

Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:12 No.1002045
  3. Here's some OC, just for you, fluffags
  5. >You've had your fluffy pony for two weeks now.
  6. >You've been trying to discipline it.
  7. >Success is rewarded with treats and hugs.
  8. >Whenever it does something wrong, you flick it upside the head just hard enough to cause it a little pain.
  9. >For a while this had been improving it's behavior.
  10. >Now, however, it has been misbehaving more and more often.
  11. >The pattern is the same each time.
  12. >Fluffy pony does something wrong, and then tries to hide from you.
  13. >you pick it up roughly and flick it on the head, then set it down, explaining to it why it shouldn't do what it just did.
  15. >One day, you punish fluffy pony for shitting on the floor. Before you can finish cleaning it up, he walks into the room, bumps a plate off the coffee table, and runs into another room giggling.
  16. >The little shit is doing this on purpose.
  17. >He thinks this is a motherfucking game.
  18. >Pic related
  20. >Shit, the little fucker probably got used to getting flicked on the head and now thinks that misbehaving is the best way to get you to play hide and go seek with him.
  21. >You're going to have to start all over with training.
  22. >Actually fuck that shit, It's probably just as hard to make the worthless piece of shit unlearn something as it is to make it learn it in the first place.
  23. >It's time for a new fluffy pony.
  24. >You look around for a box to take it to the orphanage in.
  26. >Fluffy pony notices you haven't come after him yet.
  27. >You hear him knock something else over in the next room.
  28. >Not_today.pdf
  29. >It is fucking ON.
  31. >You storm in and grab the little furball by the fluff on it's back
  32. >Fluffy pony is surprised by your anger, and starts apologizing.
  33. >"Fwuffy sowwy! no huwt fwuffy!"
  34. >Oh you bet your ass you're gonna be sorry.
  35. >You take it into the kitchen as it flails it's marshmallow stubs uselessly.
  36. >You grab a pair of kitchen shears with your free hand.
  38. >You dump the little bastard in the sink and pin it to the bottom with your left hand.
  39. >Fluffy pony struggles with all it's inconsiderable might, bewildered and terrified by this turn of events.
  40. >You give it a reason to be terrified as you bring the kitchen shears over it's front right leg.
  41. >"Let's see you wreck my house now, you little shit."
  42. >"Noo don't take fwuffy weggies!" it cries
  43. >You start cutting. They aren't especially good shears so it takes a few tries. Eventually you take it's front leg off , leaving a rough, jagged wound on the stump.
  44. >As it continues to scream, you tie a bit of butcher's twine around the stump to act as a tourniquet.
  45. >You're not done with him yet.
  47. >You leave fluffy pony in the sink and clean up the messes he made.
  48. >He shouldn't be able to get out on only three legs.
  49. >You find some more broken, toppled, or soiled things around the house now that you're looking intently.
  50. >When you get back, fuffy pony is a bit calmer, pleading you to not hurt it.
  51. >"when gif weggy back?" it asks. "Fwuffy sowwy"
  52. >Hm, good question
  53. >You take the leg from the countertop and show it to fluffy pony
  54. >"You want your leggy back?
  55. >"Go and get it, it's right there."
  56. >You toss it into the garbage disposal unit in the other sink, then transfer fluffy pony.
  57. >He sticks his head in to try and get his leg back
  58. >You shove it down further and turn the garbage disposal on
  59. >Fluffy pony starts convulsing in pain and terror.
  60. >It does not fit any further down the garbage disposal, and it's still alive
  61. >when you pull it up, its snout is missing and it's face is a bloody mess. It seems to be drowning in it's own blood.
  62. >you leave it to die in the garbage can
  64. >You decide to get a pet turtle instead.
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