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Friendship Truly is Magic: The Sequel

a guest
Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. >It's been three years since you've been to this place.
  2. >Just thinking about this place makes your blood somehow boil and run cold at the same time.
  3. >You really didn't want to come here, but...
  4. >"I know that look, Anon. You can't keep running from this..."
  5. >The voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you look over to the seat next to you.
  6. >Silver Bit. A sweet, silver-coated unicorn you met her after you ended up in a small city on the other side of the Everfree.
  7. "I... I know that, Silver. It's just..."
  8. >"It's hard, I know..." she finishes for you.
  9. >You look out the window, watching the scenery whisk by.
  10. >You start thinking back on what happened.
  11. >You showed up in Ponyville about 5 years ago, with no explanation.
  12. >You lived in Ponyville for about two years. You even had your own house, all paid for.
  13. >Overall, ponies didn't like you much, being such a freaky outsider, but you still quickly made friends.
  14. >Or so you thought.
  15. >By accident, you found out what they really thought of you; they hated you. They only pretended to be your friends out of pity.
  16. >You were barely holding on from your situation to begin with, and learning that just broke you.
  17. >You did the only thing you could think of; you packed your things and left in the night. If they didn't want you around, then they'd get what they wanted.
  18. >With a stroke of luck, and the help of a friend, you made your way through the Everfree Forest, and find a small city on the other side.
  19. >And that's where you met Silver Bit. She lent you a helping hoof and go your back on your feet.
  20. >She got you a job as her assistant in her workshop, mostly doing paperwork and stuff like that, but work was work.
  21. >You got yourself a house, and everything looked like it was going well, until you realized thing were going exactly like they had before.
  22. >You started shutting ponies out, even Silver Bit, until she pried the whole story from you, and she set out to prove you wrong. You're glad she did.
  23. >Things started looking better and better as time went on. You made real friends.
  24. >But you still couldn't get over what happened.
  25. >Getting out of there helped, but you aren't sure if you'd ever get over it.
  26. >You still cry about it sometimes, and see those ponies in your sleep.
  27. >So now, three years later, Silver's dragged you onto a train bound for Ponyville, with the intent to face everypony.
  28. >She says that facing them and getting closure will help you get over it, for good. You're not sure you believe her, though.
  29. >She nudges you with her hoof.
  30. >"It'll be fine, Anon. I'm here for you." she tells you with a reassuring smile.
  31. >You look back out the window, and you can see Ponyville on the horizon.
  32. >There's no turning back now.
  33. >Both you and Silver Bit sit in silence for the rest of the trip.
  34. >As you approach the town, you start getting more nervous and you fidget in your seat.
  35. >You feel her hoof on your hand, but you don't pay it any mind.
  36. >What are you even going to do when you get there?
  37. >You can't just ignore them, you're here to confront the issue.
  38. >Will they even remember you? Did they even find the note you left them?
  39. >The plan, as far as you were told, was to find each pony individually and basically show them that you're doing fine without them. That no matter what they had done to you, you came out on top.
  40. >But you're not sure how you're supposed to even do that.
  41. >Yell at them and get angry? Act smugly and condescending? Give them a taste of their own medicine?
  42. >It's been three years. You're less mad about the whole situation and more upset.
  43. >You don't know if you'd be able to be an asshole right back at them.
  44. >Sure they'd deserve it, but...
  45. >You feel the train slow down, and it brings you out of your thoughts.
  46. > You look out the window; the train's pulled in to Ponyville Station.
  47. >You shoot Silver Bit a worried glance, and she nods.
  48. >"It's showtime, Anon."
  49. "Yeah. Showtime."
  50. >You step off the train with Silver Bit, and look up at a hanging sign.
  51. "Welcome to Ponyvile."
  52. >The two of you step out of the station, and you take everything in.
  53. >The place looks just about the same. Except, you know, the giant crystal castle in the center of town.
  54. >You had heard that there was a big thing that happened while you were gone, involving some goat/centaur/demon thing that was stealing magic from everyone. Twilight and her friends all fought against it and saved the world again.
  55. >You hate hearing news like that. The fact that those assholes are the ones always saving the world both drives you up the wall and depresses you.
  56. >That ponies who can be so heartless to a nobody like you getting involved in all sorts of heroics.
  57. >Silver Bit notices your discomfort "Come on, Anon. You'll have to get it together if we want to show them you're doing fine!"
  58. >You nod, and look around. You're not sure who you should start with.
  59. >There's Rarity, who was always more vocal about her...distaste of you.
  60. >Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who surprised you the most with their behaviour.
  61. >Applejack, the element of honesty, you found funny considering she lied about being your friend for two years.
  62. >Rainbow Dash didn't surprise you much, considering how much of an ass she was to you in the first place.
  63. >And Twilight Sparkle... Rather, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.
  64. >You frown, just thinking about the irony there. You think you'll save her for last.
  65. >You're about to ask Silver Bit for her advice, when a quiet, high pitched noise catches your attention, quickly getting louder and louder.
  66. >And then you're knocked over onto the floor by a pink blur.
  67. >You're not sure if it's just the fact that whomever it is is talking too fast, or the fact your head hit the dirt, you're having a hard time understanding what they're saying.
  68. >"What the hay are you doing?!" you hear Silver Bit yell.
  69. >Once you calm down a little, you finally can tell who the assulting pony is; Pinkie Pie.
  70. >Your decision's been made for you, it seems.
  71. >Silver Bit pulls Pinkie Pie off of you with her magic, and drops her unceremoniously on the ground.
  72. >You rub the back of your head, not really paying much attention to the two ponies firing off at each other.
  73. >You stand up, and dust yourself off.
  74. "Hello, Pinkie Pie..."
  75. >Pinkie stops mouthing off at Silver Bit, and looks at you with tearful eyes "N-Nonny...! I-I can't believe it! You're alive!"
  76. >Your confusion must be very apparent, because Pinkie Pie just continues on "Wh-When we found that letter in your house, saying that you left into the Everfree, we went looking for you, and we couldn't find you or a body, so we thought you were dead, and... and..."
  77. >Pinkie can't keep going, and just starts bawling right there, and yelling "I'm sorry!", over and over.
  78. >You don't know how to react to this. She's just spewing all this at you and you can't handle it.
  79. >Silver Bit notices your discomfort, and grabs Pinkie's sobbing maw, and shuts her up "Hold on, you don't get to cry like that, after what you did to Anon!" She then lets go of Pinkie Pie and looks over to you "Let her have it!"
  80. >You stop and stare at Pinkie Pie, and she just stares back with watery eyes.
  81. >The silence hangs, and you notice that your commotion's drawn a bit of a crowd. You sigh.
  82. "...Not out here. Pinkie, you still work at Sugarcube Corner, right?"
  83. >She nods silently.
  84. "Then we'll talk there."
  85. >She stands up and asks "Sh-Should I get the girls?"
  86. >You shake your head.
  87. "Hell no. We're doing this one-on-one."
  88. >You don't think you'd be able to keep your nerve facing all of them at once.
  89. >The three of you ignore the crowd and make your way across town and to the shop.
  90. >When you step inside, you see that everything is exactly how you remember it.
  91. >You kinda hoped that everything would look different, so that you wouldn't feel like you never left.
  92. >Pinkie follows in after you, and says "W-We can go upstairs to talk..." quietly.
  93. >You nod, and look over at Silver Bit.
  94. "Do you mind waiting down here?"
  95. >She gives you a worried look "Are you sure you'll be alright?"
  96. "Yeah... I think so."
  97. >She nods her head, and goes take a seat in a booth to wait.
  98. >You look back at Pinkie Pie.
  99. "Lead the way."
  100. >Her head droops sadly as she leads you upstairs. She looks back at you and says "If it's not too much trouble... Could we do this quietly? The babies are sleeping..."
  101. "You're a mom, Pinkie?"
  102. >She shakes her head "No no, they aren't mine... They're Mr. and Mrs. Cake's."
  103. "Ah."
  104. >You both reach her bedroom, and she offers you a seat on her bed. She sits on the floor.
  105. >You could cut the tension with a knife.
  106. >You take a deep breath, and begin unloading everything on her.
  107. "Pinkie Pie. What you and the others did... it broke me. It broke me and I don't know if I'll ever even forgive you all for it. I was ripped away from my world, with nothing left but what I had on me at the time. I never expected everyone to like me, but you and the Elements... You all made me feel welcome. You helped me get on my feet. But it was all a lie. When I left Ponyville, I thought I was just going to be a lost cause, wandering around aimlessly until I died. But I wasn't, and I didn't. I made my way through the forest, and made some real friends on the other side. It took me some time, but I overcame it. I'm here to tell you that no matter what you say, or what you think, I succeeded and made friends. I made a life for myself. So there."
  108. >You stare down at Pinkie Pie, but she's not even looking at you. She's staring at the floor in sadness.
  109. >"...I'm sorry." she whimpers "I know you don't want my apology, but I want you to know... you're always going to be my friend." she starts.
  110. >And that's when the tears start coming "I know I said that I thought you were boring... and that you weren't fun... I know I said some mean things back then, but I want you to know that I always thought of you my friend, and while I'm sad that you don't want to be friends with me, I'm happy you found friends of your own..."
  111. >She looks up at you through her whole bit, and you just stare back. You're not sure how to take this, so you sorta get upset.
  112. "Got dammit... You're not allowed to say shit like that! You're not allowed to make me feel bad for coming back here to show you all how well I'm doing!"
  113. >You throw your hands up in the air with a huff and get up. You're about to leave, when you hear Pinkie start giggling to herself.
  114. "What the hell's so funny?"
  115. >She's giggling through her tears "I can't help it...Your fits were always so adorable... I missed them."
  116. >You sigh inwardly. You were either expecting them to be completely devastated, or mad at you. Not understanding at sad!
  117. "Whatever... I said what I need to say. I need to go find the others. Are they still doing the same thing they used to?"
  118. >Pinkie wipes the tears from her eyes "Yeah, they are... Except for Twilight. She's a princess now! Big crystal castle and everything..."
  119. "Alright, thanks..." you tell her curtly, before starting to make your way out.
  120. >When you get downstairs, you go find Silver Bit, and make your way to her booth.
  121. "Having fun?" you ask, looking at the plate full of pastries on her table.
  122. >"Come on, I've been good with my diet! I can afford to cheat!" she snaps back with a full mouth. She gulps down her food "But enough about that... How'd it go up there?"
  123. "It was... weird. I'll tell you about it later." you sigh.
  124. >She gives you a quick nod, and gets out of the booth "I'll hold you to that. Let me just go pay, and we can go find the next pony."
  125. >You watch Silver Bit walk to the counter, and talk with Mr. Cake, when you notice Pinkie walk down the stairs and start making her way towards you.
  126. >"Hey, Nonny...?"
  127. "...Yeah?"
  128. >She plays with her hooves "I was just wondering... Could I come along with you today? It's been three years, and we all thought you were dead, and..."
  129. >She loses her voice, muttering something quietly and averting your gaze.
  130. >You sigh. Do you really want to?
  131. "...Fine. So long as you keep quiet, okay?"
  132. >Pinkie's face stretches into a grin that threatens to split her face in two, and she starts nodding quickly.
  133. >Silver Bit makes her way back to the two of you, and gives Pinkie a look of disgust "What is she doing here?"
  134. >You quickly explain the situation, and tell her that Pinkie's coming too.
  135. >She looks between the both of you "Are you... sure that's a good idea? I mean... She /was/ one of the ponies who-"
  136. "I know, I know. But if she stays quiet, I don't care. It's a free country." you cut her off.
  137. >She shakes her head "If you're sure..."
  138. >The three of you make your way outside, and you lose yourself in your thoughts again.
  139. >Nothing's been going as expected today, what with Pinkie's reaction, and even how you're taking all this.
  140. >You basically scrap whatever plans you had for handling this; clearly, you'll just have to wing it.
  141. >And speaking of 'winging it', you notice Rainbow Dash on a cloud, napping.
  142. >Again, it seems the choice has been taken away from you.
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