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- <?php
- //This class connects PHP with SA:MP Servers (v0.1)
- //Original file:
- class SAMP_Socket{
- //By jose.rob.jr
- //Set the address to connect, can be IP or Host
- var $addr="";
- //Set The port to connect
- var $port=0;
- //Generate or not XML Document
- var $xml=false;
- //Give the last result
- var $last=array();
- //Try to get the IP/Host (may be slow)
- var $getHost=false;
- //Private variables
- private $give=1;
- private $fp;
- private $ini="";
- private $Txml=false;
- //Read an address, you can call without parameters if you have set $addr has the exemple in the bottom
- function read($addr=null,$port=null,$xml=null){
- //This function sets a time limit to complete the page
- //the connection will never ends if the server is down without this.
- //This function changes the Content-Type header to application/xml if xml is set to true
- //If you don't want it, you can print anything (a blank space for exemple) before calling read()
- //or setting returnXml instead and reading the array from $last
- //This function won't show PHP Erros when xml is set to true
- set_time_limit(20);
- $last=&$this->last;
- $fp=&$this->fp;
- $this->Txml=&$xml;
- if(!$addr&&!$this->addr) $this->erro("Called ".__CLASS__."::open() without setting an address.",true);
- if(!$addr&&$this->addr) $addr=$this->addr;
- elseif($addr&&!$this->addr) $this->addr=$addr;
- if(preg_match('/^.*\:[0-9]+$/',$addr)){
- $port=substr(strrchr($addr,":"),1);
- $this->port=$port;
- $addr=preg_replace('/^(.*):[0-9]+$/','\1',$addr);
- $this->addr=$addr;
- }
- elseif(!$port&&$this->port) $port=$this->port;
- elseif($port&&!$this->port) $this->port=$port;
- else{
- $port=7777;
- $this->port=$port;
- }
- if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/',$addr)){
- if($this->getHost){
- $host=getHostByAddr($addr);
- if($host==getHostByName($host)) $host=$addr;
- }
- else{
- $host="ignored";
- }
- $ip=$addr;
- }
- else{
- if($this->getHost) $ip=getHostByName($addr);
- else $ip=$addr;
- $host=$addr;
- }
- if($xml===null) $xml=$this->xml;
- if($xml){
- @header("Content-Type: application/xml");
- $this->ini=@ini_get('display_errors');
- @ini_set('display_errors','0');
- }
- if($this->give==2){
- ob_start();
- if($xml===true) $xml=2;
- else $xml=1;
- }
- if($xml) echo "<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?"."><server>";
- $fp = @fsockopen('udp://' . $ip, $port, $errno, $errstr,3) or $this->erro($errstr,__LINE__,__FILE__,$errno);
- if($fp){
- $packet = 'SAMP';
- $packet .= chr(strtok($ip, '.'));
- $packet .= chr(strtok('.'));
- $packet .= chr(strtok('.'));
- $packet .= chr(strtok('.'));
- $packet .= chr($port & 0xFF);
- $packet .= chr($port >> 8 & 0xFF);
- fwrite($fp, $packet.'i');
- stream_set_timeout($fp,10);
- fread($fp, 11);
- $conInfo=stream_get_meta_data($fp);
- if($conInfo['timed_out']){
- $this->erro("Connection timed out!");
- }
- else{
- $is_passworded = ord(fread($fp, 1));
- $plr_count = ord(fread($fp, 2));
- $max_plrs = ord(fread($fp, 2));
- $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4));
- $hostname = fread($fp, $strlen);
- $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4));
- $gamemode = fread($fp, $strlen);
- $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4));
- $mapname = fread($fp, $strlen);
- $last['server']['ip']=$ip;
- $last['server']['host']=$host;
- $last['server']['hostname']=$hostname;
- $last['server']['mode']=$gamemode;
- $last['server']['mapa']=$mapname;
- $last['server']['passworded']=(bool)$is_passworded;
- $last['server']['players']['atual']=$plr_count;
- $last['server']['players']['maximo']=$max_plrs;
- if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/',$ip)) $ip="ignored";
- if($xml){
- echo '<hostname>' . htmlentities($hostname) . '</hostname>';
- echo '<ip>' . $ip.($ip!='ignored'?":$port":'') . "</ip>";
- echo '<host>'. $host.($host!='ignored'?":$port":'') . '</host>';
- echo '<mode>' . htmlentities($gamemode) . '</mode>';
- echo '<mapa>' . htmlentities($mapname) . '</mapa>';
- echo '<passworded>';
- if ($is_passworded){
- echo 'yes';
- } else {
- echo 'no';
- }
- echo '</passworded>';
- echo '<players><atual>' . htmlentities($plr_count) . '</atual><max>' . htmlentities($max_plrs) . '</max>';
- }
- fwrite($fp, $packet.'c');
- fread($fp, 11);
- $plr_count = ord(fread($fp, 2));
- if($xml) echo '<lista>';
- if ($plr_count > 0)
- {
- for ($i=0; $i<$plr_count; $i++)
- {
- $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 1));
- $plrname = fread($fp, $strlen);
- $score = $this->samp_getLong(fread($fp, 4));
- $last['server']['players']['lista'][$i]['nick']=$plrname;
- $last['server']['players']['lista'][$i]['score']=$score;
- if($xml) echo '<player><nick>' . htmlentities($plrname) . '</nick><score>' . htmlentities($score) . '</score></player>';
- }
- }
- if($xml) echo '</lista></players>';
- }
- fclose($fp);
- }
- if($xml) echo "</server>";
- if($xml){
- @ini_set("display_errors",$this->ini);
- $this->ini="";
- }
- if($xml===1){
- $ret=ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- $this->Txml=false;
- return $ret;
- }
- elseif($xml===2){
- $ret=ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_flush();
- $this->Txml=false;
- return $ret;
- }
- $this->Txml=false;
- return $last;
- }
- //This function does the read function print an XML File when called
- function xml(){
- $this->xml=true;
- }
- //This does the inverse of xml()
- function notXml(){
- $this->xml=false;
- }
- //This function does the read function return an array
- function returnArray(){
- $this->give=1;
- }
- //This function does the read function return an XML File
- function returnXml(){
- $this->give=2;
- }
- //This function does the read function trys to get IP/Host address (may be slow)
- function getHost(){
- $this->getHost=true;
- }
- //This function does the read function just get the information without trying to get the IP/Host Address
- function notGetHost(){
- $this->getHost=false;
- }
- //Private functions
- private function erro($string,$line=null,$file=null,$number=null,$die=false){
- if($line===true){
- $line=null;
- $die=true;
- }
- if($this->Txml) echo "<erros><fatal>Socket Error: ".htmlentities($string).($number!==null?" (#".htmlentities($number).")":'').($file?" in $file":'').($line?" on line $line":'')."</fatal></erros>";
- else echo "<br/>\r\n<b>Socket Error:</b> ".htmlentities($string).($number!==null?" (#".htmlentities($number).")":'').($file?" in <b>$file</b>":'').($line?" on line <b>$line</b>":'')."<br/>\r\n";
- if($die) die();
- }
- private function samp_getLong($dat) {
- $num=0;
- if((ord(substr($dat,3,1)) & 128) > 0) {
- for ($i=0; $i<strlen($dat); $i++) {
- $num-=((255-ord(substr($dat,$i,1))) << 8*$i);
- }
- $num--;
- }
- else {
- for ($i=0; $i<strlen($dat); $i++) {
- $num+=(ord(substr($dat,$i,1)) << 8*$i);
- }
- }
- return $num;
- }
- }
- //Exemples:
- /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $info=$samp->read("");
- @header("Content-Type: text/plain");
- print_r($info);
- */ /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $info=$samp->read("",7777,true);
- */ /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $samp->xml();
- $samp->read("",7777);
- */ /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $samp->xml();
- $samp->getHost();
- $samp->read("");
- */ /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $samp->addr="";
- $samp->port=7777;
- $samp->xml();
- $samp->read();
- */ /*
- $samp=new SAMP_Socket;
- $samp->returnXml();
- $xml=$samp->read("");
- echo
- "<html><head><title>Exemple -- SAMP Socket</title></head>
- <body style='text-align: center;'><form><textarea rows='10' cols='100'>$xml</textarea>
- </form></body></html>"
- */
- ?>
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