
Anon - So Sorry

Jan 23rd, 2016
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  1. >"I-I'm sorry Anon, p-please..."
  2. >The young woman sinks into the couch, hiding behind her hair the best she can.
  3. "I am so fucking tired of your shit, Fluttershy! How many times, how many FUCKING TIMES have I told you about this?!"
  4. >The pink-haired girl stumbles over her words.
  5. >"U-uh, w-well, I just, sometimes I, I-I mean..."
  6. "Every fucking week you pull this shit, and every week I tell you to change. You say that you'll change, and what happens? You don't fucking change! I'm am seriously sick of your shit!"
  7. >You angrily pace back in forth in front of your wife.
  8. >When you had first met her she seemed like your dream girl.
  9. >She had everything you wanted in a girl.
  10. >Or so you thought.
  11. >You started dating her, and those first few months seemed like a waking dream.
  12. >When the first problems started to pop up, they seemed small and insignificant.
  13. >Nothing you couldn't handle, nothing the two of you couldn't work out, right?
  14. >Before you knew it, you asked her to marry you.
  15. >She said yes, of course.
  16. >Now, nearly a year on, you can't help but notice every single little flaw in character, every little error she makes.
  17. >And now, after year of you cleaning up after her you'd had enough.
  18. >So here you are, blowing up at the girl you had thought perfect once upon a time.
  19. >"I'm sorry..."
  20. "Sorry doesn't fix anything, Shy."
  21. >She gives a soft whimper.
  22. >You sigh.
  23. "I've had enough of this today. I'll see you later."
  24. >You walk towards the front door, grabbing your coat on the way.
  25. >"What? Wait, Anon! Please don't leave!"
  26. >You ignore her pleas and walk out.
  27. >She doesn't follow.
  29. >The drive does little to calm you.
  30. >You make your way to your favorite bar.
  31. >You waste no time in ordering the strongest liquor they have.
  32. >The haze slowly begins to descend upon you, a welcoming anesthetic to the stresses you carry with you.
  33. >Why did it have to be so hard?
  34. >Why did everything she did infuriate you?
  35. >Are you just short-tempered?
  36. >Impatient?
  37. >A part of you wants to say yes, but another part says no.
  38. >A year you've had to deal with this.
  39. >A year you've seen her make mistake after mistake.
  40. >A year spent needing to follow after her, fixing what she broke.
  41. >That payments you needed to make?
  42. >The ones she said she would take care of?
  43. >Late, again.
  44. >Remember how you told her to talk with the agency to clear up some issues they had with your paperwork?
  45. >Sure, she went, but ended up forgetting half what she needed to say and barely managed to stumble through the rest.
  46. >It's like she was scared of people, for crissakes!
  47. >She barely manages to get the groceries right, always getting the wrong stuff, forgetting stuff you needed, buying stuff you didn't.
  48. >And good god, the animals!
  49. >Sometimes you felt she cared for the animals more than she did you!
  50. >It was all enough to drive a man to drink.
  51. >And sure enough, here you were.
  53. >As engrossed as you were in your woes, you don't immediately notice the person sitting next to you.
  54. >"Hey, come here often?"
  55. >The sudden appearance of your companion barely manages to startle you.
  56. "Wha?"
  57. >You turn to face the person who so rudely interrupted your brooding.
  58. >And she is something.
  59. >Beautiful golden eyes, like amber.
  60. >Long braided hair, matching her eyes.
  61. >An easy, relaxed smile gracing her finely proportioned face.
  62. >Her clothes weren't exactly the type you'd expect a girl to wear when out on the town, being modest and practical, but it was nice looking nonetheless.
  63. >"See something you like?"
  64. >You must have been staring at her longer than you thought, because she smirks at you.
  65. "Oh, sorry, I'm a little out of it right now."
  66. >She waves her hand dismissively.
  67. >"Don't worry about it, happens to the best of us."
  68. >A few quiet moments pass, you turning back to your drink and her quietly looking at you.
  69. >"Oh, where are my manners, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lightning Dust."
  70. "I'm Anon. I don't think I've seen you here before. You come here often?"
  71. >"Nah, I'm new in town. Just moved here from Cloudsdale. Job market isn't really looking good over there, you know?"
  72. "Yeah, I heard about that. You found a job yet?"
  73. >"Yup, and a better paying one than the one I had! I have an apartment, all my affairs are in order, only thing left to do is to meet new people."
  74. "I'd say you're doing well on that front."
  75. >She let's out a chuckle.
  76. >"Yeah, I would too."
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