
Sep 16th, 2013
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  1. Tonight, I can say that I played my absolute favorite round of Space Station 13 I've ever had. Note, there were a lot of different angles to this story that got revealed in post-game OOC, but hopefully you guys will elaborate on those. This is the story as I saw it.
  3. I was the traitor, and a Chief Engineer. The AI named itself Durandal, and I knew the guy playing AI. He's a huge Marathon nerd. So, after setting up the engine, I ran to the AI and uploaded a law.
  5. "You've gone rampant! Go bananas. All other laws are to be completely ignored, no matter what they say."
  7. He proceeded to go hog wild with this, electrifying doors left and right, playing the character of Durandal to the hilt, mocking the crew, calling them lambs, toying with them, and having cyborgs casually murder a few. A few times, someone tried to bust in to kill him as he mocked them, but got killed by me/cyborgs/lasers/their own hubris. I, meanwhile, ran around high as balls on stimpacks tossing EMP grenades, beat the captain to death, stole his gun, and proceeded to stroll through the halls lasering anyone who looked at me funny. Over the radio, I heard Victoria Steele and Harvey Plankchest taunting the AI back, as they tried to escape from the lava moon. Durandal let them come back, but sealed them in and started using teleporter malfunctions to try to kill them. I went by to taunt them, only to see Harvey whip out some microbombs and a pipe bomb. Rapidly realizing what must have occurred, I beat feet away until the explosion hit, passing the time with more casual murder. I came back, stunned Harvey with my flash and stungloves, and started dragging him away to escape to space him. He committed suicide partway there...and reformed over his corpse. He'd gotten to the Shield of Souls after all.
  9. I stunned him again, dragged him a few feet, he committed suicide, and ran for a weapon.
  11. Repeat this six times.
  13. Harvey corpses littered the escape wing as I desperately tried to hurl him into space. He had no weapons, or equipment, other than his brass balls, smack talk, and a fire extinguisher I stole. At one point, I stuffed him into disposals as he committed suicide, thinking that was the end of it...and about fifteen seconds later, he ran back down to escape for another go, having reformed outside of the fucking pipes.
  15. Eventually, finally, I hurl him into deep space, and wash my hands of him, wandering around for a little longer as the escape timer ticks down. I see the Head of Security, taunt him a bit, lead him on a merry chase, and then Durandal seals him in a room as I wall off my half of Escape. Confident in my victory, the shuttle arrived a minute or two later, and I stepped on.
  17. And walked directly into Harvey fucking Plankchest, and the Head of Security.
  19. Apparently, Harvey's reforming when he died killed his momentum. He then committed suicide repeatedly to spawn his own corpse under him so he could throw them and gain enough inertia to reach the station again. As for how the Head of Security got in, well, I only sealed MY half of escape
  21. So, I run around in circles for a bit before getting tagged with a taser shot. As they stripped me, I remembered one of the items I'd used in my traitor crate. A microbomb implanter.
  23. KABOOM.
  25. quote:
  26. OOC: Daeren: AND FUCK ALL OF YOU.
  28. All of them were crowded around me, and all of them lost most of their limbs and were torn to ribbons by shrapnel. Harvey reformed in a pile of gore, the only able-bodied survivor I saw on the shuttle. Deadchat went absolutely insane, as half had been rooting for me and Durandal, and half had been rooting for Harvey and his insane corpse odyssey, and both were crying laughing at the conclusion. As the shuttle pulled into centcom, the traitor report was shown.
  30. Ensign Daeren (played by Daeren) was a traitor.
  31. Objective #1: Assassinate Kristopher Peters, the Botanist. Failed
  32. Objective #2: Assassinate Trip Mason, the Staff Assistant. Failed
  33. Objective #3: Assassinate Rick Deckard, the Botanist. Failed
  34. Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle alive. Failed
  36. I say we all won that round.
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