

Dec 21st, 2015
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  1. Hello, I would like to share my OPSafeWinter experience. I started out by asking several Krogers, if i could put a box somewhere in their store. I put a sign on it saying. "OPSafeWinter, Please help us give back to the community by donating, Blankets, tents, can openers, canned foods, socks and clothes to help us make sure the homeless are warm and fed. Anything you could give would be appreciated. and when i came back 2 days later the box was almost half full. i was so happy to see the community come together. so after a week, i grabbed the supplies and first handed out some items to local homeless people. i live in a semi small town so there wasnt many homeless people. I then went over to Cincinnati. and started giving items to the homeless there. it was so amazing when someone saw me giving them the clothes and stuff he asked me if he could help me give some stuff away and before i knew it. i had 4 people helping me give stuff to these homeless people. i brought tears to my eyes knowing there was people out there willing to help. some people offered to help but then saw that i had my Anonymous T-shirt on that had #OpSafeWinter on it. But other than that it was a great day. I had a couple people who was shocked that Anonymous did stuff to help the community. Most of them through Anonymous is a Terrorist group but after they saw what we was doing a lot of them apologized for thinking that. I had a blast helping and as soon as i can i will be back out there helping even more. but next time i will take some photos or even record some of it so my fellow anons can see the look on their faces. It brings me to tears when they feel loved. i can really see it in their eyes. That was my OpSafeWinter Story. Thank you all for a great Operation. I look forward to seeing what comes next. You can find me on my display name is AnonymousAgency2k15. I'm also with Lulzsec. We are legion, We do not forget, We do not forgive, Expect us.
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