
princess adventures2 EXTRA STRENGTH

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. [19:44] <~Kroked> BGM
  2. [19:45] <~Kroked> Khaali: you find yourself walking through the dark ally's, no where else to go, unsure what do with your life now
  3. [19:46] <~Kroked> it's that time of the day where the sun is gone, but the light has not quite died yet, giving the world around a particularly errie feeling
  4. [19:48] <~Kroked> Your life has, ironically, seemed to ahve reached a bit of dead end
  5. [19:48] <~Kroked> after everything that's happened well...
  6. [19:51] <~Kroked> for now at least, you seem to be safe
  7. [19:51] <~Kroked> but what to do?
  8. [19:51] <~Kroked> you prepare to settle down for the night when you here an eerie chuckle from the shadows
  9. [19:52] * Khaali unsheathes her pata
  10. [19:52] * Khaali turns toward source of noise
  11. [19:53] <~Kroked> you see a man leaning against the wall. He has messy dark brown hair, and his clothing is all close fitting and black, and seems to be made of some kind of leather
  12. [19:53] <~Kroked> and not fashion leather either
  13. [19:53] <~Kroked> like, protective leathers
  14. [19:53] <~Kroked> on his faces is a cruel, twisted kind of smile
  15. [19:54] <~Kroked> "Man, you look like shit"
  16. [19:54] * Khaali just stares at him
  17. [19:54] <Khaali> "What do you want?"
  18. [19:55] <~Kroked> "I dunno, better question is, what do you want? Lonely, not a friend in the world, hopeless"
  19. [19:55] <~Kroked> "You probably want something right?"
  20. [19:56] <Khaali> "What do you want?" Khaali repeats.
  21. [19:57] <~Kroked> "I want to help you, You and me are pretty simmilar you see"
  22. [19:58] <~Kroked> "And I can't help but want to aid those of my... kind"
  23. [19:58] <Khaali> "Help? What kind of help?"
  24. [19:58] <Khaali> "What can you offer me?"
  25. [19:59] <~Kroked> the man smiles wider "That depends, what do you need?"
  26. [20:00] * Khaali is silent for a moment
  27. [20:00] <Khaali> "Somewhere to stay."
  28. [20:01] <~Kroked> "That it?"
  29. [20:02] <Khaali> "Of course not, no. But why should I tell you?"
  30. [20:03] <~Kroked> "Because you have nothing to lose"
  31. [20:04] * Khaali frowns at him
  32. [20:05] <Khaali> "I have my life. I have these possessions. And you are a stranger in a dark alley."
  33. [20:05] <~Kroked> "And how long do you think you'll get to keep that life after you leave these alleys?"
  34. [20:05] <~Kroked> "Not long I think"
  35. [20:06] <Khaali> "Can we skip this meaningly conversation? Just tell me what you can give me. You clearly have something in mind."
  36. [20:06] <Khaali> meaningless
  37. [20:08] <~Kroked> The man shrugs "The conversation has shit loads of meaning, besides im offering you help, and you're making demands of me? Pretty shitty way to treat a would be benefactor eh?"
  38. [20:09] <Khaali> "You've only been asking me for information and offering none of your own. I'm not going to give you anything without seeing what you have."
  39. [20:09] <~Kroked> "Fine, go die than"
  40. [20:09] <~Kroked> "We both know you won't survive more than a day"
  41. [20:09] <~Kroked> "and that's if you're lucky"
  42. [20:10] <Khaali> "Are you threatening me?"
  43. [20:10] <~Kroked> "I'm not threatening, I don't threaten, I just do. I'm just laying out the facts"
  44. [20:11] * Khaali sighs
  45. [20:11] <Khaali> "Fine. For now? I want to survive. I want a goal. What can you offer me?"
  46. [20:12] <~Kroked> "Easy, I can offer you a new life, I can offer you a goal even"
  47. [20:12] <~Kroked> "Of course, it doesn't come without a catch"
  48. [20:13] * Khaali mutters "Of course."
  49. [20:13] <~Kroked> "it's nothing big, I promise"
  50. [20:14] <~Kroked> "You simply owe me"
  51. [20:16] <Khaali> "Owe you what?"
  52. [20:17] <~Kroked> "We'll see when the time comes"
  53. [20:18] <Khaali> "'We'll see?' That's awfully vague. How big of a favor do you want?"
  54. [20:18] <~Kroked> "Only as big as the one I'm giving you"
  55. [20:19] <Khaali> "...Then fine. We'll see."
  56. [20:20] <~Kroked> "Good" the man stands up from leaning against the wall and stretches and comes to you and whispers in your ear
  57. [20:20] * Khaali resists the urge to run him through
  58. [20:22] <~Kroked> the man just smiles an leans away
  59. [20:22] <~Kroked> "Well Khaali, have fun, I'll be in touch"
  60. [20:22] * Khaali keeps her eye on him
  61. [20:22] <Khaali> "How?"
  62. [20:23] <~Kroked> brings his hand up and as if grasping a zipper, yanks don, causing a dark... void, to appear in front of you
  63. [20:23] <~Kroked> "You'll see"
  64. [20:23] <~Kroked> he than pushes you into the void
  65. [20:23] <Khaali> "Fuck me."
  66. [20:25] <~Kroked> you fall into the darkness... and land on something solid
  67. [20:26] <~Kroked> BGM
  68. [20:27] <~Kroked> as you get up you look around, and find yourself in a place that takes your breath away
  69. [20:28] <~Kroked> All around you are stars and galaxies, peppering an infinite space, you find yourself on a road made of tiny stars, that seems to stretch into infinity
  70. [20:28] <Khaali> "What the fuck?"
  71. [20:29] * Khaali looks behind herself
  72. [20:29] <~Kroked> your voice sounds so very very small, even to you, in this infinite place
  73. [20:29] <~Kroked> behind you the road stretches ever on in that direction as well
  74. [20:29] * Khaali looks off the edge of the road
  75. [20:30] <~Kroked> as you lean over the edge, the road suddenly shifts
  76. [20:30] <~Kroked> the road is now where you are leaning
  77. [20:30] <Khaali> "..."
  78. [20:30] * Khaali spins in a small circle and randomly picks a direction, then begins walking forward
  79. [20:31] <~Kroked> as you spin the road does not shift, but as soon as you begin to walk, the road appears in front of you
  80. [20:31] <~Kroked> you walk
  81. [20:31] <~Kroked> and you walk
  82. [20:31] <~Kroked> and you walk
  83. [20:31] * Khaali realizes the road is herding her in a single direction
  84. [20:36] <~Kroked> it is not, it simply shift to compensate whatever direction you want to go
  85. [20:37] <Khaali> (yeah but this is IC knowledge)
  86. [20:37] <Khaali> (her thoughts, not mine)
  87. [20:38] <~Kroked> Khaali: yes I know
  88. [20:38] <~Kroked> im telling you what you are observing
  89. [20:38] <Khaali> (ah)
  90. [20:41] <~Kroked> you walk for hours in no direction, and you get nowhere
  91. [20:42] <Khaali> (am I getting tired/)
  92. [20:42] <~Kroked> youa re starting to yes
  93. [20:43] * Khaali sits down to rest for a little
  94. [20:43] * Khaali lightly slaps her hand against the road made of stars
  95. [20:43] <~Kroked> the road dissapears
  96. [20:43] <~Kroked> the road is now a wall going down
  97. [20:44] <Khaali> "Whaβ€”"
  98. [20:44] <~Kroked> you are falling
  99. [20:44] * Khaali attempts to grab onto a surface
  100. [20:44] <~Kroked> there is no handholds
  101. [20:48] * Khaali attempts to stab her pata into the road
  102. [20:48] <~Kroked> it just kinda... bounces off it
  103. [20:49] * Khaali sighs and sheathes her pata
  104. [20:49] * Khaali folds her arms and waits as she falls
  105. [20:49] <~Kroked> hours pass
  106. [20:49] <~Kroked> you continue to all
  107. [20:53] * Khaali wakes up from her nap
  108. [20:53] * Khaali thinks back to what happened before
  109. [20:53] * Khaali attempts to stand up
  110. [20:53] <~Kroked> you stop falling
  111. [20:54] <~Kroked> in fact, it was as if you never were faling in the first place
  112. [20:54] <Khaali> "Fuck it. Hey, if anyone's listening, I want to go where that shady man intended to send me. Alright?"
  113. [20:54] <~Kroked> you continue to stand on the road of stars, with stars and galaxies and starbursts of light everywhere
  114. [20:55] <~Kroked> the road doesnt budge
  115. [20:55] * Khaali attempts to walk purposefully, as if she knew where she was going
  116. [20:56] <~Kroked> you walk for another couple hours
  117. [20:56] <~Kroked> you are hungry and thirsty
  118. [20:57] <Khaali> (don't I have body of emptiness?)
  119. [20:57] <Khaali> (sorry no needs*)
  120. [20:58] <~Kroked> ((you never explained to me exactly how she learned to use it, so for now, Im treating you as if you dont have it, we'll get you it soonish though))
  121. [20:59] <Khaali> (it was the book, remember? you didn't say I had to specify more exactly how)
  122. [20:59] <~Kroked> ((just roll with it))
  123. [21:00] <Khaali> (aight)
  124. [21:00] * Khaali turns around and begins walking in the other direction
  125. [21:01] <~Kroked> you do so, you continue on the star road in the expanse full of bright stars and galaxies, walking in no particular direction for another hour
  126. [21:01] <~Kroked> you get nowhere
  127. [21:01] * Khaali stops
  128. [21:01] <Khaali> "Fuuuuuck."
  129. [21:02] <~Kroked> you stop
  130. [21:02] * Khaali jumps off the side of the road
  131. [21:02] <~Kroked> the road turns into a wall and you fall
  132. [21:02] * Khaali stands up
  133. [21:02] <Khaali> or at least attempts to
  134. [21:03] <~Kroked> the road appears under you, as if it always was
  135. [21:03] * Khaali attempts to do a handstand
  136. [21:03] <~Kroked> you do a handstand
  137. [21:03] <~Kroked> this is incredibly silly
  138. [21:03] * Khaali is desperate
  139. [21:04] * Khaali jumps upward
  140. [21:04] <~Kroked> the road turns into a staircase
  141. [21:04] * Khaali begins climbing the staircase, taking two steps at a time
  142. [21:06] <~Kroked> the stars and galaxies continue to shine as you climb for half an hour
  143. [21:06] <~Kroked> you get nowhere
  144. [21:06] * Khaali jumps upward again
  145. [21:07] <~Kroked> the stairs remain
  146. [21:07] * Khaali randomly picks a star and begins walking toward it
  147. [21:08] <~Kroked> the road adjusts and you walk
  148. [21:08] <~Kroked> it takes about an hour, but you start to notice something
  149. [21:08] <~Kroked> the star is getting bigger
  150. [21:08] <~Kroked> you're getting closer
  151. [21:08] * Khaali wonders how the hell she was supposed to find the right star and if she did find the right one
  152. [21:09] <~Kroked> the star gets larger and larger as you approach, until it's roughly the size of a small house
  153. [21:09] <~Kroked> you find yourself standing in front of a large white light
  154. [21:09] <~Kroked> it's right there in front of you
  155. [21:11] * Khaali walks into it
  156. [21:12] <~Kroked> the light envelops you
  158. ~Pause~
  160. [21:20] <~Kroked> BGM
  161. [21:21] <~Kroked> Luna: you leave the house of a rich, well, /formerly/ rich Eolian noble
  162. [21:21] <~Kroked> man was he easy to scam
  163. [21:22] * Luna giggles to herself
  164. [21:22] <~Kroked> just a little bit of pushing and he was like putty in your hands
  165. [21:22] <~Kroked> now you have all of his gold
  166. [21:24] <~Kroked> You are currently on a small vacation planet in Eolian territory
  167. [21:24] <~Kroked> it's probably about time you leave actually He may not be rich, but the people under his employ dont /know/ that yet
  168. [21:25] <Luna> "Yep i think iv overstayed my welcome here, time to leave."
  169. [21:25] * Luna starts walking towards the nearest gate
  170. [21:27] <~Kroked> the gate would be in the center of this town,
  171. [21:27] <~Kroked> you head over there... only to see a couple man standing guard in front of it
  172. [21:27] <~Kroked> they wear the noble's colors
  173. [21:27] <~Kroked> they havent spotted you
  174. [21:27] * Luna thinks to herself "Welp, thats out of the question"
  175. [21:28] * Luna turns around and heads to the nearest ship dock
  176. [21:30] <~Kroked> the docks are actually, empty, save for a single small vessel
  177. [21:30] <~Kroked> it is unguarded, and there's nobodya round it
  178. [21:31] * Luna thinks to herself "Better than nothing i guess."
  179. [21:31] * Luna approaches the rear of the small ship and listens for life
  180. [21:34] <~Kroked> you hear nobody inside
  181. [21:34] <Luna> "Well aint this nice of someone to leave a ship for little ol' me"
  182. [21:35] * Luna looks for a door hatch
  183. [21:36] <Luna> (does this thing have a lock or security pannle or can i just open it?)
  184. [21:36] <~Kroked> the owner has foolishly left it unlocked
  185. [21:37] * Luna opens the hatch and steps inside keeping her right hand at her dagger
  186. [21:38] <Luna> "Anyone home.."
  187. [21:39] <~Kroked> it's empty
  188. [21:40] * Luna hops into the pilot seat and tries to start the ship up
  190. ~Pause~
  192. [21:41] <~Kroked> Remiel: Erina
  193. [21:42] <~Kroked> you guys and SOul are walking back from doing some shopping
  194. [21:42] <Erina> "Hey uh guys......Did we leave the door open?"
  195. [21:42] * Remiel looks up. "Huh?"
  196. [21:43] <~Kroked> Soul glances at you, fidgeting in his new clothes "Hell if I know"
  197. [21:43] <Remiel> "...Did you remember to lock the door?"
  198. [21:43] * Erina begins to concentrate as she approaches the ship.
  199. [21:43] * Remiel begins accumulating zeon
  200. [21:43] <Erina> ".........Um........."
  201. [21:43] <~Kroked> you're suddenly glad you are
  202. [21:43] <~Kroked> because the engine is running
  203. [21:44] * Erina rushes to get inside the ship
  204. [21:44] * Remiel runs after Erina
  205. [21:44] * Luna closes the hatch and revs the thrusters
  206. [21:45] <Erina> ((Can I use a psychic thing on her from outside?))
  207. [21:46] <~Kroked> Erina: no
  208. [21:46] <Remiel> ((Can I panic button the door open?))
  209. [21:46] <~Kroked> no
  210. [21:47] * Luna waves to the little people outside
  211. [21:47] * Erina attempts to grab onto the latch
  212. [21:47] <Luna> "Ill bring it back someday, i promise"
  213. [21:47] <~Kroked> Luna: suddenly
  214. [21:47] <~Kroked> something happens
  215. [21:47] <Luna> "Ah crap.."
  216. [21:47] <Erina> "Give me back my Titanic!"
  217. [21:47] <~Kroked> a tiny pale skinned girl with black hair falls ontop of you out of nowhere
  218. [21:48] <~Kroked> as you fall you hit the button to open the hatch by accident
  219. [21:48] <Khaali> "Oof."
  220. [21:48] <Luna> "Oh what the hell is this thing"
  221. [21:48] * Erina jumps inside.
  222. [21:48] <Luna> "Get off me"
  223. [21:48] * Khaali gets off of her and picks her briefcase up from the ground
  224. [21:48] <Khaali> "Where the hell am I?"
  225. [21:48] <~Kroked> Erina: you notice 2 things immediatly
  226. [21:49] <~Kroked> you see a short little redhead who seems kinda pissed off
  227. [21:49] <~Kroked> but what catches your eye is the second thing
  228. [21:49] * Remiel turns to soul. "um..."
  229. [21:49] <~Kroked> the short Black haired pale girl in earth garb
  230. [21:49] <~Kroked> but mre than that
  231. [21:50] <~Kroked> her aura is pitch black
  232. [21:50] <~Kroked> and she gives off this... feeling, a creepy crawly uncomfortable DARK feeling, it look like oil, greasy and twisted
  233. [21:50] <~Kroked> Remiel: you see this as well
  234. [21:51] <~Kroked> her soul is also tinged a shade of black
  235. [21:51] <Remiel> ((Should I be rolling for composure here?))
  236. [21:51] * Erina brandishes Anima at the two. "Which one of you tried to steal my ship?"
  237. [21:51] <~Kroked> Remiel: no
  238. [21:51] <~Kroked> but it makes you nervous
  239. [21:51] * Khaali puts her hands up placatingly at the sight of the huge sword
  240. [21:51] <~Kroked> the best you can describe it as is evi;
  241. [21:51] <~Kroked> it just feels... evil
  242. [21:51] <Khaali> "Woah, I just got here."
  243. [21:51] <Luna> "Hey new thing, listen, hang on and take care of that little one in the back and ill give ya a cut of what i got today."
  244. [21:51] * Remiel decides to jump into the ship.
  245. [21:51] * Khaali points toward the redhead
  246. [21:52] <Khaali> "She was here before me."
  247. [21:52] * Khaali turns toward Luna
  248. [21:52] * Luna turns the controls hard to the right
  249. [21:52] <~Kroked> SOul just kinda... stares at the dark haired girl
  250. [21:52] <Khaali> "You want me to kill her?"
  251. [21:52] <Khaali> "You're asking a stranger to kill someone?"
  252. [21:52] <Remiel> "Erina!"
  253. [21:52] * Khaali wrestles with Luna for the controls
  254. [21:52] <Khaali> "Stop that!"
  255. [21:53] <~Kroked> Luna: the ship wrenches to the right it rams intot he dock and everyone jerks to the right
  256. [21:53] <Luna> "I want you to throw her out of this ship, now hurry up"
  257. [21:53] <Erina> "You have three choices, the cops, getting frozen, or serving under me."
  258. [21:53] <Khaali> "I'm not listening to you," Khaali protests.
  259. [21:53] * Luna jerks the controls to the left
  260. [21:53] <Remiel> ((Can I cast imbue calm?))
  261. [21:53] * Khaali continues wrestling for the controls
  262. [21:53] <~Kroked> Remiel: you can
  263. [21:53] <~Kroked> Khaali: Luna make a roll against str or dex
  264. [21:53] <Remiel> ((strongest one I can at the moment, please.))
  265. [21:54] <Khaali> )roll 1d10 vs dex
  266. [21:54] * Crunk --> "Khaali rolls 1d10 vs dex and gets 2."
  267. [21:54] <Luna> )roll 1d10 vs dex
  268. [21:54] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d10 vs dex and gets 6."
  269. [21:54] <~Kroked> Khaali: you wrest away the controls
  270. [21:54] <Remiel> ((So do I roll for projection?))
  271. [21:54] * Khaali holds the controls still and stops the ship from moving
  272. [21:55] <~Kroked> no
  273. [21:55] <Khaali> "What are you trying to do? Kill us all?"
  274. [21:55] <~Kroked> Khaali: you do so, it takes a bit
  275. [21:55] <Luna> "Im trying to get the hell off this planet, not kill anyone"
  276. [21:55] <Khaali> "Then stop moving the ship so we can talk!"
  277. [21:56] * Erina points the sword at Luna. "You tried to steal my ship!"
  278. [21:56] <Luna> "Hey, thats all dependent on the girl with the giant sword over there"
  279. [21:56] * Khaali shrugs
  280. [21:56] <Luna> "And yes i did, what of it?
  281. [21:56] <Khaali> "Well I haven't done anything wrong, so..."
  282. [21:56] <Erina> "You also damaged it!"
  283. [21:56] <Luna> "Its nothing alittle space turtle wax cant buff out"
  284. [21:57] * Khaali wonders what the hell a space turtle is
  285. [21:57] <Erina> "Or you can just pay for the damages."
  286. [21:57] <Luna> "Ya.. i think ill pass on that"
  287. [21:57] * Remiel clutches tightly the hem of her skirt, biding her time until she can calm everyone down magically.
  288. [21:57] <Khaali> (can I roll perceptiont o see what remiel is doing?i don't know her name ofc)
  289. [21:57] <Erina> "Well then, do you want to go back to the three options from before?"
  290. [21:58] <Khaali> (roll notice*)
  291. [21:58] <~Kroked> Remiel: cast
  292. [21:58] <Khaali> (oh)
  293. [21:58] <Luna> "Nope, were going option four, i kick you ass and take this ship"
  294. [21:58] <Remiel> ((So now do I roll?))
  295. [21:58] * Luna draws her dagger on her right and grabs a shirken from the pouch
  296. [21:58] * Khaali looks back and forth
  297. [21:58] <~Kroked> everyone
  298. [21:58] <Khaali> "I'm staying out of this."
  299. [21:58] <~Kroked> roll your psychic ressistance
  300. [21:59] <Khaali> )roll 1d100+40
  301. [21:59] * Crunk --> "Khaali rolls 1d100+40 and gets 123."
  302. [21:59] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  303. [21:59] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 109."
  304. [21:59] <Remiel> ((Me too?))
  305. [21:59] <~Kroked> no not you
  306. [21:59] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +45
  307. [21:59] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 121
  308. [22:00] <~Kroked> ...
  309. [22:00] <~Kroked> nothing happens
  310. [22:00] <~Kroked> you lose 100 Zeon
  311. [22:00] * Erina tries to freeze Luna
  312. [22:00] <Remiel> "...Damn it."
  313. [22:00] <~Kroked> Erina: which power?
  314. [22:00] <Khaali> (can I roll notice to see if I could tell what she was doing?)
  315. [22:00] <~Kroked> Khaali: no
  316. [22:01] <Erina> (Freeze, not crystalize)
  317. [22:01] <~Kroked> roll potential
  318. [22:01] <~Kroked> add a minutes worth of concetration
  319. [22:02] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +130
  320. [22:02] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 167
  321. [22:02] <~Kroked> Erina: roll attack, Luna roll a dodge
  322. [22:02] <Erina> "Now......Winter's Hold!"
  323. [22:03] <Luna> )roll 1d100+70
  324. [22:03] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+70 and gets 101."
  325. [22:03] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +55
  326. [22:03] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 130
  327. [22:03] <~Kroked> Luna: roll physical ressistance
  328. [22:04] <Luna> )roll 1d100+40
  329. [22:04] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+40 and gets 117."
  330. [22:04] <Remiel> ((Can I try slow pulse this time?))
  331. [22:04] <~Kroked> Luna: the area around becomes UNBEARABLY cold
  332. [22:04] <~Kroked> but you resist it somehow
  333. [22:05] <Luna> (whos closest remi or erina)
  334. [22:05] * Khaali watches the spectacle with wide eyes
  335. [22:05] <~Kroked> Erina
  336. [22:05] * Remiel prepares to cast Shield of salvation
  337. [22:06] <~Kroked> you do so
  338. [22:06] <~Kroked> now
  339. [22:06] <~Kroked> everyone roll initiative
  340. [22:06] <~Kroked> the fight is officially on
  341. [22:06] <Khaali> )roll 1d100+43
  342. [22:06] * Crunk --> "Khaali rolls 1d100+43 and gets 77."
  343. [22:06] <Remiel> $roll 1 d 100 +42
  344. [22:06] <&JapanBot> Remiel rolled 97
  345. [22:07] <Luna> )roll 1d100+51
  346. [22:07] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+51 and gets 128."
  347. [22:07] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 -1
  348. [22:07] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 46
  349. [22:07] <~Kroked> Luna: your move
  350. [22:08] <Luna> (saggitarius throw arm, try and knock the sword out of her hand)
  351. [22:08] <Luna> (one action)
  352. [22:10] <Khaali> add a 15 for 92 total, although that doesn't change anything)
  353. [22:10] <~Kroked> Luna: roll attack at -40
  354. [22:10] <~Kroked> Erina: roll defense
  355. [22:11] <Luna> )roll 1d100+10
  356. [22:11] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+10 and gets 53."
  357. [22:11] <Luna> (shit its supposed to be +100)
  358. [22:11] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +70
  359. [22:11] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 153
  360. [22:14] <~Kroked> Erina: you reflexivly bring Anima up to defend as luna throws a...
  361. [22:14] <~Kroked> card?
  362. [22:14] <~Kroked> it flops the the ground as it hits your sword
  363. [22:15] <Luna> "Well..shit"
  364. [22:15] <Erina> "Still time to surrender and pay for the damages."
  365. [22:15] <~Kroked> Remiel: your move
  366. [22:16] <Luna> "Listen, i dont want to hurt you guys, much, i just want out of here"
  367. [22:16] <Remiel> "But this isn't your ship!"
  368. [22:16] <Erina> "Like I said, pay for the damages and you can come with us."
  369. [22:17] <Luna> "I cant do that either, so the only option i got is taken this thing"
  370. [22:17] <~Kroked> you start hearing shouts from outside
  371. [22:17] <Khaali> "Can I come with you?"
  372. [22:17] * Khaali looks toward the hatch
  373. [22:17] <Khaali> "What's going on outside?"
  374. [22:17] <Erina> "Yeah sure, just help me detain her."
  375. [22:17] <~Kroked> Khaali: a bunch of people are surrounding the ship
  376. [22:17] * Remiel accumulates zeon, and moves to strike Luna.
  377. [22:17] <Luna> "You aint detaining nothing. Ill be a good girl if we can just leave"
  378. [22:17] <Khaali> "Uh, I'm holding onto the steering wheel right now."
  379. [22:18] <Erina> "I told you you can come with us as long as you pay!"
  380. [22:18] <Luna> "AND I TOLD YOU I CANT DAMNIT"
  381. [22:19] <~Kroked> Remiel: roll attack
  382. [22:19] <~Kroked> Luna: roll defense
  383. [22:19] <Erina> "I'll settle for an IOU."
  384. [22:19] <Remiel> $roll 1 d 100 +30
  385. [22:19] <&JapanBot> Remiel rolled 88
  386. [22:19] <Luna> )roll 1d100 +70
  387. [22:19] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100 +70 and gets 20."
  388. [22:20] <~Kroked> Luna: you sidestep Remiel
  389. [22:20] <Luna> "Sorry but im keeping my money"
  390. [22:21] <~Kroked> Luna: roll defense -45 for partial surprise
  391. [22:22] <Luna> )roll 1d100+25
  392. [22:22] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+25 and gets 86."
  393. [22:22] <Luna> (dodge)
  394. [22:24] <~Kroked> suddenly
  395. [22:24] <~Kroked> a boy with black Hair dashes from behind Erina and tackles you
  396. [22:25] <~Kroked> roll 1d10 against str or dex
  397. [22:25] <Luna> )roll 1d10 vs dex
  398. [22:25] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d10 vs dex and gets 7."
  399. [22:25] <~Kroked> WAM
  400. [22:26] <~Kroked> you are on the ground, pinned by a wild eye'd boy
  401. [22:27] <Luna> "Get your little rabid pet off me"
  402. [22:27] <Khaali> "Guys, something's going on outside. What's happening?"
  403. [22:27] <~Kroked> as if on cue
  404. [22:27] <Remiel> "Um..."
  405. [22:27] <~Kroked> you hear a loud ZAP from the hull
  406. [22:28] <Erina> "My shiiiiiiiiiip!"
  407. [22:28] <Remiel> "Can we please figure this out another time?"
  408. [22:28] <Luna> "Wasnt me this time, really, get this kid off me!
  409. [22:28] <Luna> "Starting to freak me out a little"
  410. [22:28] * Khaali looks uncertainly at the controls
  411. [22:28] <Erina> "Fine, let me have the controls."
  412. [22:29] * Khaali gratefully steps aside.
  413. [22:29] * Erina jumps into the pilot's seat and attempts to take off.
  414. [22:29] * Khaali keeps her weapon sheathed
  415. [22:29] <Luna> "Still have this thing on top of me, any time you guys wanna get him off me thatd be great.."
  416. [22:29] <Khaali> (are there any of windows I can look out of?)
  417. [22:29] <Khaali> "Shh. Do you guys hear anything?"
  418. [22:29] <Erina> "Remi! Close the hatch."
  419. [22:29] <Remiel> "Right!"
  420. [22:30] * Remiel hurries to close the hatch
  421. [22:30] <~Kroked> you begin to take off people taking pot shots as you do
  422. [22:30] <Luna> "Hes looking at me funny... not liking this at all!"
  423. [22:30] <~Kroked> Remiel: you do so
  424. [22:30] * Remiel turns to face the girl on the floor.
  425. [22:30] <Khaali> "Why are people firing at us?"
  426. [22:30] <~Kroked> after a few heart pounding moments, you find yourself safe in space
  427. [22:30] <Remiel> "S-Soul, can you please tie her up?"
  428. [22:30] <Erina> "Okay Soul you can get off of her."
  429. [22:31] * Khaali finds a place to sit and places her suitcase and weapon on her lap
  430. [22:31] <Luna> "Easy there, were off the planet now, and in space, not like i can go no where, ill just sit here quitely"
  431. [22:31] <Khaali> "...Are you sure you're not going to try to hijack this ship?"
  432. [22:31] <~Kroked> Soul, who was busy staring at Luna blushes for a moment, hurridly gets up and pulls Luna up with him, still holding her arms "we have any rope?"
  433. [22:32] <Luna> "I could care less about this bucket of rust, i just wanted off the planet for the tenth time already"
  434. [22:32] <Erina> " name's Erina......."
  435. [22:32] <Luna> "Hey kid, you are not touching me, much less with a rope"
  436. [22:32] * Erina waits for the others to respond.
  437. [22:32] <Khaali> "I'm Khaali. I assume we're nowhere near Earth anymore...?"
  438. [22:32] <Luna> "Names Luna, thanks for the ride i guess"
  439. [22:32] <~Kroked> "I'm already touching you, and my name's soul, and you're more of a kid than me"
  440. [22:33] <Erina> "Oh we were just there a while ago. The place was nice......except for that giant lizard thing."
  441. [22:33] <Remiel> "Remiel."
  442. [22:33] * Remiel kneels down to get closer to eye level with Luna
  443. [22:34] <Khaali> "Giant lizard thing?"
  444. [22:34] <Remiel> "I'm sorry about this... but I'm still not sure we can trust you."
  445. [22:34] <~Kroked> as Khaali speaks, you find all your attentions on her, except Luna
  446. [22:34] <Erina> "Yeah it was um....a Tea broken or something....."
  447. [22:34] <Khaali> "Tea...broken. Oookay."
  448. [22:34] <Luna> "Its not my problem if you can trust me or not, were in space, im not going to do anything"
  449. [22:34] <~Kroked> now that things have calmed down her very aura is almsot suffocating for you in this small ship
  450. [22:35] <~Kroked> it's Black oily, and uncomortable
  451. [22:35] <~Kroked> it feels WRONG
  452. [22:35] <Erina> "Um.....don't suppose you know how to turn that off? Or at least tone it down?"
  453. [22:35] <~Kroked> it makes you think of people who kick puppies and tear babies limb from limb for fun
  454. [22:35] * Khaali looks confused
  455. [22:36] <Khaali> "Turn what off?"
  456. [22:36] <Erina> "That inky black aura you've got going there."
  457. [22:36] * Remiel "Um... Your Aura. It
  458. [22:36] <Remiel> "Yeah, what she said."
  459. [22:36] <Khaali> "Aura?"
  460. [22:37] <Erina> "Hey Soul, do you see or feel anything weird?"
  461. [22:37] <Khaali> "Auras are real?"
  462. [22:37] <~Kroked> SOul nods quetly
  463. [22:37] <~Kroked> "yeah it feels... evil"
  464. [22:37] <Remiel> "Oh, right... I guess Earth people don't know much about it."
  465. [22:37] <~Kroked> "Wrong, all twisted"
  466. [22:37] <~Kroked> "I don't like her"
  467. [22:37] <~Kroked> "at all"
  468. [22:38] <Luna> "You dont like anyone kid, whats the big deal though?"
  469. [22:38] <Khaali> "Of course you wouldn't like me either," Khaali says softly, sadly, to herself.
  470. [22:38] <Khaali> "Some things never change."
  471. [22:38] * Khaali looks up
  472. [22:38] * Luna pats Khaali on the back
  473. [22:38] <Erina> "It's not that bad, it just takes some getting used to is black coffee."
  474. [22:38] <Luna> "New girls gotta stick together"
  475. [22:39] <Khaali> "Well, if this 'aura' of mine is bothering you guys, would you feel better if I just sat in a room by myself or something?"
  476. [22:39] <Erina> "You can't help it so we can't blame you for it. We just need to help you find some way to contain it."
  477. [22:40] <Khaali> "You can contain auras?" Khaali asks, fascinated. "Auras are tangible?"
  478. [22:40] <Luna> "Contain what? Are the three of you crazy on top of being mean?
  479. [22:40] <Remiel> "How to explain this..."
  480. [22:42] * Khaali waits patiently
  481. [22:43] <Remiel> "Basically, each person has this thing called an Aura."
  482. [22:44] <Erina> "Some people, like the three of us, can see it."
  483. [22:45] <Remiel> "Basically, each aura has their own different color..."
  484. [22:45] <Khaali> "And mine somehow makes you uncomfortable? Does this happen often?"
  485. [22:45] <Erina> "Truth be"
  486. [22:46] * Khaali sighs
  487. [22:46] <Khaali> "Right."
  488. [22:46] <Khaali> "So... containment, then?"
  489. [22:46] <Luna> "Theyre crazy, i dont see nothing comming from you."
  490. [22:47] <Erina> "This is the first time it's happened. It's almost suffocating how evil it feels, but we'll wait till we get to the next planet before we'll talk more about what happens next."
  491. [22:47] <Remiel> "Um... Not everyone can see a person's aura."
  492. [22:48] * Khaali thinks for a moment
  493. [22:48] <Khaali> "Hey, uh, Luna, did you know that auras were real?"
  494. [22:48] <Luna> "Nope, not a clue."
  495. [22:49] <Luna> "Like i said, crazy"
  496. [22:49] * Khaali sneaks a glance and Erina and Remiel
  497. [22:49] * Luna whispers to Khaali "We will ditch them the second we land alright?"
  498. [22:49] <Khaali> "Riiiight."
  499. [22:49] * Erina tries to think of a nearby planet with a place that could fix the damage to the ship.
  500. [22:50] * Remiel casually shakes her head.
  501. [22:50] * Khaali whispers back "I don't really trust you to not ditch me the moment we land."
  502. [22:50] * Luna whispers to Khaali "New girls stick together remember?"
  503. [22:50] * Khaali whispers back "You're all new to me."
  504. [22:51] * Luna whispers "Yes, but they tried to stab and freeze us"
  505. [22:51] * Remiel leans close to Soul.
  506. [22:51] <Khaali> "Well, I... don't really have anywhere to go. Mind if I stick with you for awhile? So I get used to this new... environment?"
  507. [22:51] * Luna sighs
  508. [22:51] * Khaali whispers back "They only tried to freeze you, and you were stealing their ship!"
  509. [22:52] <Luna> "Well it was worth a shot, so where to captain?"
  510. [22:52] * Khaali whispers "And by the way, did that mob back there have anything to do with you?"
  511. [22:53] * Luna whispers "I have no idea what your talking about, I didnt swindle a dude out of all his money, sending his private army after me or anything, nope"
  512. [22:53] <Erina> "Somewhere I can fix this ship. After that, well we have one last spot on this ship left."
  513. [22:54] <Erina> "Though one of you has a debt to repay to the royal family......"
  514. [22:54] * Khaali whispers "... seriously?"
  515. [22:54] <Khaali> "One last spot as in we can stay? Or are you choosing between me and Luna?"
  516. [22:54] * Luna whispers "Dont know what your talking about "
  517. [22:54] * Remiel quickly turns towards Erina.
  518. [22:54] <Remiel> "I thought that was supposed to be secret!"
  519. [22:55] <Erina> "Well I already told Soul....."
  520. [22:55] <Erina> "Plus, the first way to trusting others is getting them to trust you......I think."
  521. [22:55] <Luna> "Wait, did i hear Royals?"
  522. [22:55] <Khaali> "Yup, I definitely heard royals."
  523. [22:56] * Erina whispers, "It's a secret, but Remi here is a Princess."
  524. [22:56] <Luna> "You know, i might just wanna stick with you guys after all.."
  525. [22:56] * Khaali whispers to Erina "Should I curtsy or something? Because I have no clue how to do that."
  526. [22:56] <Erina> "We can consider the help you give us payment for the damages."
  527. [22:57] <Luna> "Hey now, lets not go so far into the "help" catagory, ill just be following along. Dont mind me"
  528. [22:57] * Erina whispers back, "Nah, you should be fine. Just uh....forgive me for this, but uh. We're out of room."
  529. [22:58] <Remiel> "Erina... what are you telling them?"
  530. [22:58] * Khaali whispers "Room for the ship?"
  531. [22:58] <Erina> "Same thing I told Soul."
  532. [22:58] <Erina> "Yeah....I'm sorry Ali."
  533. [22:58] * Remiel leans in towards soul again.
  534. [22:59] <~Kroked> SOul seems to perk up at the mention that you're out of room
  535. [22:59] <Khaali> "Ali... No, that's fine, I didn't really expect anything anyways."
  536. [22:59] <Khaali> "Just drop me off somewhere, I guess."
  537. [22:59] <~Kroked> "You know... we /are/ out of room, maybe it'd be easier if we just kicked one of these two out of the ship"
  538. [22:59] <Luna> "How the hell are we out of room if were all in here?"
  539. [22:59] <~Kroked> "Not like anyone'd miss them"
  540. [22:59] * Khaali shrugs toward Luna
  541. [23:00] <Khaali> "I don't know. Safety regulations?"
  542. [23:00] <Erina> "Well you two are standing up and I'm going slow to compensate."
  543. [23:00] <~Kroked> Luna: its extraordinarly cramped
  544. [23:00] <~Kroked> like Erina is haveing a hard time steering
  545. [23:00] <~Kroked> and sitting would be difficult
  546. [23:01] * Erina now tries to find the closest planet possible.
  547. [23:01] * Remiel sighs.
  548. [23:02] <Remiel> "this is going to be a long trip..."
  550. ~Pause~
  552. [23:11] <Luna> (rewards maybe?)
  553. [23:11] <Luna> (+ damaged ship)
  554. [23:11] <Luna> (+three assholes)
  555. [23:12] <Remiel> I'm making you pay for that.
  556. [23:12] <~Kroked> oh right
  557. [23:12] <~Kroked> first
  558. [23:12] <Luna> your not getting a dime from me
  559. [23:12] <Remiel> If you won't pay with money, You'll be paying with work.
  560. [23:12] <Luna> nope
  561. [23:12] <~Kroked> Luna: Remiel Erina you all need to make ONE LAST ROLL
  562. [23:12] <Luna> oh shit
  563. [23:12] <~Kroked> all of you roll MR
  564. [23:13] <Luna> (magic resist?)
  565. [23:13] <~Kroked> yes
  566. [23:13] <Luna> (why...)
  567. [23:13] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+55
  568. [23:13] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+55 and gets 83."
  569. [23:13] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  570. [23:13] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 93."
  571. [23:14] <Luna> (sware to god if its the space whale summon,,,)
  572. [23:15] <~Kroked> Erina:
  573. [23:15] <Remiel> ((I use natural magic to summon bigger fish))
  574. [23:27] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100+35
  575. [23:27] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100+35 and gets 105."
  576. [23:29] * Luna pinches Remiel on the arm for no reason
  577. [23:30] * Remiel starts to tear up
  578. [23:30] <Luna> "Big baby"
  579. [23:30] * Khaali wonders why everyone around her has gone batshit
  581. ~The begining of the end~
  583. [23:33] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  584. [23:33] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 123."
  585. [23:33] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  586. [23:33] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 113."
  587. [23:33] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  588. [23:33] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 102."
  589. [23:33] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+55
  590. [23:33] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+55 and gets 59."
  591. [23:33] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+55
  592. [23:33] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+55 and gets 84."
  593. [23:33] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +35
  594. [23:33] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 108
  595. [23:34] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+55
  596. [23:34] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+55 and gets 122."
  597. [23:34] <~Kroked> Remiel: pause
  598. [23:34] <~Kroked> in fact everyone pause
  599. [23:34] <Remiel> Okay.
  600. [23:34] <~Kroked> you have a choice here
  601. [23:34] <~Kroked> you rolled... very low for your first roll
  602. [23:35] <~Kroked> you have been permanantly corrupted
  603. [23:35] <Remiel> ...
  604. [23:35] <Luna> yay?
  605. [23:35] <~Kroked> however, if you spend all your destiny
  606. [23:35] <~Kroked> You can roll again
  607. [23:35] <Khaali> luna you're immune now I believe
  608. [23:35] <Luna> how badly corrupted
  609. [23:35] <Remiel> I want to know that.
  610. [23:35] <Remiel> what are the effects
  611. [23:35] <~Kroked> You're evil
  612. [23:36] <~Kroked> like corrupt
  613. [23:36] <Khaali> you probably like me more
  614. [23:36] <Luna> like pinching little girls evil
  615. [23:36] <Frederick> burn it all
  616. [23:36] <Luna> or hitler evil
  617. [23:36] <~Kroked> like hitlr evil
  618. [23:36] <Luna> god damnit
  619. [23:36] <Remiel> I'm not going to ruin my entire character thus far
  620. [23:36] <Khaali> oh wow that's pretty evil
  621. [23:36] <Remiel> Just because Lemons fucks me over
  622. [23:36] <Khaali> woah there
  623. [23:36] <Luna> all our D points eh?
  624. [23:36] <~Kroked> just all of freds
  625. [23:37] <Khaali> i'd like to say that kroked used this ability after assuming that I wanted to use it after I asked him about it
  626. [23:37] <Luna> Remiel what if we blow the points and still fuck the rolls =\
  627. [23:37] <Khaali> luna you're immune
  628. [23:37] <Luna> wait just Remiel?
  629. [23:37] <Khaali> yeah
  630. [23:37] <Luna> YAY
  631. [23:37] <Khaali> i've been saying that for the past few minutes
  632. [23:37] <Khaali> lol
  633. [23:37] <~Kroked> ok Remiel, you get your next to rolls
  634. [23:37] <~Kroked> you stay evil for the next 12 hours, than after that, you come out of it and are immune
  635. [23:38] <~Kroked> Erina: you need to roll twice more
  636. [23:38] <Remiel> And that's a hitler evil, correct?
  637. [23:38] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +35
  638. [23:38] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 51
  639. [23:38] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +35
  640. [23:38] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 92
  641. [23:39] <~Kroked> hoo boy
  642. [23:39] <~Kroked> Erina: your second roll is... well
  643. [23:39] <Remiel> So, do we become permanently immune to the effects after we pass the first time?
  644. [23:39] <Remiel> Or do we roll again after we encounter her.
  645. [23:39] <Remiel> another time.
  646. [23:39] <Khaali> perma immune till my elan changes
  647. [23:39] <~Kroked> with that roll, your soul is permanatly corrupted Erina
  648. [23:39] <~Kroked> unless you spend all your dp to negate the permanancy
  649. [23:40] <Erina> All of it?
  650. [23:40] <Remiel> Also, is there a way to heal soul corruption
  651. [23:40] <Khaali> destiny points, not development
  652. [23:40] <~Kroked> ^
  653. [23:40] <~Kroked> yeah destiny
  654. [23:40] <Luna> there has to be a way to clense it
  655. [23:40] <~Kroked> all of your destiny
  656. [23:40] <Erina> Holy shit I'm sorry but "Fuck you for this Khaali"
  657. [23:40] <Remiel> Seriously.
  658. [23:40] <Khaali> I DIDNT ASK FOR THISSS
  659. [23:40] <Erina> Burning all od it
  660. [23:40] <Remiel> YES YOU DID.
  661. [23:40] <Khaali> no i didn't
  662. [23:40] <Khaali> i asked kroked a question about this ability
  663. [23:40] <Khaali> and then he used it
  664. [23:40] <Khaali> jads;klg;jasldgkdjagkl
  665. [23:40] <Erina> RULE #1 OF RPGS
  667. [23:40] <Erina> DON'T GIVE THE GM IDEAS
  668. [23:40] <Khaali> WHAT?
  669. [23:40] <~Kroked> Erina: you are still evil when you make it to the planet, but it will wear off in 6 hours
  670. [23:41] <Luna> so we all failed the roll atleast once, how much do each of us get corrupted?
  671. [23:41] <Khaali> temporary
  672. [23:41] <Khaali> so i assume y'all go back to normal?
  673. [23:41] <Erina> Do we know the cause of the temp evil?
  674. [23:41] <Luna> so wait, is it perminate or not?
  675. [23:41] <Luna> cause kroked said perminate
  676. [23:42] <Khaali> wat
  677. [23:42] <Khaali> fro what?
  678. [23:42] <~Kroked> Erina: yeah after it wears off youll realize you were effected by her aura
  679. [23:42] <~Kroked> it got to you
  680. [23:42] <Erina> Yep, stranding her there and avoiding her from now on
  681. [23:43] <~Kroked> ...hmm ok
  682. [23:43] <Remiel> So where can I find more about the elan stuff.
  683. [23:43] <~Kroked> Khaali: has decided to use one more idea
  684. [23:43] <Khaali> it's in the core book
  685. [23:43] <Remiel> what page
  686. [23:43] <~Kroked> *ability
  687. [23:43] <Khaali> starting from around 260
  688. [23:43] <Luna> double corruption!
  689. [23:43] <~Kroked> everyone roll either MR or PsR
  690. [23:43] <Luna> oh god damnit
  691. [23:43] <Khaali> wololololololol
  692. [23:43] <Erina> Fucking Hell khaali
  693. [23:44] <Khaali> don't worry this one is temporary no matter what
  694. [23:44] <Luna> both are 45 so does it matter?
  695. [23:44] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +45
  696. [23:44] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 53
  697. [23:44] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  698. [23:44] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 122."
  699. [23:44] <~Kroked> Luna: you pass
  700. [23:44] <Khaali> sort of a last-ditch thing because I don't really want to be stranded on an alien planet so I can die alone
  701. [23:45] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+55
  702. [23:45] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+55 and gets 129."
  703. [23:45] <~Kroked> Remiel: you pass
  704. [23:45] <~Kroked> so
  705. [23:45] <~Kroked> Erina:
  706. [23:45] <~Kroked> you did not pass
  707. [23:45] <Erina> Figured
  708. [23:45] <Khaali> >princess of anima
  709. [23:45] <Khaali> >worst at resisting evil
  710. [23:45] <Khaali> :O
  711. [23:46] <Luna> all hail yy the new queen!
  712. [23:46] <Khaali> PR nightmare
  713. [23:46] <~Kroked> Erina: what is the most deeply rooted sin would you say in Erina?
  714. [23:46] <Erina> Envy
  715. [23:46] <Khaali> oh dear
  716. [23:46] <Luna> this is gonna end badly
  717. [23:46] <~Kroked> Saia: you are now consumed with envy
  718. [23:47] <~Kroked> it controls your every action for 6 hours
  719. [23:47] <Remiel> How long.
  720. [23:47] <Remiel> Okay, so since we're all going to be evil for the next 6 hours
  721. [23:47] <~Kroked> 6 hours
  722. [23:48] <Remiel> Can we let Soul throw her out of the airlock now?
  723. [23:48] <~Kroked> Remiel: no just Erina actually
  724. [23:48] <~Kroked> the rest of you were immune
  725. [23:48] <Khaali> by the way the description for the thing should technically let me roll that sin thing every few minutes
  726. [23:48] <Erina> Which means Soul and Remiel could probably restrain her right?
  727. [23:48] <Khaali> so like 144 rolls
  728. [23:48] <Luna> we all failed atleast once though, how bad is the corruption and is it lasting?
  729. [23:48] <Khaali> but kroked spared you all
  730. [23:48] <~Kroked> well... soul was immune on the first roll
  731. [23:48] <Remiel> Poor soul.
  732. [23:49] <Luna> stuck in a cramped ship with four crazy girls
  733. [23:49] <~Kroked> and if it was suggested that they throw Khaali out the airlock...
  734. [23:49] <Luna> i say poor us
  735. [23:49] <Erina> Lemons, just gonna let you know that corrupting her wasn't that good of an idea
  736. [23:49] <Erina> She's not gonna take it lightly
  737. [23:49] <Khaali> IT WASNT MY DECISION
  738. [23:49] <Khaali> i asked him
  739. [23:49] <Khaali> bam
  740. [23:49] <Khaali> used
  741. [23:49] <~Kroked> the last one was your idea
  742. [23:49] <Erina> And the second idea?
  743. [23:49] <Khaali> yeah that was
  744. [23:49] <Khaali> but they already knew i was corrupting them
  745. [23:50] <Khaali> after the first usage
  746. [23:50] <Khaali> so i might as well try to survive
  747. [23:50] <Luna> i thought he didnt know how to use it
  748. [23:50] <Luna> now he does?
  749. [23:50] <Luna> confused
  750. [23:50] <~Kroked> Luna: he didnt know how to use nemisis
  751. [23:50] <~Kroked> its different
  752. [23:50] <Luna> x.x
  753. [23:50] <Remiel> This is Elan.
  754. [23:50] <Remiel> Nemesis is just anti-ki
  755. [23:50] <~Kroked> you know what
  756. [23:50] <~Kroked> you guys busy?
  757. [23:51] <Erina> No
  758. [23:51] <Khaali> no
  759. [23:51] <Luna> nope
  760. [23:51] <Remiel> No.
  762. ~It beginssss part two~
  764. [23:51] <~Kroked> nick back up
  765. [23:51] <~Kroked> i have inspiration
  766. [23:51] <Khaali> well technically yes but I am good at procrastinating
  767. [23:51] <~Kroked> dont worry Khaali
  768. [23:51] <~Kroked> i doubt youll be playing long
  769. [23:52] * Luna starts pinching people randomly
  770. [23:52] <~Kroked> you all land on a nearby planet, it's been... an exhausting ride, you guys went a little.. crazy. well everyone but soul
  771. [23:52] <~Kroked> who had a hell of a time
  772. [23:53] <~Kroked> you all seem better... except Erina
  773. [23:53] <~Kroked> Erina's been acting... odd for the last few hours
  774. [23:53] <~Kroked> odder than before
  775. [23:54] * Khaali thinks about running off and killing herself, knowing that no one wants or likes her
  776. [23:54] <Luna> "So.. that was a fun ride"
  777. [23:54] <~Kroked> Remiel: Erina's soul is.. green tinted
  778. [23:55] * Remiel "Erina..."
  779. [23:55] * Erina can be seen constantly staring at the others around her with an odd expression.
  780. [23:55] <Erina> "Yeah?"
  781. [23:55] <Remiel> "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
  782. [23:55] * Luna pokes Khaali "Did ya see any signs of civilazation on the way down? Kinda hungry"
  783. [23:56] * Khaali sighs, looking morose
  784. [23:56] <Khaali> "Didn't look."
  785. [23:56] <Erina> "I'm fine. I've even got a bit of a moment of clarity."
  786. [23:56] * Luna still talking to Khaali "Well thats no help.."
  787. [23:56] * Remiel 's already worried expression turns into an even more worried expression.
  788. [23:56] <Erina> "I realized I've already found what I need most of all, and I already have it right next to me......"
  789. [23:57] <~Kroked> you are just above the planet
  790. [23:58] <~Kroked> no you are in the process of doing so
  791. [23:58] <Remiel> ((Do Soul and I feel uneasy again about Khaali's pure evilness))
  792. [23:58] <Erina> "Hey Remi.....Remember how back home they told me that I needed that transplant?"
  793. [23:58] <~Kroked> yes
  794. [23:59] * Remiel does not like where this is going. "...Yeah?"
  795. [23:59] <Erina> "But it needed to be from a family member and Spirit was off limits?"
  796. [23:59] * Luna pokes Khaali again "Hey look out the window for me"
  797. [23:59] <Khaali> "I'm fine," she says, watching Erina warily.
  798. [00:00] * Remiel 's eyes slowly widen in realization.
  799. [00:00] * Luna to Khaali "I know your fine, but im hungry, now common"
  800. [00:00] <~Kroked> SOul suddenly seem really nervous for some reason, he feels a tenseness in the air
  801. [00:00] <Khaali> "Hush. You might see something interesting."
  802. [00:00] <Erina> "Well, I just realized that if that person is who we think it is, and you and I both know it probably is....."
  803. [00:00] <Luna> "Huh? Whats going on?"
  804. [00:01] * Khaali places a hand on Luna's shoulder. "Just watch."
  805. [00:01] <Luna> "Watch what, why are these two looking at the kid like that?"
  806. [00:01] <Remiel> "Eri, Please. Think about this for a moment. Think about what you're saying, you're not acting like yourself."
  807. [00:01] <~Kroked> "...Whats going on?"
  808. [00:02] <Khaali> "Just listen, and perhaps you might understand."
  809. [00:02] * Remiel turns towards Khaali, and glares.
  810. [00:02] <Erina> "Just think Remi! This is the chance I've always dreamed of having. Of being normal again, of having a body like everyone else's! I don't need to die anymore Remi!"
  811. [00:02] <Remiel> "This started happening right when you showed up!"
  812. [00:03] <Luna> to Khaali "Why listen, whats going on, and why were you the only one acting "normal" this whole trip?"
  813. [00:03] <Khaali> "No," Khaali said quietly. "This was always there."
  814. [00:03] <Khaali> says*
  815. [00:03] <Luna> (can i knock her unconsious)
  816. [00:04] <Erina> "I just gotta find someplace to land, someplace that can do that operation!"
  817. [00:04] <Remiel> "I swear, if this is permanent..."
  818. [00:05] <Khaali> "It's just an amplification of her desires. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."
  819. [00:05] <Erina> "Remi, you won't stop me right?"
  820. [00:06] <Luna> "OK what the fuck, you go from acting all moppy and innocent to acting like some bad guy on the tele screens, whats going on"
  821. [00:06] <Khaali> "I think you should sedate her right now. Before this gets worse."
  822. [00:06] * Remiel thinks for a moment, lost in thought.
  823. [00:06] <Luna> "Ill sedate you hows that?"
  824. [00:06] * Khaali watches Erina warily
  825. [00:07] <Remiel> "..I..."
  826. [00:07] <Khaali> "You can try, but it won't do anything."
  827. [00:07] <Luna> "I think a knife in the neck my stop it"
  828. [00:07] <Erina> "Hey you two, quiet down."
  829. [00:07] * Khaali whispers "Like I said, this is inside of her. I'm not controlling her. This doesn't end with me."
  830. [00:07] <Erina> "You aren't the one I'm talking about so calm down already."
  831. [00:08] <Luna> "And YOU, why are you acting differently so suddenly? It wasnt cause i pinched you ealier was it?"
  832. [00:08] <~Kroked> Luna: you can try
  833. [00:09] <Khaali> "Your actions could lead to disaster. Think about where we are right now."
  834. [00:10] * Remiel hisses at Khaali. "You're not helping!"
  835. [00:10] * Khaali whispers "You're just standing there and doing nothing!"
  836. [00:11] <Khaali> did you get all that?
  837. [00:11] <~Kroked> ok lets back up here
  838. [00:11] <~Kroked> first
  839. [00:11] <~Kroked> Luna: yes you can try
  840. [00:11] <Luna> (will knocking her out stop all this)
  841. [00:11] <Khaali> (I already explained that it wouldn't)
  842. [00:11] <~Kroked> no
  843. [00:11] <Luna> (your not kroked)
  844. [00:12] <Luna> (well shit)
  845. [00:14] * Khaali whispers "Then do something, Remiel!"
  846. [00:14] <Erina> "And after all I'm the only pilot here."
  847. [00:14] * Remiel beings accumulating zeon
  848. [00:14] <~Kroked> Erina: roll defense
  849. [00:14] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +70
  850. [00:14] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 98
  851. [00:15] <Erina> (Wait, -15 from that)
  852. [00:15] <~Kroked> meant to say -45 for partial surprise but it doesnt matter
  853. [00:15] <Erina> (Not holding Anima)
  854. [00:15] <~Kroked> you see Soul suddely rush for you and swing at your head to try to knock you out
  855. [00:15] <~Kroked> you easily block him though
  856. [00:16] <~Kroked> it's almost too easy
  857. [00:16] <Erina> "Now now, bro. It's not nice to hit girls. Do me a favor and just sit tight okay?"
  858. [00:17] <~Kroked> he seems really confused, but he knows somethings VERY WRONG
  859. [00:17] * Remiel moves to block Erina, and prepares to cast Imbue Calm.
  860. [00:17] <~Kroked> "What the fuck is going on here, you're acting nuts Erina "
  861. [00:17] <Remiel> "Please let this work..."
  862. [00:17] <Luna> "OK this has gone on enough, can either of you fly this thing?"
  863. [00:17] <Khaali> "Remiel, can you drive?"
  864. [00:17] * Erina grabs Anima from next to her and begins to concentrate.
  865. [00:17] * Luna pulls out the rope in her backpack
  866. [00:17] <Erina> "Remi, move out of the way.....please. You know how much I need this."
  867. [00:18] <Khaali> "Remiel! Answer me! Can you drive?"
  868. [00:18] <Remiel> "...I..."
  869. [00:18] * Remiel begins trembling
  870. [00:19] <Remiel> ((So can I cast imbue calm or what?))
  871. [00:19] * Erina tries to move past her.
  872. [00:20] <Erina> (She's also getting guilt tripped pretty hard by her best friend. By the way I'm so sorry about this)
  873. [00:20] * Remiel 's expression suddenly changes to a more calm one.
  874. [00:21] * Erina attempts to freeze Soul's legs
  875. [00:21] * Remiel casts Imbue Calm. "Erina... Please calm down."
  876. [00:22] * Luna attempts to restrain Erina
  877. [00:22] <~Kroked> everyone roll psychic ressistance
  878. [00:22] <Erina> $roll 1 d 100 +45
  879. [00:22] <&JapanBot> Erina rolled 54
  880. [00:22] <Luna> )roll 1d100+45
  881. [00:22] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+45 and gets 68."
  882. [00:22] <Khaali> )roll 1d100+40
  883. [00:22] * Crunk --> "Khaali rolls 1d100+40 and gets 69."
  884. [00:22] <~Kroked> you all... chill
  885. [00:22] * Khaali relaxes a little
  886. [00:22] <~Kroked> you feel no anger, no fear
  887. [00:23] * Remiel sighs a breath of relief.
  888. [00:23] <Luna> "Wh-what the heck just happend.."
  889. [00:24] * Khaali sighs for the umpteenth time
  890. [00:24] * Erina stares at Soul for a few lingering seconds before muttering a sorry and walking back to the pilot's seat to land safely.
  891. [00:24] <Khaali> "Bad things."
  892. [00:25] <~Kroked> you all land
  893. [00:25] * Remiel stares upwards for a brief moment.
  894. [00:25] <~Kroked> you land by a lake outside a small town
  895. [00:25] <Erina> "Guys.....can I have some time alone for a while......I'm just gonna stay on the ship."
  896. [00:26] <~Kroked> "...I'll stay with you"
  897. [00:26] <~Kroked> "You... don't seem in any state to be left alone"
  898. [00:26] <Erina> "Please.....I want to be alone..."
  899. [00:27] * Remiel "Soul, I think she wants to be alone alone."
  900. [00:27] <Erina> "And it's dangerous for yo to be around me anyway...."
  901. [00:27] <Luna> "I would love to know what that entire ride was all about, but im sure you guys wont tell me. Ill just head to that town we saw on the way down and get some food"
  902. [00:27] <~Kroked> Soul seems reluctant
  903. [00:27] <~Kroked> "I'll just... sit outside the ship than"
  904. [00:27] <Khaali> "You'll be fine, Erina. That was my fault. It won't happen again when I'm gone."
  905. [00:28] <~Kroked> Soul glares at Khaali
  906. [00:28] * Khaali rolls her eyes at Soul
  907. [00:28] * Remiel also glares.
  908. [00:28] <~Kroked> "Just get the fuck out of here alredady"
  909. [00:28] <~Kroked> "You aren't welcome here"
  910. [00:28] * Khaali sticks her tongue out at the 'boy'
  911. [00:28] * Remiel "This WILL wear off, right?"
  912. [00:28] * Erina turns her back on the others and seals the hatch behind her.
  913. [00:28] <Khaali> "Sorry, Remiel. I think it has worn off already."
  914. [00:28] <~Kroked> Soul grits his teeth and clenches his fist
  915. [00:29] * Erina waits for a beat before curling up into a ball to cry in the darkness of the now turned off ship.
  916. [00:30] * Khaali begins to slowly walk toward the town
  917. [00:30] * Remiel looks at luna. "You really shouldn't stay with her, you know."
  918. [00:30] * Khaali looks at Luna. "I don't think she was planning to."
  919. [00:30] <~Kroked> you are split into 2 teams. soul stays behind outside the ship
  920. [00:31] <~Kroked> whihc group wants to go first?
  921. [00:31] * Luna responds to Remiel "Right now i think your all crazy, and im hungry, ill be back later"
  922. [00:31] * Remiel stays with Soul.
  923. [00:31] <~Kroked> ok 3 than
  924. [00:32] <~Kroked> who wants to go firs
  926. ~Pause~
  928. [00:32] <~Kroked> Luna/Khaali first than
  929. [00:33] * Luna hauls ass towards the town, leaving Khaali in her dust
  930. [00:34] <~Kroked> you do so
  931. [00:34] * Khaali thinks for a moment before running after Luna with agi of 9
  932. [00:34] <~Kroked> you haul ass
  933. [00:35] <~Kroked> you both make it to a small town, it's rural and seems to be a small community
  934. [00:35] <~Kroked> probably farmers
  935. [00:35] <Khaali> "Wait up, I have no idea where or what these planets are like. I've only lived on Earth, remember?"
  936. [00:35] <Luna> "And i have no idea either, right now im just following my nose, gotta be somethin to eat around here somewhere"
  937. [00:36] <Khaali> "Wait, how are we even speaking the same language?"
  938. [00:36] <Luna> "Maybe we can find a med shop or something too, poor girl prolly has a headach or something"
  939. [00:36] <Luna> "what do you mean?"
  940. [00:36] <~Kroked> ((universal Translator that Luna has))
  941. [00:37] <Remiel> ((The gears are turning))
  942. [00:37] <Khaali> (in character i have no clue about the translators
  943. [00:38] <Khaali> )
  944. [00:38] <Luna> (and in character i have no clue you are a backwater hic)
  945. [00:38] <Khaali> (woah there)
  946. [00:38] <Khaali> (does the universal translator work in an AoE
  947. [00:38] <Luna> (kinda fell out of a blackhole into my lap right?)
  948. [00:38] <Khaali> can i understand the farmers?)
  949. [00:38] <Khaali> (yeah lol)
  950. [00:39] <~Kroked> Khaali: if you stay by Luna yes
  951. [00:40] <Luna> "You dont have something like this? My earring lets me understand and talk to just about anything i want"
  952. [00:40] * Khaali blinks
  953. [00:40] <Khaali> "That sounds amazing. No, I don't have anything like that."
  954. [00:41] <Luna> "You can get these things in prize mechines at food joints, how do you not have one?"
  955. [00:41] <Khaali> "... What. Do you have a spare, by any chance?"
  956. [00:41] <Luna> "Whatever, common help me find somewhere to eat"
  957. [00:41] <Luna> "Nah just the one"
  958. [00:41] <Khaali> "Alright."
  959. [00:41] * Khaali follows Luna and looks around for eateries
  960. [00:43] <~Kroked> you find a small little cafe
  961. [00:43] <~Kroked> its a dingy place
  962. [00:43] <~Kroked> but its the only place to eat here
  963. [00:43] * Luna sighs
  964. [00:43] * Khaali pats her pockets
  965. [00:44] <Khaali> "Uh, I don't have any money."
  966. [00:44] <Luna> "well i couldnt of expected much from this place"
  967. [00:44] <Khaali> "Mind if I borrow a little? I don't know what currency you guys use, anyways."
  968. [00:44] <Luna> "I got that covered, just gonna start up a tab for ya then"
  969. [00:44] <Khaali> "Thank you."
  970. [00:44] <Luna> "Wait how do you not know what money is?"
  971. [00:44] <Luna> "Where the hell are you from?"
  972. [00:45] <Khaali> "I know what money is, I just don't know what specific currency you use."
  973. [00:46] <Khaali> "Alright, shall we see what there is to eat?"
  974. [00:46] <Luna> "Says the one not paying"
  975. [00:46] * Luna looks around for the shopkeep
  976. [00:47] <~Kroked> the shop keep seems vsibly nervous
  977. [00:47] <Luna> "Oh for fucks sake, is this gonna be a thing with you around Khaali?"
  978. [00:47] <Luna> "Listen go wait outside an ill order something."
  979. [00:48] <Khaali> "Wait, that doesn't make sense. You don't feel anything. People who can't see auras, shouldn't feel anything."
  980. [00:48] <Khaali> "What the hell?"
  981. [00:49] * Khaali looks around for danger
  982. [00:49] <Luna> "Just cause i dont see anything or belive in it in the first place doesnt mean you dont rub me, and aprently everyone else, the wrong way. Go wait outside"
  983. [00:49] <Khaali> "...Alright. Just... be careful, I guess."
  984. [00:49] <Khaali> )roll 1d100+1
  985. [00:49] * Crunk --> "Khaali rolls 1d100+1 and gets 27."
  986. [00:49] * Khaali waits outside
  987. [00:50] <~Kroked> nobody suspicous but you
  988. [00:50] <Luna> "Anyways, sir do you have anything warm and fast on the menu?"
  989. [00:51] <~Kroked> the man seems to get a bit better after Khaali leaves "Ah gut soop"
  990. [00:51] <~Kroked> "Dats bout it"
  991. [00:52] <Luna> "Aww, any bread or stuff to go with it?"
  992. [00:52] <~Kroked> "Yah ah gut so brud"
  993. [00:52] <Luna> "Well that works i guess, five orders to go please."
  994. [00:53] <~Kroked> the man gives you a bag full of crusty bread
  995. [00:53] <~Kroked> he asks 70 Silver for it all
  996. [00:54] * Luna hands the shopkeep a gold and waits for change
  997. [00:55] <~Kroked> he gives you some, you head out
  998. [00:55] <Luna> "Did ya check around for a med shop while i got all this?"
  999. [00:55] <~Kroked> Khaali: THERE WAS NONE
  1000. [00:56] <Khaali> "Sorry, no. Was a little suspicious of the shopkeep so I stuck around. How much did that bread cost?"
  1001. [00:56] <Luna> "who cares, right now im hungry and we havnt found anything else"
  1002. [00:56] <Khaali> "Can I have some bread?"
  1003. [00:57] <Luna> "Med shop first, then bread"
  1004. [00:57] <Khaali> "Sure. What are you looking to buy?"
  1005. [00:57] <Luna> "I dont know, what cures crazy?"
  1006. [00:57] <Luna> "Something for headachs would prolly be a good idea"
  1007. [00:58] <Khaali> "I think there's more to her problem than just a temporary bout of insanity, but alright, sure, why not."
  1008. [00:58] * Luna wanders around looking for a shop while munching on a roll
  1009. [00:58] <~Kroked> you head off
  1010. [00:58] * Khaali follows her around
  1012. ~Pause~
  1014. [00:58] <~Kroked> so whos next
  1015. [00:59] <~Kroked> Remiel: or Erina
  1016. [00:59] <Erina> (I'm good for going last)
  1017. [01:00] <Remiel> (yeah, that works)
  1018. [01:00] <~Kroked> Remiel: it's just you and Soul sitting outside the ship
  1019. [01:00] <~Kroked> BGM
  1020. [01:01] <~Kroked> Soul seems a bit worried and glances at the enterance of the ship every so often
  1021. [01:01] * Remiel sits quietly for about 5 minutes before finally speaking.
  1022. [01:02] <Remiel> "Uh...I think It's time I finally explain the whole story."
  1023. [01:02] <~Kroked> "...yeah, that might help"
  1024. [01:03] <Remiel> "Okay..."
  1025. [01:03] <Remiel> "Erina's full name and title is Princess Erina Vains of Animus."
  1026. [01:04] <~Kroked> "...wait"
  1027. [01:04] <~Kroked> "What?"
  1028. [01:04] <Remiel> "Yeah..."
  1029. [01:05] <~Kroked> "... Than what..."
  1030. [01:05] <~Kroked> you spend the next 30 minutes explaining the circumstances
  1031. [01:06] * Remiel explains EVERYTHING.
  1032. [01:06] <~Kroked> Soul is quiet afterwords
  1033. [01:06] * Remiel from the discrimination against people with black hair
  1034. [01:07] * Remiel to the fact that Soul may or may not be the long lost prince of Animus
  1035. [01:07] * Remiel to Erina's heart disease.
  1036. [01:07] * Remiel to the day She first met Erina.
  1037. [01:07] <~Kroked> soul absent mindedly plays with his hair, and you notice something you hadn't before
  1038. [01:07] * Remiel To the day they decided to run away and explore the galaxy.
  1039. [01:07] <~Kroked> while the majority of his hair is black
  1040. [01:08] <~Kroked> his roots are snow white
  1041. [01:09] * Remiel to the relations between the other nations
  1042. [01:09] <~Kroked> "... so that's why she was like that..."
  1043. [01:10] <Remiel> "...She's... Not normally like that..."
  1044. [01:10] <~Kroked> "I already know, I could tell from the ride before that"
  1045. [01:10] <Remiel> "There's one other thing I should mention..."
  1046. [01:10] <~Kroked> "She's a wonderful girl"
  1047. [01:11] * Remiel stares ahead wistfully. "Yeah... She is."
  1048. [01:11] <~Kroked> "So what's this thing you need to mention?"
  1049. [01:11] <Remiel> "Anyways, there's one other thing I should mention, but I should probably wait until Erina feels better."
  1050. [01:12] <~Kroked> Soul frowns but nods "If you say so"
  1051. [01:13] <Remiel> "So... How are you holding up?"
  1052. [01:14] <~Kroked> Soul laughs weakly "I think I'm in denial, I still can't beleive this is real"
  1053. [01:14] <Remiel> "...I'm sorry... It's probably a lot to take in all at once..."
  1054. [01:15] <~Kroked> "You have no idea, I just got a new job was set to live a boring life... and than out of nowhere Im attacked by a dinosaur, wisked off into space, and learn Im technically a prince"
  1055. [01:15] <~Kroked> "It's a lot to take on"
  1056. [01:17] <Remiel> "well, They say that Denial is always the first stage."
  1057. [01:17] <~Kroked> Soul snorts "Yeah I spose"
  1058. [01:17] <Remiel> "...That's probably not the most helpful expression."
  1059. [01:17] <~Kroked> "Nah it's fine"
  1060. [01:17] <~Kroked> "TO be honest this was all kinda exciting"
  1061. [01:18] <~Kroked> "More excitement than I've had in a long time"
  1062. [01:18] <~Kroked> "Until we met that... thing, at least"
  1063. [01:19] <Remiel> "Yeah... I don't care what Erina might say, there's no way I'm letting her within 50 meters of the ship."
  1064. [01:19] <~Kroked> "I'm not convinced she's completly human"
  1065. [01:19] <~Kroked> "She just feels so///"
  1066. [01:19] <~Kroked> he shivers
  1067. [01:20] <Remiel> "So, have you always been able to see souls?"
  1068. [01:21] <~Kroked> "I tried not to think about it"
  1069. [01:21] <~Kroked> "I convinced myself i was seeing things"
  1070. [01:22] <~Kroked> "It wasnt till i met you guys I started to think it might be real"
  1071. [01:23] <Remiel> "what was it like, growing up on Earth?"
  1072. [01:24] <~Kroked> he shrugs "I was mocked because I had white hair, so I took to dying it"
  1073. [01:24] <~Kroked> :other than that it was ok I guess?"
  1074. [01:25] <~Kroked> "Nothing stands out"
  1075. [01:26] <~Kroked> "How about you? what was growing up like for you?"
  1076. [01:27] <Remiel> "You know how I mentioned that on Animus, black-haired people were discriminated against?"
  1077. [01:27] * Remiel starts grabbing her hair "Well... This isn't my natural hair color."
  1078. [01:27] <~Kroked> "Yeah, kinda wierd"
  1079. [01:27] <~Kroked> "..oh"
  1080. [01:28] <~Kroked> "...huh, I guess you and me have that in common than"
  1081. [01:29] * Remiel tries her hardest to force a smile, with little success. "...yeah..."
  1082. [01:30] <~Kroked> Soul hesitates for a moment befor placing a hand on your shoulder "It's going to be ok"
  1083. [01:30] <~Kroked> "I might not know a lot about her but... Erina seems like a reallys trong girl"
  1084. [01:30] <~Kroked> "She'll get through this"
  1085. [01:32] * Remiel the touch surprises Remiel, whose held-back emotions start bursting out at once.
  1086. [01:32] * Remiel sniffs. "Thank you... I just..."
  1087. [01:33] <Remiel> "I just don't know what to do."
  1088. [01:34] <~Kroked> "We just need to support her is all"
  1089. [01:35] <~Kroked> "All we can do is let her know we support her, even after this wears off"
  1090. [01:35] * Remiel wipes her tears.
  1091. [01:37] <Remiel> "I know...It's just that I feel so useless half the time..."
  1092. [01:37] <~Kroked> "Useless? did you /see/ what you did in the ship?"
  1093. [01:37] <Remiel> "That was..."
  1094. [01:37] <~Kroked> "Whatever that spell you cast was, it defused the entire situation"
  1095. [01:38] <~Kroked> "If you hadn't done that..."
  1096. [01:38] <~Kroked> "Who knows"
  1097. [01:38] <~Kroked> "We could all be dead"
  1098. [01:38] <Remiel> "...I had some outside help with that one."
  1099. [01:38] <~Kroked> he seems confused
  1100. [01:39] <~Kroked> "It didn't look like it"
  1101. [01:39] <Remiel> "I was panicking... I didn't know what to do, when all of a sudden, I hear this voice inside my head."
  1102. [01:41] <Remiel> "He told me that everything would be all right... and to just focus..."
  1103. [01:41] <~Kroked> he raises an eyebrow "You sure it wasn't.. well in your head? You know, your mind kinda trying to help you or soething?"
  1104. [01:41] <Remiel> "...I'm not sure."
  1105. [01:42] <~Kroked> "I dunno Remiel, I still think what you did was amazing"
  1106. [01:42] <~Kroked> "You have so much ability in suck a tiny body"
  1107. [01:43] <Remiel> "but what good does it make, when I can't even save my best friend."
  1108. [01:43] <~Kroked> "I think you did a fine job, saving her from herself"
  1109. [01:43] <~Kroked> "And the rest of us too"
  1110. [01:44] <~Kroked> "I mean, imagine if she really had gone through with her plan"
  1111. [01:44] * Remiel smiles, a genuine one this time.
  1112. [01:44] <~Kroked> "Imagine how she would have felt afterwards, you saved her a lot of pain"
  1113. [01:44] <Remiel> "Thank you, Soul."
  1114. [01:44] <~Kroked> "Not to mention my life"
  1115. [01:44] <~Kroked> he smiles, "Nothing to thank me for"
  1116. [01:45] <Remiel> "I think you make an excellent big brother."
  1117. [01:45] <~Kroked> he laughs "If only I had been around to be one huh?"
  1118. [01:46] <Remiel> "yeah."
  1119. [01:46] * Remiel motions towards the door on the ship. "So you think we should check on her now?"
  1120. [01:46] <~Kroked> "yeah, Lets take a look"
  1122. ~Pause~
  1124. [01:47] <~Kroked> Erina:
  1125. [01:47] <~Kroked> you are alone on the ship
  1126. [01:49] * Erina stares at the wall as she lies on her side curled up into a ball, eyes still red and overflowing with tears.
  1127. [01:50] * ~Kroked stepsaway from the controls for a moment to let a guest take over
  1128. [01:50] <Jolt> ???: "Are you alright?"
  1129. [01:51] * Erina slowly sits up and looks around trying to place the voice.
  1130. [01:52] <Jolt> ???: "...Hello?"
  1131. [01:52] <Erina> "Wh-who's there?"
  1132. [01:53] <Jolt> ???: "Well, that begs to question. Do you acknowledge that I am here?"
  1133. [01:53] <Erina> "I guess......Am I going crazy?"
  1134. [01:54] <Jolt> ???: "Loopy, perhaps. Maybe even emotional. But neither are really crazy."
  1135. [01:54] <Erina> "Those feelings.....Acting out on those ideas I would never consider......what's happening to me?"
  1136. [01:55] <Jolt> ???: "ow... got it. None of that."
  1137. [01:55] <Jolt> ???: "To be honest, I believe I may just be a figment of your imagination... but I want to help."
  1138. [01:56] <Erina> "Who are you?"
  1139. [01:57] <Jolt> ???: "I am called by few names, but none of which are relevant. I am merely here to help. You may call me as you wish."
  1140. [01:58] <Erina> "O-okay....."
  1141. [01:59] <Jolt> ???: "How may I be of service, my princess?"
  1142. [02:00] <Erina> "How can you help me anyway.....I mean, what can I even say to them after all that?"
  1143. [02:00] * Erina perks up at an idea.
  1144. [02:01] <Erina> "Do you have any way of safely knocking me out?"
  1145. [02:01] <Jolt> ???: "In my experience... an apology should be enough? They are your friends, no?"
  1146. [02:01] <Jolt> ???: "I could prepare one."
  1147. [02:02] <Erina> "I want you to promise me to use it if I ever get like that again."
  1148. [02:03] <Jolt> ???: "..."
  1149. [02:03] <Jolt> ???: "I promise."
  1150. [02:04] <Erina> "Thank you....It means a lot to know that something like that won't happen again."
  1151. [02:05] <Jolt> ???: "No worries. You have an angel on your shoulder, after all."
  1152. [02:05] <Jolt> ???: "Although he probably would hate me calling him that."
  1153. [02:05] <Erina> "I hate to say it like this, but that's enough for now. If I need anything, I'll call you."
  1154. [02:06] <Jolt> ???: "Very well.... although I'd need to know what you'd be calling me."
  1155. [02:06] <Jolt> The voice chuckles lightly
  1156. [02:06] <Erina> "Uhm.....This is just so"
  1157. [02:08] * Erina tries to think of anything unique about the voice she's hearing.
  1158. [02:08] <Erina> (Any distinct qualities to it? Pitch? Tone? Slight echo?)
  1159. [02:08] <~Kroked> another voice echoes through the room
  1160. [02:09] <~Kroked> a calm male baritone
  1161. [02:09] <Jolt> The voice is male, maybe has a bit of a rasp to it... it feels familiar, somehow. You feel like you've heard it recently.
  1162. [02:10] <~Kroked> "Providence"
  1163. [02:10] <Erina> "Huh?"
  1164. [02:10] <Jolt> ???: "H-Hey. That's not fair."
  1165. [02:10] <~Kroked> "And neither was you stepping in"
  1166. [02:10] <Erina> "Your name is Providence?"
  1167. [02:10] <Jolt> ???: "I- Ar-.... yes. So it is."
  1168. [02:10] <Erina> "Then, how does 'Rovi' sound?"
  1169. [02:11] <~Kroked> the new voice grumbles slightly
  1170. [02:11] <Jolt> Rovi: "I like it!"
  1171. [02:12] <Erina> "So....who's your friend?"
  1172. [02:12] <~Kroked> "Call me Traveller"
  1173. [02:12] <Jolt> Rovi: "He was the one whom assisted before."
  1174. [02:12] * Erina noticibly frowns upon uttering 'friend.'
  1175. [02:12] <Jolt> Rovi: "Which is apparently COMPLETELY called for."
  1176. [02:13] <~Kroked> "Everything was under control" Traveler says a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice "There was no need for you to turn up"
  1177. [02:13] <Erina> "So....Rovi and two are probably the only ones willing to be my friend after that......Maybe Remi will too....but that's a longshot."
  1178. [02:14] <Jolt> Rovi: "Hey. Don't give up hope so early!"
  1179. [02:15] <~Kroked> Traveler seems to stop for a moment and sighs "Real friends are a lot harder to scare away than that"
  1180. [02:15] <~Kroked> "Trust me"
  1181. [02:15] <Erina> "I know Remi might forgive me, but the others I just met or tried to kill in cold blood...."
  1182. [02:16] <~Kroked> "I think you'll find them more forgiving than you think"
  1183. [02:16] <~Kroked> "They all knew something was wrong"
  1184. [02:16] <~Kroked> "That you weren't yourself"
  1185. [02:16] <~Kroked> the voice stops for a moment
  1186. [02:17] <~Kroked> "In fact, I think you're about to find out yourself"
  1187. [02:17] <~Kroked> "I think it's time for us to leave Fa- er Rovi"
  1188. [02:17] <Jolt> Rovi: "Yes, I agree."
  1189. [02:18] <Jolt> Rovi: "If you need anything, Erina, just call for me. I'll be there."
  1190. [02:18] <Erina> "Okay....thanks."
  1191. [02:19] * Erina wipes away a few final tears from her eyes.
  1192. [02:22] <~Kroked> the presences dissapear, the doors open
  1193. [02:22] <~Kroked> end rp
  1194. [02:22] <~Kroked> you all get 35 exp
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