
Human Spike and Norman Ch 1

Aug 31st, 2013
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  1. >day More Purple at Canterlot High
  2. >be Norman
  3. >See Purple talking to her dog again
  4. >Crazy bitch
  5. >but you swear you heard some brat's voice respond to her
  6. >shrug it off
  7. >next day, before school starts
  8. >"Hey skinhead!"
  9. >I swear to fucking god, I'll curbstomp one of these colored freaks if they keep treating me like a racist
  10. >See Purple by the school entrance
  11. >she's accompanying a kid
  12. >some freshman with purple skin and a green mohawk
  13. >her brother maybe?
  14. >but you don't remember her say anything about family
  15. >and you don't even know where she fucking lives, she could sleep in the school library for all you know
  16. "Hey Purp, who's your friend?"
  17. >"Oh this is Spike. Spike, say hi."
  18. >Spike snarls at you
  19. >cheeky little bastard
  20. >"He's uh... my cousin! Yes he's my cousin. He is going to enroll here now as a freshman."
  21. >"Hello."
  22. >you look behind you and see her
  23. >Aryan Beauty
  24. "Hey Ra-Rarity."
  25. >good, only 1 stutter this time
  26. >"Hello Norman. Twilight, who's your friend?"
  27. >"He's my cousin, Spike."
  28. >Rarity walks up to the purple lad
  29. >"Oh you're so adorable."
  30. >she grabs his cheeks and rubs them, kinda like a grandma would do
  31. >can't help but snicker
  32. >but wait, the brat is getting Rarity's affection
  33. >kid looks at me with a smug grin on his face
  34. >giggle turns to silent seething rage
  35. >Freshman Friday, I'm coming after you faggot
  36. >Next day
  37. >see Purple again with her cousin
  38. >you listen in on their conversation
  39. >"I know you're human now Spike, but being a student comes with a lot of responsibilities."
  40. >"Don't worry Twilight, I can handle it."
  41. >human?
  42. >then you remember that Spike is the name of Twilight's dog
  43. >and she hasn't been bringing her dog lately
  44. >maybe that is her dog
  45. >whatever, she talks about magic horses and shit, wouldn't surprise me if her cousin was a bit cooky too
  46. >Purple notices you walking behind her
  47. >"Hey Norman. I actually have a favor I need to ask you."
  48. "What is it?"
  49. >"I need you to show Spike around the school. I'm still pretty new myself and there are some places where I can't go to."
  50. >give the fresh meat a tour?
  51. "Fine."
  52. >you need to stop being so nice, especially with Purple, you somehow get in trouble
  53. >"Thanks Norman. I'll see you two at lunch."
  54. >she waves at us as she goes to the science room
  55. >you look towards Spike, who doesn't even make eye contact with you
  56. "Hey so your name is Spike, right?"
  57. >"Yeah."
  58. "Isn't that the name Twilight says when she talks to her dog? What happened to it anyways?"
  59. >"I am her dog."
  60. >what
  61. >"Yeah, Twilight used a polymorph spell to transform into one of you guys!"
  62. >so her magic nonsense is actually real huh
  63. >"Hello Norman. And hi Spikey-wikey!"
  64. >Rarity rubs Spike's cheeks again, and he just smiles like he's reached Nirvana
  65. >"Have you seen Fluttershy, Norman?"
  66. "I think I saw her out in front of the school, handing out some flyers."
  67. >"Ok. Thank you dear."
  68. >she runs off to the door
  69. >oh god, she's so perfect
  70. >"What are you so happy about?"
  71. "Well I was just thinking about asking Rarity to the Fall Formal Dance."
  72. >"No way she would like someone like you."
  73. "What was that brat?"
  74. >you clench your fist
  75. >"Anyways, I'm going to ask Rarity to the dance."
  76. >this kid said it so triumphantly that you couldn't hold back the giggle
  77. "Rarity is into more mature guys, kid. No way she would consider you in a romantic way."
  78. >"Coming from the guy who can't say her name without fumbling."
  79. "You goddamn runt!"
  80. >you and Spike growl at each other, maintain eye contact
  81. >"Hey, woah, calm down you two."
  82. "Orange?"
  83. >"Yeah Norman. Ah hope you're not picking on the freshman. Besides who is he?"
  84. "He's Purple's cousin."
  85. >"Well howdy. Ahm Applejack. What's your name?"
  86. >"I'm Spike."
  87. >"Well nice meetin' ya, Spike. Stay outta trouble. Now you be nice to him Norman, Ahm sure Twilight wouldn't like it if you roughed up her cousin."
  88. >he's her dog
  89. >"Well see yall."
  90. >You and Spike look at each other and come to an understanding.
  91. >you motion your hand forward
  92. "Come on, I promised Purple that I would show you around."
  93. >Spike nods
  94. >"So why do you call Twilight Purple and Applejack Orange?"
  95. "I dunno."
  96. >"Is that why people call you racist?"
  97. "I'm not racist! I'm a melting pot of friendship!"
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