
Etna Verhext

Aug 1st, 2013
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  1. Name: Etna Verhext
  3. Race: Sahagin
  5. Age: 67
  7. Gender: F
  9. Height: 155 cm
  11. Weight: 58 kg
  13. History:
  14. When Etna was a young girl, she woke up to find a large wildcat attacking her family. She managed to defeat the creature and seal it, but lost her father. Certain that this was no accident, she decided to question the cat – something she could do as the daughter of a world famous priest, who was well-versed in such feats. She learnt that the creature was possessed by an old enemy of her father, Ronove Kane, an Ignis whose contempt for the religious was rather strong.
  15. Rather than killing the cat, which would have permanently destroyed Ronove, she decided that instead he would repay her for his crimes by being her servant. Initially transferring his soul into a recently deceased cat, she eventually realized this gave him far too much freedom, and after about three attempts at escaping and ten times the attempts at killing her via scratching, she ultimately just stuck him into her broom, which she began using as a staff.
  16. Almost 45 years later, Etna has gained a reputation in Diyu as a real witch of a businesswoman. The Vertext name is now all over as a prime supplier of powerful potions, ethers, and all sorts of magical items – and the recipes are all her own. With her stores being hidden in small self-made pockets, marked by golden leaves, Etna’s become a well-known mage among travellers and soldiers, and is possibly one of the strongest in the world.
  18. Personality:
  19. ~
  20. ~ X is aligned with Y. This is because of
  22. Equipment:
  23. * Ronove?!
  24. The staff that Edna carries around all the time is actually a magichanged version of Ronove Kain, her familiar and former enemy. The staff has a set of paws at the end, with very long and sharp claws protruding from them; she can also fire electrical beams from the eyes of Ronove. Ronove is a talking weapon, and it’s perfectly possible to hold a conversation with him if one wanted to.
  26. Abilities:
  27. * Item Creation
  28. Using Metal-aligned magic that Etna’s kept to herself so she could create and take over a new market, Etna can create magical items with various effects, which she sells. As an anti-thievery technique, all of her items can be transformed into useless objects, such as pebbles or leaves, in the event of tampering or theft.
  30. * Teleportation
  31. Etna is one of the few people who have really mastered teleportation, and she can show up basically anywhere in the world to check on her stores. Her main limitation is that she must actually know where she is headed, preventing her from using it to get to locations she doesn’t know about, but as the main use is to go between locations, this isn’t such an issue.
  33. * Pocket-Space Creation
  34. For some reason, Etna has the ability to create pocket dimensions, hidden by golden leaves she hangs in various locations throughout Astitva. These super-small dimensions serve as her stores.
  36. Appearance:
  37. * *insert information about clothing and appearance, point by point*
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