
Shining Armor/Cadence Micro/Feet

Nov 11th, 2014
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  1. Gathered around in the royal bedroom, Twilight was showing off her small replica of the Crystal Tower to Cadence and her brother, who had fallen asleep halfway through the show. With her fingers trailing down from the top to bottom of the little tower, Twilight gave only one final speech over her accomplishment. "Now you may think just the outside looks exact, but if you look closely, you can see the inside of it pretty well exact! Only I moved the bedroom closer to the balcony for just incase you want to give this to a possible future child." Twilight couldn't believe what she had said, only thing she could do was awkward smile and inch her way to the door. As soon as she reached the knob, she turned it and opened the door quickly, causing a loud creak which caught the attention of some guards before slamming it with quick, fading footsteps and loud cryings of being sorry.
  3. It was awkwardly quiet for a couple of minutes, only to be broken by a snore from the dead asleep Shining Armor, who seemed cozy under the sheets of their bed.
  5. Cadence just sighed and smiled before standing herself up and getting a closer inspection inside the replica Twilight had left for them. The balcony gave a good view of the little bed room, the heart-shaped bed covered with pink sheets and two regular, pink pillows set in the middle with two nightstands on both sides of it, pictures of both Cadence and Shining sat on each nightstand. The bedroom did look very similar, it even had a little set of doors down a red carpet with some tiny rose pedals scattered about.
  7. "Oh, Twilight did a very good job with this," Cadence thought, her hand moving up to her chin as she looked down to the floor with a small, disappointed look, ".. shame it won't get much use.. No way can a child use this as a doll house." Cadence sighed before picking up the replica and moving it over to her nightstand, setting it down as she sat herself down at the very edge of the bed, her elbows set on her legs with her head resting on her hands.
  9. No matter what the use the replica had, Cadence couldn't use it that way. She couldn't get rid of it either or she would upset Twilight, it would just be doomed to gather dust, maybe even be put away into the closet forever. Cadence groaned before covering her mouth and looking over to Shining, not wanting to be rude with waking him up over a small problem. "Wait just a moment.. I think I have an idea.." Cadence whispered with her eyes scanning over Shining's sleeping body, a sly grin growing on her face, her horn started to slowly glow with a blue light.
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Shining sat himself up with a yawn, his arms stretching out before rubbing his eyes as he gives them a couple of blinks to look around at the empty bedroom. It was very dark and chilling for some odd reason, most of the light flooded in from the new opening in the bedroom. This made him very curious, moving the sheets that once covered his body off him and placing his feet down at the side of the bed with a confused wiggle as his feet made a small slap on the blue, crystal floor. He leaned over the bed and stared down at his feet, giving his toes a little wiggle before looking around the bedroom once again. "Where are my boots? I know I put them right here, I made sure of it so Cadence wouldn't be annoyed with them being out of place." Shining thought for a moment before raising his head up, his eyes noticing the strange new addition in the room once more, the only place where light came in from.
  15. Slowly walking towards the light, occasionally hesitating and preparing himself for an ambush of any kind. Nearing the entrance, he stops for a second to take in a deep breath before breathing out and running out into the light.
  17. The sudden large intake of light blinded Shining for a brief moment, causing him to stop in place and rub his eyes. After blinking a couple of times, he could finally see that he had run out onto the balcony, almost running right over the railing.
  19. He looked around confused as to why the balcony had been moved, soon panicking after noticing the bed he was just sleeping in is now outside, and humongous, infact an entire bedroom exactly like the one he was just in was out there. The only thing missing from it was the balcony's opening in the side of the room. His panic only began to rise from sounds of loud stomps that were coming closer, the ground shaking every so slightly under his feet helped raise his fear even more.
  21. Wanting to run back into the bedroom, his legs refused his need, being completely frozen in fear. He was never prepared for a moment like this, he worried for his life and the lives of others with each stomp. Suddenly, the stomping stopped and replaced by a small creak from a bed, with a light-hearted giggling noise.
  23. "Good morning, Shining Armor. Did you sleep well in your new 'little' bed?" Another giggle was made after the sentence was spoken, the voice seeming very familiar. Upon rubbing his eyes and looking out once more, he was greeted with a gigantic smiling face that belonged to his wife, Cadence.
  25. "Cadence?! But.. how, and what..?!" Shining Armor shouted, unsure of how to take in his wife now being a giant.
  27. "Don't worry on it, Shining sweetie, I just wanted to give Twilight's little replica some use. So I just shrank you down and put you in there for a rest, and for another reason." Giving a devilish grin to her small husband, Cadence moved her right leg up as she plopped her foot down onto the nightstand, moving it close to the replica and pressing her sole on the side while her toes easily laid against the railing with a small scrunch and playful wiggle. Her big toe slowly moved closer to him, rubbing against his body, causing Shining to fall over onto his butt.
  29. Giving his rump a small rub, he looked up at the big to that had pushed him down, his eyes narrowing at a design that he had not noticed before. Her big toe seemed to have a little crystal heart design on it, he looked over at the other toes to check if they had the same thing, only to see they were just plain, pink toes. He trailed his eyes over to what he could see of her face, finding out she is snickering, at him is all he could guess.
  31. Standing himself up and quietly gulping, he approaches the toes, his hands laying on the big and second toe as he looked to his wife with a worried face. "What would the other reason be exactly..?" The toes slowly, and carefully, squeezed his sides after asking, causing a small panicking struggle between the toes. This struggle only caused Cadence to let out a small giggle with her toes rubbing his sides before moving him over onto the bed and carefully dropping him on the soft sheets.
  33. With Cadence's toes wiggling above the tiny Shining Armor, all he could do is sigh and hang his head down as he walked closer to her right foot, his head lifting up with a serious look on his face.
  35. "A promise is a promise, but can it just be the toes? I never promised to be tiny while giving you a foot rub.." Shining said with a hopeful look in his eyes.
  37. A small smile formed on his face as Cadence just sighed and nodded, her feet pressing down on the sheets to throw off his balance as fell flat between her first and second toe with a groan. Standing himself up, he sighed one more time before rubbing his hands against the sides of her big toe and began rubbing. He put some muscle into it, having to make sure she could feel any of it, and having to lift her big toe up to rub the soft center and underside. The little heart tattoo she had was especially soft, even a little warm, it made him a little curious as he leaned his head closer and pressed his cheek against the heart. His cheek felt cozy against the tattoo as he gave it a slow nuzzle, his head turning to give it a small kiss, only to be interrupted with a loud knock and his wife's toes laying on top of him with a scrunch to hide him under them.
  39. Struggling to get out of his current spot, he could overhear Cadence giggling to herself as the door opened. Cadence's toes pressed down on him a little more to hold him still as she began to talk to whoever had come in, making it harder for Shining to hear who it could be or what they were talking about. The arches of Cadence's toes slowly got warmer from being press down against him, normally small beads of sweat to a normal sized stallion were much larger to him as they dampen his coat.
  41. The weight of Cadence's toes lifted off him, Shining rolled himself onto his feet with a cough, being glad he wasn't under there any longer then he already was. He looked up to see his wife's mischievous smile, and his little sister's curious look on her face, along with a pen and paper in her hands. A groan of anger is all he could make as he knew how the situation was planning out.
  43. Cadence adjusted herself more onto her belly, the tops of her feet laying on the bed with her toes giving an inviting wiggle to the tiny stallion with a giggled escaping her lips. All he could do is sigh and walk up to her inviting toes, seating himself on them to begin rubbing the big, pink sole of her's. The toes were still a little warm from the previous intrapment he dealt with, he just sighed once more before reaching out and rubbing his hands onto her sole. It felt soft to the touch even a little warm itself, unlike the toes they were just a bit wet with sweat, which hardly bothered him due to already being a little covered in sweat.
  45. Shining's eyes often trailed from the sole up to Cadence and his sister, grumbling whenever they have a giggle between each other as they watched him. Focusing back on the sole he worked on, moving his seat from her toes to the sole itself for a better position. His hands rubbed out from the center to the sides, unaware of Twilight now looking closely behind him with her hands reached out as she softly pressed a finger against his back, causing him to press against the sole with a small struggle and a mental groan. Twilight removed her finger from his back as he pushed himself back up to begin rubbing again.
  46. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. Twilight looked down at her brother sit himself back up, writing down the actions of what she did and what he is doing. She watched very curiously as he moved over to Cadence's left foot, paying more attention then before. Writing down every little thing he did as he sat himself on Cadence's toes once again, his hands rubbing the upper part of her sole. This time it appears he is leaning down to give a kiss while his fingers trail down the pink sole. Cadence giggled obliviously to the kiss, only for Shining's head to move in a slow up and down motion, from what little Twilight could see, she had no idea what he could be doing.
  50. Before Shining could continue his work, Twilight softly grasped him between her fingers and smiled to both him and Cadence, "I will need further research of this, may I borrow my brother?" Cadence nodded with a hand wave of approval, Shining just sighed, knowing he couldn't even say no to his little sister.
  52. Twilight squee'd with enjoyment, placing Shining on the bed as she plopped herself carefully to the side of him. Her hands reached down to her shoes, pulling them off to reveal her sock covered feet. Her fingers curled a little under one of the socks as she pondered for a moment before looking over to Cadence and asking, "Would I learn more from bare or sock covered?"
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