
BnHA Character/Power Ideas

Oct 6th, 2017
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  1. Trial Run
  2. - Seemingly perfect, very much the "big sister" type. She doesn't really disclose what her Quirk is, but essentially it lets her set a "spawn point" and scout out in the future a bit. She can run through the next events that will happen and formulate a plan based on what she sees. After either dying or when her focus wanes, she snaps back to her spawn point and the 'real' run begins. The further she goes into the hypothetical/trial future, the more likely events will deviate the second time through. Can be very mentally taxing, so she tends to only use it for short bursts of time.
  4. Emotion Redirection
  5. - Presents as very bubbly and the life of the party, often told that her personality is infectious. And that's quite literally the case--she can project her emotions onto other people; however, by doing so, she's siphoning said emotions off of herself. She can also steal emotions from other people, but doing so puts them onto herself. In truth, she's very introverted and maintaining her bubbly persona is very taxing; she sometimes feels empty and finds herself snatching emotions from other people to feel something. If she doesn't like an emotion she's feeling, she foists it off on someone else and doesn't think about the consequences most of the time.
  7. Ultimate Cipher
  8. - Just by touching something, they instinctively know the correct combination or characters to unlock it. However, this requires physically touching the object in question, and if asked to speak the combination or password aloud, they cannot. (For example, if they needed to punch in a PIN code by a door, they would be able to once they touched the pad, but if someone asked them what the code they punched in was, they wouldn't actually know.) Kind of a gremlin, very much the type to spend hours on their computer playing shitty MOBA games and MMORPGs, unironically says 'kek'.
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