

Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. <Eevee> Holy crap I just realized that Hoofy reminds me of those girls always behind Myrtle in Lilo and Stitch, whose most common one was "Yeeaaaah." In agreement with Myrtle as she teased Lilo
  2. <Eevee> Line was
  3. <Eevee> Which makes Link Myrtle
  4. <-> Cococooking is now known as showerCoco
  5. <-- Cappuccino ( has quit (Quit: Bye)
  6. <Crimson_Tail> ok.
  7. <Eevee> '3'
  8. <-> Eevee is now known as Tulip
  9. <Compu> Tulip: cmon thats enough picking on hoofy
  10. <Tulip> 030
  11. <Compu> its not really funny
  12. <Tulip> >3>
  13. <Compu> now u stop picking on and provoking hoofy, if she does stuff then let me or another admin deal with it
  14. <Tulip> I find it funny that she keeps digging a deeper hole for herself
  15. <Compu> i dont find it funny that ur sitting there yelling "dig"
  16. <Tulip> Yelling?
  17. <Tulip> NO THIS IS YELLING
  19. <Compu> ur not helping anything when u respond negatively to her comments
  20. <Compu> and that is rather childish
  21. <Tulip> helps me get a laugh
  22. <Braixen> >...> im just on youtube for that matter *holding her egg*
  23. <Compu> this channel is not here for u to get a laugh
  24. <Tulip> Oh I know
  25. <Tulip> But it's damn good at it
  26. <Compu> i dont care, no more provoking braixen
  27. <Compu> im not saying she did nothing wrong but u didnt help the matter
  28. <-* Compu has kicked FineLine from #Compu (Box Box Box Box What's in the Box?)
  29. <Tulip> ?
  30. <Tulip> Why do you keep doing that?
  31. --> Bubble-Berry ( has joined #Compu
  32. <Compu> dont worry about it, its a bot that keeps joining my channel and it causes issues with my bot when someone posts a twitter url
  33. <Compu> cuz for some dumb reason twitter puts short urls in their titles which then the bots go back and forth continuously responding to the links in the title
  34. <Tulip> Heh
  35. <Tulip> Seems troublesome
  36. <Compu> r u gonna stop provoking braixen?
  37. <Tulip> Probably not, that's how rivalries work after all
  38. <Compu> end the stupid rivalry
  39. <Compu> if ur not gonna stop u can kindly leave
  40. <Tulip> It'll end when she stops being an arrogant little cunt
  41. <Compu> no it'll end now
  42. <Compu> u can end it or i will forcibly
  43. <Tulip> I'm telling you, you can try to stop it, but it'll just get worse if you do
  44. <Compu> it'll get worse if i dont
  45. <Tulip> Slower, though
  46. <Compu> because u seem to prefer causing issues rather than solving them
  47. <Tulip> Eventually it will just burn out on it's own
  48. <Tulip> Don't put out a grease fire with water
  49. <Compu> knowing u and hoofy i doubt that
  50. <Compu> i could put it out with a boot
  51. <Tulip> You could, you could, of course then we'd just find other places to hate each other
  52. <Compu> stop acting like u dont control ur actions
  53. <Compu> and i dont care if u find other places
  54. <Compu> as long as they arent here
  55. <Tulip> Stop acting you can control me
  56. <Compu> ur in this channel, its my job to keep this channel under control
  57. <Tulip> But we're not obedient dogs that you just yank a leash and we behave
  58. <Compu> no, instead i ask and u can either before or not behave
  59. <Compu> if not then u get warnings and eventually a kick/ban
  60. <Compu> behave*
  61. <Compu> its ur choice
  62. <Tulip> I'm just going to go to the store, so you won't have to worry about it for a while
  63. <Compu> no
  64. <Compu> ur going to respond or i will remove u from the channel
  65. <Tulip> I've said it before
  66. <Tulip> And I'll say it again
  67. <Tulip> I don't give a damn
  68. <Compu> mmk
  69. <Compu> well u can not give a damn elsewhere
  70. <Tulip> My only tie here is Irish
  71. <-* Compu has kicked Tulip from #Compu (go be a provoking troll elsewhere)
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