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May 28th, 2013
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  1. Kay, so something's weird and I can't figure it out. >w> Lemme try to explain the entire story. I'm recording footage from a capture device. Said device dumps its data in .ts files and such. The ultimate goal is to get them encoded in a more bandwidth-friendly solution (typically using "ffmpeg -i -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 23 -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p OUT.mp4"). Now, when I try to convert the .ts files directly, things go kaddywonkus. The audio is synced up, but the video runs at what looks to be 24 (or possibly less) FPS. The .ts file its self is 59.94 FPS. Even if I specify -r 59.94 twice, both for the source and destionation, it keeps the slower framerate. I've tried it in multiple video players so I don't think it's a decoder issue. The output of the command is over yonder: . What's weird is, if I have the supplied software that comes with the capture card convert it to .mp4 for me first, everything works just fine. The overall quality is lowered though since it just zips through it and introduces noise, so I'd like to avoid that step if possible. Can anyone tell me why ffmpeg's producing such odd output?
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