
Zuihou LN - Part 4 [Translated]

Aug 31st, 2016
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  1. Zuihou LN - The Auspicious Seas, the Phoenix's Sky
  2. From
  4. 第4章 亞號艦隊決戰
  5. Part 4 - The Operation Ah-Go Decisive Battle
  7. 三天后——
  8. Three days later——
  9. 在午餐時間過後,我再次讓全員到作戰會議室集合。
  10. I assembled everyone once more to the operations planning room after lunch
  11. 我向大家宣布了這項『亞號艦隊決戰』的命令。
  12. and announced the commencement of Decisive Fleet Operation Ah-Go.
  13. 人群只發出了些許嘈雜聲。
  14. Only a few murmurs and whispers squeaked through the crowd.
  15. 畢竟這是前任提督未能達成的命令。她們想必已經做好了司令本部會再次傳達這項命令的覺悟了吧。
  16. After all, this was business the previous Admiral had been unable to finish; they were aware that the order would doubtlessly come down once more.
  17. 長門上前一步。
  18. Nagato stepped forwards.
  19. “我當然也會出征的吧?”
  20. "I will be sortieing, of course?"
  21. “是的……不過,並不會立刻出擊。這次要花費一些準備時間,具體實行作戰的時間是在一周後。”
  22. "Indeed...however, we will not sortie immediately. We will be spending time to prepare; the combat phase will begin one week from now."
  23. “哦?不馬上出擊嗎?”
  24. "Oh? We won't sortie right away?"
  25. “依照資源的儲備量來看,很難做到多次出擊。所以我決定盡可能做好萬全的準備,在一次出擊裡拼盡全力。”
  26. "Based on our current resource stockpile, it would be difficult to mount multiple sorties. As such we will amass what preparations we can before launching an all-out offensive."
  27. “哼……乾淨利落,我也並不討厭這樣做。”
  28. "Hmph...a clean, decisive campaign, huh? I don't dislike those either."
  29. 陸奧發出輕快的聲音:
  30. Mutsu spoke up airily.
  31. “啊啦、也就是說,我也要出場了?”
  32. "Ara, does that also mean that I will also be featured?"
  33. 前任的出擊成員這次也能得到出擊吧,會這樣想也是理所當然的。大淀站在最前面。
  34. It was only natural to think that my predecessor's sortie fleet would also be deploying this time. Ooyodo also stood at the front;
  35. 愛宕和足柄好像也在下決心這次一定要成功的樣子。
  36. Atago and Ashigara also seemed resolved to make this operation a success.
  37. 只有留著黑色短髮的少女——羽黑毫無戰意的樣子。她躲在最後面。照圖鑑上青葉的備註來看,羽黑是個「消極畏縮」的人。
  38. The only one left was the black-haired girl with the short hair-cut——Haguro hid in the back, seemingly devoid of any fighting spirit. Based on Aoba's notes, Haguro was a shy and withdrawn person.
  39. ——果然,沒有選錯人吧。
  40. ——As expected, I had chosen the right people.
  41. 作為第一次執務,選擇誰去出擊,是頭等重要的大事。
  42. Choosing the vanguard for the first time was an incredibly important task.
  43. 那是將第一次任務交付與其的艦娘。
  44. These would the shipgirls I would be relying for my first assignment.
  45. 同時,如果失敗的話,也就是最後一次。
  46. If I failed, it would also be my final assignment.
  47. 我報出了思考了三天三夜的人選。
  48. And so, with that, I recited the ships I had chosen over three days and three nights of deliberations.
  49. “旗艦,戰艦長門。”
  50. "Flagship, Battleship Nagato."
  51. “嗯,很好!”
  52. "Mm, excellent!"
  53. 長門握緊拳頭。
  54. Nagato balled her fist.
  55. “其次,戰艦陸奧!”
  56. "Next up, Battleship Mutsu!"
  57. “我的出場嗎。很好,交給我吧!”
  58. "It's my turn, huh. Alright, leave it ot me!"
  59. 陸奧上前一步,她像要展現自己曲線優美的身體那樣手叉起了腰,擺出媚人的姿勢。
  60. Mutsu stepped forwards. She put a hand on her waist in a flirtatious pose, as if to display her curvaceous body.
  61. 雖然是在這種嚴肅的場合下,我也還是紅起了臉。
  62. Even in such a serious setting, I could not stop myself from blsuhing.
  63. 真是沒有想到,自己不適應面對女性的問題,竟然會影響到作為提督的職務。
  64. I never thought that my inability to deal with women would have ever been an obstacle to my role as Admiral.
  65. 我咳嗽兩聲,繼續念道:
  66. Coughing twice, I resumed my recitation:
  67. “重巡洋艦,愛宕,足柄。”
  68. "Heavy Cruisers, Atago, Ashigara."
  69. “鐺鐺鐺鐺~提督,我會盡力的~”
  70. "Pan paka-pan~ Admiral, I'll give it my all!"
  71. “要出擊了!戰場在呼喚我!勝利在呼喚我!”
  72. "It's sortie time! The battle beckons me! Victory calls for me!"
  73. 到目前為止,不管是誰,看上去都覺得這是理所當然的表情。
  74. Until now, everyone appeared to have seen these assignments as the natural result.
  75. 我看向認為自己的名字也會被喊道的大淀。
  76. I looked towards Ooyodo, clearly anticipating the call to arms.
  77. “抱歉……這次打算做些人員調整。”
  78. "Sorry...this time around, there will be some personnel changes."
  79. “咦?”
  80. "Eh?"
  81. “我知道大淀作出了很高的覺悟。但是,通過分析過去的記錄,我決定這次要讓別的艦娘出擊。”
  82. "I am fully aware of Ooyodo's determination and dedication. However, based on past records and my evaluation, I have decided to sortie other shipgirls."
  83. 她咬緊了嘴唇。
  84. Ooyodo bit her lip.
  85. 不過,那也只是一眨眼的事,馬上就恢復了平時的微笑。
  86. But even that was for a moment. A moment later she had resumed her normal smile, as if she had never done anything different.
  87. “如果提督認為那樣更有勝算的話,就請作出調整吧。請不用顧慮我。”
  88. "If the Admiral believes that this will increase our odds, then please do as you will. Do not mind me."
  89. “謝謝。這也是經過深思熟慮得出的結論。我也想打倒盤踞在衝島海域的深海棲艦,一洗你與前任提督的遺憾。”
  90. "Thank you. This was a decision that was reached after much contemplation and deliberation. I also wish to defeat the Abyssals stationed at Okinoshima, and avenge my predecessor's regrets. Yours, as well."
  91. 一直露出微笑的大淀,她的眼瞳中此刻卻變得濕潤。
  92. Until now, Ooyodo had been smiling; at this moment, they turned a little misty.
  93. “……是……我相信您,提督。”
  94. "...Yes...I believe you, Admiral."
  95. 艦娘開始小聲交談。
  96. The Shipgirls started to chatter among themselves.
  97. 居然把輕巡一把手的大淀都排除了。那麼說來,是要上別的重巡嗎?可是重巡裡面又沒有再像愛宕足柄那樣有足夠經驗的人了啊。就算再怎麼比輕巡性能強,沒有足夠訓練的也是不行的吧。
  98. The only light cruiser, Ooyodo, had just been replaced. Would other Heavy Cruisers be called up? There was nobody else among the heavy cruisers as experienced as Ashigara and Atago. No matter how much more powerful they were than light cruisers, they wouldn't get far without the experience to match.
  99. 總不可能是要選驅逐去吧。
  100. It wouldn't do to sortie Destroyers either.
  101. 那又到底選誰啊?
  102. So who would be called up?
  103. 從人群中,不斷發出類似的聲音。
  104. These thoughts issued unceasing from the crowd.
  105. 我發表了出擊艦娘的名字。
  106. So I spoke the name of the next ship to sortie.
  107. “正規空母,赤城。”
  108. "Standard Aircraft Carrier, Akagi."
  109. “非常感謝。請放心交給我吧。”
  110. "My deepest gratitude. Please leave it to me."
  111. 赤城上前一步。
  112. Akagi stepped forwards.
  113. 長門等人感到十分意外。
  114. Nagato and company turned with shock.
  115. “居然是空母?”
  116. "An Aircraft Carrier, of all things?"
  117. 對她們的這點疑問,果然有必要進行說明吧。
  118. Those doubts merited an explanation, after all.
  119. “是的,對於一支艦隊來說,空母是極其重要的編成。”
  120. "Yes. For a fleet, the Aircraft Carrier plays an incredibly important role."
  121. “我當然也知道空母的價值,之前的提督也嘗試過了。但是,敵方空母過於強大,只憑鎮守府裡的飛機,難道不是螳臂當車嗎?”
  122. "I understand the value of an aircraft carrier as well; the previous Admiral had also attempted to use them. But the enemy carrier was simply far too strong; with our Naval District's air fleet, isn't this an exercise in futility?"
  123. “空母的訓練水準並沒有問題,之所以沒能充分發揮……”
  124. "The training and experience of our carriers is not lacking; what has prevented them from reaching their full potential..."
  125. 是因為前任提督的排兵布陣上出了問題,我是這麼想的。
  126. ...Is because the previous Admiral had deployed them incorrectly, I wanted to say.
  127. 但是,要直接說出來,還是有點顧忌。
  128. Saying that out loud, however, would probably be a bad idea.
  129. 對已經不在場的人進行批判,是沒有素質的表現。換個形式表達出來比較好吧。
  130. It is both undignified and impolite to disparage someone who isn't here. I'd have to put it another way.
  131. “……總之,我正在思考最佳的作戰方式。”
  132. "...The point being, I am trying to determine the best possible strategy."
  133. “唔……既然提督都說到這份上了,那好吧。算了,總之深海棲艦都會被我殺得片甲不留!”
  134. "Mm...well, if that is how the Admiral feels, then so be it. No matter: I'll just devastate the Abyssals!"
  135. 長門接受了這一點後,眾人關心的重點轉移到下一個問題上。
  136. With Nagato accepting this point, the assembled shipgirls' attentions turned to the next issue.
  137. 最後一個人又是誰呢?
  138. Who would be the last member of the fleet?
  139. 大量視線都集中到身為秘書艦的加賀身上。
  140. Most eyes were turned upon Secretary Ship Kaga.
  141. 在這所鎮守府裡最為優秀的正規空母,同時也擁有最為精銳的航空機隊。
  142. This Naval District's strongest Standard Carrier, equipped with the most elite air groups.
  143. 但是,我所考慮的卻不同。
  144. But the ship I had in mind was different.
  146. “第六人是……輕空母,瑞鳳。”
  147. "The sixth member is...Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuihou.
  149. “咦——!?”
  150. "Ehhhh——?!"
  151. 發出尖叫的不是別人,正是瑞鳳。
  152. The source of that screech was none other than Zuihou herself.
  153. 她是完全沒想過吧,站著的地方也是隊伍最邊上。
  154. She clearly had not been expecting this; she stood at the edge of the group.
  155. 身邊的龍驤和祥鳳也發出驚嘆聲。
  156. Next to her, Zuihou and Shouhou also expressed their shock.
  157. 其他艦娘的動搖也比我預想的更嚴重。
  158. The murmur of shock among the shipgirls was far greater than I imagined.
  159. 長門毫不客氣地質問道:
  160. Nagato did not hold back when she finally spoke.
  161. “提督,你這是什麼意思?瑞鳳?這傢伙不是輕空母嗎!”
  162. "Admiral, what do you mean by this? Zuihou? This girl's a light carrier!"
  163. “……啊……是啊……不過,照以往的索敵成功率和迴避率來看……”
  164. "...Ah...yes, she is..however, in terms of detection ability and evasion..."
  165. “裝甲和耐久性都相當低下啊!”
  166. "Her armor and durability are both subpar!"
  167. “是倒是那樣……不過這是為了擊破目標海域的深海棲艦,考慮出來的最優編成啊?”
  168. "That is true...but this is the best combination of ships for defeating the Abyssals stationed at the target I could come up with."
  169. “開什麼玩笑!要選空母的話,至少也該是加賀吧!”
  170. "Don't joke with me! If you're going to choose an aircraft carrier, at least choose Kaga!"
  171. “加賀小姐的話,有隻能讓她去做的工作。”
  172. "I have something I wish Kaga-san to do."
  173. “少說廢話了!區區輕空母,能在那片海域裡派上用場嗎!?”
  174. "Enough of that! What is a mere Light Carrier expected to contribute on those seas?!"
  175. 長門怒吼著。
  176. Nagato's shouts made her anger clear.
  177. 一時間被立為標靶的瑞鳳,十分困惑地望著周圍。
  178. The sudden and unwitting target Zuihou looked around in confusion.
  179. “啊……唔……”
  180. ""
  181. 但是,其他艦娘也是一副懷疑的表情。
  182. But the other shipgirls also watched with doubt.
  183. ——能派上用場嗎?
  184. ——Would she be able to do her part?
  185. “那是當然了。仔細檢查下過去的戰鬥記錄的話……”
  186. "Of course. Based on analysis of past records..."
  187. “這支艦隊的戰役,我幾乎都經歷過了!戰場上能有價值的,就是火力和裝甲!”
  188. "I lived and fought in those records, Admiral; I've been in nearly every battle and skirmish written in there! What we need in battle is firepower and armor!"
  189. “這我不否定,但是艦隊也要有各種機能。瑞鳳是鎮守府裡實戰經驗僅次於赤城的空母,我認為她在衝島海域也一樣能夠適應。”
  190. "I do not disagree, but a fleet must fulfill other purposes. Among the carriers of this Naval District, Zuihou is second only to Akagi in practical combat experience. I believe she will be able to adapt and succeed at Okinoshima."
  191. 這是仔細斟酌後得出的結論,沒有比這更合適的編排了。
  192. This was an argument I had formed after significant consternation. There was no better fleet composition.
  193. 由於沒想到會被反對,就沒有準備資料好拿來說服她們。
  194. I had not expected such resistance, and so I had not prepared enough material with which to convince them.
  195. 就算被說太天真,也只能認了……
  196. I would have to plead guilty to any accusations of naïveté leveled against me.
  197. 數學問題的解答是提供一條通往答案的道路,只要說明方法就行。但最後得出的答案是不是真的能對上,就不知道了。
  198. It's easy to explain a mathematics problem, just describe how you reached the answer. But whether the end result matches up is another story.
  199. 該怎麼說明才好呢?
  200. How should I explain my reasoning here?
  201. 長門或許是因為我的困惑,而對我產生了不信任感。
  202. Perhaps it was my consternation that deepened Nagato's doubts,
  203. 她說出了令人震驚的發言。
  204. for the words she said mometns later were shocking.
  205. “難道不是提督在偏袒瑞鳳嗎?”
  206. "Could it be that the Admiral is biased towards Zuihou?"
  207. “你說什麼?”
  208. "What did you just say?"
  209. “我可是聽說你們在來鎮守府之前就認識,並且關係很好啊。”
  210. "I had heard that you had met each other before you came to the Naval District; apparently your relationship was quite good."
  211. “確實,我在成為提督之前就在一次交戰中見過瑞鳳,剛來鎮守府的時候也說過話。可是,那和出擊人選沒有任何關係。”
  212. "Indeed; before I became the Admiral, I once saw Zuihou in battle. When I came to the Naval District, I also spoke with her. However, this has nothing to do with my selection for the sortie fleet."
  213. “真的嗎?”
  214. "Really?"
  215. “你覺得我會偏袒嗎?這可是關係到作戰成功與否啊。”
  216. "Do you believe I would be so biased? This is a matter that will determine the success or failure of the operation?"
  217. “那有不是私情的證據嗎?”
  218. "Do you have proof that there is not an emotional conflict of interest based"
  219. “嗯?要說證據嘛……”
  220. "Hm? If you want proof..."
  221. 人聲嘈雜。
  222. The room was in chaos.
  223. 瑞鳳的肩膀不住的顫動,她望著我這邊,開口道:
  224. Zuihou turned, shoulders trembling, and spoke.
  225. “那、那個!”
  226. "U-um!"
  227. 隨著她的這一聲,整個房間都安靜下來,所有的目光都集中到她身上。
  228. The room plunged into silence at her voice. All eyes turned to her.
  229. 但是,瑞鳳沒有繼續講下去。
  230. But Zuihou did not continue.
  231. 不假思索的開口,還有周圍投來的令人不安的視線,讓她沒辦法開口。
  232. With the unnerving gazes of everyone around her transfixed upon her, she could not open her mouth to speak.
  233. 她的眼中溢出了淚水。
  234. Tears welled up.
  235. “……我、我是……做不來的!”
  236. "...I, I...can't do it!"
  237. 她邁開腳步。
  238. She turned away.
  239. 從作戰會議室裡逃了出去。
  240. And ran from the operations planning room.
  241. 沒想到竟然會做出那種事。
  242. I didn't expect this.
  243. “瑞鳳!”
  244. "Zuihou!"
  245. ——該去追嗎?
  246. ——Should I follow?
  247. 等等,那樣一來的話,就不能顧及到這邊的其餘艦娘了,那才是在偏袒。
  248. Hold on. If I did that, I would not be able to answer to the other shipgirls. That WOULD be bias.
  249. 艦娘們的騷動,也迎來了最高峰。
  250. The unease among the shipgirls continued to crescendo.
  251. 各種妄想層出不窮。
  252. A thousand different thoughts surfaced with no result.
  253. 這樣下去,別說是出擊前往衝島海域了,已經要是鎮守府的崩壞危機了!
  254. At this rate, nevermind the Okinoshima Operation; this whole Naval District could be in a crisis!
  256. 磅!
  257. Bam!
  258. 空氣震裂。
  259. The Air cracked.
  261. 周圍瞬間變得鴉雀無聲。
  262. Instant silence.
  263. 那是加賀拍掌的聲音。
  264. That was Kaga clapping.
  265. 她用無比銳利的目光,掃得面前的艦娘大氣都不敢喘。
  266. Her gaze swept over the assembled shipgirls, sharp enough to cut. Not a shipgirl dared breath.
  267. 緊張感造就了沉默。
  268. The tension was accompanied by silence.
  269. 加賀掃視著她們,用極其嚴肅的語氣開口問道:
  270. Looking over each of them, Kaga spoke, her voice harsh:
  271. “……你們對提督的決定有不滿嗎?那麼……誰又能告訴我,還有什麼可以攻下衝島海域的方法?還是說,想落得和之前一樣的下場嗎?”
  272. "...Do you all have a problem with the Admiral's decision? Well then...go on, tell me. Do you have another way to take the Okinoshima Island Waters? Or do you want the same result as last time?"
  273. 艦娘們啞口無言。
  274. The other shipgirls said nothing.
  275. 想來她們也不會有什麼見解,再加上,誰也不會想弄得和上次一樣。
  276. It looks like they didn't have much to say. Plus, nobody wanted to repeat what happened last time.
  277. 誰也不想再一次,因為沒能擊破深海棲艦,使得輸送作戰失敗,最終導致沒能完成任務的提督被革職。
  278. Nobody would want to repeat that. The Abyssals undefeated, the transport operation destroyed, the Admiral relieved of duty due to a failure to complete the operation.
  279. 雖然長門還是不能接受,但她也沒提出異議。
  280. Nagato clearly could not accept this arrangement, but she, too, suggested no alternative.
  281. 如果只注重火力和裝甲,到頭來還是會和之前一樣的編成吧。然後,得到的結果也會和之前一樣……
  282. Even with a focus on firepower and armor, the result would be the same as before. And of course, the consequences would be as before...
  283. 我扶正帽子。
  284. I straightened my cap.
  285. “這並不是偏袒,而是為了獲勝所必需的編成。我也沒有打算去證明這點。如果無論如何都不相信我的話,我也不會勉強你們。”
  286. "This is not bias, but a composition required for victory. I have no intention to go out of my way to prove this. If you will not believe me no matter what, then I cannot force you."
  287. “唔……”
  288. "Mm..."
  289. 長門露出思索的表情。
  290. Nagato had a ponderous expression.
  291. 我聳了聳肩。
  292. I shrugged.
  293. “不過,就算你不相信我,我也會信任你。”
  294. "Even so, even if you do not believe in me, I will still believe in you."
  295. “嗯?”
  296. "Hm?"
  297. “如果是長門,想必不管是什麼樣的編成,都能引導至勝利的吧……”
  298. "If it is Nagato, I believe that she will bring victory, regardless of the composition..."
  299. “唔!?”
  300. "Hm?!"
  301. 長門的臉上明媚起來。
  302. Nagato's expression lit up.
  303. 雙眼也在閃閃發光。
  304. Her eyes blazed.
  305. 雖然只是想說著試試——想或許她會接受呢?不過這樣也太簡單……不,總之這是好事。
  306. I just figured I'd try——maybe she'd accept it? But isn't this a little to simple...well, whatever, I'll take it.
  307. 長門高舉拳頭。
  308. Nagato raised her fist.
  310. “那是當然了!只要有我在,什麼樣的編成都沒問題!敵方的戰艦就交給我吧!”
  311. "Of course! As long as I am here, it doesn't matter what composition we have! Leave the enemy battleships to me!"
  313. 長門也是個好人啊。
  314. Nagato is a good person too.
  316. 瑞鳳的房間——
  317. Zuihou's room——
  318. 這個地方是之前跟著她跑出去了的雷和電告訴我的。
  319. According to Inazuma and Ikazuchi, this was where they had followed her to after they fled.
  320. 雖然試著敲了敲門,但是並沒有回應。
  321. Although I tried to knock, I had gotten no response.
  322. 如果太用力敲門的話,就會變得像威脅一樣。
  323. If I knocked too hard, it'd seem like I were threatening her.
  324. 不過也不能就這麼回去。這次作戰,瑞鳳也是必需的戰力。
  325. But I can't just leave either. Zuihou is necessary for this operation.
  326. 我打開了門。
  327. I opened the door.
  329. 第一眼看到的她的房間裡——
  330. The first thing I saw as I entered——
  331. 擺放著大量的飛機。
  332. Christ, that's a lot of planes.
  333. 當然並不是真實的艦載機,那都是製作精良的塑製模型。全部都放在佔了整整一面牆的玻璃櫥櫃裡。
  334. Of course, they weren't real planes, just well-made plastic models. They were all placed on glass shelves that ran the length of one of the walls.
  335. 說起來,瑞鳳很喜歡飛機的啊。
  336. Speaking of which, Zuihou loves planes.
  337. 房間裡也堆了很多模型盒子。
  338. Piles of model boxes filled the room.
  339. 瑞鳳就被那些盒子圍在房間正中間的桌子邊上,正背對著這裡組著模型。
  340. And, on a desk surrounded by boxes, Zuihou was putting together a model, her back to me.
  341. 她看上去全神貫注,甚至都沒有註意到我進了房間。
  342. She seemed fully focused. She didn't even seem to have noticed me coming in.
  343. 好像一邊嘟噥著什麼,一邊在製作。
  344. She seemed to be mumbling something as she worked.
  345. 仔細一聽——
  346. Let me try to listen a bit——
  347. “結果還是逃掉了啊……但是,我又沒有像長門小姐那樣強……唉……就算不強,腳也很可愛的啊……這腳……”
  348. "In the end, I still ended up running away...but, I'm just not strong like Nagato-san...sigh...even if you're not strong, your legs sure are cute...these legs..."
  349. 一邊這麼說著,一邊在組新的九九式轟炸機,明明房間裡已經擺了大量九九式的模型了。
  350. She was putting together a Type 99 Bomber as she spoke. The room was already full of Type 99 models.
  351. 就光這麼站著也不好。
  352. Okay, I really shouldn't just stand here like this.
  353. 我刻意咳嗽了一下。
  354. I coughed politely.
  355. “咳咳。”
  356. "Ahem."
  357. 瑞鳳被嚇了一跳,轉過身來。
  358. Zuihou nearly jumped before turning.
  359. “提、提督?”
  360. "A-admiral?"
  361. 那雙眼睛看上去就像害怕我發火的孩子一樣。
  362. Those eyes looked at me like a child scared of an angry parent.
  363. 我在門邊坐下,盡可能先讓雙方看起來平等一些。
  364. I sat down next to the door, so our positions would be a little more equal.
  365. “抱歉,我擅自就進來了。”
  366. "Sorry, I came in on my own."
  367. “啊啊啊……對、對不起!”
  368. "Ahh, ahh....s-sorry!"
  369. “瑞鳳,關於這次的編成……長門已經能夠接受了,剩下就只是你的意見了。”
  370. "Zuihou, regarding the composition this time...Nagato has agreed to it. The only thing left is how you feel about it."
  371. 她露出驚訝的表情。
  372. She gaped in shock.
  373. “長門她?不、但​​是,我在之前的演習也輸掉了……提督真的認為,我能在戰場上活躍起來嗎?”
  374. "Nagato? No, but, I lost in the exercise earlier too...does the Admiral really think that I can do my part on the battlefield?"
  375. 她看起來沒有多少自信,因此才覺得是我在偏袒她吧。
  376. Looks like she doesn't have much self-confidence, so she thought that I was biased towards her.
  377. 可能會有點久——我這麼說著,在地板上攤開資料。
  378. This might take a while——saying that, I spread out my datasheets.
  379. “這是以往的戰鬥記錄。”
  380. "These are records from previous battles."
  381. “是……所以……?”
  382. ""
  383. “你看下這邊的數值,這是中彈時的狀況……”
  384. "Look at these numbers. These are the conditions in which hits were scored..."
  385. 我慢慢教給她解讀資料的方式,還有根據這些推導得出的艦娘性能——那些圖鑑上沒有記載的數值也一一說明。
  386. I slowly broke down how to read the information, and how I used information to derive other statistics on a shipgirl's abilities——information not written in the albums.
  387. 提出的每一個疑問,我都詳細回答。
  388. To each question and doubt, I provided a detailed answer.
  389. 就像是軍校裡的師生關係一樣。雖然我不知道怎麼和別人打交道,不過學業上很拿手。
  390. Like an instructor in the academy and a new student. I might not know how to make small talk with others, but Academia is my fucking jam.
  391. 隨著疑問一個個解開,瑞鳳的表情也從最開始的不安逐漸變化。到了幾個小時後,終於露出了能夠接受的表情。
  392. As each of her concerns were swept aside, Zuihou's expression also began to change: as the hours passed, her unease slowly began to give way to acceptance.
  393. “……原來是這樣啊。”
  394. "...So that's how that is."
  395. “雖然只是預想,不過我認為有嘗試的價值。”
  396. "Of course, these are just theories, but I believe it's worth testing."
  397. “提督要選我的理由,好像感覺稍微有點……明白了。”
  398. "The reason Admiral chose me...I think I understand a little now."
  399. 那真是太好了。
  400. That's great.
  401. 看起來理論上的說明已經完成了。
  402. It looks like the analytical explanation was pretty much done.
  403. 不過,她的表情還是有點陰沉。
  404. And yet her expression still looked a little downcast.
  405. “還有什麼擔心的嗎?”
  406. "Is there something else troubling you?"
  407. 她欲言又止,過了一會兒,小聲開口道:
  408. With hesitation, she finally spoke with a quiet voice.
  409. “……我……之前逃掉了……在提督叫到我的時候,明明是艦娘……明明一直在說輕空母也能活躍的……我真的能讓提督信任嗎——”
  410. "...I...earlier, I ran away...when the Admiral called upon me, even though I'm a shipgirl...even though I always said light carriers would be able to do their part...can I really be trusted by the Admiral——"
  411. “沒事的。”
  412. "You can."
  413. 我把手按在她的肩頭。
  414. I put a hand on her shoulder.
  415. 她還不能充分信任自己,所以才會比別人更加努力的在訓練吧。就像我剛來鎮守府的那天一樣。
  416. She still isn't sufficiently confident in herself. That's why she tried harder than anyone to train, just like what she was doing on the day I came to the Naval District.
  417. “通過這些資料,我確信你能夠表現活躍。你迄今為止的努力也是……請你,相信這些我深信不疑的可能性吧!”
  418. "Based on this data, I am confident you will be able to show your achievements. The same holds for your erstwhile efforts...please, believe me, who believes in you!"
  419. “提督……”
  420. "Admiral..."
  421. 瑞鳳的眼中再一次變得濕潤。
  422. Zuihou's eyes looked moist once more.
  423. 我摘下帽子,低下了頭。
  424. I took off my hat and lowered my head.
  425. “關於之前的會議……沒有經過事前交流就直接公開,是我的不對。因為你一次都沒有從深海棲艦面前逃走過。不然的話,要再看一遍記錄嗎?”
  426. "Regarding the meeting was wrong for me to publicly announce this without consulting you first. It was because there are no records of you ever running away from an abyssal ship. Unless we should go over the records again?"
  427. “咦?不、不用了!已經很清楚了!”
  428. "Eh? N-no need! I got it!"
  429. 瑞鳳擺著雙手。
  430. Zuihou raised her hands.
  431. “那麼,你能做得來嗎?”
  432. "Well then can you do it?"
  433. 經過短暫的思考,​​她點了點頭。
  434. After a short moment of contemplation, she nodded.
  435. “我知道了。我會相信自己的。也請提督相信我,相信輕空母也能活躍表現。”
  436. "I understand. I shall believe in myself. Admiral, please believe in me as well; please believe that we light carriers, too, can achieve."
  437. “那是當然了。”
  438. "Of course."
  439. “不論什麼時候?不管多麼危險,都要相信到最後哦?”
  440. "No matter what time? No matter how dangerous it is, please believe in us until the end, okay?"
  441. “我和你約好了,不管是什麼時候,我都相信瑞鳳——作為交換,你一定要活著回來鎮守府啊。”
  442. "I promise to you. No matter what time, what place, I shall always believe in Zuihou——in exchange, you must promise to return, alive, to the Naval District."
  443. “嗯,我一定會回來的。約好了。”
  444. "Mm, I will definitely return. I promise."
  445. “謝謝。為了讓你們能成功擊破深海棲艦,平安歸來,我也會盡我所能的。”
  446. "Thanks. In order to ensure that you destroy the Abyssals and return peacefully, I, too, will also do all I can."
  447. “請您多指教,提督!”
  448. "I'll be in your care, Admiral!"
  449. 她綻放出明媚的笑容,深深地低下頭去。
  450. Zuihou beamed before lowering her head
  451. 然後——
  452. and then——
  453. 抬起頭來的時候,深深地嘆了口氣。
  454. she sighed deeply as she raised her head.
  455. “哈啊……”
  456. "Sigh/Haah..."
  457. “哦,抱歉……突然就講了這麼多,累了吧?”
  458. "Ah, sorry...I guess after suddenly springing all that on you, you're tired?"
  459. “啊?不是……只是稍微覺得有點遺憾……啊哈哈。”
  460. "Ah? No...I just feel a little wistful...ahaha."
  461. “遺憾?”
  462. "Wistful?"
  463. “嗯……雖、雖然說出來,可能對不起大家……不過其實,大家覺得我是在被偏袒的時候,稍微有點高興。在想是不是被提督當成女孩子來看呢之類的……啊啊,果然好害羞!剛剛那些,都當沒聽到啦!”
  464. "Mm...A-although it's kind of rude to everyone else...but to be honest, when everyone thought you were biased towards me, I felt just a little happy. As if the Admiral might be seeing me as a girl...ahhhhhhh, it's too embarassing after all! All of that, pretend you didn't hear it!"
  465. “是,是嗎……”
  466. "I-is that so..."
  467. 我不可能只是把瑞鳳當成艦娘來看……
  468. Of course I couldn't see Zuihou just as a shipgirl...
  469. 稍微思考了一下,我就覺得很驚訝。
  470. Thinking about it, I suddenly felt a bit of shock.
  471. ——我都在想什麼啊!
  472. ——What the hell am I thinking about?
  473. 瑞鳳是艦娘。
  474. Zuihou is a shipgirl.
  475. 而我是提督。
  476. And I'm the Admiral.
  477. 站在她的角度來看,我就是長官。
  478. From her point of view, I'm her superior.
  479. 在這個階層下,長官的命令就是絕對性的。有時甚至會下達為之喪命的命令。
  480. From her place, her superior's orders are absolute. They could even be orders to die.
  481. 在這種關係下,我對艦娘抱有私人感情,並且提出,這不就是公私不分嗎?不就是濫用職權嗎?
  482. In this kind of relationship, I'm having feelings towards the shipgirls...not to mention, isn't this literally an emotional conflict of interest? An abuse of one's position?
  483. 但是,瑞鳳卻說“是不是被當成女孩子來看呢”之類的話。
  484. But then Zuihou was wondering whether I was seeing her as a girl.
  485. 是在渴望被當成普通的女性對待嗎。
  486. She wants to be treated like a normal girl.
  487. 是所有的艦娘都是這樣呢?還是只有瑞鳳發生了改變呢?我不知道。但是,她的感情是相當需要注意的吧。
  488. Are all shipgirls like this? Or has only Zuihou changed in this fashion? I don't know. But, I'll need to pay attention to her feelings from here on out.
  489. ——畢竟,我自己也能充分感受到瑞鳳的魅力。
  490. ——After all, I can definitely feel Zuihou's appeal.
  491. 要小心不讓自己說出有強迫性質的話,還要顧及到她的感受去回應。
  492. I have to be careful not to say anything coercive, and respond to her feelings with her in mind.
  493. 真是個大難題。
  494. This is going to be tough.
  495. “……瑞鳳是很有魅力。”
  496. "...Zuihou has a lot of appeal too."
  497. “是在說性能嗎?謝謝誇獎。”
  498. "You mean in terms of abilities? Thank you for your praise."
  499. “不,那是……在講作為一個女性……剛見到的時候,就覺得很美了……說出來,你會高興嗎?”
  500. "No, that's...I was saying as a girl...when I first saw you, I thought you were beautiful...when I say that, are you happy?"
  501. “咦?誒!?”
  502. "Eh? Ehhhh?!"
  503. “我並不知道要怎麼去評價一個女性的魅力。所以也不清楚自己說的話有多少價值……但是,也不能就斷定說你沒有作為女性的魅力——這就是我想說的。”
  504. "I don't know how to evaluate a girl's appeal, so I'm not sure how much value my words hold...but it would be impossible to say that yo uare devoid of a female's appeal——that is what I wanted to say."
  505. “嗚啊啊啊……”
  506. "Uooohhhhhhh"
  507. 真是拐彎抹角的說法啊。
  508. What a roundabout way to say that.
  509. 不過,這樣就能不帶著自己的感情去肯定她的魅力了吧。
  510. But this way I can validate and affirm her appeal without factoring in my personal feelings.
  511. 瑞鳳的耳朵染成了通紅。
  512. Zuihou's ears had turned a deep shade of beetroot.
  513. “有、有魅力?”
  514. "A-appeal?"
  515. “啊?嗯……是那麼想的。”
  516. "Ah? Mm...yeah, that's how I would put it."
  517. “可、可愛嗎?”
  518. "C-cute?"
  519. “是吧。你笑起來的時候,特別可愛啊。”
  520. "Yes. When you smile, it's especially cute."
  521. “誒嘿嘿……比九九式轟炸機的腳還可愛?”
  522. "Ehhehe....cuter than a Type 99's Feet?"
  523. “那個能拿來比的嗎?雖然不太清楚,不過照人類的價值觀來看,我覺得你是很有魅力的。”
  524. "Can we really compare those? Although I'm not too sure, but based on how humans evaluate others, I think that you have appeal."
  525. “不、不行的吧,提督……我明明,我們明明是提督和艦娘的關係。”
  526. "T-this is no good, Admiral...we're Admiral and Shipgirl, you and I."
  527. “……嗯……我很清楚。”
  528. "...Mm...I am very aware."
  529. 當然是不被允許的吧。艦娘是人類的希望,是能和深海棲艦抗衡的唯一手段。
  530. Of course it's forbidden. Shipgirls are humanity's hope, the only way to hold back the Abyssals.
  531. 我將從未經歷過的感情埋進了心底。
  532. I felt emotions I had never felt before at the bottom of my heart.
  533. 瑞鳳喃喃念道:
  534. Zuihou murmured to herself.
  535. “……啊啊……我都沒有戶籍,能辦得來婚禮嗎?等下,人和艦娘,能生小孩的嗎?”
  536. "...Ahhhhhh....I'm not registered, is it okay to marry? Hold on, people and shipgirls, can they even conceive children?"
  537. ——嗯?好像有聽到婚禮?
  538. ——Hm? Did I just hear marriage?
  539. 不,怎麼會呢。
  540. No way, how could that be.
  541. 看來我也比自己想像的還要不穩重呢,不注意點的話。
  542. It seems like I'm not nearly as steady as I thought I was, if I don't pay attention.
  543. “瑞鳳,關於今後的事情啊。”
  544. "Zuihou, regarding everything from here on out."
  545. “是、是……我們今後……咦!什麼時候就在想的?今後……啊、不,什麼都沒有!”
  546. " on out,! When were you thinking about this? From here on out....ah, no, there isn't anything!"
  547. “我想,有盡可能多造一些出來的必要,希望你也能來幫忙。”
  548. "Well, I figured we'd better make a few, so I wanted to know whether you'd help."
  549. “嗚啊啊……這、這麼快就……要造是……?”
  550. "Uohhh....t-this quickly...we're going to make...?"
  551. 瑞鳳轉著眼睛。
  552. Zuihou looked away.
  553. 她的反應和我預想的不太一樣。
  554. Her reaction isn't quite what I thought it'd be.
  555. “沒問題吧?雖然出擊前的準備訓練應該會很忙,但還是希望以後每天早晚都能來弄。”
  556. "Are you alright? I know you'll be busy training before sortieing, but I was hoping you'd be make time every night to do it."
  557. “等、等下……還、心裡的準備還沒……”
  558. "H-hold on...still, my heart still isn't prepared..."
  559. “瑞鳳應該辦得到的。”
  560. "Zuihou can do it."
  561. “辦、辦得到嗎!?”
  562. "D-do it?!"
  563. “之​​前不也是造出了天山嗎?”
  564. "Haven't you made a Tenzan before?"
  565. “誒?”
  566. "Eh?"
  567. “這次的作戰,盡可能需要更多高性能的艦載機。這些就拜託你了。”
  568. "For this operation, we require more high-performance carrier planes. I'll be counting on you for that."
  569. “……啊……嗯……”
  570. "...Ah...mmm..."
  571. 不知道為什麼,她滿臉通紅。
  572. For whatever reason, she is completely red.
  573. 雖然是想盡最大可能顧及下她的感受的,不過果然要理解女性還是太難了。自己還有待提升。
  574. I did my best to consider her feelings. As expected, though, understanding the female psyche is too difficult. I still have a long way to go.
  576. 司令本部的命令下達後的第十天——
  577. Ten days after High Command's order——
  578. 今天就是預定期限。
  579. Today is the sortie day.
  581. “就此,即將執行『亞號艦隊決戰』!”
  582. "And so, we shall hereby execute the Decisive Fleet Battle, Operation Ah-go!
  584. 話音未落,面前的六個艦娘行了軍禮,從海港出發。其餘的艦娘就揮手目送。
  585. Before the words were finished, the six shipgirls in front of me saluted and set off from their docks. The other shipgirls waved them along.
  586. 在那數小時之後。
  587. That was several hours ago.
  588. 就是預定突入衝島海域的時間。
  589. It is the appointed time for teh attack.
  590. 我獨自一人留在司令室裡,觀察著她們的狀況。
  591. I sat alone in the Commander's Office, watching their situation.
  592. 身為秘書艦的加賀,因為有別的任務在身,剛剛就出去了。
  593. Secretary Ship Kaga had just gone off to attend to other business.
  594. 熒幕上映出了長門、陸奧、愛宕、足柄、赤城、瑞鳳的身影。
  595. On the screen I could see Nagato, Mutsu, Atago, Ashigara, Akagi and Zuihou's silhouettes.
  596. 她們乘風破浪,在海面上飛馳。
  597. Crashing through the waves, they soared across the water surface.
  599. 剛進入衝島海域沒多久——
  600. Not long after breaking through into the Okinoshima Island Waters——
  601. 釋放出偵察機的瑞鳳就叫道:
  602. Having dispatched reconnaissance planes, Zuihou called:
  603. “長門小姐,偵察機發現了小規模的敵方部隊!”
  604. "Nagato-san, scouts have detected a small enemy fleet!"
  605. “很好!全體艦隊,準備進入炮雷擊戰!”
  606. "Very good! All ships, prepare for shelling!"
  607. 艦娘們紛紛進入了戰鬥準備。
  608. The shipgirls swiftly went to battle stations.
  609. 要發現敵方部隊,需要的是預測精度,偵察機的水準,再來……就是運氣了。雖然我認為瑞鳳是能滿足所有要求——不過還真的很出色地完成了啊。
  610. Detecting an enemy fleet is a matter of prediction accuracy, the skill of the scout plane, and...well, sheer luck. While I always believed that Zuihou had sufficient quantities of each, this was still an impressive start.
  611. 我在熒幕前點點頭。
  612. I nodded in front of the monitor.
  613. 利用有利形勢,與敵方貼身肉搏。
  614. Engage the enemy from an advantageous angle, and then brawl it up at close range.
  615. 為了搶制先機,赤城和瑞鳳放出了攻擊機隊。
  616. In order to seize the initiative, Akagi and Zuihou launched their bomber groups.
  617. 從對方的行動來看,應該還沒有發現我們。依照過去的資料,這也不是贏不了的對手。
  618. From the movement of the enemy fleet, they still haven't detected us. Based on past information, this isn't exactly an unbeatable enemy either.
  619. 但是,緊張感卻沒有消失。
  620. But the tension did not dissipate.
  621. 畢竟,我曾經親眼見過。那些近距離砲擊都傷不到分毫,單方面在蹂躪人類的怪物。
  622. After all, these creatures could take naval guns at short range as they demolished humanity. I had personally witnessed that.
  623. 光是回想起來,都在不住地冒冷汗。
  624. Just remembering that moment doused me in cold sweat.
  625. ——真的能打敗深海棲艦嗎?
  626. ——Can we really defeat the Abyssals?
  627. 敵方艦隊的編成是重巡Ri級,雷巡Chi級精英型,輕巡To級,和驅逐Ha級二艘。
  628. The enemy fleet consisted of a Ri-class Heavy Cruiser, an elite Chi-class Torpedo Cruiser, a To-class Light Cruiser and two Ha-class destroyers.
  629. 沒有大型的深海棲艦,只是一支巡洋艦隊。
  630. No heavy ships; this was just a patrol fleet.
  631. 赤城念道。
  632. Akagi spoke up.
  633. “只是敵方前衛部隊,至少不會陷入苦戰。”
  634. "It's just a picket fleet. This, at least, won't be some uphill fight."
  635. 正如她所說,我們的目標,應該是在最深處的核心艦隊。
  636. As she said, our target is the fleet deep in the core of these waters.
  637. 敵方發現了我方的攻擊機隊,展開了對空砲擊。
  638. Having seen the incoming bombers, the enemy vessels opened up with their anti-air guns.
  639. 但是那和之前的演習中,長門一行人的對空砲火比起來,簡直是不堪一擊。
  640. But compared to Nagato and company's anti-air barrage at the exercise, this was nothing.
  641. 攻擊機輕鬆接近,投下了魚雷。
  642. The bombers easily closed in and launched their torpedos.
  643. 緊接著,激起了巨大的水柱。
  644. Pillars of foam shot into the sky.
  645. 有如異形般的怪物發出了悲鳴。
  646. An inhumman, unearthly cry of anguish.
  647. 原本柔軟得活動自如的船體,此時變得像石像一般崩離瓦解。
  648. The previously soft and pliable, one of the abyssal's bodies ossified, as if transmuted into stone——and then fell apart.
  649. ——擊沉了!
  650. ——Sunk!
  651. 我第一次擊沉了「敵人」。
  652. The first time I had sank one of the "enemy"
  653. 深海棲艦的隊列變得散亂起來。
  654. The Abyssal formation was breaking up.
  655. 正進入了我方艦娘的有效射程內。
  656. Right as they entered the shipgirl's firing range.
  657. 長門高喊道:
  658. Nagato called:
  660. “全主砲,齊射——!”
  661. "All main guns, fire——!"
  663. 震耳欲聾的爆音撼動了水平面。
  664. Ear-numbing blasts rippled across the surface.
  665. 哪怕透過通信線路的這一頭,也能感受到共振。
  666. I felt the resonance even across the screen.
  667. 一時間遮蔽了長門的巨大砲火,將周圍照耀得一片赤紅。隨後的徐徐白煙,也染遍了整片熒幕。
  668. The massive plume of Nagato's salvo obscured all around her, illuminating her surroundings a deep scarlet. The smoke that followed also covered the screen.
  669. 僅僅是一瞬間……
  670. A mere moment later...
  671. 敵方艦船再次被高聳的水柱裹挾其中。
  672. The enemy vessels were once more bracketed by massive plumes of water.
  673. 隨後便發生了爆炸。
  674. Followed by explosions.
  675. 一擊命中!
  676. Shot on target!
  677. 我在內心拍手喝彩。
  678. I was clapping with joy inside.
  679. 這真是太厲害了。至少,普通的軍艦的第一次砲擊光是能落在附近就很了不起了。要是偏得再遠些,就是不合格的砲擊。
  680. This is too amazing. For a conventional warships, hitting in the same general area of the enemy is already impressive. A little further and it'd be considered unsatisfactory.
  681. 初次砲擊就直接命中,這正是久經沙場的證明。
  682. To score a direct hit on the first salvo——that is proof of many battles.
  683. 在射程上,還是身為戰列艦的長門陸奧更佔優勢。
  684. In terms of range, Battleships Nagato and Mutsu had the advantage.
  685. 敵方還沒能作出回擊。
  686. The enemy was not yet even able to return fire.
  687. 沒等對方出手,陸奧就下了最後一擊。
  688. Mutsu fired a final salvo before the enemy could respond.
  689. 敵方艦隊伴著裊裊黑煙沉沒。
  690. The enemy fleet sank, billowing black smoke.
  691. 在上空盤旋的偵察機確認了狀況。
  692. The scout planes circling above them confirmed the situation.
  693. 瑞鳳匯報導:“那個……確認擊沉敵方艦隊!附近無敵情!”
  694. "Uhh...enemy fleet's destruction is confirmed! No enemies in the vicinity," Zuihou reported.
  695. “很好!”
  696. "Very good!"
  697. 長門點點頭。
  698. Nagato nodded.
  699. 熒幕前的我,也稍稍握緊了​​拳頭。
  700. In front of the monitor, I also clenched my fist.
  701. ——贏了!
  702. ——We won!
  703. 擊沉了深海棲艦的艦隊!
  704. We destroyed an abyssal fleet!
  705. 雖然對手只是負責前衛的小部隊,但也是第一次擊沉了「敵人」。我高興到渾身都在不住顫抖。
  706. Although the enemy was simply a small picket fleet, this was still my first time defeating the enemy. I trembled with joy.
  707. 幾乎想要放聲大叫。
  708. I wanted to shout.
  709. 為了以防萬一,還是確認了一下艦娘的受損狀況。
  710. Just to be sure, I'd better confirm the shipgirl's damage situation.
  711. 當然了,因為幾乎沒有受到反擊,可以說是完全無傷。
  712. Of course, since there was almost no counterattack, I could say that no damage was sustained.
  713. 只是消耗了一些艦載機和彈藥而已。
  714. We simply expended some planes and ammunition.
  715. 從揚聲器中,傳來了長門的聲音。
  716. From the speakers, Nagato's voice spoke out.
  717. “提督,確認狀況了嗎?要稱讚還太早了點。交戰這才剛開始。對了,就問一下,是要「進軍」?還是「撤退」?”
  718. "Admiral, have you confirmed the situation? Save the praise for later, the battle has just started. Oh also, I should ask, should we 'Advance' or 'Retreat'?"
  719. 我苦笑著。
  720. I smiled wryly.
  722. 如果這台通信設備能傳達大量資訊的話,肯定會稱讚她們一番的吧。
  723. If this system was capable of transmitting more information, I'd have praised them all over.
  724. 但是能說的,只有一句話。
  725. But all I can say now is a single phrase.
  726. “當然是進軍。”
  727. "Advance, of course."
  728. 長門露出理所應當的表情,點了點頭。
  729. Nagato nodded, her expression saying this was the obvious choice.
  730. “很好,全體艦隊,緊隨我身後!”
  731. "Very good. All ships, follow closely!"
  732. 她們朝著衝島海域的最深處繼續前進。
  733. They continued to advanced towards the core of the Okinoshima island waters.
  735. 熒幕上的畫面切換到了方位圖。
  736. The image on the screen switched to a map.
  737. 我注意到一點。
  738. I looked a little closer.
  739. 她們偏離了預定路線。
  740. They were deviating from the intended path.
  741. “唔……偏離了嗎……?”
  742. "Hm....we've deviated...?"
  743. 關於航線,加賀之前說過。
  744. Kaga had told me about the route.
  746. 那是在幾天前——
  747. That was several days ago.
  748. “羅盤?那是定位用的磁石嗎?”
  749. "Compass? Like the magnetic tool for determining location?"
  750. “……一般來說,是的。”
  751. "...Normally, yes."
  752. “這個有什麼不同嗎?”
  753. "Is there something different about this one?
  754. “前往深海棲艦的深處的話,普通的羅盤會出現故障。”
  755. "When we go deep into Abyssal territory, normal compasses begin to malfunction."
  756. “是嗎……”
  757. "Is that so..."
  758. 因為是通常兵器無法解決的對手,所以一般也沒有人會進入深海棲艦盤踞的海域深處,方向會錯亂也是頭一次聽說。
  759. Since these were enemies invulnerable to conventional weapons, there simply wasn't any reason to go deep into abyssal-controlled waters, so I had never heard of this variation in routes before.
  760. 在海上,如果不能判斷自己的方向的話,想循著正確方向前進幾乎是不可能的。
  761. On the high seas, it was practically impossible to sail consistently in the right direction without knowing one's own bearing and direction.
  762. 加賀從懷中掏出來的,是一個鑲著金邊的精美羅盤。大小就和懷錶差不多。
  763. From her robes, Kaga took out a gold-rimmed compass, about the size of a pocketwatch.
  764. “這是為艦娘製造的羅盤……如果沒有這個,就幾乎不可能接觸到深海棲艦的核心艦隊。”
  765. "This is a compass designed for the shipgirls...without this, it'd be practically impossible to encounter the Abyssal core fleets."
  766. “這樣的嗎,真是厲害啊。”
  767. "Is that so? That's amazing."
  768. “……只不過,也不是能完全避開干擾。能否沿著正確方向前進,全部都是靠運氣……你是幸運之子嗎?”
  769. "...Unfortunately, it is not capable of altogether avoiding all interference. Whether it points the right way is often due purely on lucky...are you a lucky one?"
  770. “雖然我不喜歡靠運氣……不過也沒辦法吧。”
  771. "Well, I don't like games of chance...I suppose we have no choice."
  772. “……順便,使用方法是,將羅盤轉起來。”
  773. " the way, the way it's used is by spinning the compass."
  774. “轉起來!?為什麼是用轉的!?”
  775. "Spinning it?! Why do we have to spin it?!"
  776. 加賀偏著頭,看來她也不知道為什麼,但這就是正確的使用方式的樣子。
  777. Kaga tipped her head to the side. It looks like she doesn't know either, but this apparently is the right way to use it.
  779. 長門拿在手裡的羅盤,正在高速旋轉。
  780. The compass in Nagato's hand was spinning wildly.
  781. 迴轉的速度一圈一圈降下來。
  782. The compass gradually slowed each revolution——
  783. 指在了東的位置。
  784. and pointed to the east.
  785. 就這樣偏離了預定航線。
  786. And thus they deviated from the planned route.
  787. 好不容易幾乎無傷到達這裡了。
  788. And we had just managed to get so far without any damage.
  789. ——無論如何都請朝著核心艦隊前進吧。
  790. ——Well, either way, they're still heading towards the core.
  791. 成為提督以後,做的就只有求神告天而已,我為自己苦笑了一下。
  792. After becoming an Admiral, I can still do nothing but pray to the heavens. I smiled bitterly to myself.
  793. 瑞鳳的「瑞」字是代表幸運,我很期待那份運勢。
  794. The Zui in Zuihou stands for good luck. I'm banking on that.
  796. 艦娘們開始隱約懷疑自己是否離開了海域,並為之不安。
  797. Having begun to suspect that they had gone off course, the shipgirls began to show their unease.
  798. 就在此時,瑞鳳叫出聲。
  799. At this time, Zuihou called out
  800. “發現敵方艦隊!”
  801. "Enemy fleet detected!"
  802. “終於來了嗎!來多少我都不會手下留情的!”
  803. "They're here, then! No matter how many, I won't show them any mercy!"
  804. 長門高吼道。
  805. Nagato bellowed loudly.
  806. 彷彿是要勸告她不要太過得意一樣,赤城進一步問道:
  807. As if to caution her not to get carried away, Akagi stepped forwards and spoke up.
  808. “敵方艦隊的編成是?”
  809. "Enemy composition?"
  810. “是,現在正在確認。”
  811. "Yes, confirming."
  812. 瑞鳳開始傳達來自偵察機的情報。
  813. Zuihou began to relay the scouts' report.
  814. “是……敵方編成,重巡Ri級二艘,輕巡To級精英型,驅逐Ha級精英型二艘……再有……旗艦是戰艦Ru級!”
  815. "The...enemy's composition is two Ri-class heavy cruisers, one elite To-class torpedo cruiser, two elite Ha-class destroyers...and flagship Ru-class Battleship!"
  816. ——戰艦Ru級?
  817. ——Ru-class battleship?
  818. 她的話讓我為之一振。
  819. Her words shook me.
  820. “是那傢伙嗎!”
  821. "Is it that bastard?!"
  822. 熒幕上映出了敵方艦隊。
  823. The screen flipped to the enemy fleet.
  824. 那是在那片夕陽下見過的,巨大深海棲艦。
  825. That was the giant abyssal ship I had seen under that setting sun.
  826. 但是,和我印象裡的那傢伙有著些許不同。雖然大體輪廓類似,但火砲的大小和頭部的形狀,都和那傢伙不同。
  827. And yet, it looked a little different from my memories. Although the body shape and build were largely alike, the size of the guns and the appearance of her head was different from THAT one.
  828. “……是別的嗎。”
  829. "'s some other one, huh."
  830. 是啊,戰艦Ru級也是有著大量個體存在,我乘的那艘驅逐艦也不是在衝島海域被擊沉的。
  831. That's right, there are a lot of Ru-class Battleships around. The destroyer I was on at the time was not sunk in the Okinoshima waters either.
  832. 那是另外個體的可能性很高。
  833. So it was highly likely that this was another version.
  834. 明明腦袋裡面一清二楚,可還是抑制不了自己的衝動。
  835. But while this made sense in my head, I could not completely control my haste.
  836. 啪!我狠狠拍了自己的臉。
  837. Slap! I slapped myself across the face.
  838. ——給我冷靜點!
  839. ——Calm the fuck down!
  840. 熒幕上,赤城和瑞鳳已經讓機隊起飛了。其中包含主力攻擊機隊和隨行護衛的零式戰鬥機二一型。
  841. On-screen, Akagi and Zuihou had already launched their attack squadrons. Escorting the primary bombers was an escort of Type 21 Zeroes.
  842. 她們射出的箭矢在空中散發出耀眼的火光,變化成直衝雲霄的飛機。
  843. The arrows they fired into the sky split in a blaze of light, transforming into planes shooting for the clouds.
  844. 對方並沒有空母,恐怕是為了要確保制空權吧。
  845. The enemy did not have carriers, so they must be to secure air superiority.
  846. 沒多久,​​打頭陣的攻擊機隊就擊沉了深海棲艦的輕巡和驅逐各一艘。
  847. Not long after, the first wave had already taken out a torpedo cruiser and a destroyer each.
  848. ——儘早發現敵艦,在近身砲擊戰展開前就搶先削減敵方戰力。這是多麼的有效率!
  849. ——To deplete the enemy's strength before engaging in shelling. This is proving really effective!
  850. 雖然要下定論還太早了點,但果然編成有空母真是太好了。
  851. Though it's a little early to make it doctrine, it does seem like including carriers is a good idea.
  852. 再加上,飛機能夠做到的,不只是偵查和先制攻擊而已。
  853. Moreover, planes can do more than scout and launch opening strikes.
  854. 和敵方艦隊的距離拉近了。
  855. The enemy fleet was drawing close.
  856. “全主砲,齊射!”
  857. "All guns, open fire!"
  858. 長門一聲令下,炮火再次染上海面,砲彈撕裂長空。
  859. Under Nagato's orders, gunfire once more dyed the surface red as shells split the skies.
  860. 對面的戰艦Ru級也予以回擊。
  861. The enemy Ru-class also returned fire.
  862. 雙方都沒有命中,只是落在了附近。
  863. Neither side scored a hit, both sides' shots landing near hteir targets.
  864. 這是很正常的狀況。第一次砲擊沒有命中,之後就要進行修正後進行第二、第三次砲擊,誰先打中對方,誰就贏。
  865. This is normal. If the first shot doesn't hit, one must make adjustments and then fire a second, third salvo, however many required to secure a hit. Whoever hits first wins.
  866. 從遠處的誤差距來看,有確認誤差的必要,
  867. At long distances, it is necessary to verify the deviance.
  868. 但藉用飛機的話,就是另一回事了。
  869. It's another story if there is a plane around.
  870. 空中的飛機能夠精確匯報射擊距離究竟差了多少。
  871. Planes can accurately determine and gauge the deviance of each shot from the target.
  872. 瑞鳳喊道:
  873. Zuihou called out:
  874. “誤差報告送來了!”
  875. "Deviation Reports have arrived!"
  876. 飛機的觀測結果傳達給了她們。
  877. With that, she reported the deviations detected by the aircraft.
  878. 長門點頭。
  879. Nagato nodded.
  880. “很好。修正誤差,再次砲擊!”
  881. "Very good. Correcting deviation errors and firing!"
  882. 經過修正的砲彈無比精準地射進了戰艦Ru級的身體。
  883. Corrected, the second salvo's shells homed in and then drilled their way into Battleship Ru-class' body.
  884. 然後發生了壯觀的大爆炸。
  885. ——she detonated, in a massive picturesque explosion.
  886. 恐怕是直接擊中對方的砲塔,引起彈藥走火了吧。剛剛的爆炸連整片天空都能照亮。
  887. Someone had probably scored a direct hit on the enemy turret and set off the ammunition. The explosion lit up the entire sky.
  888. 長門高舉手臂。
  889. Nagato raised her fist.
  890. “很好!”
  891. "Excellent!"
  892. 像這樣高精度的砲擊——著彈點觀察射擊也能完成。
  893. With this level of accuracy——it's only possible to do it through careful artillery observation.
  894. 能夠決定勝負的,或許是火力和裝甲吧。
  895. Perhaps the decisive factor between defeat and victory is firepower and armor.
  896. 但是,只要有飛機在,就能更好地發揮。
  897. But with planes present, it's possible to let them reach their full potential.
  898. 具體來說,有資料記載說比普通砲擊威力要提升了150%。
  899. Quantitatively, records indicate that spotter-assisted shelling is 150% more powerful than standard shelling.
  900. 這之後——
  901. Next up——
  902. 雖然有輕微的中彈,但基本還是單方面的殲滅了敵方艦隊。多虧了早早解決了敵方旗艦。
  903. While the enemy scored a few light hits, this was still a decisive defeat of the enemy fleet, thanks to the timely and early destruction of the enemy flagship.
  904. 我再次下令「進軍」。
  905. I signaled once more to advance.
  906. 同敵方精銳水雷戰隊交戰。
  907. The fleet engaged an elite torpedo squadron
  908. 並將其擊破。
  909. and destroyed it.
  910. 第三戰也沒有消耗多少兵力就突破了。
  911. The third battle was won with few losses.
  913. 長門叉起雙臂,感慨道:
  914. Crossing her arms, Nagato sighed.
  915. “嗯……上次到這邊的時候基本同伴都大破了,只好撤退了。但是這次卻是全員健在啊。這次一定要把深海棲艦全部打倒!”
  916. "Mm....Last time most of the fleet was heavily damaged by the time we got this far, so we had to retreat. This time, we're all intact. This time, let's kill 'em all!"
  917. “呵呵呵……沒有碰上敵方的空母,運氣真好啊。”
  918. " have escaped engagement with the enemy carrier, our luck is good today."
  919. 愛宕發出如蜂蜜般甜蜜的笑聲。
  920. Atago laughed with a voice like honey.
  921. 赤城也露出微笑。
  922. Akagi smiled as well.
  923. “是啊。但是,不只是運氣。一路過來都平安無事,不也是因為有我們空母的活躍嗎?”
  924. "Indeed. But this is not simply luck. To be able to get this far safely, is it not because we carriers pulled our weight?"
  925. 正如她所說,空母的作用相當之大。
  926. As she said, the Carriers had a significant effect.
  927. 長門撅起嘴。
  928. Nagato pouted.
  929. “嗯……我承認飛機是派上用場了。但是,戰場上依然是要靠火力和裝甲!這點是不會變的!”
  930. "Mm...I admit that the planes were useful. Even so, the battlefield is still dependent on firepower and armor. This has not changed!"
  931. 真是個頑固的傢伙。
  932. What a stubborn fellow.
  933. 聽著她們的話,我也笑了起來。
  934. Listening to her, I began to laugh.
  935. 熒幕上的她們,也露出了笑容。那表情彷彿預示著這次作戰的成功。
  936. Onscrene, the other shipgirls also began to smile. Their expressions seemed to indicate that this operation was a success.
  937. 旗艦長門通過通信設備詢問道:
  938. Flagship Nagato once more inquired over the communicator:
  939. “差不多該前進了——提督,要進軍嗎?還是說要撤退?”
  940. "It's about time we move on——Admiral, shall we advance? Or should we retreat?"
  941. “當然是進軍了。”
  942. "We will advance, of course."
  943. “很好!第一艦隊,前進!”
  944. "Excellent! First Fleet, Advance!"
  945. 她們再次前進,在前方等待著的,一定就是敵方核心艦隊了吧。
  946. They advanced once more. The fleet in front of us must be the main fleet.
  948. 金色的羅盤指向了東北方向。
  949. The golden compass pointed towards the Northeast.
  951. 天空染上一層茜色。
  952. The skies were dyed crimson.
  953. 她們將即將沉入水平線下的太陽拋在身後,沿著羅盤指示的方向飛馳。
  954. The shipgirls advanced, the setting sun behind them as they advanced in the direction of the compass.
  955. 隊列不曾凌亂過的她們,看起來就像候鳥一般,美麗到幾乎讓人忘了是正奔赴在戰場上。
  956. Moving tightly and unerringly in formation, they were like a flock of seabirds; for a few seconds, their beauty could make you forget that they were flying to a battlefield.
  957. 瑞鳳放出的偵察機——彩雲正任由風冷式雙排星型18汽缸引擎發出輕快的轟鳴,翱翔在雲端。
  958. Zuihou let off a reconnaissance plane——the Saiun soared into the clouds, borne on its air-cooled twin-row 18-cylinder Homare engine.
  959. 因為風冷式引擎沒有冷卻水路,所以能聽到細小的機械音。
  960. Without a need for a coolant, the Homare Engine did not hide the tinny sound of machinery in movement.
  961. 像是啪啦啪啦的爆炸聲,還有嗡——的聲音。
  962. Like tiny, rythmic explosions, and a low hum...
  963. 彩雲在雲間發現了敵影。
  964. The Saiun detected an enemy from between the clouds.
  966. “發現敵方艦隊!”
  967. "Enemy Fleet detected!"
  969. 收到詳細報告的瑞鳳瞪大了雙眼。
  970. Zuihou's eyes widened as she listened to the report.
  971. “咦?怎麼會!?”
  972. "Eh? How could that be?!"
  973. “怎麼了?”
  974. "What is it?"
  975. 赤城關心地問道,而瑞鳳面色發青地答道:
  976. In response to Akagi's concerned inquiry, Zuihou spoke, white-faced.
  977. “發現敵方艦隊。編成是……戰艦Ru級旗艦型,戰艦Ru級精英型三艘,驅逐Ni級精英型二艘……敵方,有四艘戰列艦!”
  978. "Enemy Fleet detected. Composition is...One flagship-type Ru-class Battleship, Three Ru-class Elite type battleships; Two Ni-class elite destroyers...the enemy has four main line battleships!
  979. “你說什麼!?”
  980. "What did you say?"
  981. 就連長門的表情也僵硬了。
  982. Even Nagato's expression was drawn.
  983. 單是一艘就足夠強而有力的戰艦Ru級,同時有四艘顯示在熒幕上。
  984. One Ru-class is already tough enough; now four of them appeared on the screen.
  985. 我咽了口唾沫。
  986. I gulped.
  987. ——能贏下來嗎?從來沒有想過,敵方戰力會如此強大。
  988. ——Could we win? I never thought the enemy fleet would be so powerful.
  989. 瑞鳳繼續匯報:
  990. Zuihou continued to report.
  991. “敵方艦隊改變航巡!恐怕是發現我們了!”
  992. "Enemy fleet has altered its formation! We've been detected!"
  993. “哼……對面的雷達也不錯嘛。好吧,那就決戰吧!全體艦隊!準備進入炮雷擊戰!”
  994. "Hmph...the enemy's radars aren't bad either. Well then, this is the decisive battle! All ships! Prepare to enter shelling!"
  995. 隨著長門令下,艦隊慌忙開始整備。
  996. Following Nagato's orders, the fleet scrambled into battle stations.
  997. 同時有四艘深海棲艦的戰列艦。
  998. At the same time, those are FOUR Abyssal battleships.
  999. 從我記得的來看,從來沒有哪支艦隊和這種規模的敵人交戰還能倖存下來的。當然,我已經很清楚艦娘和正規軍艦的不同了。但即便如此,也還是感到不安。
  1000. From my memory, there are no records of any fleet engaging an enemy like this and surviving to report it. Of course, I am also very aware that shipgirls are not the same as conventional ships. Even so, I felt a deep unease.
  1001. 但是,她們卻沒有一絲害怕。
  1002. Even so, they do not show a shred of fear.
  1003. 雖然愛宕和瑞鳳臉上有點緊張……
  1004. Even though Atago and Zuihou's faces are tense and drawn...
  1005. 而相對的,足柄則是正為自己遇上如此強敵而欣喜若狂。
  1006. In contrast, Ashigara seemed to be in a joyous frenzy at meeting an enemy this powerful.
  1007. “哼、哈哈哈……真是太棒了!簡直是熱血沸騰!徐徐逼近的強敵!這就是戰場啊!”
  1008. "Heh, ahaha....this is the best! I can feel my blood boiling! A powerful enemy closing in! This is the battlefield!"
  1009. “哼,艦隊決戰嗎。總覺得胸口有些熱啊。”
  1010. "Hmph, the decisive battle, huh. I can feel my chest getting a little hot."
  1011. 長門握緊拳頭。
  1012. Nagato clenched her fist.
  1013. 彷彿是回應一樣,陸奧站到了她身邊。
  1014. As if to respond to her, Mutsu stood next to her.
  1015. “啊啦,啊啦啊啦。戰艦Ru級居然有四艘嗎?啊啦啊啦,就是說可以隨便選嗎。”
  1016. "Ara, ara ara. Four Ru-classes? Ara ara, I guess we can choose whichever we want, then."
  1017. 看起來無比可靠。
  1018. She seems really reliable.
  1019. 赤城從背後的箭筒裡取出箭矢,架在弦上——
  1020. Akagi reached for her quiver and nocked her arrows.
  1021. “各位艦載機,準備好了嗎?第一批次攻擊隊,起飛!”
  1022. "All squadrons, ready to go? First wave, launch!"
  1023. 射出箭矢。
  1024. She let fly.
  1025. 空母的戰鬥已經開始。
  1026. The Aircraft Carriers' battle began.
  1027. 瑞鳳也一同射擊。
  1028. Zuihou, too, let fly.
  1029. “就在射程外決定勝負吧!”
  1030. "Let's decide this battle outside of shelling range!"
  1031. 箭矢在空中轉化為艦載機,駛向敵艦。
  1032. Each of the arrows split into carrier planes as they turned towards the enemy ships.
  1033. 偵察機彩雲,還有為了取得制空權而準備的零式戰鬥機二一型,全部都搭載在瑞鳳身上了。
  1034. The scout Saiun and the Type 21 Zero air superiority fighters were loaded onto Zuihou.
  1035. 赤城則是裝滿了攻擊機。
  1036. Akagi, on the other hand, was filled to the brim with bombers.
  1037. 為了這次作戰,讓瑞鳳開發得到的攻擊機天山,有七十架以上。
  1038. For this battle, Zuihou had assembled over 70 Tenzans.
  1039. 是先前的演習所完全不能比的強力航空戰力。
  1040. This was air power on a completely different level compared to what had been deployed in the exercise.
  1041. 敵方艦隊裡沒有空母。
  1042. The enemy had no carrier.
  1043. 制空權得以確保。
  1044. Air Supremacy was secure.
  1045. 赤城和瑞鳳的攻擊機隊,向敵方艦隊襲去。
  1046. Akagi and Zuihou's attack squadrons bolted towards the enemy fleet.
  1047. 而先制攻擊的成果——
  1048. And the results——
  1049. 擊沉了二艘驅逐艦,同時戰艦Ru級一艘中破!
  1050. Both destroyers sunk, and one Ru-class significantly damaged!
  1051. “好!”
  1052. "Yes!"
  1053. 我不由得叫出了聲。這開局真是太棒了。
  1054. I couldn't help speaking. This was an excellent opening strike.
  1055. 相對距離逐漸縮短。
  1056. The two fleets were closing in.
  1057. 艦娘們以長門為頭,壓迫著敵方艦隊展開。
  1058. Led by Nagato, the shipgirl charged towards the enemy fleet.
  1059. 對方也掉過頭來,轉到同一方向。
  1060. Turning around, the enemy fleet turned in the same direction.
  1061. 兩支艦隊排成了兩條平行線。
  1062. The two fleets were now lined up in two parallel lines.
  1063. 這是同航戰。
  1064. This is a parallel engagement.
  1065. 長門架起拳頭。
  1066. Nagato raised her fist.
  1067. 與此同時,對方提前開砲了。
  1068. At the same time, the other side opened up.
  1069. “唔!?”
  1070. "Mn?!"
  1071. 高聳的水柱擋住了視線。
  1072. Pillars of water loudly obscured vision.
  1073. 波濤拍打著她們的立足之地。
  1074. Splashing around where they stood.
  1075. 如果要舉例說明艦娘和軍艦的明顯區別,那就是重量了。她們也只不過是人類大小,沒有成千上萬的排水量。
  1076. If there were one significant difference between shipgirls and warships, it was in displacement. They were merely-human sized; they lacked the thousand-ton displacements of warships.
  1077. 正因如此,在受到砲擊的時候,也會被海浪波及。
  1078. And so, when under fire, they were battered around by waves.
  1079. 海浪激烈到幾乎讓人擔心她們是否會摔倒。
  1080. The waves rocked so violently that I worried whether they would simply fall.
  1081. 但是,長門的砲擊,卻將那擔心連同海浪一起粉碎了。
  1082. However, Nagato's salvo put both the waves and my worries to rest.
  1083. “喝呀——!”
  1084. "Haaahh——!!"
  1085. 震耳欲聾的砲擊,在敵艦附近激起了巨大的水柱。
  1086. The ear-rending salvo sent waterspouts around the enemy fleet.
  1087. 正所謂互博。
  1088. This was a brawl.
  1089. 水上偵察機將著彈點觀察匯報給了長門。
  1090. The scout planes relayed their observation reports to Nagato.
  1091. 緊接著,陸奧也叫道:“啊啦,啊啦啊啦,真的是隨便挑著打呢……呀!”
  1092. "Ara, ara ara," Mutsu shouted, "it's really a shooting gallery...ahh!"
  1093. 直接命中!
  1094. A direct hit!
  1095. 但是,對方是極其堅固的戰列艦,不是一擊就能擊沉的。
  1096. But the enemy was also a solid ship-of-the line; certainly not a ship that would go down from one hit, at any rate.
  1097. 愛宕眨著單眼向敵人伸出手。
  1098. Winking, Atago stretched out her hand.
  1099. “主砲,射擊——!”
  1100. "Main guns, fire——!"
  1101. 足柄則彷彿要直接痛毆對方那樣揮出拳頭。
  1102. Ashigara, on the other hand, waved her fists, as if she wanted to punch the enemy directly.
  1103. “射擊!射擊!射擊——!”
  1104. "Fire! Fire! Fire——!"
  1105. 像是在狩獵的餓狼一樣殘暴。
  1106. Truly as cruel as a hungry wolf.
  1107. 她們兩個重巡洋艦的砲擊,準確命中了先前因為先制攻擊而中破的戰艦Ru級。發生了巨大的爆炸,將其擊沉。
  1108. The two Heavy Cruiser's gunfire raked the Ru-class already crippled from the air attack. With a giant explosion, she sank.
  1109. 足柄擺出勝利姿勢。
  1110. Ashigara struck a victory pose.
  1111. “太棒了!我的十座主砲可不是裝飾啊!”
  1112. "Sweet! My ten main guns aren't for decoration!"
  1113. 但是,敵方艦隊也不會乖乖挨打。
  1114. But the enemy fleet was not taking this lying down.
  1115. 戰艦Ru級的16英寸三連裝炮吐出烈焰,砲擊命中了愛宕。
  1116. The Ru-class' 16-inch triple guns belched out gouts of flame, their shells finding Atago.
  1117. 她發出刺耳的悲鳴。
  1118. She let out a piercing wail.
  1119. 艤裝受損了,制服——不對,是裝甲也被粉碎。
  1120. Her rigging was damaged, and her uniform——no, her armor, was shattered.
  1121. “真是的——!有點做過頭了吧!?”
  1122. "Really——! Wasn't that a little too much?!"
  1123. 愛宕露出痛苦的表情。
  1124. Atago broke into a pained expression.
  1125. 熒幕上滿滿的都是她的膚色,我的心思開始動搖。雖然不是想這種事的時候……
  1126. The screen was filled with the color of her skin. My heart began to wander. Although this really isn't the time for this...
  1127. ——只是沒想到,被打中了居然是這樣。
  1128. ——I just didn't think being hit would be like that.
  1129. 幸好看上去沒有什麼傷,不會被擊沉。
  1130. Thankfully, it doesn't look like she's particularly hurt. She won't sink at any rate.
  1131. 愛宕吐出舌頭。
  1132. Atago stuck out her tongue.
  1133. “對不起,提督……沒想到,居然被對面給幹掉了~”
  1134. "Sorry about that, Admiral...I didn't think I'd get done in like that~"
  1135. 艦娘的受損也在不斷增加。
  1136. The other shipgirls' damage was also mounting as well.
  1137. 陸奧也被直接命中。
  1138. Mutsu took a direct hit.
  1139. 她的肩帶被撕裂,把手按在了那裡。
  1140. One of her shoulder straps burst, and she pressed her hand there.
  1141. “嗯,哼哼……有點能幹嘛?居然把我的衣服都弄壞了。”
  1142. "Mm, hmhm...not too bad, huh? To damage my clothes."
  1143. 雖然說出來的話是一如既往的游刃有餘,但可以聽出她的聲音因為在忍耐痛楚而顫抖。
  1144. Though her words suggested this wasn't much, her voice shook from suppressed pain.
  1145. 我望著熒幕思考。
  1146. I gazed at the screen
  1147. ——真痛苦。
  1148. ——How painful.
  1149. 雖然目前還是不分上下,但到達核心艦隊之前累計數戰的疲勞,使得場面產生了差距。
  1150. While the battle remained even, the accumulated fatigue from the battles leading up to the core fleet was beginning to make a difference.
  1151. 必須要有什麼能改變戰局的手段,但是通信設備又傳不過去聲音,讓人急得心癢癢。
  1152. Something had to be done to change the situation. Yet there was no way to transmit sound; I felt anxiety gnawing at me.
  1153. 就在這時,瑞鳳踏著海浪,站到了艦隊的最前面。
  1154. And it was in this moment that Zuihou stepped out onto the waves, in front of the fleet.
  1155. 長門十分驚訝。
  1156. Nagato gaped.
  1157. “你、你要幹什麼!?身為空母卻敢上前,這不是要當敵人的靶子嗎!”
  1158. "You, what are you doing?! A carrier at the front, aren't you just making yourself a target?!"
  1159. 瑞鳳露出無比認真的表情答道:
  1160. Zuihou responded, her expression serious.
  1161. “我的艦載機已經全部起飛了,所以接下來,就來當盾好了!”
  1162. "My aircraft complement has already completely launched, so I'm just going to be a shield from here on out!"
  1163. 我驚呆了。
  1164. I gaped too in shock.
  1165. 那太危險了!輕空母可沒有足以當盾的裝甲!
  1166. That's way too dangerous! Light Carriers aren't armored enough to act as shields!
  1167. 赤城也無比驚慌。
  1168. Akagi, too, was also in shock.
  1169. “不行!你被擊沉的話,艦載機要怎麼回來?”
  1170. "No! If you sink, where will your planes return to?"
  1171. “接下來就拜託你了,赤城小姐。”
  1172. "I'll leave the rest to you then, Akagi-san."
  1173. 一路過來已經損失了不少艦載機。
  1174. The plane losses had added up over time.
  1175. 恐怕早就猜到在戰役結束後,剩下的量光是赤城一人就足以收容了吧。
  1176. She probably figured out already that once the battle was over, Akagi would be sufficient to retrieve the remaining aircraft.
  1177. 居然都考慮到了這一步。
  1178. So she had decided to do this.
  1179. 長門咋舌。
  1180. Nagato was left speechless.
  1181. “固執的傢伙……別讓瑞鳳被擊沉了!全體艦隊,砲擊!”
  1182. "That stubborn girl...don't let Zuihou be sunk! All ships, open fire!"
  1183. 炮火隨著怒吼發出。
  1184. Another fusillade roared out.
  1185. 陸奧、愛宕和足柄也全力攻擊著。
  1186. Mutsu, Atago and Ashigara were all attacking with everything they had as well.
  1187. 轟音接連不斷,水柱此起彼伏。
  1188. Gunfire roared without interruption, and the water pillars followed.
  1189. 如預料的那般,深海棲艦的攻擊都集中到了瑞鳳身上。
  1190. As expected, the Abyssals focused fire on Zuihou.
  1191. 也正因此,長門等人能全身心集中在射擊上。
  1192. And, because of that, Nagato and company could focus fully on firing.
  1193. 41cm連裝炮的灼熱連射,還有那份幾乎讓人忘卻疲勞的高揚戰意,逐漸改變了局勢。
  1194. The sizzling bellow of the dual 41cm and that fatigue-erasing spirit gradually turned the tide.
  1195. 然後——
  1196. Next——
  1197. 長門揮起拳頭。
  1198. Nagato raised a fist.
  1199. “敵艦,擊沉!”
  1200. "ENemy ship, sunk!"
  1201. “幹得好!”
  1202. "Nicely done!"
  1203. 明明知道她們是聽不到的,我還是叫出了聲。
  1204. Even though I knew they couldn't hear me, I still let out a sound.
  1205. 長門解決了其中一艘戰艦Ru級。
  1206. Nagato had just finished one of the Ru-classes.
  1207. 這場交戰中,先制攻擊已經擊沉兩艘驅逐艦,再加上足柄也擊沉了一艘戰列艦。
  1208. In this battle, the opening air strike had already taken down both destroyers, and Ashigara had sunk one of the battleships.
  1209. 現在還留在場上的只有兩艘戰艦Ru級了。
  1210. Now all that remained were the two Ru-classes.
  1211. ——贏得來!能贏下來!
  1212. ——We can win this! Keep winnig!
  1213. 但是這時,來自戰艦Ru級的砲擊——直接命中了瑞鳳。
  1214. But it was in this moment that a shell from one of the Ru-classes connected with Zuihou.
  1215. “呀啊——!”
  1216. "Ahhhh——!"
  1217. 發出慘叫。
  1218. SHe cried out in pain.
  1219. 她被整個吹飛,倒在海面上,弓已折斷,滿地都是碎片。
  1220. The blast sent her physically flying, onto the water surface. Her bow snapped, scattering pieces onto the water surface.
  1221. 我不假思索地探出身子。
  1222. I searched for where she fell.
  1223. 叫著她的名字。
  1224. I called out her name.
  1225. 拍打著桌子,緊緊地盯著顯示熒幕。
  1226. Slamming the desk, staring at the flickering monitor.
  1227. 白色的巫女服——她的裝甲已經破損,動彈不得。
  1228. That white priestess' uniform——her armor had clearly been damaged, and she was clearly immobilized.
  1229. 我不敢相信自己的眼睛。
  1230. I couldn't believe my eyes
  1231. “餵……該不會……”
  1232. " can't be..."
  1233. 倒在海面上的她——慢慢地有了動作。
  1234. But, lying on the water's surface——she finally began to twitch
  1235. 然後又重新站了起來。
  1236. before getting up once more.
  1237. “被、幹掉了嗎……但是,還要……為了信任我的提督……”
  1238. "I-I got done in...but still...for Admiral, who believes in me...."
  1239. ——大破。
  1240. ——Heavy damage.
  1241. 幸好不是擊沉,我鬆了口氣。
  1242. Thankfully it wasn't a sinking. I let out a long-held breath of relief.
  1243. 但是,就這樣繼續交戰的話,她會沉沒的可能性很高。
  1244. But if the battle were to continue, her odds of sinking would be high.
  1245. 赤城接入了通信。
  1246. Akagi signaled me on the monitor.
  1247. “提督,要撤退嗎?”
  1248. "Admiral, shall we retreat?"
  1249. 撤退?
  1250. Retreat?
  1251. 我咬緊牙關。
  1252. I gritted my teeth.
  1253. 很難作出抉擇。
  1254. It was hard to make this call.
  1255. 甚至都沒有可以商量的人。
  1256. And there was nobody who I could discuss this with.
  1257. 司令室裡只有我自己。
  1258. The only person in this office right now is me.
  1259. 不過本來,這就是我該做的事。
  1260. But to begin with, this is something that is up to me to decide.
  1261. ——該怎麼辦?
  1262. ——what should I do?
  1263. 前任提督,以保護艦娘安危為己任。我又該怎麼辦?是冒著風險繼續追擊嗎?那不就是為了保住自己的職位而讓部下去送死嗎?
  1264. The previous Admiral jeopardized her duties in favor of her shipgirls. What should I do? Bear the risk and continue the assault? Wouldn't that be just sending subordinates to die to protect my job?
  1265. 但是,一旦撤退,作戰就失敗了。
  1266. But, if I retreat, the operation will have failed.
  1267. 有成千上萬的人將因此喪命。
  1268. Thousands, possibly tens of thousands, will die directly or indirectly because of this.
  1269. 長門足柄上前,將瑞鳳擋在身後。她們和敵人的距離逐漸拉近,馬上就要變成混戰了。
  1270. Nagato and Ashigara stood in front of Zuihou, shielding them. They and the enemy were closing in. It'd be a brawl soon enoguh.
  1271. 赤城支撐著瑞鳳的身子。
  1272. Akagi reached out to support Zuihou.
  1273. “沒事嗎?振作一點。”
  1274. "Are you alright? Keep holding on."
  1275. “嗯……提督……繼續作戰吧……這次,一定能打倒的……”
  1276. "Mm...Admiral...continue the operation...this time, we'll definitely beat them..."
  1278. ——要追擊嗎?還是說撤退?
  1279. ——Should we pursue? Or should we retreat?
  1281. 我不想失去瑞鳳。
  1282. I don't want to lose Zuihou.
  1283. 但是,把她的安全當作最優先,真的是正確的嗎?至少她也不希望如此吧。
  1284. But, is it correct to put her safety first? It's not what she wants, at any rate.
  1285. 但是,阻止追求勝利的部下送死,不就是長官的職責嗎?
  1286. But, isn't it a superior officer's job to prevent a subordinate from killing themselves for the sake of victory?
  1287. 真的如此嗎?不是在逃避嗎?能放心讓部下去賭上性命不才是長官的氣量嗎?
  1288. Is that really so? Aren't I just running away? Isn't it a Commander's role to restrain himself when his subordinate wagers her life?
  1289. 赤城搖了搖頭。
  1290. Akagi shook her head.
  1291. “瑞鳳,冷靜一下……再繼續作戰是很危險的。”
  1292. "Zuihou, calm down...continuing this operation is incredibly dangerous."
  1293. “嗚……赤城小姐……我沒事的……”
  1294. "Uu....Akagi-san...I'm fine..."
  1295. “但是!”
  1296. "But!"
  1297. “請相信我……”
  1298. "Please believe in me..."
  1299. 她的這句話,讓我回想起來。
  1300. Those words suddenly brought me back...
  1302. “不論什麼時候?不管多麼危險,都要相信到最後哦?”
  1303. "No matter what time? No matter how dangerous it is, please believe in us until the end, okay?"
  1304. “我和你約好了,不管是什麼時候,我都相信瑞鳳——作為交換,你一定要活著回來鎮守府啊。”
  1305. "I promise to you. No matter what time, what place, I shall always believe in Zuihou——in exchange, you must promise to return, alive, to the Naval District."
  1306. “嗯,我一定會回來的。約好了。”
  1307. "Mm, I will definitely return. I promise."
  1309. ——是啊,瑞鳳。我居然在猶豫,真是對不起。
  1310. ——That's right, Zuihou. And here I am hesitating...I'm sorry.
  1311. 說到底,不是早就約好了嗎。
  1312. At the end of it, didn't we promise?
  1313. 不管是什麼時候,我都會相信你。而你也一定要回到鎮守府。
  1314. No matter what time, I will believe in you, and you will definitely return to the Naval District.
  1315. 我已經不會再猶豫了。
  1316. I won't hesitate anymore.
  1318. “全體艦隊,追擊!誓在拂曉的水平線上刻下勝利!”
  1319. "All ships, pursue! Swear to claim victory by dawn!"
  1320. 瑞鳳點了點頭。
  1321. Zuihou nodded.
  1322. “……明白!”
  1323. "...Acknowledged!"
  1324. 雖然面帶痛楚,但卻是滿足的表情。
  1325. Though there was pain there, what was most obvious on her face was happiness.
  1326. 長門和足柄也高喊著“交給我吧”。
  1327. Nagato and Ashigara shouted, "leave it to me!"
  1328. ——瑞鳳,你可別沉啊。
  1329. ——Zuihou, don't sink.
  1330. 還是有些無法原諒作出指示的自己。
  1331. Or I'll never forgive myself for making this call.
  1332. 我是提督,她是艦娘。而此刻,正為獲取戰果而身陷險境。
  1333. I am an Admiral. She is a shipgirl. And, at this time, she is putting her body on the line for victory's sakes.
  1334. 背後滲出了冷汗。
  1335. My back is soaked in cold sweat.
  1337. 長門率先突入了敵方艦隊。
  1338. Nagato led the charge against the enemy fleet.
  1339. “嗚噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢!!”
  1340. "UoooOoOHhHHHHHHH!!"
  1341. 在如此近距離,中彈的可能性相當高,是極其危險的舉動。
  1342. At this range, where hit rates are much higher, this kind of move is incredibly dangerous.
  1343. 敵方的砲擊擦著她的臉頰飛過。
  1344. An enemy shell grazed across her face.
  1345. 揮出拳頭。
  1346. She raised her fist.
  1347. “藉此一擊,解決掉你!全體火砲,齊射——!”
  1348. "With this strike, I'll finish you! All guns, fire——!"
  1349. 黃昏的海面上,耀眼的砲炎照亮了一切。
  1350. On the sunset-tinged water surface, the gunfire blazed, illuminating all with its dazzling light.
  1351. 長門的砲擊,擊沉了其中一艘戰艦Ru級。
  1352. Nagato's salvo sank one of the Ru-classes.
  1353. ——太好了!
  1354. ——Excellent!
  1355. 但是,還留著最後一艘。
  1356. But there was still one left.
  1357. 深入敵中的長門,被另一艘戰艦Ru級擊中了側腹。
  1358. And a blast from her gun dug into Nagato's side.
  1359. “嗚……”
  1360. "Uu...."
  1361. 長門的裝甲也被打得粉碎。
  1362. Nagato's armor shattered.
  1363. 不過,看來好像只是中破。
  1364. But it looks like it was simply medium damage.
  1365. “唔……挺能幹嘛……但我長門級的裝甲可不是用來看的!而且啊,瞄準了我就是你的失誤!”
  1366. "Tch...a capable one...but Nagato's armor isn't just for show! And aiming for me was your greatest mistake!"
  1367. 將砲口對準長門的戰艦Ru級的另一邊——足柄架起了手臂上的20.3cm連裝炮。
  1368. On the other side, Ashigara cocked the 20.3cm dual turrets on her wrist at the Ru-class, its guns trained Nagato.
  1369. “這就是勝利!有我足柄在,這是理所當然的勝利!”
  1370. "This is victory! With I, Ashigara here, it's a certainty!"
  1371. 來自至近距離的全主砲齊射,擊穿了深海棲艦的胸膛。
  1372. At point blank-range, multiple shells lacerated the Abyssal ship's chest.
  1373. 敵方核心艦隊,最後一艘擊沉!
  1374. And the last ship of the enemy core fleet was sunk!
  1376. 我從椅子上跳起來,高舉起手臂。
  1377. I jumped up from my chair, pumping my fist into the air.
  1379. 作戰結束。
  1380. The operation was over.
  1381. 雖然有中破和大破,但還是全員倖存並擊破了深海棲艦的核心艦隊。
  1382. Almost everyone had suffered medium or heavy damage, but all ships had survived and destroyed the Abyssal core fleet.
  1383. 全場最佳是長門,不過足柄也有足夠的活躍。
  1384. The MVP as Nagato, but Ashigara had also demonstrated exemplary conduct.
  1385. 雖然覺得早早中破的愛宕會很消沉,但她卻意外的一如既往的開朗,有那種性格真好。
  1386. My expectation that the prematurely damaged Atago would be depressed were thankfully betrayed as she displayed her usual cheerfulness. It sure would be nice to have that kind of personality.
  1387. 赤城也安心地嘆道:
  1388. Akagi, too, sighed in relief.
  1389. “呼……該收回艦載機了呢。”
  1390. "Whew...let's retrieve those carrier planes."
  1391. 正因為她是久經沙場的正規空母,才能夠明白剛剛的交戰有多麼千鈞一發吧。
  1392. It was because she was such an experienced standard carrier that she understood how close that last battle had been.
  1393. 瑞鳳的臉上留下兩行淚水。
  1394. Two tears ran down Zuihou's face.
  1395. 那是太過高興,喜極而泣了吧。
  1396. Those were tears of joy, probably.
  1397. “嗚嗚嗚……太好了……太好了……”
  1398. "Uuu....thank goodness...thank goodness..."
  1399. “是啊。但是,可不能再像剛剛那樣亂來了……咦?”
  1400. "Yep. But don't ever do anything crazy like that ever"
  1401. 赤城臉色大變。
  1402. Akagi's face twisted.
  1403. 歸來的艦載機天山發來報告。
  1404. The returning Tenzan had a new report.
  1406. “我等,發現,敵艦。”
  1407. "We have | detected | an enemy vessel."
  1409. 剛剛緩和下來的空氣再次凍結。
  1410. The gradually relaxed mood suddenly froze solid.
  1411. 我慌忙把熒幕顯示切換過去,卻發現敵方艦隊已經近在咫尺。
  1412. I immediately turned the monitor around; the enemy was already close.
  1413. 發現得太遲了。
  1414. It was too late.
  1415. 彩雲飛出去,收集到了敵方的詳細情報。
  1416. A Saiun shot out to get a detailed report.
  1417. 編成是——重巡洋艦三艘,驅逐艦二艘。此外,還有戰艦Ru級的身影。而且,並不是普通的戰艦Ru級。
  1418. The enemy fleet consists of——three heavy cruisers, two destroyers. And, apart from that, there was a Ru-class battleship. But not just a normal ru-class battleship.
  1419. 赤城報告道:
  1420. Akagi reported:
  1421. “敵方旗艦!戰艦Ru級改造旗艦型!”
  1422. "Enemy flagship! Battleship Ru, Flagship Kai-type!"
  1423. 熒幕上顯示出特寫。
  1424. The words flashed across the screen.
  1425. ——這是!?
  1426. ——That's?!
  1427. 左臉上還留著傷痕。
  1428. There were still scars on the left side of her face.
  1429. 從左眼發出讓人不快的青白火光。
  1430. A cyan glow that blazed from her left eye.
  1431. 光是看著就幾乎讓人充滿了絕望感。
  1432. Just her appearance was enough to fill one with hopelessness.
  1433. ——我記得這傢伙。
  1434. ——I remember this bastard.
  1435. 沒錯,這就是那個時候出現的深海棲艦!
  1436. That's right, this was the Abyssal from that time!
  1437. 不由得毛骨悚然,體內彷彿要沸騰一樣。
  1438. My body felt like it was boiling in horror.
  1439. 岩柱的仇。
  1440. Iwahashira's killer.
  1441. 我喊道:
  1442. I raised my voice:
  1443. “全體艦隊——!”
  1444. "All ships——!"
  1445. 卻在關鍵的時候停了下來。
  1446. Yet my voice trailed off.
  1447. 熒幕上的她們,讓我取回了自我。
  1448. Seeing them on the screen returned me to reality.
  1449. 瑞鳳已經大破,長門、陸奧、愛宕也中破,足柄也赤城也不能說是無傷。這支艦隊滿身瘡痍。
  1450. Zuihou was heavily damaged. Nagato, Mutsu, Atago were medium damaged. Ashigara and Akagi weren't unharmed either. This fleet was hurting."
  1451. “……不行,不能失去冷靜。”
  1452. "...No, I can't lose my composure."
  1453. 我做了個深呼吸。
  1454. I took a deep breath.
  1455. 確認了下壁鐘的時間——沒事的,還來得及。
  1456. I checked the time on the wall——no problem, it'll be in time.
  1458. “全體艦隊,撤退!”
  1459. "All ships, retreat!"
  1461. 由於通信限制,只有這句話能傳過去。
  1462. Due to the limited window of communication, this was all that got across.
  1463. 瑞鳳感到疑惑。
  1464. Zuihou felt a stab of unease.
  1465. “但、但是……現在撤退的話,不是會被追上……”
  1466. "B-but...if we retreat now, won't we be pursued..."
  1467. 長門握緊拳頭。
  1468. Nagato clenched her fist.
  1469. “被別人從後面開火併非我本意……但既然是提督的命令,就一定要遵循。全體艦隊,撤退!快點!這裡就由我來殿後!”
  1470. "Being shot at from behind isn't my cup of tea...but if this is the Admiral's order, we must follow. ALl ships, retreat! hurry up! I shall serve as rear guard."
  1471. 她們掉過頭。
  1472. She turned.
  1473. 但是,速度卻上不去,積蓄的疲勞讓她們邁不動腳。
  1474. But her speed didn't increase; it couldn't. The accumulated fatigue was too much.
  1475. 尤其是瑞鳳完全提不起速。她叫道:
  1476. Zuihou couldn't even get up to speed.
  1477. “請把我丟在這裡吧!”
  1478. "Just leave me here, please!"
  1479. 長門搖頭。
  1480. Nagato shook her head.
  1481. “不行!提督的命令是'全體艦隊'撤退!怎麼可能丟下你呢!”
  1482. "No! The Admiral's order is that 'All ships are to retreat'! That includes you!"
  1483. “是啊,怎麼能丟下你呢。”
  1484. "Yeah, how could we just leave you behind?"
  1485. 赤城抓住瑞鳳的手。雖然情況很緊急,但實在是沒辦法全速前進,逐漸被對方追上了。
  1486. Akagi grabbed Zuihou's hand. Although the situation was dire, there was simply no way she could accelerate. The enemy was closing in.
  1487. 終於,戰艦Ru級射出了長距離砲擊。
  1488. Finally, Battleship Ru-class had a firing solution.
  1489. 無數的砲彈落在離她們近在咫尺之處。
  1490. Countless shells fell around them.
  1491. 對對方來說也是最高航速下的最遠砲擊,應該不太會命中。
  1492. For the enemy, this was also fire at extreme range; their fire was unlikely to be particularly accurate.
  1493. 但是這樣單方面的攻擊持續下去,早晚會有中彈的時候。
  1494. But if they just kept on taking fire like this, something would hit, eventually.
  1495. 長門咬緊嘴唇。
  1496. Nagato bit her lip.
  1497. “可惡……這樣下去的話……”
  1498. "Damn this rate..."
  1499. 瑞鳳甩開了赤城的手。
  1500. Zuihou suddenly pulled out of Akagi's grasp.
  1501. “對不起!”
  1502. "Sorry!"
  1503. “誒!?”
  1504. "Eh?!"
  1505. 留下吃驚的赤城,瑞鳳脫離了艦隊,遠遠地落在了後面。
  1506. Leaving behind the shocked Akagi, Zuihou broke way from the fleet and lagged behind in the distance.
  1507. 而相對,深海棲艦即將殺到。
  1508. And now the Abyssals were closing in.
  1509. 瑞鳳的眼中落下晶瑩的淚水。
  1510. Zuihou's eyes filled with tears.
  1511. “提督……您能相信我……我真的很高興……但是,對不起……好像回不去了……”
  1512. "Admiral...for believing me....I'm really happy...but, sorry...I don't think I'll be able to come back."
  1513. 深海棲艦的砲塔,對準了瑞鳳。
  1514. The abyssal's turrets trained on Zuihou.
  1516. 從空中傳來螺旋槳的聲音。
  1517. ——The sound of propellers filled the air.
  1519. 海上的少女們仰望天空。
  1520. The girls on the sea turned to the skies with hope.
  1521. 在陰雲之下,飛來了大量的飛機,幾乎能覆蓋整片天空。
  1522. From the clouds, planes; many of them, almost blanketing the sky.
  1523. 那不是赤城的飛機,更不是瑞鳳的。
  1524. They weren't AKagi's planes, and they certainly weren't Zuihous.
  1525. 從通信設備裡,傳來另一個少女的聲音。
  1526. From the communications system came a young woman's voice.
  1528. “……接下來就交給我吧……只是舉手之勞,不必擔心。”
  1529. "...leave the rest to's nothing difficult, no need to worry."
  1530. 那是加賀的聲音。
  1531. It was Kaga's voice.
  1532. 並不是只有她。
  1533. And not just her.
  1534. “咱也在哦!這裡就交給咱吧!”
  1535. "Ah'm here too! Y'all can leave it to me!"
  1536. “發現敵方艦隊!攻擊機隊,準備進行轟炸!”
  1537. "Enemy fleet detected! Bombers, prepare to attack!"
  1538. 龍驤和祥鳳也在。
  1539. Ryuujou and Shouhou were there as well
  1540. 她們的艦載機隊,接連不斷地敵人襲去。
  1541. Their air groups fell upon the enemy unceasingly.
  1542. 同時,高速航行的大淀,趕到了瑞鳳身邊。
  1543. At the same time, a very fast Ooyodo moving at incredible high speed hurried to ZUihou's side.
  1544. “請抓住我。要回去了喲?”
  1545. "Please grab on to me. We're going to get you home, okay?"
  1546. “啊……啊……”
  1547. "Ah...ahh...."
  1548. 她拉著滿是疑惑的瑞鳳。
  1549. With that, she pulled up the disbelieving Zuihou.
  1550. 加賀、龍驤,還有祥鳳的轟炸機隊,也開始了攻擊。
  1551. Kaga, Ryuujou and Shouhou's bombers began their attack runs.
  1552. 通過先制攻擊,擊沉了敵方的一艘重巡,一艘驅逐艦。就連戰艦Ru級改造旗艦型也中彈了。
  1553. The opening phase sank the enemy's heavy cruiser and one destroyer. Even Battleship Ru Kai took a hit.
  1554. 從Ru級口中傳來低沉的聲音。沒人知道那究竟是深海棲艦的語言,還是純粹的機械聲。
  1555. From Ru-class' open mouth issued a low, guttural noise. Whether it was simply the sound of whatever infernal machinery drove them, or it was the Abyssal's language, nobody knew.
  1556. 但是,在我聽來,那就像是充滿怨恨的詛咒。
  1557. But, to me, it sounded like a curse, full of rage and sorrow.
  1558. 深海棲艦開始後退。
  1559. And so the Abyssals began to retreat.
  1560. “……提督,要追擊嗎?”
  1561. "...Admiral, shall we pursue?"
  1562. 加賀的提問,讓我收齊了盤旋在心中的複仇慾望。
  1563. Kaga's inquiry aroused in me a twitch of hope, a wrathful hope yearning for revenge.
  1564. 說不定周圍還潛伏著其他深海棲艦,如果讓加賀等人去追擊的時候,瑞鳳一行人受到攻擊的話,就完全沒有招架之力了。
  1565. But there could be other abyssal fleets in wait. If Kaga and company pursued and Zuihou's fleet were to be attacked, they wouldn't be able to hold on.
  1566. “……全體艦隊,凱旋回港。”
  1567. "...All ships, return to port."
  1568. 她們奪取了勝利。
  1569. They had won.
  1572. 長門率領的第一艦隊,和加賀率領的支援艦隊,同時發來了回應。
  1573. Nagato's first fleet and Kaga's support fleet signaled their responses simultaneously.
  1574. “明白!”
  1575. "Understood!"
  1576. 太陽已經完全沒入水平線下,不適應夜戰的艦載機已經悉數返航。
  1577. The sun had already sunk entirely under the horizon; unused to night battle, the carrier planes had also returned.
  1578. 長門露出了滿面的笑容。
  1579. Nagato smiled a smile that stretched from ear to ear.
  1580. “嗯,果然飛機也挺強的嘛!很有用不是嗎!以後我也搭載點吧!”
  1581. "Mm, those planes are pretty strong after all! Really useful! I should start mounting some in the future too!"
  1582. 話音未落,其他艦娘都笑了出來。
  1583. The shipgirls had already started to laugh before the echoes died.
  1584. 我離開司令室。
  1585. I left the Command Office.
  1586. 差不多,該去準備迎接她們了。
  1587. It was almost time to welcome them home.
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