
In The Name Of Love (ch10)

Mar 18th, 2018
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  3. We're almost finished here! Thank you all for the support!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. ---------
  9. Chapter 10. Making Progress
  11. Blake was so jittery she couldn't stay still on her bed for very long. Her cheek still felt warm in the place where Ruby had kissed it, and her heart was in a gleeful overdrive.
  13. She sat up before long and went online, making several posts about the fantastic day she'd had so far. She'd completely forgotten about the fact that Ruby had followed her back until she got a comment notification from her:
  15. //I'm glad you had fun too, Blake! So did I!//
  17. Blake flushed crimson but smiled nonetheless, relieved to know Ruby had enjoyed herself as well.
  19. She still had a few hours before she'd have to go to Weiss' so Blake killed time by taking another shower. She didn't want to watch the new Ninjas and sleep over at Weiss' after going trekking through the woods all morning.
  21. The shower helped cool her down, though as soon as she was dressed she was all but stumbling out the door and back into her room to pack a small bag for the evening. When her mother came by and inquired about her day with her friend, Blake stuttered that it had gone really well, but revealed no further information.
  23. Her phone went off not long after that with a text from Weiss. Blake realized she'd been so caught up about her own date that she'd failed to ask Weiss about hers, and Weiss beat her to it.
  25. //So how did things go with Ruby? You haven't fallen into a coma, have you?//
  27. Blake rolled her eyes and swiped a message back.
  29. //Of course not. And things actually went... really well. We both had a great time. How did things go with you and Yang?//
  31. A moment later Weiss replied with, //Also... really well.//
  33. Blake smiled. It seemed they were both on the right track with their crushes, and perhaps the feelings were even mutual. Just thinking about it made her chest get tight and fuzzy.
  35. She decided to head over to Weiss' early before the sisters would arrive so she could talk to Weiss about their dates. After wishing her parents goodbye, Blake set out, once again trying not to jog lest she get sweaty again. She reached Weiss' place and knocked, and was answered by Winter.
  37. "Good evening to you, Blake. Perhaps you'll be able to calm down my sister. She's been a mess ever since she got home."
  39. "I'll do my best."
  41. Blake left her boots by the door and hurried up to Weiss' room to find her friend cleaning the already-immaculate area. She was adjusting the decorative blankets and pillows on the couch, obsessing over even the slightest off-angle. Blake put down her bag and called to her.
  43. "Weiss, the place looks perfect. You can relax, I promise."
  45. Weiss jolted a bit as she looked up, but was relieved to see only Blake there.
  47. "Are you sure? I don't want them coming over and thinking the place is unkempt."
  49. "Weiss, you're being ridiculous. Stop cleaning and tell me about your date."
  51. Blake took her own seat on the couch and invited her friend beside her. Weiss was fidgeting but Blake could also tell she was absolutely glowing. She wondered if she herself was giving off the same vibes.
  53. "Well," Weiss began. "She came to pick me up and we drove to the theater. It was a lot of small-talk to begin with but I learned a great deal about her. When the movie started and the lights went out, I accidentally touched her hand when I was reaching for my drink. And I didn't want her to think I'd intended it, so I apologized. I couldn't focus on the movie at all. I kept looking over at her. She looked so beautiful, Blake..." Weiss bowed her head in her hands and hunched forward in exasperation. Blake reached out to pat her back softly.
  55. "Don't leave me hanging, Weiss. Keep going."
  57. Weiss continued, but kept her face hidden.
  59. "A while later... she put her arm around my shoulders. I could lean back and rest my head on her. It was very nice. The next time I reached out, I touched her hand on purpose and held onto it."
  61. Blake nodded.
  63. "That's great, Weiss. It sounds like it went well-"
  65. "I'm not finished!" Weiss yelped. "When the movie was over we left the theater when it was still dark and I tripped over my own two feet. Yang caught me and helped me up, asked if I was all right, and then she... k-kissed me..."
  67. Blake felt a trill of excitement for her friend.
  69. "She kissed you?"
  71. "Just on the forehead. But I could barely walk the rest of the way to the car... I had to cling to her arm like a child..."
  73. "And you were afraid I'd gone into a coma," Blake chuckled, rubbing Weiss' back. "Well it sounds like it went really well, Weiss. I'm glad. My date with Ruby went... kind of the same way. She took her dog with her, and his leash sort of tangled us together at first. We almost fell off the porch steps together."
  75. Weiss finally sat up again.
  77. "Goodness!"
  79. "But we didn't! When we went to the park we held hands, talked a lot, went for a hike... Then we had our picnic by the lake. And when I dropped her back off at home... Ruby kissed me too."
  81. "She kissed you?"
  83. "Just on the cheek," Blake said. "But I ran all the way home and had to take another shower to cool off. I was so happy. I hope she was, too..."
  85. "Of course she was, Blake! Or else she wouldn't have kissed you, for heaven's sake!"
  87. "I... guess you're right. But... how should I act around her tonight when she comes here? I don't think I should kiss her back... at least not in front of Yang. B-But I don't want to act like it never happened either."
  89. "I was going to ask you the same thing," Weiss sighed. "So if neither of us knows the answer, I suppose we should just act normally and let the evening take us where it will."
  91. "Yeah. I guess so."
  93. Both girls leaned back against the couch and sighed. At least they were in the same boat now with their respective crushes.
  95. They talked for a while longer, making deals with one another to stop them if they did something embarrassing or foolish in front of the sisters. Once their pact had been established, Weiss turned on the TV so the sisters wouldn't be walking into a silent room.
  97. Blake went to her bag and pulled out a small box of cookies she'd gotten in advance. They were the same kinds Ruby had bought the first night she'd bumped into Blake at the grocery store. Weiss brought in a few bottles of water and soda as well as a few bowls and some bags of chips and other snacks, all of which she placed onto a small coffee table with Blake's cookies.
  99. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming now, and they felt ready to receive their guests. Waiting for the doorbell to ring was enough to induce a bit of anxiety, but as soon as it did both of them went hurrying down the stairs to answer the door.
  101. They reminded one another to act normally one last time, then Weiss opened the door.
  103. Ruby and Yang stood together with matching grins on their faces in the summer evening light.
  105. "Hi, Blake! Hi, Weiss!"
  107. "Heya, guys!"
  109. "Hi, you two."
  111. "Welcome."
  113. Brief greetings were exchanged as the sisters removed their shoes and put them next to Blake's. She had to wonder if the two of them had spent the past hour telling each other about their own dates, just like Weiss and herself had. Either way, everyone seemed to be glowing with excitement.
  115. Weiss ushered her guests upstairs, hoping to avoid being taunted by her brother or sister or even her father if they noticed how fretful Weiss was being. Luckily they all made it upstairs without a hitch.
  117. Ruby was busy admiring every bit of Weiss' house, ooh-ing and ahh-ing and just about everything. But she got the most excited when she spotted Blake's cookies on the snack table.
  119. "Ohmygosh! Is all this for us? Those are my favorite cookies!"
  121. Blake smiled.
  123. "I'm glad. I was hoping you like them."
  125. "Did you buy them just for tonight? Waaah thank you, Blake!"
  127. Her purchase of the cookies earned Blake a tight exuberant hug from Ruby, one she coyly returned. Luckily for her, Yang was turned away talking with Weiss, so Blake didn't feel too nervous about hugging Ruby in return. She savored the contact for as long as she could before Ruby pulled back.
  129. "C'mon! Let's eat some snacks before the new episode starts!"
  131. She took Blake by the hand and pulled her over to the table to begin picking an assortment of snacks. Yang was picking up a bottle of soda as she showed her appreciation for all of this to Weiss.
  133. "Everything's so neat and organized. It's really nice. Thanks for havin' us, Weiss."
  135. "Oh, don't mention it. It was nothing."
  137. Blake held back a joking comment about how Weiss had spent so long making the place perfect and instead focused on taking a bite of the cookie Ruby was holding up to her lips asking her to try. Blake swallowed before giving her verdict.
  139. "I can understand why they're your favorites."
  141. "Right?! They're so yummy~!"
  143. Everyone grabbed whatever snacks and drinks they wanted before bringing everything over to the couch. Ruby sat on one end and Blake sat next to her. Weiss sat on her other side and Yang sat at the other end.
  145. "So," the blonde was saying. "It's really okay if Ruby and I sleep over?"
  147. "Of course," Weiss said, almost too quickly. "The couch pulls out into a bed. You two can take that if you'd like. Blake and I can share my bed."
  149. "Sounds good."
  151. Blake was both a little relieved and a little disappointed. Of course she liked the idea of potentially getting to fall asleep next to Ruby. But with how things were right now – just teetering on the borderline between friends and something more – she decided this was for the best. She knew Weiss felt the same about Yang.
  153. The four of them chatted and ate for a while, though both Blake and Weiss had underestimated just how close they'd be to Ruby and Yang with all of them sitting together on the same couch. Ruby naturally cuddled up into Blake's side like it was nothing, while Blake froze and wondered if Ruby could hear how hard her heart was pounding. Next to her Weiss was sitting with her posture stiff and straight when Yang draped a lazy arm over the back of the couch behind her.
  155. At last the new episode of Ninjas began, and everyone focused primarily on the TV.
  157. But that was also when everyone began to relax without noticing it, leaning back or sideway against whoever was next to them. The food and drinks were put aside so they could get comfortable.
  159. Of course Ruby and Blake mumbled all about the show and what they knew was going to happen, while Weiss and Yang tried to follow along with what the show gave them. During the first commercial break, reality settled back in as they all remembered they were sitting right next to their crushes.
  161. "Wow," Ruby chuckled. "I'm still not used to seeing myself on TV. How was I?"
  163. "Perfect," Blake assured her. "You've always been perfect. A-As Briar, I mean... well-"
  165. "I agree," Weiss spoke up, saving Blake from her verbal blunder. "I'm not as familiar with the series as Blake is, but I enjoy the character you portray immensely. You're wonderful, Ruby."
  167. "Agreed!" Yang said.
  169. "Aww, thanks you guys! This is a little embarrassing though. One day you guys gotta come see one of Yang's modeling shoots too!"
  171. "Hey, show's comin' back!" Yang warned.
  173. So they all fell silent again and got engaged in the show again. The show that had brought them all together, as friends at first, and now...
  175. Weiss finally allowed herself to ease back against Yang's partial embrace. Yang smiled and stroked her fingers through the girl's soft silver hair, coaxing Weiss to lean against her. Weiss found it was much more pleasant this way, without the arm of a movie theater chair to block her off.
  177. Blake only caught a brief glance of this, but she was happy for Weiss, which allowed her to focus on herself now. Ruby had pulled her legs up onto the couch and bundled up cozily. Blake swallowed before slowly, casually slipping an arm around her.
  179. Ruby didn't seem to mind at all, but it was Yang she was more worried about. But the blonde was more focused on Weiss and on the show, and didn't seem all that opposed to Blake in the first place.
  181. So Blake allowed herself a moment to breathe before drawing Ruby in to her side and relaxing.
  183. The four of them watched in silence for the rest of the episode. Once it was over, Blake let out a sight of contentment.
  185. "That was really great. I loved how-"
  187. But as she glanced down at Ruby, she realized the girl wouldn't be hearing her compliments. Ruby was fast asleep against Blake's chest, using the front of her shoulder as a pillow. Blake was worried her frantic pulse might wake her.
  189. A quiet voice spoke from behind her.
  191. "Is she asleep?"
  193. Blake glanced back over her shoulder and met Yang's curious eyes. Blake nodded.
  195. "Y-Yeah."
  197. "I knew she wouldn't last long," Yang murmured. "She was so excited all day about your guys' date to the park. I think she used up all her energy. Guess it was the same for this one, huh?" She indicated Weiss, who was also curled up and breathing softly against her, clearly fast asleep as well.
  199. Blake smiled a bit.
  201. "Yeah. She was so happy to be with you today. We talked and texted for a long time."
  203. "So did Ruby and I," Yang confessed. "She really likes you, y'know."
  205. Blake almost choked at the revelation.
  207. "She... does...?"
  209. "Seriously. She hasn't stopped talking about you since day one, Blake. And sorry if it seems like I'm butting in but... Weiss told me you like Ruby too, right?"
  211. "I... I..."
  213. "It's cool. I'm not gonna bite your head off," she chuckled. "You two are perfect together."
  215. Blake couldn't believe this was actually happening. She'd never talked to Yang alone like this before. But now she knew. She knew for sure that her feelings for Ruby were reciprocated.
  217. A new kind of warmth spread throughout her chest as a smile spread across her face. She turned back to look down at Ruby sleeping peacefully.
  219. /She... likes me too... she likes me.../
  221. "H-Hey, um..." Yang's awkward grunt had Blake turning to look back to her. Yang was biting her lip, eyes flicking around nervously like Blake had never seen her act before. The blonde looked quickly down at Weiss. "S-So um... does she...? I mean does Weiss, um..."
  223. Blake actually chuckled out loud this time.
  225. "Yes, Yang. She likes you, too. A lot."
  227. "R-Really? Oh thank god..."
  229. Blake mused to herself that Yang could be just as adorable as Ruby, in her own way.
  231. The room was dark now except for the TV, which Blake turned off now. When she looked to Ruby, she knew she'd never have the heart to wake her by moving. And when she looked back to Yang who had closed her eyes and nuzzled herself against Weiss' cheek, Blake knew no one was going to want to move to pull out the bed.
  233. So she leaned herself back a little, resting partially against the couch cushions and partially against Weiss' back. Blake pulled Ruby close to herself and closed her eyes, savoring the quietness of the room, this feeling of calm and serenity.
  235. And she dared to leave a small kiss on the girl's temple.
  237. The hectic day eventually caught up to her as well, and Blake felt herself slipping away in slumber after the best day of her life.
  239. ----------
  241. She woke the next morning when she felt Weiss shifting against her back. When Blake opened her eyes, she found Ruby still fast asleep against her. She looked over to Weiss who was fretfully trying to slip away from Yang, who was also still asleep.
  243. Blake compensated for the shift in weight and kept Ruby still as not to wake her, cleared her throat, and called out for her friend.
  245. "Weiss? What's the matter?"
  247. Weiss gasped and nearly fell off the couch at the sound of her voice.
  249. "Goodness, Blake! Don't startle me like that!"
  251. "Sorry."
  253. "Did we wake them?" They each checked over Ruby and Yang to find them both still asleep. Weiss sighed. "Must I remind you we have a shift this morning? It's Sunday."
  255. "Oh crap, you're right..."
  257. "Of course I am. We've got to get ready. I fell asleep without brushing my teeth last night and I feel like a vagabond."
  259. "We all forgot to brush, Weiss. You're fine. Plus, didn't you sleep well since you were curled up-"
  261. "Hush!" Weiss' face turned pink as she glared at Blake, who merely chuckled in response.
  263. "Sorry."
  265. "You will be," Weiss grumbled. "Come on, get ready."
  267. Blake sighed, relished the last few seconds with Ruby asleep against her, and then shifted the girl onto the couch.
  269. She and Weiss took turns in the bathroom getting dressed and ready for work. Ruby and Yang woke up somewhere along the lines and helped clean up a little bit. Weiss made some toast with various jams and spreads for a light breakfast, which everyone appreciated.
  271. Once everyone was dressed and ready for the day, Ruby and Yang decided to walk to the café with Blake and Weiss.
  273. "This'll be fun!" Ruby squealed. "Getting to walk together with you guys!"
  275. "Definitely," Yang agreed.
  277. Blake smiled as she remembered the events of the previous night, how she'd seen the confident blonde turn into a nervous wreck when she wasn't sure how Weiss felt about her.
  279. And how she'd affirmed for Blake that Ruby liked her too.
  281. That's what gave Blake the courage to reach for Ruby's hand this morning and walk with her down the sidewalk like that.
  283. She noticed that Weiss did the same thing for Yang, who eagerly squeezed her hand in return.
  285. It only took a second for Ruby to interlock her fingers with Blake's, and together the four of them headed for the CFVY Shoppe.
  287. Once there, Blake and Weiss went to their side of the counter while Ruby and Yang stayed on the other. They didn't even need to order their drinks before Blake and Weiss started to make them.
  289. While at the machines, Weiss mumbled to Blake under her breath.
  291. "Did I fall asleep on her like that last night? Please say no."
  293. "Um... no?"
  295. "Goodness, I did, didn't I?"
  297. "You told me to say no. But don't worry, she didn't mind at all. Trust me."
  299. "Are you sure?"
  301. "Positive. And if it makes you feel any better, Ruby fell asleep on me. Everything went as it should have, if you ask me."
  303. She and Weiss finished making the drinks and turned back to the counter to hand them over.
  305. But evidently the sisters had been having their own private conversation as well.
  307. Because both Ruby and Yang accepted their drinks and leaned up and over the counter at the same time to steal kisses from their respective baristas.
  309. On the lips.
  311. As Blake and Weiss nearly fell backward from the surprise, Ruby and Yang chuckled.
  313. "Thanks!"
  315. "Hope this payment works too!"
  317. Of course they left the actual money on the counter.
  319. But as Blake and Weiss covered their mouths in shock, and then broke out into gleeful laughter, they agreed that they preferred this new kind of payment.
  321. ---------
  323. A/N: You didn't think I'd end it here without an epilogue, did you?
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