <Helpax> Just wait a bit, get a drink, he'll be back
  495. [2012-12-09 08:27:43] <Class> *No you can go there by foot but when i go down there it will be strange)
  496. [2012-12-09 08:27:55] <Helpax> He still hasn't killed Sarah Conner, after all
  497. [2012-12-09 08:28:05] <Calpurnia> *It still smells of filth*
  498. [2012-12-09 08:28:52] <Class> (WB)
  499. [2012-12-09 08:29:03] <Helpax> *I don't think it's a good idea to go into London*
  500. [2012-12-09 08:29:06] <Calpurnia> Huston is back
  501. [2012-12-09 08:29:07] <CJ> CJ: Sorry about that. Connection dropped
  502. [2012-12-09 08:29:10] <Helpax> (WB)
  503. [2012-12-09 08:29:24] <CJ> Class, after a few minutes you come across a great river, that snakes east to the city, and west towards your destination
  504. [2012-12-09 08:29:37] <Silas_> (Stonehenge is mostly west south-west from London, ~120km as birds fly I think)
  505. [2012-12-09 08:29:46] <Class> (as mentioned I go south and look for a rood west/sout west comming from London but go down anyway bevore Dawn if I dont find a road)
  506. [2012-12-09 08:29:47] <CJ> You can go to London, or make for Stonehenge...
  507. [2012-12-09 08:30:15] <CJ> There is a road running by the river, but the river is the best guide to navigation :)
  508. [2012-12-09 08:30:50] <Class> (ok good I keep the road then in eye to land there at last 30 Min bevore dawn)
  509. [2012-12-09 08:30:53] <CJ> Even Edith knows this must be the River Thames! She seems excited at seeing it for the first time. Then again she is quite excited to be riding on the back of a giant talking owl in a snowstorm
  510. [2012-12-09 08:30:54] <Baruch> (So we'll land near the road and head towards stonehenge, yes?)
  511. [2012-12-09 08:31:13] <Silas_> *um, girl, do you know how to get to Stonehenge from London?*
  512. [2012-12-09 08:31:46] <Class> (Yes thats my plan but after I dawn its your decision)
  513. [2012-12-09 08:31:47] <Silas_> *And I am sorry, but I didn't catch your name*
  514. [2012-12-09 08:32:16] <CJ> You turn west, gliding over little riverside towns. Finally you see quite a strong castle to your south, and then as you fly you suddenly realise you are getting close to dawn. Looking around Class there is a twon ahead which seems quite sizable, but just beyond ther eis what ppears to be an uninhabited island in the river
  515. [2012-12-09 08:32:32] <CJ> **Edith in Latin: Aeditha**
  516. [2012-12-09 08:32:36] <Helpax> *Her name is Edith. Were you napping when she told us?*
  517. [2012-12-09 08:32:49] <Class> (I land near the road)
  518. [2012-12-09 08:33:01] <Class> (In hope ther is no trafik now)
  519. [2012-12-09 08:33:04] <Helpax> *Aeditha
  520. [2012-12-09 08:33:05] <CJ> OK Class, in the town, this side of the town, or near the island?
  521. [2012-12-09 08:33:21] <Class> (outside of town!!!!!!)
  522. [2012-12-09 08:33:47] <Class> (I'm not crazy and land at the town)
  523. [2012-12-09 08:34:00] <CJ> Class glides down, and lands on a heath, which the road crosses
  524. [2012-12-09 08:34:23] <Calpurnia> (I get off)
  525. [2012-12-09 08:34:26] <CJ> Everything is about two inches deep in snow.
  526. [2012-12-09 08:34:41] <CJ> If you drop Silas in it you may never find him!
  527. [2012-12-09 08:34:44] <Silas_> *I was sleeping I think, the hood is quite soft. But not as soft has this handkerchief* [beams]
  528. [2012-12-09 08:34:45] <Class> *Ok Night trip is over, I hope you managed to get some rest*
  529. [2012-12-09 08:35:06] <Calpurnia> *SNOW* (starts running around in circles around Class)
  530. [2012-12-09 08:35:08] <Makara> *So are we sizing up Baruch and ride him while he fly?*
  531. [2012-12-09 08:35:19] <Helpax> *Bother...*
  532. [2012-12-09 08:35:30] * Makara don't want to walk on the snow
  533. [2012-12-09 08:35:36] <CJ> And behind you, the first rays of dawn break through the snow. Suddenly there is whirr, and class is a normal little owl again. Ther eis ahorrible tearing sound, and whose hood was Silas in?
  534. [2012-12-09 08:35:45] * Helpax gets off of Class
  535. [2012-12-09 08:35:46] <Baruch> Mine :P
  536. [2012-12-09 08:35:59] <CJ> Makara, wet cold nasty stuff snow!
  537. [2012-12-09 08:36:02] <Silas_> (haha aye, Baruch's)
  538. [2012-12-09 08:36:06] <Makara> *ahhhhhhhhhh*
  539. [2012-12-09 08:36:11] <Helpax> (Edith has him now*
  540. [2012-12-09 08:36:27] <Makara> *cold cold cold*
  541. [2012-12-09 08:36:31] <CJ> Baruch, Silas is sitting on your head, and your hood is torn :) he has a handkerchief delicately balanced on his nose
  542. [2012-12-09 08:36:37] <Calpurnia> *Stop crying how are you going to protect knowledge if you can't stand up to snow*
  543. [2012-12-09 08:36:41] <Helpax> *Makara? Be quiet.*
  544. [2012-12-09 08:36:54] <Makara> (can't wait to learn this flambleu magic book)
  545. [2012-12-09 08:37:06] <CJ> Really cold. Baruch's spells have dropped, and you are all freezing
  546. [2012-12-09 08:37:07] * Silas_ tumbles off Baruch
  547. [2012-12-09 08:37:22] <Helpax> (The one on plants? ;) ^^)
  548. [2012-12-09 08:37:26] <Baruch> (I'll recast the spells)
  549. [2012-12-09 08:37:37] <CJ> Edith is laughing musically, doubled up in amusement at Silas's sudden return to size
  550. [2012-12-09 08:37:56] <CJ> OK Baruch, won't make you roll as not stressful right now
  551. [2012-12-09 08:38:03] * Silas_ rises and returns the handkerchief to the laughing Edith
  552. [2012-12-09 08:38:04] <Baruch> (k)
  553. [2012-12-09 08:38:06] <CJ> You all need sleep, but Class is exhausted
  554. [2012-12-09 08:38:26] <CJ> She thanks SIlas, and does a low mock curtsey
  555. [2012-12-09 08:38:31] <Calpurnia> Has class returned to normal size yet
  556. [2012-12-09 08:38:36] <CJ> Oh yes :)
  557. [2012-12-09 08:38:44] <Helpax> *Anyone else notice how there's this pop noise when someone shrinks or grows back to normal?*
  558. [2012-12-09 08:38:46] <Calpurnia> I pick up class the owl
  559. [2012-12-09 08:38:50] <CJ> However, owing to his flight you ar enow finally nearing your destination :)
  560. [2012-12-09 08:39:07] <Silas_> [beams a smile and bows low] *no, thank you my lady!*
  561. [2012-12-09 08:39:12] <Class> (What difficulty would it to make a cage out of arrows with herbam/muto?)
  562. [2012-12-09 08:39:15] <CJ> Class being an owl could sleep inside your cloak?
  563. [2012-12-09 08:39:30] * Makara is busy getting the snow out of his cloths
  564. [2012-12-09 08:39:32] <CJ> I'd say pretty simple. Give me a moment
  565. [2012-12-09 08:40:03] <Calpurnia> (Cage or cloak, I was contemplating that, but didn't know if you could fit)
  566. [2012-12-09 08:40:20] <Helpax> *Perhapse we should seek accomedation in town. Edith could get our rooms, we ges=t some rest and arrive at the tribunaln tomorrow
  567. [2012-12-09 08:40:23] <Helpax> *
  568. [2012-12-09 08:40:27] <Class> (We will need boat or we will be pestered by day birds)
  569. [2012-12-09 08:40:52] <CJ> Because you are using a group of Arrows, level 20. However from a single branch just level 10 MuHe to make a Sun duration cage
  570. [2012-12-09 08:41:00] * Silas_ streches
  571. [2012-12-09 08:41:12] <Class> (OK a tree nearby?)
  572. [2012-12-09 08:41:29] <CJ> Edith looks concerned. "I only speak English and the little Latin the magi taught us" she says
  573. [2012-12-09 08:41:37] <CJ> Yep, a good tree
  574. [2012-12-09 08:41:48] <Silas_> *I could walk around a bit while you sleep right?*
  575. [2012-12-09 08:42:04] <Helpax> "Fairly certain they speak English in town."
  576. [2012-12-09 08:42:06] <CJ> Edith is now looking at Silas, but pretending not to
  577. [2012-12-09 08:42:09] <Class> (OK I thake me a branch from it and make my cage)
  578. [2012-12-09 08:42:40] <CJ> "really? what even in London? I have met many Londoners, and they don'y speak like me" says Edith
  579. [2012-12-09 08:42:53] <Silas_> [tries in poor English] "Mabe you'd show me town?"
  580. [2012-12-09 08:43:03] <CJ> OK Class. Can you manage a 20 in Muto Herbam (ten then divide by two?)
  581. [2012-12-09 08:43:03] <Class> !roll D10+13 (Stressbased shouting gestures cage creating)
  582. [2012-12-09 08:43:29] <CJ> Edith falls in the snow, hugging her knees and rolling at Silas' attempt at English
  583. [2012-12-09 08:43:30] <Silas_> 1d10 :)
  584. [2012-12-09 08:43:31] <Class> !roll 1D10+13 (Stressbased shouting gestures cage creating)
  585. [2012-12-09 08:43:55] * Silas_ blushes
  586. [2012-12-09 08:44:12] <CJ> She laughs constantly until purple
  587. [2012-12-09 08:44:12] <CJ> Class die rolling not working?
  588. [2012-12-09 08:44:16] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+13
  589. [2012-12-09 08:44:17] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 15 :2+13
  590. [2012-12-09 08:44:23] <Silas_> *never mind then* [coughs]
  591. [2012-12-09 08:44:39] <Class> "roll 1d10+13
  592. [2012-12-09 08:44:47] <Class> !roll 1d10+13
  593. [2012-12-09 08:44:48] <MagicBot> Class: 18 :5+13
  594. [2012-12-09 08:44:48] <Calpurnia> Copy and paste what I have
  595. [2012-12-09 08:44:53] <Helpax> "You don't much sound like him either. Just pay attention and be smart and you'll be fine. Which should be pretty easy for you anyway."
  596. [2012-12-09 08:45:07] <Class> (Hmm not enough :( )
  597. [2012-12-09 08:45:15] <CJ> Class, doesn't quite work. Rest two minutes and try again
  598. [2012-12-09 08:45:43] <CJ> Edith is now trying to teach Silas some English, using her quite reasonable latin
  599. [2012-12-09 08:45:53] <CJ> OK chaps, what you doing?
  600. [2012-12-09 08:45:54] <Helpax> *It's ok Silas. It was passable English. Reminds me of Suffolk actaully.*
  601. [2012-12-09 08:46:12] <Calpurnia> (looks at class) *Want to sleep in my pockets?*
  602. [2012-12-09 08:46:19] <CJ> Makara?
  603. [2012-12-09 08:46:36] <CJ> Baruch, you are in charge. Whats the plan?
  604. [2012-12-09 08:46:54] * Makara trying to get more cloth
  605. [2012-12-09 08:46:58] <Baruch> (The river was heading in the right direction, right?)
  606. [2012-12-09 08:47:04] <Class> *I sugest sgetting something to eat for you first*
  607. [2012-12-09 08:47:22] <Calpurnia> *?*
  608. [2012-12-09 08:47:32] <Baruch> (The river was heading in the right direction, right?)
  609. [2012-12-09 08:47:39] <Calpurnia> (yeah
  610. [2012-12-09 08:47:40] |<-- CJ has left (Connection reset by peer)
  611. [2012-12-09 08:47:41] <Helpax> *And some rest, most of us are exhuasted.*
  612. [2012-12-09 08:47:42] <CJ_> Yes, west
  613. [2012-12-09 08:47:51] <Helpax> (2 ST's?)
  614. [2012-12-09 08:47:53] =-= CJ_ is now known as CJ
  615. [2012-12-09 08:47:54] <CJ> Well you are on a snow heath
  616. [2012-12-09 08:47:57] <Helpax> (Nevermind lol)
  617. [2012-12-09 08:48:04] <CJ> Sporry the connection dropped again
  618. [2012-12-09 08:48:08] <Baruch> (Did we see any boats anywhere?)
  619. [2012-12-09 08:48:26] <Calpurnia> (You really want to steal a boat in london?)
  620. [2012-12-09 08:48:37] <Baruch> (I has the moneys)
  621. [2012-12-09 08:48:45] <CJ> Well London is maybe a days travel on foot east of you
  622. [2012-12-09 08:48:47] <Calpurnia> (oh yeah
  623. [2012-12-09 08:48:48] <Silas_> (hehe)
  624. [2012-12-09 08:48:53] <CJ> There is a town not far away though
  625. [2012-12-09 08:49:15] <Baruch> (It's on the river?)
  626. [2012-12-09 08:49:17] <Helpax> (You know, we could send the grog/companion to get a horse and cart. We're not that far!)
  627. [2012-12-09 08:49:22] <CJ> Actually you can all hear the sound of a boat being paddled upriver now
  628. [2012-12-09 08:49:45] <Makara> *Hey, we can ask them to give us a ride on a boat*
  629. [2012-12-09 08:49:51] <Class> !roll 1d10+13
  630. [2012-12-09 08:49:51] <MagicBot> Class: 22 :9+13
  631. [2012-12-09 08:49:51] <CJ> You can also smell fried fish, and hear the yapping of an excited dog
  632. [2012-12-09 08:50:00] <Class> (I got my cage)
  633. [2012-12-09 08:50:01] <Baruch> "Yes, this seems like a good idea"
  634. [2012-12-09 08:50:04] <CJ> Class you have a cage!
  635. [2012-12-09 08:50:17] <CJ> (and are utterly exhausted. - 3 to all rolls till you have slept)
  636. [2012-12-09 08:50:19] <Calpurnia> I go to the cage and put class in it. Then pick it up.
  637. [2012-12-09 08:50:25] <CJ> OK.
  638. [2012-12-09 08:50:38] <CJ> The boat is making its way upriver, and you can hear men singing in it
  639. [2012-12-09 08:50:48] <Baruch> "Helpax, could you try to negotiate us a trip? Perhaps purchase the boat, if necessary"
  640. [2012-12-09 08:50:58] <Helpax> *Edith, if you would please ask the boatsman? Our gifts leave us ill-suited to the task.*
  641. [2012-12-09 08:51:19] <Calpurnia> (I am now a Owler. Who participates in owlry)
  642. [2012-12-09 08:51:26] <Baruch> (Oh yeah, right, you weren't the gentle gift one)
  643. [2012-12-09 08:51:47] <Helpax> (No, I just knew the lingo)
  644. [2012-12-09 08:51:59] <CJ> Edith wanders off to the bank. From the boat you hear a low wolfwhistle, laugher, and the men splashing to shore.
  645. [2012-12-09 08:52:00] * Silas_ is sad that the English session is over so soon
  646. [2012-12-09 08:52:26] <Calpurnia> *not good*
  647. [2012-12-09 08:52:30] <Helpax> *It's ok Silas. I'm sure she'll have plenty more time to teach you*
  648. [2012-12-09 08:52:30] <Class> (I'm still stufen from the deers?)
  649. [2012-12-09 08:52:33] |<-- CJ has left (Connection reset by peer)
  650. [2012-12-09 08:52:36] <Class> (err stuffed)
  651. [2012-12-09 08:52:46] <Class> (oO)
  652. [2012-12-09 08:52:47] <Calpurnia> wow poor CJ
  653. [2012-12-09 08:52:52] -->| CJ ( has joined #wizardbase
  654. [2012-12-09 08:52:53] * Helpax winks at Silas with a grin on his face
  655. [2012-12-09 08:52:57] <Silas_> (the man has no luck at all)
  656. [2012-12-09 08:53:06] <Class> (I' still stuffed from the deers?)
  657. [2012-12-09 08:53:13] <Helpax> (Poor CJ...internets not happy with him)
  658. [2012-12-09 08:53:14] <Calpurnia> *She may need some help. Helpax go watch her*
  659. [2012-12-09 08:53:17] <Makara> (I still have my fish pulp in my pocket if you want some)
  660. [2012-12-09 08:53:31] <Silas_> *har de har*
  661. [2012-12-09 08:53:33] <CJ> Helpax, what si your Gift?
  662. [2012-12-09 08:53:37] <Helpax> "Fine..."
  663. [2012-12-09 08:53:51] * Silas_ looks worried towards Edith
  664. [2012-12-09 08:53:53] <CJ> Normal, Blatant or Gentle? In fact everyone?
  665. [2012-12-09 08:54:01] <Silas_> *I'll come along too*
  666. [2012-12-09 08:54:10] <Silas_> (I've got the gentle)
  667. [2012-12-09 08:54:10] <Helpax> (Normal; I'll be stnding away from Edith while she asks)
  668. [2012-12-09 08:54:12] <Calpurnia> Blatant
  669. [2012-12-09 08:54:12] <Makara> (normal, gentle to animal)
  670. [2012-12-09 08:54:15] <Class> (Normal extcept for Animals where it is gentle)
  671. [2012-12-09 08:54:15] <CJ> Edith is chatting animatedly, and the three young good looking chaps are chatting back
  672. [2012-12-09 08:54:30] <CJ> Baruch?
  673. [2012-12-09 08:55:04] <Helpax> "Silas?" whispers Helpax.
  674. [2012-12-09 08:55:22] <Silas_> *yeah?* [whispers back]
  675. [2012-12-09 08:55:23] <Baruch> (Normal)
  676. [2012-12-09 08:55:29] <CJ> Silas, the men look disappoiunted when Edith introduces you,and puts her arm round your waist. They greet you n English, and say something. They smile at Helpax but look nervous
  677. [2012-12-09 08:55:31] <Baruch> (But I'm staying back as well)
  678. [2012-12-09 08:56:08] <CJ> Edith to Silas: These kind men have offered us a lift to Runnymede Isle, where they plan to camp
  679. [2012-12-09 08:56:20] * Silas_ blushes a bit
  680. [2012-12-09 08:56:20] <Calpurnia> (I'm just watching class in the cage)
  681. [2012-12-09 08:56:22] <Class> (CJ forgot something that I have done bevore making the cage Voice of the Bjornaer Magus but thats a spell I can easy do)
  682. [2012-12-09 08:56:39] <Silas_> "ah! Good"
  683. [2012-12-09 08:56:44] <CJ> Edith: They say avoid Staines - she gestures to the town - for King John is there, and the prices are extoprtionate right now
  684. [2012-12-09 08:57:08] <Silas_> "Kind off you to help"
  685. [2012-12-09 08:57:08] <Makara> ((oh good, Calpurnia nightmare))
  686. [2012-12-09 08:57:09] <Class> *wispering: Calpurnia can you put my wolfcape over the cage?*
  687. [2012-12-09 08:57:13] <CJ> The men have just noticed Calpurnia. They are getting very nervous indeed
  688. [2012-12-09 08:57:36] <CJ> They like women - but she is ODD
  689. [2012-12-09 08:57:39] <CJ> freaky even
  690. [2012-12-09 08:57:52] <Calpurnia> I do have a owl in a cage so yeah
  691. [2012-12-09 08:58:13] <CJ> In fact they are explaining to Edith something, and shrugging apologetically, while grabbing the oars
  692. [2012-12-09 08:58:24] <Baruch> (How many of them are there?)
  693. [2012-12-09 08:58:31] <Calpurnia> "You look cold boy here" puts cape over cage
  694. [2012-12-09 08:58:34] <CJ> Three, to say nothing of the dog
  695. [2012-12-09 08:58:36] <Helpax> "Please don't leave good sirs!"
  696. [2012-12-09 08:58:46] <Silas_> "Aryoo leaving us?"
  697. [2012-12-09 08:58:47] <CJ> Helpax Presence +Charm roll
  698. [2012-12-09 08:59:03] <Makara> "Please help us!"
  699. [2012-12-09 08:59:09] <Helpax> (note to self: get charm)
  700. [2012-12-09 08:59:15] <CJ> They smile apologetically at you and Edith Silas, and start to prepare to make their exit
  701. [2012-12-09 08:59:17] <Makara> (I have charm)
  702. [2012-12-09 08:59:20] <Calpurnia> (You don't know english makara)
  703. [2012-12-09 08:59:23] <Helpax> !roll 1d10 (Charm)
  704. [2012-12-09 08:59:23] <MagicBot> Helpax, (Charm): 4
  705. [2012-12-09 08:59:25] <Makara> (Oh right)
  706. [2012-12-09 08:59:28] <Makara> (welp)
  707. [2012-12-09 08:59:36] <Calpurnia> (WELP)
  708. [2012-12-09 08:59:41] <Class> (The reason for the cape is not weater or something but we will get bird agroo if day birds spot a owl)
  709. [2012-12-09 08:59:49] * Helpax sighs
  710. [2012-12-09 08:59:50] <Baruch> I'll grab a silver coin and toss it at them
  711. [2012-12-09 08:59:50] <CJ> The men ask Edith is she is with the weirdoes
  712. [2012-12-09 09:00:00] <Calpurnia> (I know but it has a realistic reason then)
  713. [2012-12-09 09:00:02] <CJ> Baruch's coin seems to impressthem a little
  714. [2012-12-09 09:00:04] <Makara> (we need to get rid of your blantant someday)
  715. [2012-12-09 09:00:29] <CJ> but they are still preparing to row off! The biggest one gently throws it back
  716. [2012-12-09 09:00:36] <Calpurnia> (nope helps me with intimidation so hell no)
  717. [2012-12-09 09:00:41] <Helpax> "We can and will pay. Once you've taken us where we need to go."
  718. [2012-12-09 09:00:53] <CJ> They are **VERY** intimidated
  719. [2012-12-09 09:01:04] <Calpurnia> (I can tell)
  720. [2012-12-09 09:01:11] <Helpax> (Darn it)
  721. [2012-12-09 09:01:18] <Makara> (better have an unintimidated spell on calpurnia next time)
  722. [2012-12-09 09:01:20] <CJ> The big guy, George asks where you want to go?
  723. [2012-12-09 09:01:37] <Calpurnia> (What kind of spell is that?)
  724. [2012-12-09 09:01:38] <Makara> (at least ask for stonehedge direction)
  725. [2012-12-09 09:01:43] <Makara> (dunno)
  726. [2012-12-09 09:01:47] <CJ> They can take you to Staines if you want to join the Royal Court there?
  727. [2012-12-09 09:01:58] <Makara> (ward of intimination?)
  728. [2012-12-09 09:02:07] <Calpurnia> (is it the rough direction we are heading?)
  729. [2012-12-09 09:02:11] <CJ> Edith is trying flirting, but to no avail.
  730. [2012-12-09 09:02:25] <CJ> It's west, the town about three miles upriver
  731. [2012-12-09 09:02:32] <Silas_> (west but not far)
  732. [2012-12-09 09:02:41] <Helpax> "No, a little further than that. Just three miles upriver"
  733. [2012-12-09 09:02:45] <CJ> The dog is clearly scared of Calpurnia, and growling at her
  734. [2012-12-09 09:02:46] <Makara> (Or we can extend our parma to them when we finally learn it)
  735. [2012-12-09 09:03:04] <Baruch> "Tell them we accept their offer"
  736. [2012-12-09 09:03:06] <Helpax> (Baruch could be doing that now)
  737. [2012-12-09 09:03:08] <Calpurnia> What would I role to intimidate it into submissioin
  738. [2012-12-09 09:03:25] <Helpax> *They haven't yet*
  739. [2012-12-09 09:03:39] <Baruch> (How does the parma extension work? Do I have to touch them or something?)
  740. [2012-12-09 09:03:45] <CJ> "you can get a boat at Slough" suggest Jerome, a tall languorous looking fellow
  741. [2012-12-09 09:03:58] <CJ> Pre + Animal Handling Calpurnia, with a big bonus for blatant gift
  742. [2012-12-09 09:04:11] <CJ> WHat is your Parma Baruuch?
  743. [2012-12-09 09:04:17] <Calpurnia> aww me no have animal handling what is it against?
  744. [2012-12-09 09:04:18] <Helpax> "Apologises, but the abbot is getting anxious and would prefer your aid"
  745. [2012-12-09 09:04:28] <Makara> (I have animal handling :d )
  746. [2012-12-09 09:04:28] * Helpax gestures at Baruch
  747. [2012-12-09 09:04:40] <CJ> Helpax, PRE +Leadership
  748. [2012-12-09 09:04:42] <Baruch> (CJ: 3 parma)
  749. [2012-12-09 09:05:12] <Calpurnia> Do I know what I have to roll to succed against dog?
  750. [2012-12-09 09:05:13] <CJ> Baruch : OK, you can extend Parma over one of them. You just need to be close by
  751. [2012-12-09 09:05:15] <Helpax> (LKeadership? Not guile? oh well)
  752. [2012-12-09 09:05:25] <CJ> Just roll a die Calpurnia :)
  753. [2012-12-09 09:05:36] <Helpax> !roll 1d10 (Leadership)
  754. [2012-12-09 09:05:36] <MagicBot> Helpax, (Leadership): 6
  755. [2012-12-09 09:05:49] <Calpurnia> bonus from blatant? :P
  756. [2012-12-09 09:06:05] <CJ> AH! The men smile, and say they will glady ferry you all across to Staines
  757. [2012-12-09 09:06:10] <Baruch> (Ok, I'll extend my parma over whoever seems to be doing the most talking [the content of which I don't undestand, despite constantly forgetting about it])
  758. [2012-12-09 09:06:17] <CJ> Yes, just roll :)
  759. [2012-12-09 09:06:25] <CJ> Jerome right now
  760. [2012-12-09 09:06:25] <Helpax> (Where is Staines?)
  761. [2012-12-09 09:06:38] <CJ> On the tHames, west of London :)
  762. [2012-12-09 09:06:44] <Silas_> (a bit west of London)
  763. [2012-12-09 09:07:08] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+6 without blatant
  764. [2012-12-09 09:07:08] <MagicBot> Calpurnia, without blatant: 10 :4+6
  765. [2012-12-09 09:07:27] <CJ> The dog is terrified. It crawls under a seat and whimpers
  766. [2012-12-09 09:07:30] <Helpax> (oh dear. I got the directions mixed up...)
  767. [2012-12-09 09:07:45] <CJ> "Montmorency!" yells Jerome, but the dog ignores him. He shrugs
  768. [2012-12-09 09:08:06] <CJ> They have pulled up. YOu can all get in if you wish
  769. [2012-12-09 09:08:25] <Helpax> "Thank you, good sirs! May the Lord's Blessing carry you throughout your days!"
  770. [2012-12-09 09:08:26] <CJ> Baruch orders?
  771. [2012-12-09 09:08:28] <Baruch> (After having extended my parma over the guy), I tell edith "Could you ask that man there how many silver pennies they would need to sell us their boat?"
  772. [2012-12-09 09:08:31] <Makara> (might want to extend the parma to the dog)
  773. [2012-12-09 09:08:32] <Silas_> *did he just ask for more money?* [to Edith]
  774. [2012-12-09 09:09:03] <Calpurnia> wouldn't matter I'm scary even without blantant added
  775. [2012-12-09 09:09:14] <Baruch> "Climb aboard, everyone"
  776. [2012-12-09 09:09:17] <Helpax> *Ok we've got a lift for three miles. And they didn't ask for more.*
  777. [2012-12-09 09:09:26] <CJ> They look at one another as Edith explains the offer. They mention a sum of ten shillings
  778. [2012-12-09 09:09:45] <Baruch> "This is acceptable."
  779. [2012-12-09 09:09:46] <Helpax> *That's very good, I think.*
  780. [2012-12-09 09:09:48] <CJ> Them med are silent, clearlyy scared as they rown you upriver agianst the current
  781. [2012-12-09 09:10:09] <Baruch> "Edith, please tell them we wish to purchase their vessel."
  782. [2012-12-09 09:10:15] <CJ> They seem surprised you will pay ten shillings for theboat, but promise to sell it at Staines
  783. [2012-12-09 09:10:57] <Helpax> "Of courese."
  784. [2012-12-09 09:11:05] <CJ> It's an uncomfortbale journey, because the three are so scared. An hour passes, and you arrive in the small bustling town of Staines, packed ot overflowing with important folk
  785. [2012-12-09 09:11:07] <Helpax> *Thank you Edith*
  786. [2012-12-09 09:11:08] <Calpurnia> (Goes aboard with class in cage in hand.)
  787. [2012-12-09 09:11:10] <CJ> The King is here!
  788. [2012-12-09 09:11:34] <Helpax> *Didn't we see the king not two days ago?*
  789. [2012-12-09 09:11:44] <CJ> You can see King John's royal banner flying over the castle. Every single house is filled to bursting with guests,a dntheir is a holiday air on the streets
  790. [2012-12-09 09:12:00] <CJ> The men empty the baot, and prepare to sell it to you at the docks
  791. [2012-12-09 09:12:10] <CJ> ...
  792. [2012-12-09 09:12:18] <Calpurnia> (god damn and I can't do anything to him. Thank twilight I don't specialize in human mind)
  793. [2012-12-09 09:12:37] <Baruch> Is there anyone there selling food?
  794. [2012-12-09 09:12:38] <Silas_> *maybe we can buy some supplies while they empty the boat?*
  795. [2012-12-09 09:12:53] <Makara> (yeah buy their food)
  796. [2012-12-09 09:13:02] <CJ> OK, 2 minute break then the final bit for today. About 40 minutes more ok?
  797. [2012-12-09 09:13:07] <Baruch> ok
  798. [2012-12-09 09:13:07] <Helpax> (If you wanted, I'd be happy to do that for you. I was this close to just casting a spell on them)
  799. [2012-12-09 09:13:09] <Calpurnia> *I'll remain at the dock with class then*
  800. [2012-12-09 09:13:13] <Calpurnia> ok
  801. [2012-12-09 09:13:19] <Helpax> kk
  802. [2012-12-09 09:13:22] <CJ> They are happy to sell you the food. They just want to get away from you all
  803. [2012-12-09 09:13:28] <Silas_> Sounds good
  804. [2012-12-09 09:13:51] <Silas_> (brewin me up some tea ^^ brb)
  805. [2012-12-09 09:14:05] <Calpurnia> (well I"m not apart of the away team so they shouldn't be running for the hills)
  806. [2012-12-09 09:14:13] <Helpax> brb
  807. [2012-12-09 09:16:16] <Class> (Bonecage would be easyer for me to make but where to find enough bones and how strange would it look like to have a cage out of bones ^^)
  808. [2012-12-09 09:17:18] <Calpurnia> (Meh fits my character techniacally)
  809. [2012-12-09 09:17:39] <Silas_> (and back)
  810. [2012-12-09 09:18:04] <Silas_> (hehe yeah, a bonecage would fit our party perfectly :p)
  811. [2012-12-09 09:18:14] <Calpurnia> (I'm going to hug him, and squeeze him, and call him sir class)
  812. [2012-12-09 09:18:26] <CJ> Baruch, Jerome seems to like you. To your surprise he speaks some Latin (You have your Parma over him remember). He tells you he is a clerk in London, well a trainee notary (lawyer)
  813. [2012-12-09 09:18:28] <Silas_> (don't forget to dress him up)
  814. [2012-12-09 09:18:39] <CJ> lol at Calpurnia!
  815. [2012-12-09 09:18:58] <CJ> OK, Baruch anything you want to ask Jerome?
  816. [2012-12-09 09:19:19] <Baruch> (back, just a sec)
  817. [2012-12-09 09:19:24] <Helpax> back
  818. [2012-12-09 09:20:34] <Baruch> "We are headed for a location nea Stonehenge - if we continue along the river, will we reach it?"
  819. [2012-12-09 09:20:41] <CJ> Well you have a boat now :)
  820. [2012-12-09 09:21:14] <CJ> Jerome looks puzzled. "I have never heard of the place. Where is it near?"
  821. [2012-12-09 09:21:18] <Class> (you payed for it just to use it for ~12h?!)
  822. [2012-12-09 09:21:39] <Baruch> (Yep)
  823. [2012-12-09 09:21:59] <Makara> (someday baruch can make it fly :D )
  824. [2012-12-09 09:22:01] <CJ> (Note: Before the 1530's hardly anyone had heard of Stonehenge. In medieval times it is ignored except by locals)
  825. [2012-12-09 09:22:37] <Baruch> "If you are unfamiliar with the location, we will attempt to find it by ourselves. Thank you nonetheless, for the boat and supplies"
  826. [2012-12-09 09:22:56] <Helpax> "Not much further actually. It's not a major site, but the Abbot wished to visit nontheless"
  827. [2012-12-09 09:23:04] <CJ> The three men wave you off, and their little dog barks definatly at Calpurnia as you start to pull upriver
  828. [2012-12-09 09:23:08] <Silas_> (haha if we haven't bought the supplies then that'd be a threat :p)
  829. [2012-12-09 09:23:22] <Baruch> we'll row a bit off the shore and cast the water movement spell on the boat
  830. [2012-12-09 09:23:23] <CJ> OK, how you moving the boat as you leave Staines?
  831. [2012-12-09 09:23:28] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+6
  832. [2012-12-09 09:23:28] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 16 :10+6
  833. [2012-12-09 09:23:37] <CJ> OK< who has a water movement spell? :)
  834. [2012-12-09 09:23:50] <Calpurnia> not including blatant no to intimedate dog again
  835. [2012-12-09 09:23:54] * Silas_ helps paddling - if nothing else then for show
  836. [2012-12-09 09:23:57] <CJ> Calpurnia, you create a tiny wave that pushes you slowly up the river
  837. [2012-12-09 09:24:06] <Calpurnia> ....... okay
  838. [2012-12-09 09:24:13] <CJ> Oh sorry I thought tat was a spell!
  839. [2012-12-09 09:24:34] <Baruch> "Could one of you help propel us again, please?"
  840. [2012-12-09 09:24:38] <CJ> The dog runs off terrified in to the corwwd, and the blokes follow after it looking fr a hostelry with some ale left :)
  841. [2012-12-09 09:24:58] <Calpurnia> *okay* what was the roll
  842. [2012-12-09 09:25:08] <CJ> Edith has curled up in the baot and is attempting to sleep
  843. [2012-12-09 09:25:15] <CJ> To intimidate the dog?
  844. [2012-12-09 09:25:22] <CJ> Sorry or was it to propel the boat?
  845. [2012-12-09 09:25:28] <Calpurnia> no move boat by water
  846. [2012-12-09 09:25:31] <Helpax> *Makara can you paddle the boat, I didn't get any sleep last night*
  847. [2012-12-09 09:25:33] <CJ> I should have asked, sorry Calpurnia!
  848. [2012-12-09 09:25:34] <CJ> You choose :)
  849. [2012-12-09 09:25:43] <Makara> "I will ask the river to flow faster."
  850. [2012-12-09 09:25:43] <Baruch> (Level 15 rego aquam is one)
  851. [2012-12-09 09:25:49] <CJ> OK, the boat si now drifting gently upstream.
  852. [2012-12-09 09:26:03] <CJ> NOt fast though!
  853. [2012-12-09 09:26:08] * Helpax hops into the boat and tries to get some sleep
  854. [2012-12-09 09:26:11] <CJ> Yep, level 15 will let you travel faster
  855. [2012-12-09 09:26:18] <Calpurnia> I am even more confused, but what the hell.
  856. [2012-12-09 09:26:24] <Baruch> (Someone was able to cast that before - who was it? I can't really do it very likely)
  857. [2012-12-09 09:26:26] <CJ> :)
  858. [2012-12-09 09:26:55] <Silas_> I think Calpurnia was our water transport expert
  859. [2012-12-09 09:26:56] <Calpurnia> (Calpurnia lays down and takes a nap with her arms wrapped around the cage class is in)
  860. [2012-12-09 09:27:01] <Silas_> ('ed)
  861. [2012-12-09 09:27:03] <CJ> Who has the best Rego Aquam?
  862. [2012-12-09 09:27:10] <Calpurnia> raises hand
  863. [2012-12-09 09:27:18] <Calpurnia> 10
  864. [2012-12-09 09:27:22] <Makara> (I have 10 too)
  865. [2012-12-09 09:27:24] <CJ> Edith moves to the opposite end of the boat to Calpurnia and tries to sleep again
  866. [2012-12-09 09:27:37] <Silas_> (I got a rousing 7)
  867. [2012-12-09 09:27:41] <CJ> OK Makara, you get the boat moving
  868. [2012-12-09 09:27:41] <Baruch> (Mine is 15, so I cal probably pull it off after few tries)
  869. [2012-12-09 09:27:49] <Silas_> (all from Rego tho :p)
  870. [2012-12-09 09:27:51] <CJ> BAruch you join in.
  871. [2012-12-09 09:28:09] <CJ> Eventually the boat gets to move at a fair pace, and you take it in turns ot pretend to paddle and sleep
  872. [2012-12-09 09:28:36] <CJ> The baot drifts upriver all morning, passing Runnymede Island,a nd moving slowly up past Slough and Miadenhead
  873. [2012-12-09 09:28:49] <CJ> Anyone doing anything during the day or do you all want to get some rest?
  874. [2012-12-09 09:28:55] <Baruch> Rest
  875. [2012-12-09 09:29:03] * Helpax is fast asleep
  876. [2012-12-09 09:29:06] <CJ> OK, last chance?
  877. [2012-12-09 09:29:23] <Makara> (I have my sleep, so I paddle)
  878. [2012-12-09 09:29:31] <Helpax> (Seriously, how did the King beat us here?)\
  879. [2012-12-09 09:29:34] <Silas_> Well, since Edith is asleep I guess I'm paddling along with Makara
  880. [2012-12-09 09:29:43] <Calpurnia> (he is the king)
  881. [2012-12-09 09:29:44] <CJ> Right. By sunset you have travelled twenty miles upriver, and as the sun sets you paddle in to shore
  882. [2012-12-09 09:30:21] <CJ> (Helpax: You met the Barons before, but not the king. They were planning to make the King sign something. They have not caught up with him yet!)
  883. [2012-12-09 09:30:42] <Class> (After 7 or so hours I get out of my cage take human shape and get my cloths on)
  884. [2012-12-09 09:30:50] <CJ> As the sun sets in the west, the snow begins to fall again, but much more gently tonight
  885. [2012-12-09 09:30:51] <Calpurnia> (huh so it is that)
  886. [2012-12-09 09:30:57] <Baruch> "Class, could you transport us the rest of the way, please"
  887. [2012-12-09 09:31:26] <Class> *First I need somthing to eat*
  888. [2012-12-09 09:31:38] <Helpax> (Ah, thank you CJ)
  889. [2012-12-09 09:31:43] <CJ> Class, you think Stonehenge is roughly south south west from where you are now, and about four hours flight away
  890. [2012-12-09 09:31:48] <Silas_> *we should remember to ask directions too, we can't just assume that we will find it by luck*
  891. [2012-12-09 09:32:10] <Baruch> "We have bought these supplies, Class, please help yourselves to them"
  892. [2012-12-09 09:32:13] <CJ> (You do know roughly what it looks like. Baruch saw a drawing in aolkd book back in the flying city)
  893. [2012-12-09 09:32:14] <Class> *Should be around 4 from here if I'm estimindate right*
  894. [2012-12-09 09:32:30] <Class> *4h*
  895. [2012-12-09 09:32:30] <CJ> OK, who is doing the cooking?
  896. [2012-12-09 09:32:32] <Silas_> (ah yes, I forgot)
  897. [2012-12-09 09:32:58] <CJ> Makara, you paddled all day. YOu need a little rest so you won't be cooking
  898. [2012-12-09 09:33:13] <Makara> (yeah, I will sleep on owl at night)
  899. [2012-12-09 09:33:14] <Calpurnia> I wake up and a sad face appears briefly then reverts to her normal uncaring glare.
  900. [2012-12-09 09:33:39] <Helpax> (Does anyone have the cooking skill?)
  901. [2012-12-09 09:33:43] <Class> (only for around 4h ^^ as we are close)
  902. [2012-12-09 09:33:55] <Silas_> *[looking at Makara getting comfortable] I could use some rest as well*
  903. [2012-12-09 09:33:59] <Makara> (there's no cooking skill)
  904. [2012-12-09 09:34:01] <CJ> Survivallets you cook under these circumstances
  905. [2012-12-09 09:34:06] <Class> (Is a Profession skill so, no)
  906. [2012-12-09 09:34:11] <CJ> Survival sorry
  907. [2012-12-09 09:34:26] <Calpurnia> survival 2
  908. [2012-12-09 09:34:42] <Class> !roll 1d10+3 (+Attribute?)
  909. [2012-12-09 09:34:43] <MagicBot> Class, (+Attribute?): 8 :5+3
  910. [2012-12-09 09:34:43] <Silas_> (I got that, but I am sleepy from the rowing :p)
  911. [2012-12-09 09:34:56] <CJ> Edith mutters something about Calpurnia cooking
  912. [2012-12-09 09:35:01] <CJ> Int Class
  913. [2012-12-09 09:35:09] <CJ> Class cooks.
  914. [2012-12-09 09:35:19] <Class> (+2 then 10)
  915. [2012-12-09 09:35:19] <CJ> OK, that was delicious, and well cooked :)
  916. [2012-12-09 09:35:30] <Calpurnia> Starts eating
  917. [2012-12-09 09:35:36] * Makara eats
  918. [2012-12-09 09:35:40] <CJ> You are good at this. Sham,e no venison, you have developed a taste for deer now :)
  919. [2012-12-09 09:35:55] <CJ> After the meal, I assume Class returns ot giant size?
  920. [2012-12-09 09:35:57] * Baruch nom nom
  921. [2012-12-09 09:36:00] * Silas_ enjoys the cooking
  922. [2012-12-09 09:36:26] <Baruch> "Class, could you transport us the rest of the way, please"
  923. [2012-12-09 09:36:26] <Makara> (and cloud looking)
  924. [2012-12-09 09:36:28] <Class> *we ned to dook first as I feer our boat wont stand my wight)
  925. [2012-12-09 09:36:29] <Silas_> *this is delicious! You should cook more often Class!*
  926. [2012-12-09 09:36:48] <Baruch> (We are already on the shore, right?)
  927. [2012-12-09 09:37:01] <CJ> Class, the baot will be useless now. The direction yoiu need to go is away from the river to the south :)
  928. [2012-12-09 09:37:03] * Helpax wakes up
  929. [2012-12-09 09:37:06] <CJ> Yes you are.
  930. [2012-12-09 09:37:22] <Helpax> *Ah, breakfast! Thank you Chef!*
  931. [2012-12-09 09:37:26] <Class> (Yea but anyway we don't need to destroy it ^^)
  932. [2012-12-09 09:37:29] <Silas_> "yooar missing dinner Helpax!"
  933. [2012-12-09 09:37:32] * Helpax eats
  934. [2012-12-09 09:37:33] <CJ> Edith has wandered off to get a stick.
  935. [2012-12-09 09:37:56] <Makara> (should we shrink down the boat and pocket it?)
  936. [2012-12-09 09:38:05] <CJ> Good plan!
  937. [2012-12-09 09:38:08] <Class> (Who have good enough herbam?)
  938. [2012-12-09 09:38:10] <Calpurnia> Did we get any bones from class cooking?
  939. [2012-12-09 09:38:13] <Silas_> (good plan)
  940. [2012-12-09 09:38:25] <Silas_> (that is a 10 shilling investment that is!)
  941. [2012-12-09 09:38:39] <CJ> Rego Herbam 15 will do. It's not a huge boat
  942. [2012-12-09 09:38:40] <Makara> (should had do the same for the old boat too)
  943. [2012-12-09 09:38:53] <CJ> A few CXAlpurnia
  944. [2012-12-09 09:38:56] * Class pack his belongings and change to owl
  945. [2012-12-09 09:39:01] <CJ> Edith si making a fishing rod
  946. [2012-12-09 09:39:13] <Calpurnia> put bones into pockets in her cloak
  947. [2012-12-09 09:39:25] <Helpax> (I'd like to keep the boat, so shrinkies please)
  948. [2012-12-09 09:39:27] <Baruch> (My ReHe is 15, so I should be able to do it)
  949. [2012-12-09 09:39:35] <CJ> Class spends some time casting. No need ot roll, but takes a few minutes to get back to Giant Owl size!
  950. [2012-12-09 09:39:45] <CJ> OK BArush roll it
  951. [2012-12-09 09:39:54] <Silas_> *should we shrink the boat? in case we don't make it in one night?*
  952. [2012-12-09 09:39:57] <CJ> +2 shouting and waking, +Stamina, no aura
  953. [2012-12-09 09:40:04] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+18
  954. [2012-12-09 09:40:05] <MagicBot> Baruch: 28 :10+18
  955. [2012-12-09 09:40:14] <Makara> *Yes, yes, that's a good idea*
  956. [2012-12-09 09:40:18] <CJ> If you spend confidence you suceed BAruch?
  957. [2012-12-09 09:40:40] <Baruch> (Well damn, I keep forgetting how difficult sponting is)
  958. [2012-12-09 09:40:49] <Baruch> (My last point of confidence )
  959. [2012-12-09 09:40:52] <Makara> (well it just last till sun up, so I won't bother)
  960. [2012-12-09 09:40:54] <CJ> Edith has taken a thread, a bent pin and a worm and wandered off to go fishing
  961. [2012-12-09 09:41:06] <CJ> Baruch you spending it?
  962. [2012-12-09 09:41:11] <Helpax> (Yeah, there is a reason I have lifelinked)
  963. [2012-12-09 09:41:34] <CJ> Class, you are now full sized again :D
  964. [2012-12-09 09:41:44] <Baruch> Nah, the boat isn't important enough
  965. [2012-12-09 09:41:49] <Baruch> I won't spend the confidence
  966. [2012-12-09 09:41:49] <Calpurnia> *We won't be here long Edith I suggest packing that away, but making sure it doesn't break. A good idea.*
  967. [2012-12-09 09:42:12] <Class> (+Voice of the Bjornaer Magus)
  968. [2012-12-09 09:42:17] <CJ> OK, the boat has shrunk to about three quarter size, and looks like a child's tiny dinghy. Too big though!
  969. [2012-12-09 09:42:20] <Makara> (get two more point on herbam when you can learn it :D ))
  970. [2012-12-09 09:42:26] <CJ> Class is atlking again :)
  971. [2012-12-09 09:42:43] <CJ> Right, go gor it, tell me what you all do?
  972. [2012-12-09 09:42:59] <Calpurnia> I get on Class the Giant owl
  973. [2012-12-09 09:43:03] <CJ> ok
  974. [2012-12-09 09:43:08] <Class> *We can take off! Where is Edith?*
  975. [2012-12-09 09:43:22] * Silas_ helps Edith onto the owl
  976. [2012-12-09 09:43:24] <Calpurnia> *fishing*
  977. [2012-12-09 09:43:29] <Makara> I cast the same image phantom spell to make the owl looks like cloud when I climbed on
  978. [2012-12-09 09:43:29] <CJ> Class, Edith has dropped her fishing rod. She is staring at the river
  979. [2012-12-09 09:43:32] <Baruch> (I'll get on the owl as well)
  980. [2012-12-09 09:43:43] * Helpax puts the boat into his pocket on gets on Class
  981. [2012-12-09 09:43:47] <Calpurnia> (not good)
  982. [2012-12-09 09:43:51] <Silas_> *[to Edith] we should leave, we are pressed for time*
  983. [2012-12-09 09:43:57] <CJ> Silas, as you go to fetch Edith you see she si staring intently at some HUGe bubbles coming up from the depths of the river
  984. [2012-12-09 09:44:00] <Class> *Oh and please cloud disguise again*
  985. [2012-12-09 09:44:11] <CJ> Something HUGE is stirring down there - and it appears to be dark and scaly
  986. [2012-12-09 09:44:13] <Makara> *I am doing it*
  987. [2012-12-09 09:44:17] <Silas_> *what is that?*
  988. [2012-12-09 09:44:25] <Makara> *fish*
  989. [2012-12-09 09:44:29] <Calpurnia> OH S*IT RUN
  990. [2012-12-09 09:44:29] <CJ> Edith is looking very frightened
  991. [2012-12-09 09:44:33] <Helpax> *No time!*
  992. [2012-12-09 09:44:38] <CJ> Nope, looks more like a huge eel
  993. [2012-12-09 09:44:44] <CJ> except this eel had a head
  994. [2012-12-09 09:44:52] <Silas_> [takes Ediths arm gently]
  995. [2012-12-09 09:44:53] <Calpurnia> *Fly owl fly
  996. [2012-12-09 09:44:56] <CJ> oh no - that is just it's neck. The wings now break water.
  997. [2012-12-09 09:44:57] <Silas_> *we need to move*
  998. [2012-12-09 09:44:59] <CJ> A drake!
  999. [2012-12-09 09:45:06] <Calpurnia> CALLED IT
  1000. [2012-12-09 09:45:11] <Makara> (baruch, your turn)
  1001. [2012-12-09 09:45:15] <Baruch> (Well I'll be damned - there's no end to these guys :D)
  1002. [2012-12-09 09:45:15] <CJ> It is slowly awakening...
  1003. [2012-12-09 09:45:16] <Silas_> *Not again!*
  1004. [2012-12-09 09:45:17] <Class> (Not again*)
  1005. [2012-12-09 09:45:33] <Calpurnia> I use lightining reflex to initative
  1006. [2012-12-09 09:45:37] <Helpax> (Casting Scent of Peaceful Slumber on it now!)
  1007. [2012-12-09 09:45:44] <CJ> OK, qik +Initiative please, or just qikness if casting a spell
  1008. [2012-12-09 09:45:49] <Silas_> [pulls Edith more insistant]
  1009. [2012-12-09 09:45:49] <CJ> OK Helpax, roll :)
  1010. [2012-12-09 09:46:05] <Baruch> !roll 1d10+1
  1011. [2012-12-09 09:46:06] <MagicBot> Baruch: 4 :3+1
  1012. [2012-12-09 09:46:08] <Silas_> !roll 1d10-1
  1013. [2012-12-09 09:46:08] <MagicBot> Silas_: 3 :4-1
  1014. [2012-12-09 09:46:09] <CJ> Edith is running now, clutching Slias
  1015. [2012-12-09 09:46:29] <Makara> (did I already cast the cloud spell?)
  1016. [2012-12-09 09:46:30] <Helpax> !roll 1d10+16 (Gestures and words)
  1017. [2012-12-09 09:46:31] <MagicBot> Helpax, (Gestures and words): 25 :9+16
  1018. [2012-12-09 09:46:41] <CJ> Helpax the level of the spell is?
  1019. [2012-12-09 09:46:42] <Helpax> (quickness 1)
  1020. [2012-12-09 09:46:46] <Class> (Oh no this cliant don't keep the complet history so I don't have the stats any more :()
  1021. [2012-12-09 09:46:50] <CJ> 15 I think?
  1022. [2012-12-09 09:46:57] <CJ> No problem
  1023. [2012-12-09 09:46:59] <Calpurnia> roll 1d10+10
  1024. [2012-12-09 09:47:06] <Class> !roll 1d10 (+Qick?)
  1025. [2012-12-09 09:47:07] <MagicBot> Class, (+Qick?): 1
  1026. [2012-12-09 09:47:07] <CJ> I have them. You ar eon Quickness 0
  1027. [2012-12-09 09:47:09] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+10
  1028. [2012-12-09 09:47:09] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 15 :5+10
  1029. [2012-12-09 09:47:10] <Helpax> (I think so...)
  1030. [2012-12-09 09:47:22] <Class> !roll 1d10 (reroll)
  1031. [2012-12-09 09:47:22] <MagicBot> Class, (reroll): 6
  1032. [2012-12-09 09:47:25] <CJ> Helpax, your spell faiuls to penetrate
  1033. [2012-12-09 09:47:35] <CJ> OK, just tell me what you are all doing?
  1034. [2012-12-09 09:47:42] <Makara> !roll 1d10+1
  1035. [2012-12-09 09:47:43] <MagicBot> Makara: 9 :8+1
  1036. [2012-12-09 09:47:45] <CJ> don't worry I have written down initiative now
  1037. [2012-12-09 09:48:10] <CJ> the head is slowly rising to the surface
  1038. [2012-12-09 09:48:13] * Silas_ gets Edith towards Class and the others
  1039. [2012-12-09 09:48:17] * Makara is in the middle of casting the image phamtom spell
  1040. [2012-12-09 09:48:18] <CJ> Calpurnia?
  1041. [2012-12-09 09:48:24] <CJ> yep :)
  1042. [2012-12-09 09:48:36] <Calpurnia> Huh got a 15 on inititive
  1043. [2012-12-09 09:48:47] <CJ> Class, Edith and Silas jump on your back
  1044. [2012-12-09 09:48:47] <Calpurnia> bleh spelling
  1045. [2012-12-09 09:49:00] <CJ> Yep, Calpurnia you go first. What you doing?
  1046. [2012-12-09 09:49:01] <Helpax> (If my spell wasn't enough, I have Life-Boost. My magic eats me)
  1047. [2012-12-09 09:49:14] * Class perparing to lift of as soon everyone is on me
  1048. [2012-12-09 09:49:15] <CJ> OK, Helpax spend two fatigue levels?
  1049. [2012-12-09 09:49:29] <Calpurnia> Oh I'll shoot my bow at her, Now for the painful task of figuring out weapon combat.
  1050. [2012-12-09 09:49:29] <Helpax> !roll 1d10+1 (intiative)
  1051. [2012-12-09 09:49:30] <MagicBot> Helpax, (intiative): 9 :8+1
  1052. [2012-12-09 09:49:36] <CJ> If you do the drake will snooze a bit longer :)
  1053. [2012-12-09 09:49:43] <Calpurnia> ... why did i say her
  1054. [2012-12-09 09:49:57] <CJ> CAlpurnia, what is your bow skill?
  1055. [2012-12-09 09:50:07] <Helpax> (Yes! Sleepy drake no eat us!)
  1056. [2012-12-09 09:50:12] <CJ> Helpax, you want to spend the fatigue?
  1057. [2012-12-09 09:50:17] <CJ> BAruch, any action?
  1058. [2012-12-09 09:50:23] <Calpurnia> 1+1from short bow specialization
  1059. [2012-12-09 09:50:26] <Makara> (let's hope that woman won't wake up the drake again)
  1060. [2012-12-09 09:50:32] <CJ> OK, well that will occur after Calpurnia's bow shot.
  1061. [2012-12-09 09:50:38] <CJ> OK, and your Dex?
  1062. [2012-12-09 09:50:46] <Baruch> (Well, calpurnia and helpax act first, so I'd wait for that to play out)
  1063. [2012-12-09 09:50:47] <Calpurnia> 1
  1064. [2012-12-09 09:50:57] <CJ> OK, roll a dice add 4.
  1065. [2012-12-09 09:51:14] <Calpurnia> okay so helpax roll
  1066. [2012-12-09 09:51:14] <CJ> (it's +_1 fr the bow)
  1067. [2012-12-09 09:51:27] <CJ> CAlpurnia, roll dice and add +4
  1068. [2012-12-09 09:51:36] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+4
  1069. [2012-12-09 09:51:37] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 14 :10+4
  1070. [2012-12-09 09:51:43] <CJ> Your shot goes first.
  1071. [2012-12-09 09:51:46] <Helpax> (YES!...I have Enduring Consitution so it won't hurt too much anywho)
  1072. [2012-12-09 09:51:57] <CJ> Ouch! roll again that could be a botch
  1073. [2012-12-09 09:52:09] <CJ> Calpurnia that is!
  1074. [2012-12-09 09:52:18] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+4
  1075. [2012-12-09 09:52:18] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 13 :9+4
  1076. [2012-12-09 09:52:24] <Makara> (twilight! Twlight... aww)
  1077. [2012-12-09 09:52:36] <Silas_> (hehe)
  1078. [2012-12-09 09:52:40] <Calpurnia> I using a bow so yeah can I even get twilight
  1079. [2012-12-09 09:52:41] <Class> (Wasn't magic so no Twiligth I think)
  1080. [2012-12-09 09:52:42] <CJ> OK, you did not botch. Your arrow hits the drake, but the water robs it of its strength
  1081. [2012-12-09 09:53:02] <Calpurnia> .....
  1082. [2012-12-09 09:53:08] <CJ> (Correct Class! You can bothc any roll, but only magic giveds you Twilight)
  1083. [2012-12-09 09:53:13] <CJ> Class, you take off
  1084. [2012-12-09 09:53:26] <Makara> (cloud spell works?)
  1085. [2012-12-09 09:53:35] <CJ> Makara's spell has worked, and as the drake looks up it sees nothing but an odd cloud flying rapidly in to the snowy night
  1086. [2012-12-09 09:53:37] <Class> (I sayd when everyone is on my back except for baruch)
  1087. [2012-12-09 09:53:52] <CJ> Yep, everyone is on you. :)
  1088. [2012-12-09 09:53:54] <Baruch> (I'm on your back as well)
  1089. [2012-12-09 09:53:57] <Helpax> (not quite yet...)
  1090. [2012-12-09 09:54:00] <CJ> Baruch is flying alongside I guess
  1091. [2012-12-09 09:54:11] <CJ> Ah Helpax, have you not jumped on?
  1092. [2012-12-09 09:54:17] <Class> (Good but you would be the lesser problem as you can fly on your own ^^)
  1093. [2012-12-09 09:54:36] <Helpax> !roll 1d10+6 (Magic Addiction)
  1094. [2012-12-09 09:54:37] <MagicBot> Helpax, (Magic Addiction): 10 :4+6
  1095. [2012-12-09 09:54:57] <Helpax> (I'm on the Owl...just a little high)
  1096. [2012-12-09 09:55:07] <Baruch> (Ok, so we're all there)
  1097. [2012-12-09 09:55:15] <Helpax> *Need a bigger cloud*
  1098. [2012-12-09 09:55:22] <Class> (I get first away from the river for 10 min or so in hope it dont follow us and then turn to the right direction)
  1099. [2012-12-09 09:55:23] <CJ> The owl climbs higher an dhigher, then in a graceful swoop dives low over the snow covered landscape.
  1100. [2012-12-09 09:55:31] <Makara> *The cloud is the size of the owl*
  1101. [2012-12-09 09:55:40] <CJ> You fly for the next hour or so, making you way roughly south west again
  1102. [2012-12-09 09:55:50] <CJ> Anyone want to do anything?
  1103. [2012-12-09 09:56:00] <CJ> Edith is hanging on to Silas still terrified
  1104. [2012-12-09 09:56:01] * Helpax quietly keeps trying to make an illsion of a snowstorm
  1105. [2012-12-09 09:56:05] <Calpurnia> pet class
  1106. [2012-12-09 09:56:12] * Silas_ tries to get Edith to teach english again
  1107. [2012-12-09 09:56:13] <CJ> and keeping him between her and Calpurnia at all times
  1108. [2012-12-09 09:56:24] <CJ> OK, she tries, but she is stammerring in fear
  1109. [2012-12-09 09:56:36] <Calpurnia> (don't blame her)
  1110. [2012-12-09 09:56:37] <Helpax> (I know I'm going to keep failing my magic addiction roll so, meh)
  1111. [2012-12-09 09:56:41] <CJ> Class, Calpurnia is ruffling your tufts :)
  1112. [2012-12-09 09:56:43] * Makara goes to sleep on the feather cloud bed
  1113. [2012-12-09 09:56:52] <CJ> ;)
  1114. [2012-12-09 09:57:16] <CJ> OK, the journey is much like last nights, so is anyonme doing anything in the next three or four hours?
  1115. [2012-12-09 09:57:28] <Helpax> "It's ok Edith, that's the forth drake we have faced this trip! You're in good hands"
  1116. [2012-12-09 09:57:30] <Calpurnia> hmm stargaze?
  1117. [2012-12-09 09:57:32] <Baruch> (Just resting)
  1118. [2012-12-09 09:57:36] <Class> (Yes mye flying ^^)
  1119. [2012-12-09 09:57:59] <Silas_> just trying to calm Edith down with poor english :p
  1120. [2012-12-09 09:58:04] * Helpax makes sure anyone sleeping doesn't fall off
  1121. [2012-12-09 09:58:26] <CJ> :)
  1122. [2012-12-09 09:58:39] <CJ> Edith seems slightly reasurred, but is sobbing for her lost home
  1123. [2012-12-09 09:58:47] <CJ> First time you have seen her really scared
  1124. [2012-12-09 09:58:48] <Calpurnia> Question CJ could I use Artes liberales astronomy and enigamatic wisdom interpeting signs to look for signs in the stars?
  1125. [2012-12-09 09:59:00] <CJ> Except when she has to talk to Calpurnia!
  1126. [2012-12-09 09:59:05] <CJ> Yes you can :)
  1127. [2012-12-09 09:59:14] <Calpurnia> What should I roll?
  1128. [2012-12-09 09:59:49] <Calpurnia> the attribute?
  1129. [2012-12-09 09:59:59] <CJ> Per + enigmatic Wisdom
  1130. [2012-12-09 10:00:24] <Calpurnia> well that will most likely fail without astronomy so here goes
  1131. [2012-12-09 10:00:28] <CJ> Class can you make a Per + Wilderness Sense directions roll please?
  1132. [2012-12-09 10:00:31] <Calpurnia> !roll 1d10+2
  1133. [2012-12-09 10:00:32] <MagicBot> Calpurnia: 11 :9+2
  1134. [2012-12-09 10:00:38] <Calpurnia> wowo
  1135. [2012-12-09 10:00:43] <CJ> I'm taking the astronomy in to account Calpurnia :)
  1136. [2012-12-09 10:00:53] <Class> !roll 1d10+6 (+1 extra if Direction)
  1137. [2012-12-09 10:00:54] <MagicBot> Class, (+1 extra if Direction): 12 :6+6
  1138. [2012-12-09 10:00:54] <Calpurnia> oh then add 3
  1139. [2012-12-09 10:00:59] <CJ> OK CAlpurnia, I'll need to email you the anser but you get an insight :)
  1140. [2012-12-09 10:01:13] <CJ> OK, I need to wrap up in a few minutes.
  1141. [2012-12-09 10:01:18] <Helpax> kk
  1142. [2012-12-09 10:01:35] <Calpurnia> No prob been interesting running away and petting/cuddling owls
  1143. [2012-12-09 10:01:47] <Calpurnia> and giving dogs nightmares
  1144. [2012-12-09 10:01:54] <Silas_> (near miss once again ^^)
  1145. [2012-12-09 10:02:01] <CJ> Class, you fly back and forth over Salisbury Plain, searching for Stonehenge. It is exactly midnightt when you see a field of huts, tents, and even a small stone tower! And standing amidst them, ringed by wagons, you see this
  1146. [2012-12-09 10:02:05] <Helpax> (Yes, and not pssing out while casting spells!)
  1147. [2012-12-09 10:02:07] <CJ>
  1148. [2012-12-09 10:02:10] <CJ> Have a look :)
  1149. [2012-12-09 10:02:35] <Makara> (we are there guys, finally)
  1150. [2012-12-09 10:02:36] <Class> *We are there*
  1151. [2012-12-09 10:02:38] <CJ> There are mena in armour, figures in robes, and large bonfires burning all around.
  1152. [2012-12-09 10:02:40] <Helpax> *I think we're here*
  1153. [2012-12-09 10:02:46] <CJ> You have found the Tribunal!
  1154. [2012-12-09 10:03:02] <CJ> And as Class prepares toland we must leave it for this week
  1155. [2012-12-09 10:03:04] <CJ> :)
  1156. [2012-12-09 10:03:05] <Calpurnia> Well goal one has finished. I have completed one mission without dieing
  1157. [2012-12-09 10:03:06] <Class> (Good break point :) )
  1158. [2012-12-09 10:03:12] <Baruch_> "At long last!"
  1159. [2012-12-09 10:03:14] * Silas_ looks over the edge nearly passing out with fatigue
  1160. [2012-12-09 10:03:22] <Helpax> (Thank you Sir
  1161. [2012-12-09 10:03:24] <CJ> Todays session is called "Three men in a Boat, to say nothing of the Owl!"
  1162. [2012-12-09 10:03:33] <CJ> Everyone ok?
  1163. [2012-12-09 10:03:36] <Makara> k
  1164. [2012-12-09 10:03:43] <Class> ^^
  1165. [2012-12-09 10:03:44] <Baruch_> (Yeah, thanks!)
  1166. [2012-12-09 10:03:45] <Silas_> Sounds good, thanks Cj :)
  1167. [2012-12-09 10:03:48] <CJ> Sorry it has taken so long to getthei far, but good chance for you to get to know your characters
  1168. [2012-12-09 10:03:52] <Class> Btw eveyone have time next Sunday?
  1169. [2012-12-09 10:03:54] <Calpurnia> Well the owl was covered by a cape so yeah they probably didn't know it even existed
  1170. [2012-12-09 10:04:08] <Helpax> It's been fun. Thank you
  1171. [2012-12-09 10:04:10] <CJ> I can't do next Saturday, but can do Sunday
  1172. [2012-12-09 10:04:20] <Calpurnia> Unless something pops up I should be there sunday
  1173. [2012-12-09 10:04:28] <Silas_> I'll try to make an appearance next Sunday, but can't promise it for sure
  1174. [2012-12-09 10:04:28] <CJ> Thanks to Nyaa for doing the logs :)
  1175. [2012-12-09 10:04:33] <Makara> np
  1176. [2012-12-09 10:04:34] <Class> Sunday works for me
  1177. [2012-12-09 10:04:35] <Calpurnia> Agreed
  1178. [2012-12-09 10:04:35] <CJ> Oh and this may amuse -
  1179. [2012-12-09 10:05:08] <CJ> I am afraid it is quite hard for me to referee by IRC, nevr done it before
  1180. [2012-12-09 10:05:11] <Class> And thanks CJ for todays game session :)
  1181. [2012-12-09 10:05:12] <Baruch_> Yeah, Sunday should work for me as well
  1182. [2012-12-09 10:05:13] <CJ> I'm trying though!
  1183. [2012-12-09 10:05:37] <Makara> you're doing it right
  1184. [2012-12-09 10:05:40] <Calpurnia> what the hell am i watching
  1185. [2012-12-09 10:05:43] <Helpax> You're doing fine and sunday is ok for me
  1186. [2012-12-09 10:05:53] <Silas_> its much fun CJ no worries :)
  1187. [2012-12-09 10:05:54] <Helpax> Spinal Tap
  1188. [2012-12-09 10:05:57] <Calpurnia> okay it got better
  1189. [2012-12-09 10:05:59] <Baruch_> I think you're doing great as well
  1190. [2012-12-09 10:06:08] <CJ> Yes. It's nothing like Spinal Tap.
  1191. [2012-12-09 10:06:32] <CJ> I actually drove to Stonehenge tow weeks ago, on my way back from the convention, arrived in pitch darkness
  1192. [2012-12-09 10:06:40] <CJ> Was quite nice to see it in the dark
  1193. [2012-12-09 10:06:45] |<-- Baruch has left (Ping timeout)
  1194. [2012-12-09 10:06:46] =-= Baruch_ is now known as Baruch
  1195. [2012-12-09 10:07:25] <CJ> Calpurnia, Spinal Tap are a parody of English metal bands
  1196. [2012-12-09 10:07:26] <Class> So we managed it to get ther in time? :)
  1197. [2012-12-09 10:07:39] <CJ> Yes.The Tribunal starts at dawn
  1198. [2012-12-09 10:07:44] <Baruch> Ok, see you next sunday at the same time! I have to go now
  1199. [2012-12-09 10:07:45] <Makara> wow barely made it
  1200. [2012-12-09 10:07:51] <Silas_> phew ^^
  1201. [2012-12-09 10:07:52] <Class> cu
  1202. [2012-12-09 10:08:00] <CJ> yep me too. My Ars Magica players are all here
  1203. [2012-12-09 10:08:11] <CJ> I'm running Ars set in the south of France for next six hours
  1204. [2012-12-09 10:08:13] <CJ> :)
  1205. [2012-12-09 10:08:18] <Calpurnia> Amasing considering everything we faced.
  1206. [2012-12-09 10:08:24] <Class> Have fun then :)
  1207. [2012-12-09 10:08:26] <Silas_> aye, I should head off. Thanks for the run :)
  1208. [2012-12-09 10:08:36] <Makara> aye, my breton would had be useful there
  1209. [2012-12-09 10:09:07] <Helpax> I should get some sleep too, ciao all
  1210. [2012-12-09 10:09:16] <Class> OK I'm off then also, cu
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