
Chivalry Pt. 5

Mar 28th, 2013
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  1. H-How are you feeling, my Lord?
  2. >You mutter into the cave, the new day just dawning.
  3. >Despite your newfound power and confidence, you still feel an incredible air of uneasiness around your superior.
  4. >A deep, thoughtful rumble echoes in response to your question.
  5. >You hide slightly behind your mane.
  6. >"With your help, my dear Fluttershy, just a bit better."
  7. >You smile ever so slightly.
  8. I'm s-so glad to hear it...
  9. >The morning sun creeps gently into the cave, reflecting softly off of his razor sharp teeth as he grins.
  10. >"In my time," he begins, waving his clawed arm around conversationally, "the very existence of myself struck awe and fear into the hearts of everyp0ny in Equestria."
  11. >You look to the ground, and try to picture such a time in Equestrian history, where the p0nies lived under the constant fear of this... monster.
  12. >Where were Celestia and Luna?
  13. >"At this point," he begins, breaking your train of thought, "I'd be pleasantly surprised if even the creatures throughout the Everfree Forest felt this sensation..."
  14. >He yawns, his long, black snout opening, giving sight of his deep, long throat.
  15. >You cower at the sight slightly, easing back a little towards the entrance of the cave.
  16. >He sees this, and chuckles, green fire and smoke spewing slightly around his maw.
  17. >"Fear not, Fluttershy. You know I will never harm, only help."
  18. >You stop, then slowly sit yourself back down onto the cave floor.
  19. >Your Lord grins.
  20. >"Your kindness is deteriorating at a smooth rate, my dear."
  21. >You look to the ground, and hide behind your mane a bit once more.
  22. >"Soon, your heart will be open to darkness, and all my powers will be yours to use..."
  23. >Your kindness...
  24. >...
  25. >Useless, anyway.
  26. >This is for Anonymous.
  27. >He's as good as yours.
  28. >Suddenly, you feel the cave rumble and shake.
  29. >Darting your head up, you see your master begin to stand on his four feet.
  30. >This is the first time you've seen him move any substantial amount.
  31. >"A little stretch, I think, would do me good," he says. "Of the body..." extending both pairs of legs, and each wing, "...and of the mind."
  32. >He grins a toothy smile as his eyes flare red for a brief moment.
  33. >You gaze upon your Lord.
  34. >...What was that?
  35. >You hardly notice the muffled roar from the forest.
  37. >Focus the mind.
  38. >The mind can do anything the voice can.
  39. >Only with more convenience.
  40. >You must channel this ability.
  41. >Make it your own.
  42. >You calm yourself, and tighten your concentration.
  43. >You think of the spell in your mind.
  44. >Name, form, method, even your spellbook's description.
  45. >Then...
  46. >You push out your hand, extending it outward.
  47. >You feel the heat well in your chest, then channel down your arm.
  48. >You feel and see the fire emerge from your hand...
  49. >...But that's about all it does.
  50. >No projectile, just a handheld firestarter.
  51. >You sigh a little.
  52. At least I've made SOME progress.
  53. >Yeah, look on the bright side.
  54. >This isn't an easy process.
  55. >You smile a little at your own pick-me-up, and wipe your hand a little on your tunic.
  56. >...That's probably enough of that for one day.
  57. >You leave the basement, beginning to head upstairs.
  58. >The day is young, and there are several other things you could study or practice until Twilight is ready for today's lesson.
  59. >Each step thuds as your leather boots come down on them.
  60. >You make your way into the main area of the library, passing a focused and studious Twilight, nose-deep in a good read.
  61. >You smile at this, and enter your own room and area of study.
  62. >Stretching out a bit, you reach up to your bookshelf and pull out a tome of Basic Practical Magic, cracking it open and taking a seat at your desk.
  63. >Quite the relaxing late morning, for sure.
  65. >About half an hour later, you hear the main door creak open from your room.
  66. >"Hey Twilight," you hear.
  67. >It's Spike.
  68. >You continue reading and studying, but still listening in on the conversation in the other room.
  69. >Not to be rude or anything.
  70. >It's just audible and public.
  71. >"Oh, hi Spike," Twilight responds.
  72. >You hear the soft sound of a page flipping.
  73. >Funny, you're just about to flip your own.
  74. >You do so, scanning the lines carefully.
  75. >"Did you pick up everything from the market?" Twilight inquires.
  76. >"Naah. Well, most of it," Spike responds.
  77. >This spell would be a lot easier with a horn...
  78. >"What? Why not? Wasn't everyp0ny there?"
  79. >"No, not today. There's some kind of commotion going on, a few p0nies seem panicked over something."
  80. >"Hmm..." Twilight wonders.
  81. >"Applejack wasn't even there."
  82. >"Well THAT'S strange, that mare would never miss a day of work!"
  83. >Well, your hand might not make an aura of magic, but that shouldn't change too much from what's listed here...
  84. >"I dunno, don't ask me, Twi. I got everything else."
  85. >You head the sound of groceries plop down onto the table.
  86. >"You know where I am if you need me."
  87. >Footsteps trail up the stairs.
  88. >And that seems to be the end of that.
  89. >You reread over a few lines, trying to ensure that they'll stick.
  90. >Soft hoofsteps approach the threshold of your door.
  91. >"Anon...?"
  92. >You perk up your head and turn to meet the purple p0ny.
  93. Yes, Twilight?
  94. >She looks out toward P0nyville.
  95. >She sighs a little.
  96. >Seems to be worried.
  97. >"...I'm just--"
  98. >Frantic banging on the door interrupts her speech.
  99. >You and Twilight dart your gazes to each other instantly.
  100. >Faces full of confusion and curiosity.
  101. >She averts her eyes and begins to head toward the door.
  102. >You mark your page and shut the tome, opting to see what the commotion is about.
  103. >Twilight has the door open by the time you make your way over.
  104. >"Applejack? What's wrong? Why do you look so exhausted?"
  105. >You cross into Applejack's field of vision yourself, standing next to Twilight.
  106. >She looks back and forth to both you and Twilight, panting.
  107. >"Catch your breath, AJ!" Twilight cries.
  108. Miss Applejack, please, what's troubling you?
  109. >She pants one or two more times.
  110. >"Muh... muh... Manticore!"
  111. >Twilight's eyes shoot open.
  112. >"What!? A manticore!?"
  113. >You look to them quizically.
  114. >You've heard that name before...
  115. >Applejack nods rapidly.
  116. >"A manticore! No lie! Thang's up on the farm right now!"
  117. >Twilight looks in shock.
  118. >"Reckon it came right frum th' Everfree Forest, and BOY is it mad!"
  119. >She takes a deep, panicked breath.
  120. >"Ah'm worried fer the crops, sure, but mah family's what really concerns me!"
  121. >Twilight turns to you.
  122. >"Anon...!"
  123. Of course, Twilight!
  124. >You understand the seriousness of the situation.
  125. >Running to your room, you grab your blade and attach it to your belt.
  126. >You bolt back into the living room.
  127. >As you approach, you give Twilight a nod, and you two swiftly depart from the library.
  128. >As soon as you're outside, you three take off as quickly as you can toward Sweet Apple Acres.
  129. >It's all the way across town... Applejack must have sprinted the entire way.
  130. >And now she's sprinting the entire way back.
  131. >What a strong mare this is.
  132. >You three dash through town.
  133. >Before you know it, and luckily, before you're out of breath, you hit the edge of town and begin sprinting down the dirt pathway to the farm.
  134. >As you three run toward the farmhouse, you gaze toward the seemingly endless trees of the orchard.
  135. >Some, further off, seem to be brutalized, snapped, knocked over, or completely torn out of the ground.
  136. >Apples are spilled all over from the attacked trees.
  137. >What happened here...?
  138. >You, Twilight, and Applejack finally arrive at the house.
  139. >An elderly green p0ny sits on a porch swing, holding a trembling yellow filly close to her.
  140. >Hey, you know that filly...
  141. >"Granny Smith!" Applejack calls as you finally halt, "Where's Big Macintosh?!"
  142. >The elderly p0ny, Granny Smith, slowly raises her head.
  143. >"Ah, 'bout time yew showed up," she says in an old, withered voice. "Whin Ah was yer age, Ah ran all th' way 'cross P0nyville in recerd time... coulda beat yer sorry plot any day o' the week..."
  144. >"Granny!" Applejack shouts.
  145. >She looks to you and Twilight.
  146. >"These the two fellers who're gonna help us with our little predicament?" she inquires.
  147. >Applejack nods.
  148. >The poor, shaking yellow filly takes notice of you.
  149. >She instantly perks up.
  150. >"Sir Knight Anonymous!" she calls!
  151. >The name strikes you with surprise.
  152. >But you shake it off, chuckling a little.
  153. >You bow before her.
  154. At your service, Miss.
  155. >She giggles.
  156. >"Are you gonna help us? Are you gonna defeat the big mean manticore attackin' the orchard?"
  157. >You can't help but smile at the young filly's enthusiasm.
  158. >You place your hand on your blade.
  159. Yes, Miss. I will do everything in my power to assist you and your family.
  160. >You say with a smile.
  161. >Her eyes shine with admiration and wonder.
  162. >"Now Granny," AJ chimes back in, "you never told me, where's Big Mac?"
  163. >She rocks back and forth.
  164. >"Feller went off inta th' orcherd himself, said he'd handle things til Twilight showed up..."
  165. >The color drains from Applejack's face.
  166. >"Ah tried ta stop 'im, but the big brute wouldn't take no fer an' answer. 'N Ah can't do nuthin' physically. Ain't what Ah used ta' be."
  167. >A bead of sweat trails from AJ's forehead, down her cheek.
  168. >This isn't good.
  169. Applejack,
  170. >You say, grabbing her attention.
  171. if you're worried for your brother, we must make haste after him. Let us waste no time.
  172. >She snaps back into reality, and nods her head.
  173. >"Y-Yeah. C'mon, guys, let's hurry!"
  174. >With that, you, AJ, and Twilight take off into the sea of apple trees.
  175. >Luckily, closer to the house seems to be untouched.
  176. >But as you get deeper into the orchard, you happen upon the decimated crops you saw upon entering.
  177. >"If we follow this trail of destruction, we should find our culprit!" Deduces Twilight.
  178. >You sprint up the various small hills and around the torn up dirt, dodge the felled trees and advance as swiftly as possible.
  179. >As you hit the peak of a small incline, something red in the distance snags your eye.
  180. >It seems to have the attention of the other p0nies as well.
  181. >"Oh no..." Applejack whimpers.
  182. >You look to her, then back to the red mass.
  183. >...Oh, no.
  184. >Her brother...?
  185. >Applejack charges down the hill as fast as she can, booking it toward her kin.
  186. >You and Twilight chase after her as fast as you're able to.
  187. >The wind breezes past your face as you stress your legs to take you as far as possible.
  188. >"Please. Please be okay..." Twilight murmurs as you close the gap.
  189. >You practically slide to a stop.
  190. >Applejack is hunched over the large red p0ny, horsecollar around his neck.
  191. >His front right leg has a rather large gash in it.
  192. >He's alive and conscious, though, gritting his teeth as he tries to stand.
  193. >"Stay down, Big Mac! You're hurt!"
  194. >The stubborn stallion shakes his head.
  195. >"Nnnope..." he mutters.
  196. >He places his hoof down, then slowly tries to apply pressure.
  197. >He makes it up a few inches, then winces in pain, falling back down hard to the ground.
  198. >Applejack gasps.
  199. >"Stop it, Mac, you'll only make it worse!"
  200. >Big Mac groans.
  201. >He knows he's incapacitated.
  202. >"Twi and Anonymous 're here, they'll take care of that monster!"
  203. >The injured p0ny looks at you two.
  204. >You approach him and crouch down.
  205. Please, Big Mac, allow us to assist. You're hurt. You've fought valiantly.
  206. >He groans once more, then sighs.
  207. >Applejack exhales a breath of relief, then turns to Twilight.
  208. >"Don't reckon you got any spells that kin fix 'em up, do ya?"
  209. >Twilight begins to approach Big Mac.
  210. >You get up and step out of the way, allowing Twilight to take your spot.
  211. >She examines the wound.
  212. >"...Well, medicinal spells aren't a strong suit of mine... but I know a few..."
  213. >Applejack smiles, hopeful.
  214. >"...But it'll take a while. This isn't something instantaneous."
  215. >And the smile slowly fades.
  216. >She nods slowly.
  217. >"So... the manticore..."
  218. >Twilight looks to Applejack, and shakes her head solemnly.
  219. >"Not if I need to stay here and help Big Mac."
  220. >She then turns to you, and smiles a little.
  221. >"And not when you have somep0ny equally capable right here."
  222. >You're a little taken aback by this statement.
  223. >But it sinks in a little, and you smile back.
  224. >"AJ." Twilight says sternly. "Go on ahead with Anon. I know you two can take care of that creature yourselves."
  225. >You and Applejack lock eyes.
  226. >And both nod.
  227. >"Thank you, Miss Twilight," Big Macintosh adds.
  228. >Twilight gives him a warm smile.
  229. >"And Anon,"
  230. >You turn your attention to him.
  231. >"...Please keep mah sister safe."
  232. >You grip the hilt of your sword and nod.
  233. You have my word.
  234. >Big Mac returns your nod.
  235. >"Now git going, you two!"
  236. Right!
  237. >Applejack locks eyes with you, then darts ahead.
  238. >You give chase, trailing shortly behind her.
  240. >The orchard goes deeper than you ever could have imagined.
  241. >So many trees completely uprooted or snapped.
  242. >In such little time.
  243. >How powerful is this creature...?
  244. >You continue jumping logs and weaving around torn up Earth.
  245. >Finally...
  246. >You begin to hear the snapping of wood.
  247. >And booming of something heavy dropping.
  248. >Applejack looks over to you.
  249. >A bone-chilling snarl is heard from over the next hill.
  250. >Her attention redirected once more, you both quickly advance up the incline.
  251. >At the top, you gaze down to the creature below.
  252. >A giant, bat-winged lion with a scorpion's tail is lashing out at the trees.
  253. >He slams his clawed paws down hard onto the trunks, blistering them with each hit.
  254. >Apples careen out from the tops of the crop.
  255. >As he continues forward, his powerful tail finishes his paw's job, smashing into the splintered wood, severing it in two.
  256. >It crackles loudly before falling down to the earth with a deafening boom.
  257. >Applejack just stares at the creature.
  258. Applejack.
  259. >You state.
  260. >You grab her attention.
  261. >Her face is stern and determined.
  262. Are you ready?
  263. >...She's still, like a statue.
  264. >Then nods, expression unchanging.
  265. >You return it, and draw your blade from your belt.
  266. >You walk down the hill toward the creature, still resuming his hateful rampage.
  267. Halt!
  268. >You bellow.
  269. >The manticore freezes.
  270. >His tail slaps violently against one more tree, crushing it in two, before he turns around and faces you.
  271. >You're instantly taken aback.
  272. >Those eyes...
  273. >You've seen those eyes before.
  274. >They burrow deep into you.
  275. >...
  276. >You catch yourself, and shake the mild shock from you, returning to attention.
  277. >You point your sword at the creature.
  278. Cease this at once!
  279. >You have absolutely no idea if he can even understand you.
  280. >His eyes continue to stare into you.
  281. >...
  282. >Then, he roars.
  283. >A deep, guttural, frightening roar.
  284. >But you hold your ground.
  285. >The monster charges at you, tearing up earth with each step it takes.
  286. >It begins!
  287. >You quickly shoot out your left hand, fingers individually pointed.
  288. BRONTE!
  289. >Bolts of electricity jut from your fingertips.
  290. >They soar and dance through the air, before crashing into the creature.
  291. >He slows down to a stop and winces, the voltage flowing through his body.
  292. >You focus and flex your arm, concentrating the bolts.
  293. >The manticore freezes in pain, before it begins taking steps toward you once more.
  294. >Just an inconvenience, it seems.
  295. >You spread your fingers to stop the spell and bring your hand back to your body.
  296. >The manticore stops for just a second, before shaking off the pain and charging once more.
  297. >You dive out of the way, narrowly avoiding a bulldoze from this massive creature.
  298. >He digs his claws into the ground to brake, and spins around to face you once more.
  299. >You hold your sword out to him defensively, panting.
  300. >This thing is huge, powerful, and enraged.
  301. >Could you really take it?
  302. >He snorts, steam jutting from his nostrils, preparing another charge.
  303. >Suddenly, an apple pelts right into the side of his head.
  304. >What the--?
  305. >You both look at the source.
  306. >Applejack stands at the top of a hill, apple in hoof.
  307. >"Come 'n git me, ya varmin!"
  308. >She tosses the apple into the air and bucks it with her hind leg.
  309. >It careens at the creature, crashing square into his nose.
  310. >Blood trickles down from his nostril.
  311. >It beams rays of hate directly into Applejack.
  312. >Oh shoot.
  313. >Applejack, what are you doing!?
  314. >You can't have this creature out for her!
  315. >You gotta bring some of the heat back!
  316. >The manticore stomps down with his forepaw, beginning the ascent toward Applejack.
  317. >Not on your watch!
  318. IGNIS!
  319. >You yell, hand outstretched.
  320. >Most unlike earlier today, a ball of fire barrels out from your palm.
  321. >It connects, slamming into his side, spreading fire a few inches around before dissipating.
  322. >The monster yelps in pain, ceasing his advance.
  323. >A scorch marks your attack.
  324. >Nice hit!
  325. >But you'll need something a little more--
  326. >Oh shoot!
  327. >The creature barrels toward you at top speed.
  328. >You have no time to dodge!
  329. >Thinking on your toes, you quickly swipe your palm in front of you.
  330. CONTEGO!
  331. >A purple shield briefly appears in front of you.
  332. >The manticore takes no notice, and collides with your magical field.
  333. >Luckily, your shield absorbs any pain inflicted.
  334. >But it does nothing to stop the momentum.
  335. >Like a doll bumped by a beachball, you fly back at high speeds instantly from the attack, falling a good ten feet back before meeting the ground once more, and tumbling backwards.
  336. >A tree unfortunately stops your roll prematurely.
  337. >You slam hard into it, the abrupt stop from hard wood extremely painful.
  338. >You groan.
  339. >Ohh man...
  340. >"Anon!" you hear called.
  341. >You snap your eyes open once more.
  342. >The manticore is closing the gap quickly!
  343. >Think!
  344. >From your seated position, you launch your hand at a forward angle.
  345. VENTUS!
  346. >A strong gust of wind bellows from your palm, blowing the manticore off course.
  347. >He stumbles past you at high speeds, colliding with a nearby tree.
  348. >It splits down the middle, signifying an incredibly hard hit.
  349. >As quickly as you can, you rise to your feet, and run toward the incapacitated beast.
  350. >Holding it low, you swing your sword from below, bringing it up in a diagonal motion.
  351. >It carves into the side of the beast, blood arcing along with the pathway of your sword.
  352. >He roars and reels in pain.
  353. >As soon as you recover from your swing and prepare another, you feel an incredibly hard force bash into your leather armored tunic from behind.
  354. >You've forgotten about the tail!
  355. >You launch forward a bit from the bash, digging into the ground in front of you.
  356. >Your back feels like it's taken a cannonball shot.
  357. >Thank Pelor you had your armor.
  358. >But you're still in excruciating pain.
  359. >Face first in the dirt, you grit your teeth and plant your sword into the ground to help yourself up.
  360. >"Anon!" you hear once more.
  361. >The ground begins to rumble.
  362. >Better hurry!
  363. >You're rising to your feet as quickly as possible.
  364. >Suddenly, from behind you, you hear two soft collisions, and another roar.
  365. >Spinning your head around, you see Applejack firing more apples at the creature, drawing it away from you.
  366. >You get up on one knee, then push back up to both feet.
  367. >You ready your blade.
  368. >Gotta get that creature away from AJ!
  369. >The orange p0ny is no pushover, though.
  370. >She swiftly kicks apples at the creature, then nimbly dodges as he approaches, giving him a hard buck to the side.
  371. >The side you cut.
  372. >The creature reels in pain.
  373. >You run toward the two of them, dropping your hand low, then swiping it back up in an arc.
  374. GLACIES!
  375. >The ground cakes with ice briefly, causing the manticore to slip a little.
  376. >Then, as quickly as the ice appeared, a stalagmite of ice jets from the ground.
  377. >It pierces into the manticore's other side, eliciting a deep, painful roar from him.
  378. >He averts his attention from AJ and turns to you, snapping the stalagmite from the ground, ripping it from his body, and throwing it violently at you.
  379. >You think on your toes.
  380. VENTUS!
  381. >You yell, hand outstretched directly forward.
  382. >It blows the vaulting shard of ice directly back at the assaulter, colliding, on its side, directly into the creature's face.
  383. >It shatters with a high pitched shriek, and the manticore stumbles pack in pain and surprise.
  384. >You continue your run at the stunned monster, and prepare your blade.
  385. >You hold it close to you, point out, as you close the gap, then push as hard as you can into his chest.
  386. >The blade pierces his body, digging through the ribs and into the heart.
  387. >The monster opens his mouth, as if to bellow once more, but no noise comes out.
  388. >...
  389. >Weakly, he stares at you. Eyes burning with rage.
  390. >It unsettles you to no end.
  391. >Until finally, the last breath of life leaves the creature.
  392. >His eyes roll back, and he slumps down.
  393. >Lifeless.
  394. >...
  395. >You try to catch your breath.
  396. >Applejack slowly walks over to the felled beast.
  397. >You pull back hard, drawing the blade from his chest.
  398. >Stumbling a little, you regain your balance, then pull a cloth from one of your satchel pockets and wipe your blade clean before sheathing it.
  399. >All is silent...
  400. >...
  401. >"Ah just can't believe it..." Applejack finally says.
  402. >You acknowledge her with a look, still too tired to attempt talking.
  403. >"Ah've seen a manticore before, in th' forest... but it weren't nothin' like this... thing."
  404. >You take a few more deep breaths, then nod.
  405. >"Ah didn't even think they'd leave the forest at all..."
  406. >You approach her, and pat her on the back.
  407. We'll... worry about that... later... okay Applejack?
  408. >You say between breaths.
  409. >She looks to the beast once more, then nods.
  410. Come, let's see how your brother fares.
  411. >Applejack snaps to.
  412. >"Y-Yeah, let's see how Twi's treatin' Big Mac."
  413. >And with that, you both turn away, beginning your trek back.
  414. >You wince and stumble a little in pain, the damage from the battle beginning to take full effect after the adrenaline wears off.
  415. >Applejack takes notice of this.
  416. >"Ya alright?"
  417. >You look to her, and nod.
  418. Yes, I should be fine. Nothing broken.
  419. >If anyp0ny, Applejack can respect toughing it through something, within reason.
  420. >You two take your walk back mostly in silence.
  422. >After a much longer trip back than to, you finally arrive back at the farmhouse.
  423. >Granny Smith and the little yellow filly, Applebloom, still sit on the porch swing.
  424. >Twilight is wrapping gauze around Big Mac's leg.
  425. >She takes a moment to check the distance, and sees the two of you approaching.
  426. >"Oh, thank Celestia..." she exhales as she climbs to her hooves and gallops over to you two.
  427. >"Anon! Applejack!" she calls as she approaches.
  428. >"Hey there, Twi," AJ says nonchalantly.
  429. >You simply smile and wave.
  430. >You're exhausted.
  431. >"What happened? We heard the roars all the way from here! Are you okay? What of the manticore!?"
  432. >"Whoa, girl, take 'er slow!" Applejack says with a smile.
  433. >Twilight pants a little, suddenly aware of her mile-a-minute speech.
  434. >You begin approaching the farmhouse.
  435. >"Anon here took care of the manticore. It was a fierce battle! But he came out on top!"
  436. >Twilight looks to you and smiles.
  437. >"Though the boy took a few blows himself..."
  438. >You laugh a little.
  439. >"I can see that!" Twilight cries. "Are you okay?"
  440. >You take a moment.
  441. Yes, Twilight. I'm alright.
  442. >She looks to you with worry.
  443. >"We should still take you to the hospital or something, Anon..."
  444. >...You actually wouldn't object to that.
  445. >Applejack joins the conversation.
  446. >"How's Big Mac?" she asks, eyeing her older brother as the three of you finally arrive. "You holding up okay?"
  447. >He looks up to her, motioning to his wrapped hoof.
  448. >"Eeyup."
  449. >AJ smiles in relief.
  450. >"Was it bad?" she asks Twilight.
  451. >She shakes her head.
  452. >"No, not too bad. I don't think he'll need to go to a hospital or anything... but it was good we treated it when we could."
  453. >Applejack nods.
  454. >"Thank you, Twilight."
  455. >She turns to you.
  456. >"And thank YOU, Anon. That was mighty brave what ye did out there. Ah kin see why Applebloom likes ya so much."
  457. >You smile, and scratch the back of your head.
  458. >"Didja beat the manticore, Sir Knight Anonymous!?" you hear called from the porch swing.
  459. >You look over and laugh a little, and wave.
  460. Yes, the manticore has been defeated!
  461. >Applebloom cheers.
  462. >"Ah can't wait to tell the other girls and EVERYP0NY!!"
  463. >You look to the two other mares, and share a warm laugh.
  464. >You all sigh happily.
  465. >"...Now Anon, come on, we should get you to the hospital."
  466. >You look to the purple unicorn, and nod.
  467. >You say your goodbyes to the Apple family, and they say their thank yous once more.
  468. >You begin your trek to P0nyville hospital.
  469. >But not a whole lot is said on the way over.
  470. >...You feel you're both thinking the same thing.
  471. >First, Mr. Bear.
  472. >Now, some manticore.
  473. >...
  474. >What is going on?
  476. End of Part 5
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