
Keyboards (ch7)

Nov 25th, 2018
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  3. I'm still so shocked people are loving this fic as much as they are! And I'm so glad everything enjoyed the previous chapter! Thanks so much!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. -------------
  9. Chapter 7.
  11. "It's not that far," Blake smiled to Weiss. "Just follow me. And tell me if you need us to slow down."
  13. They walked down the street, retracing the path Blake had taken to get to Weiss' house. The were going at a slower pace but Blake didn't mind; as long as Weiss was all right.
  15. The sun had shifted in the time since she had last been outside so the cold was a little less biting. And Weiss was also walking right next to her, hugging her arm closely enough that Blake could feel some of her warmth.
  17. . . .
  19. Weiss kept close to Blake, clinging onto her arm tightly - for support, for warmth, and for security. She hadn't gone out walking in her neighborhood in months; the most she often did was walk to and from the bus stop.
  21. The day was cold despite the warm sunlight. Blake was walking slowly to ensure Weiss could keep up, and the white-haired girl appreciated that her friend was putting her wellbeing above all else.
  23. But as they continued to walk, Weiss found it was getting more difficult to breathe. She was beginning to remember the dangers of her condition that made her especially prone to the cold.
  25. The air that might've been just an unpleasant chill to a normal person seemed to freeze her lungs with every inhale. Weiss was shuddering within minutes, shaking from her core, her breath white and wheezing as she clung to her friend.
  27. "B-B-Blake…" she rasped. "A-Are we… almost there…?"
  29. . . .
  31. Blake was shocked to hear Weiss' voice so fragile and trembling after they'd only been out here for a few minutes. It made her remember something Weiss had told her over chats, that she was especially bad with the cold.
  33. "We're almost there. Just a few more minutes." She squeezed her arm around Weiss' a little. "Sorry. I forgot you had a problem with the cold."
  35. So quickened their pace a bit for Weiss' sake, hoping to both warm her up a bit and also get her inside sooner. Weiss still shuddered, but kept up with Blake until her house was in sight. Pulling out her key, Blake opened the front door and ushered Weiss in.
  37. "There. Make yourself comfortable, Weiss. I'll go grab us some blankets."
  39. . . .
  41. She felt miserable for making Blake worry yet again, but Weiss didn't even want to risk speaking an apology, lest it allow more freezing air into her lungs. She kept hold of Blake as they hurried to the door and fumbled their way inside.
  43. There was a comforting warmth all inside the house, and Weiss could feel it very slightly past the residual chill over her skin. She nodded as Blake hurried off.
  45. Weiss exhaled and stumbled over to the carpet. She all but collapsed to her knees, putting her bag aside. She leaned back against the couch in the living room, closing her eyes as her body continued to shudder almost convulsively. Weiss hugged herself and pulled her knees to her chest, trying to calm herself down.
  47. It's fine, she told herself. Everything's going to be fine. Blake's here. We're safe...
  49. . . .
  51. Blake ran up the stairs and right into her room, grabbing the decorative blanket off of her bed and bundling it up in her arms. When she hurried back downstairs, she found Weiss sitting against the back of the couch in the living room. Her heart clenched a little.
  53. "Here you go, Weiss. Let me get this around you." Blake moved close to crouch down beside her and drape the blanket over the other girl's shaking shoulders. She couldn't help but rub her hand up and down over Weiss' back softly. "Let's go to the kitchen and I'll get you something warm to drink, okay?"
  55. Blake gave her a moment to warm up, then helped her friend stand. She led her into the humble kitchen and brought her to a seat at the table. Blake started heating up a cup of water for some tea when her cat suddenly jumped up on the counter, looking from her to the stranger and back.
  57. "Oh, sorry. You need some lunch, huh? Let me do that while the water is heating up." She moved to grab the bag of cat food and cleared her throat to address her guest. "Hey Weiss? Do you have any preference for how you take your tea?"
  59. . . .
  61. Weiss had been watching the black cat as he rubbed against her legs and mewled at her. She smiled a little, reaching down to pet his head before he ran off toward Blake for food. Weiss clutched the blanket closer to her chest, finally feeling the warmth starting to seep into her cold skin.
  63. Blake was at the counter, and Weiss could smell the tea leaves.
  65. "Just a bit of milk," she replied softly. "No sugar, please."
  67. The house was comfortably quiet, and her eyes traveled back to the cat scarfing down food from its dish.
  69. "What's your cat's name?" she wondered, trying to find an excuse to talk to Blake more.
  71. . . .
  73. Blake put the cat's food in the dish and stepped away as he jumped at it.
  75. "Fang. He's a rescue we adopted. He didn't have a name and we thought Fang was appropriate because he nipped all of us when we first got him. He hasn't bitten anyone since, though."
  77. When the tea was ready, she brought it over to the table along with a small container of milk and took a seat next to Weiss. "I don't know how long you want to let it steep. Just take it out whenever you want. Are you feeling any warmer yet, or should I go turn the heat up?"
  79. . . .
  81. Weiss contented herself with watching the cat for a few moments until Blake walked over and set the tea down in front of her. Weiss dipped her head by means of thanks as the girl sat down beside her.
  83. "No, it's fine. I'm feeling much warmer already." She reached for the milk and added a bit into her cup, using a spoon to stir it before bringing it to her lips. Weiss blew on it for a moment before taking a few sips; the subtle flavor was the first thing she'd tasted since yesterday morning. It soothed her throat and seemed to defrost her chilled chest, and Weiss hummed softly.
  85. "It's delicious. Thank you again, Blake." Weiss slid her chair a bit closer to her companion's, until their shoulders brushed. Her body more or less moved on its own as she leaned sideways, pressing a small kiss to Blake's cheek. Once she realized what she'd done, she jolted and pulled back.
  87. "I-I'm sorry, I just mean it as thanks-" she squeaked.
  89. . . .
  91. Blake stiffened a little, but only felt even warmer herself when she felt Weiss' lips on her skin.
  93. "I-It's all right," she mumbled. "I'm glad you like the tea. It's chamomile with a little honey - my personal favorite."
  95. Blake didn't mind Weiss' proximity one bit. In fact she enjoyed it.
  97. . . .
  99. Weiss put a hand to her mouth, about to burst out into more apologies. But when she saw Blake wasn't angry and her said she didn't mind, Weiss relaxed again. Her hand dropped back into her lap and she remembered to breathe.
  101. "S-Sorry…" she said again. "I didn't mean to."
  103. Promptly, she turned back to her tea, looking down at the cup rather than at Blake. She picked up the cup again and took a few more sips, but she didn't slide away from Blake. She was still anxious though, prepared to apologize more or move away if Blake asked her to, but she never did.
  105. Weiss couldn't think of anything else to say, so she simply indulged in her tea, flashing glances at the cat and a few back to Blake.
  107. She noticed Blake's cheeks were as red as her own felt.
  109. . . .
  111. They sat together with only the sounds of Fang eating to disturb the quiet. Blake's face was still on fire, and she couldn't bring herself to look at Weiss. She hadn't minded the kiss anymore than the closeness. In fact, she'd enjoyed the kiss even more, but she wasn't sure how to act now.
  113. Should I... kiss her back?
  115. As she debated, Fang finish his food and wandered over to the table to inspect the stranger in the house. He decided she was friendly and started rubbing against Weiss' leg.
  117. "You... aren't allergic to cats are you?" Blake asked after a moment, looking up at Weiss and noticing the other girl's cheeks were just as red as Blake imagined her own were.
  119. . . .
  121. She was relieved when Blake broke the silence with a question.
  123. "No," she replied. "I've always loved cats. But Father never allowed us to have one. He says there's no purpose in keeping pets." She reached down to scratch Fang's head, smiling fondly as he purred. "But I know that's not true. They can be your best friend. I'd love to have a cat to keep me company." Fang jumped into her lap, and Weiss paused for a moment. "I remember reading something online once, how a cat's purrs can help calm a person down…"
  125. She scooped the animal into her arms, feeling the little vibrations against her chest. She closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair, letting out a long breath.
  127. After a moment, she got so comfortable that she slumped sideways, leaning onto Blake's side as the cat curled in her lap.
  129. . . .
  131. Blake was content to just sit there and talk to Weiss, and she was happy to learn more about her friend. She smiled at the sight of Weiss with her eyes closed and the cat snuggling into her arms. She looked so peaceful and calm, and Blake could hardly believe this was the same girl who had stood over the sink with a knife at her wrist only an hour earlier.
  133. If Blake hadn't been there for her then, Weiss wouldn't be here with her now.
  135. She shudders to think about it, and ends up nuzzling her face into Weiss' hair a little.
  137. They sat like that for several minutes, Weiss resting her head on Blake's shoulder while Fang lay curled in her lap. Blake only broke the silence with a soft voice.
  139. "Would you... like to go into the living room or to my room?"
  141. . . .
  143. Weiss probably would've fallen asleep had Blake not spoken to rouse her. She stirred, and the cat stretched before jumping off her lap and back to the floor. She instantly missed the warmth, but hoped she could find something even more comforting in Blake.
  145. "Oh, if it would be all right, then yes please." She pulled away from her friend's side and took the final sip of her tea. Another shiver ran through her, and she clutched the blanket closer to her chest.
  147. "I'd love to see your room. But would that be okay? Do your parents know I'm here? Is it okay for me to go into your room without even meeting them?"
  149. . . .
  151. Blake stood, helping Weiss up at the same time. Fang stood a few feet away from them, observing to see what their next move would be.
  153. "Yeah, my parents know I was meeting with a friend today. They won't mind." Blake looked around the kitchen and spotted a familiar note. "They don't get home till late anyway, so it's just me here."
  155. Taking Weiss' hand, she lead her through the house, pointing out anything she thought was vaguely interesting as they went upstairs. When she opened her door she winced a little at the slight disarray.
  157. "Sorry for the mess. I didn't have a chance to clean my room. I was... in a rush this morning to leave when I saw you hadn't answered my messages..."
  159. . . .
  161. The journey up the stairs was slow, but once they reached Blake's room, Weiss was eager to see it.
  163. "It's not messy at all! It's actually quite homely," she said, before her voice grew softer, her smile fading. "I'm… sorry again for worrying you. If you hadn't worried, I… I wouldn't be here right now. So thank you again, Blake."
  165. She could feel the tears welling up once more and quickly stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Blake from behind and burying her face in her hair.
  167. "I'm so lucky to have met you, Blake. You're my savior…"
  169. . . .
  171. Blake felt her heart skip and then soar when Weiss' arms wrapped around her. She lifted her own hands up slowly to cover Weiss' with them.
  173. "You don't need to thank me. I'm lucky to have met you, Weiss. I've never had a friend like you before."
  175. They stood like that for a few moments. Blake wondered if Weiss could feel her racing heartbeat. Turning around in the embrace, Blake wrapped her arms around the smaller girl more tightly, hugging her back. Her heart felt like it was in her throat as she kissed Weiss on the forehead.
  177. "Thanks... for trusting me."
  179. . . .
  181. Blake shifted, and for a moment, Weiss feared she'd be shaken off or pushed away. But she should've known Blake would never do that - not to her.
  183. Weiss found herself pressed against Blake's chest now, her head tucked beneath the taller girl's chin. Weiss slipped her arms around Blake's torso and hugged tightly, her shoulders jolting a little with a single sob of relief. Her ear was pressed to Blake's collar, and when she was quiet, she could feel the faint thump of her pulse.
  185. Weiss had never before in all her life felt anyone else's heartbeat but her own. It was strange but… indescribably nice, comforting.
  187. She pressed closer, wanting to listen as best as she could.
  189. "Blake?" she murmured. "Can we… sit on the bed for a moment and just… stay like this?"
  191. . . .
  193. They stood like that for a moment, with Weiss' head resting against her collar, listening to her heart. Blake hugged her a little closer, a reminder that she was there for her.
  195. "Of course we can."
  197. She eased away from the white-haired girl, but Blake still held her hand as she lead her over to the bed. Blake sat down first, getting comfortable before patting the spot next to herself as an invitation to Weiss.
  199. Blake's heart was racing the entire time, and she just had to pray Weiss couldn't hear it.
  201. . . .
  203. Weiss sat beside her a little timidly, pulling the blanket on her shoulders tighter around herself before slipping half of it around Blake. She pressed closely into her side, hugging her midsection again as she returned to her prior position, pressing her ear to Blake's collar to listen.
  205. She closed her eyes and engraved the rhythm of Blake's heartbeat into her mind, memorizing it for future days to come where she'd be without it. It was fast and nervous, but it was out of concern for Weiss. No one else had ever cared for her so deeply before.
  207. "Thank you, Blake," she whispered. "I've needed this a lot. I really…" She trailed off, whimpering again. "You heart sounds so nice. Do you think… do you think mine does too?"
  209. She'd never been close enough to allow someone else to feel her heart before, but she knew she wouldn't want anything more if Blake could be the first.
  211. . . .
  213. Blake's heart only started to slow down when Weiss' soft voice addressed her. Blake smiled and shifted her embrace a little.
  215. "I'm sure it does. Let me listen."
  217. She coaxed Weiss to straighten her posture a bit so Blake could press her ear against the smaller girl's chest. She could hear the beat of Weiss' heart faintly; it was a quiet sound, but something about it soothed Blake. If she were cat like Fang, she knew she'd start purring.
  219. "It sounds perfect, Weiss," she murmured. "I love it."
  221. She raised her head slowly and looked at her friend, only just realizing how close they were. She gazed into Weiss' pure blue eyes like winter skies.
  223. This was the closest she had ever been to another person, both physically and emotionally. Something about Weiss just made Blake comfortable. She was easily and happily able to connect with this girl.
  225. . . .
  227. Weiss became profoundly emotional when Blake pressed close to her chest and spoke softly. Weiss liked sharing her heartbeat if it could be with Blake. She wrapped her arms around the other girl and held her gently, keeping her close.
  229. Weiss savored those few moments like nothing else, savoring Blake's warmth.
  231. It was when Blake said that word - 'perfect' - when Weiss started to tear up again.
  233. Never in all her life had she heard that word in reference to herself.
  235. "Perfect…" she mumbled, voice wobbling as she looked into Blake's eyes. "No one's ever…"
  237. Weiss put a hand to her mouth as more tears dripped down. But for once, they weren't bad tears. Her heart swelled with emotion as she reached her hands up toward Blake and hugged her softly.
  239. "I… I don't know what's wrong with me, Blake," she whispered. "Ever since you came to me, I've felt so warm inside… My chest hurts, but… it's not in a bad way like it usually is. My heart's racing too… Should I be worried? Is there something wrong with me…? I really like you, and I'm grateful for all you've done for me, so… what is all this...?"
  241. . . .
  243. As Blake lost herself in Weiss' eyes, she noticed when the tears start to well up. Weiss pulled her into another hug, and Blake listened quietly as she expressed her confusion.
  245. The feelings Weiss talked about were similar to the ones Blake herself had been feeling.
  247. She wasn't sure if she knew what it meant either, but she had an idea.
  249. Blake drew in a steadying breath and chose her words carefully.
  251. "No. I don't think you should be worried, Weiss. I've been feeling the same way. You're the first person I've ever connected with so deeply and… ever since this morning my heart's been racing when I'm around you. The thought of talking to you and meeting you has made me feel so happy and warm inside."
  253. Blake pulled away from the hug enough to look in Weiss' eyes again. Gently she wiped away several of the tears that were sliding down the girl's cheeks.
  255. "Weiss... can I… can I kiss you?"
  257. . . .
  259. Blake's words reassured her that what she was feeling wasn't bad. There was nothing wrong with her.
  261. Weiss breathed a sigh of relief, glad to welcome the ache in her chest if it was something Blake was sharing and if it meant good things.
  263. When she met Blake's golden eyes once more, Weiss felt her breath hitch.
  265. Blake-
  267. Blake… wanted to kiss her?
  269. Weiss couldn't even comprehend the meaning of her request for a long moment. She simply sat beside her on the bed, shocked as she tried to configure her swarming thoughts.
  271. "Blake…" she rasped, more tears falling. "You can't… you can't possibly want to do that. No one would ever want to do something like that… Not with me…"
  273. Weiss shook her head, losing Blake's gaze for a moment as she tried to calm her breathing. Her hands found Blake's in her lap and she squeezed tightly for support to keep herself from falling off the bed.
  275. She…
  277. She wanted to.
  279. She wanted to kiss Blake, too.
  281. Weiss swayed, but kept herself up by clinging to the other girl's hands. She searched those golden eyes, finding not a single trace of deception - nothing but the honest truth.
  283. It was those heartfelt emotions that brought Weiss to finally answer.
  285. "If you… if you really mean it… then yes."
  287. . . .
  289. Blake waited nervously, her heart racing as Weiss sat staring back at her in disbelief.
  291. And at first, it wasn't the response Blake was hoping for.
  293. Of course. There's no way she'd say yes. Why did I ask her that...?
  295. Blake started to panic, afraid now of Weiss' reaction. Eventually Weiss averted her eyes, and her hands reached over to grab Blake's.
  297. The two of them sat together for what felt like an eternity. The only thing Blake had to measure the passing seconds with was the frantic beat of her heart.
  299. Finally Weiss looked back up at her and gave her consent.
  301. Blake thought her heart might explode.
  303. She swallowed as Weiss willingly closed her eyes. Blake did the same and leaned forward until their lips met.
  305. The warmth she felt in her chest spread to the rest of her body, chasing off the winter cold in a second.
  307. . . .
  309. She'd never done anything like this before, not even in her dreams. It was a miracle that Weiss managed to close her eyes in time before Blake's lips reached her own, and she wasn't sure what to do; was she supposed to hold her breath? Breathe through her nose, or not?
  311. She didn't have enough time to think before she was lost in the contact and the ensuing emotions. A warmth sparked and flared in her stomach and Weiss shivered, but not from cold this time. Her fingers curled subconsciously into Blake's hands, unwilling to let go.
  313. She savored that brief moment, counting every heartbeat, focusing on Blake - on that warmth. Of all the seconds in all the years in her life thus far that had felt utterly meaningless, these were the first ones that didn't. She felt like she was worth something when she was kissing Blake, like her heartbeats were important - like she was wanted.
  315. A few more tears ran down the already-existing trails over her cheeks, but Weiss was just relieved she'd managed not to jolt or pull away by accident.
  317. When they did part a few seconds later, it was soft, and their eyelids fluttered open until their eyes met again. Weiss was positively lost in those amber pools. Had Blake never saved her this morning… Weiss never would have known this profound feeling that was coursing through her now.
  319. She found her voice slowly.
  321. "Was… that okay…?"
  323. . . .
  325. The only thing Blake could focus on was the soft touch of Weiss' lips on hers. She didn't know what she should be doing, she just enjoyed the moment and let it play out naturally. She felt Weiss' fingers intertwine with her own and she gave a small squeeze.
  327. She had always been a quiet person, and she had always had trouble connecting with others on an emotional level.
  329. But when she had met Weiss, something about the other girl had made Blake feel comfortable like she had never been before. She was always happy when talking to Weiss.
  331. She had thought it was just friendship. But now...
  333. When they pulled away from the kiss, Blake smiled as she stared into Weiss' eyes, calm and clear.
  335. "Yes... it was okay. I-It was better than okay. A lot better..." Blake sputtered. "W-Was it okay for you...?"
  337. . . .
  339. Her stomach flipped, but in a good way - an excited way - when she heard Blake's response.
  341. "Really? I'm so glad. Because I… I really liked it. I really…"
  343. Her voice trailed off, eyes fixated on Blake's, unable to look away. A fire had been ignited within her cold body. For a person who'd nearly taken her own life a few hours ago, Weiss had never felt so alive.
  345. "It was more than okay for me, too," she murmured. "Can we…"
  347. Do it again…?
  349. Her eyes finished the question, and Blake's answered it. There was no refusal there, no uncertainty that this one would be any less wonderful than the first.
  351. Weiss kept one hand over Blake's, freeing the other and bringing it to her friend's cheek. She brushed their noses together softly before initiating the kiss this time, breathing onto Blake's lips. She pushed her mouth to hers, wanting Blake to feel the same things she was feeling.
  353. . . .
  355. Blake instantly understood the look in the other girl's eyes; she assumed it was similar to the one in her own eyes.
  357. Weiss' hand raised to her cheek, touching it lightly as she brought their faces closer. Their noses brushed lightly before Weiss initiated the kiss this time.
  359. And just like with the first kiss, the warmth in Blake's chest bloomed at the contact between her lips and Weiss'.
  361. They held the kiss longer this time, more sure of themselves and their desire for each other. When they finally pulled away Blake pressed her forehead to Weiss' and laughed lightly.
  363. "Yes, I definitely liked it the second time as well."
  365. . . .
  367. Weiss couldn't help but giggle at Blake's comment - her first giggle in more years than she could remember.
  369. "Me too," she whispered, hugging her tightly.
  371. The force of her hug had the both of them falling over onto their sides on the bed, bouncing lightly together, wrapped in the blanket. Weiss shifted it so that the cover was on top of them both, and she cuddled closer to Blake beneath it.
  373. "So warm…" she murmured. "You're so warm, Blake. I've never felt so warm before in all my life. Thank you…" She squeezed her tighter still, nuzzling into Blake's collar. "I've never felt so loved. I don't think I ever was…"
  375. . . .
  377. Blake felt like she was basking in the warmth of the sun, and yet there was no sunlight to be seen.
  379. "You're welcome," she replied. Blake hugged her closer, running her hands through Weiss long hair. "Well, you don't have to worry about that now. I'm here for you, and I do love you."
  381. She didn't think it through before speaking, but she didn't regret the words one bit once they were said.
  383. . . .
  385. Weiss grew still, though her hold on Blake only tightened. She didn't speak for a moment after that, simply breathing together with her.
  387. When she finally found her voice again, it was small, but certain.
  389. "Love…" she mumbled experimentally. "Yes... I think that's it, Blake. I love you, too. I love you…"
  391. She slid up a little, looking deeply into her friend's eyes. Weiss kissed her again, chaste and soft, but so very warm. When she pulled away, she sighed, finding she was crying once more.
  393. She wiped her eyes, burying her face in Blake's shoulder and squeezing her again.
  395. "I… I'm tired, Blake. But I don't want to sleep, yet. Please, I just… I want to keep living like this with you. I don't want to stop…"
  397. . . .
  399. Blake thought she may have said something wrong when Weiss stopped talking, and laid still next to her. But before very much longer, Weiss extinguished her fears.
  401. "I'm glad you feel the same way," Blake smiled. "Or else I might've passed out from embarrassment." Blake tried to joke, tried to hide the fact that her heart had done a flip every time Weiss had said she loved her.
  403. Weiss kissed her again and Blake joyfully let it happen. When they parted, Weiss was crying again, but Blake felt all right in knowing it was only for happiness.
  405. "You can, Weiss. Just keep living and I'll be here with you. I promise." Blake switched positions and rolled onto her back, pulling Weiss with her until the other girl was lying on top. "And I just might be able to guarantee a few more kisses," she teased, giving Weiss a quick peck on the cheek.
  407. . . .
  409. Weiss made a small sound of surprise as she was pulled onto Blake's stomach. She curled her hands on the other girl's chest for a moment, blushing and silently worrying she might've been too heavy.
  411. But Blake seemed just as comfortable as Weiss did, and the smaller girl gradually relaxed. She slipped her arms beneath Blake's shoulders a little, snuggling closer beneath the warm blankets. She giggled at Blake's kiss, and Weiss nuzzled her nose affectionately and returned the favor.
  413. "Thank you, Blake."
  415. Weiss rested her head over Blake's collar, listening to her heartbeat once more. There was so much more she wanted to say and do, but as she lay there now, waves of fatigue crashed over her, slowly dragging at her conscious.
  417. It wasn't much longer before Weiss had fallen into a light, drowsy slumber.
  419. . . .
  421. Blake could tell Weiss was starting to fall asleep before long. She pulled her a little closer, cradling Weiss' head underneath her chin.
  423. "You must be tired. It's been an exhausting day for you. For both of us..."
  425. Her hands slowly started rubbing a pattern up and down Weiss' back. Blake could feel the same exhaustion that had claimed Weiss start to come over her. With a yawn, her eyes started to close. But ultimately her lips settled into a smile.
  427. "I don't think either of us have had a girlfriend before..."
  429. She made a sound pretty close to a purr as she finally fell asleep together with Weiss.
  431. -----------
  433. A/N: Gosh, some of these I had to edit so much I basically re-wrote them, but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! The romance has begun to blossom!
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