
SnekFilly Part 3

May 2nd, 2016
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  1. Snekfilly part 3
  3. >Be anonymous
  4. >Everything hurts
  5. >At least whatever you landed in was warm and soft
  6. >Also still being alive was a nice bonus
  7. >You still couldn't feel any of your limbs though
  8. >Oh that's right, they don't exist anymore
  9. >You are still a snake pone
  10. >Might as well get up and start your new life as some ungodly abomination of snake and mini-equine
  11. >You open your eyes
  12. >This was not what you expected
  13. >You are in a room you could only really describe as 'cozy', well and maybe 'owns too many pets'
  14. >Aside from the cozy cabin decor there were bird houses and what looked like little walkways spread all across the room
  15. >Huh
  16. >Maybe whoever must have got you was an animal collector?
  17. >Well you must be one of a kind you suppose
  18. >Although there seem to be no little critters in the room with you
  19. >Well except for the white rabbit that just hopped up to you
  20. >He looked fucking pissed
  21. >He motioned for you to get up
  22. “Sorry little guy but I just got this body, I have no idea how to move. Also fuck off this couch is comfy”
  23. >He didn't seem to care for your response
  24. >The rabbit hopped up to your face and started trying to shove you off
  25. >You might not have been very big, but he couldn't get you to budge, but it was annoying as hell having him attempt to push you off
  26. “If you don't stop that I swear I will bite you or something”
  27. >The rabbit looked up and looked you in the eyes ,smirking
  28. >He then proceeds to redouble his efforts now with added kicking
  29. >In his attempts to get you off the couch he kicks one of your many new bruises
  30. >Reacting instinctively, you lunge at him and bite at the rabbit
  31. >You manage to bite his leg
  32. >The affect is almost instant
  33. >The little bastard seems to be having a seizure or something, your mouth still attached to his leg
  34. >You clamp down without thinking to keep your grip on him
  35. >His erratic thrashing ends after short while and he falls still
  36. >Hes dead Jim
  37. >You just killed a rabbit
  38. >Or was it considered murder around here?
  39. >Remembering that book that purple magic horse gave you, yeah probably
  40. “Fuck”
  41. >You get off the couch, and start slithering in a circle, the fact that you could actually articulate your body lost on you in your panic
  42. “Whatdoido whatdoido whatdoido”
  43. >Hide the body
  44. >You don't know where you are, how you got here or the consequences for rabbitcide but you know they'd need evidence to convict you
  45. >Wait would they convict you?
  46. >You were just a filly
  47. >That was mostly a snake
  48. >Oh yeah most ponies would probably run away from you or try to kill you if they saw you right now if Sparkle whorse was to be believed
  49. >But still there's a dead bunny on the floor and soon he's probably gonna bleed out on the nice little rug
  50. >He looks kind of.... appetizing
  51. >Where you seriously considering eating him?
  52. >Yes, yes you were
  53. “I'm so gonna regret this”
  54. >You eat the rabbit whole
  55. >Well you are mostly a snake but at least you aren't hungry anymore
  56. >Silver linings an all that
  57. >You look back at the crime scene
  58. >Other than a rather ruffled looking blanket on the couch everything seemed to be in its place
  59. >No one will expect a thing
  60. >Not that anyone would probably miss him, he was a dick
  61. >You burp, a single white hair escaping your mouth
  62. “What a dumbass”
  63. >Seriously though what kind of rabbit expects to get away with shit like that?
  65. >”Angel, are you in here? I need your opinion on this pattern for a new sweater”
  66. >Who was that?
  67. >Looks like your gonna find out soon enough, the door is opening
  68. >You quickly hide under the couch, you really didn't want to get thrown out another window or worse
  69. >”Angel? I hope you're not disturbing her like I asked you too, Oh! Where did that poor little filly go?”
  70. >She must be the one that put you here, seeing as she noticed your apparent absence
  71. >You don't want to draw attention to yourself as you see her yellow hooves enter, not being able to see the rest of her due to your hiding spot
  72. >”Oh you poor thing! You're probably terrified right now aren't you” The pony says, seeming talking to the whole room, she must not be to see you
  73. >Well she was right about the terrified part
  74. >”It's okay, I mean you no harm, when I found you injured out in the forest I just had to help you. I know you're hurt and scared right now, but I want really just want you to feel better”
  75. >She was slowly walking around the room, probably looking for where you were hiding
  76. >It was only a matter of time, you picked a terrible hiding spot, you may or may not be shivering in fear
  77. >”It's okay to come out, I know most ponies might not be the nicest toward you, but I promise you I'm the kindest pony you'll ever meet. I don't care what you are, really!”
  78. >She was closing in on your spot, you back up against the wall and make yourself as small as possible
  79. >”Please I just want whats best for you”Sincerity dripping out of every word she says
  80. >You know she's just trying to lure you out so she can capture you and experiment on you or something
  81. >She found you, you close your eyes and brace yourself
  82. >”There you are, I'm so glad you're okay! I know ponies can be pretty scary, but you can trust me I promise”
  83. >Well she wasn't lunging for you, so you might as well see what you're so scared of
  84. >You see a yellow pony with long flowing pink hair, she's leaned down so you can see her face clearly, but she hasn't attempted to get close to you, probably a good thing given your natural fight or flight response
  85. >”Oh such cute yellow eyes for such a cute filly, my name is Fluttershy, whats yours?”
  86. “A-A-Anon”
  87. >”What a lovely name”
  88. >She was really laying it on thick, but you gotta say it's hard to be scared of her now
  89. >”Now why don't you come out from under there and we can talk some more”
  90. >Well there was no point is staying under there anymore, she knew you were there and there was nowhere else to hide
  91. >As you get out from underneath the couch Fluttershy backs up, giving you your space
  92. >Fluttershy looks at you for a moment, her face transforming from pure kindness to pure concern
  93. >”Anon, have you seen Angel?”
  94. “Uhh I-I don't know, who's Angel?
  95. >”Angel is a white bunny”
  96. >SHIT
  97. “”
  98. >”Anon, I promise I won't be mad but look at your abdomen and answer me again. Now, did you see Angel?”
  99. >Look at your abdomen?
  100. >You look at your abdomen
  101. >There appears to be a bulge about 3 or 4 feet from the base of your neck
  102. >Roughly the size of a rabbit
  103. >Your new biology seemed to have failed you
  104. “Y-yes...”
  105. >“Can you please explain how this happened?”
  106. >Man she must have kids of her own or something cause she has the mom voice down pat.
  107. “I didn't mean to kill him! Honest! He was trying to kick me off the couch and he ignored all my warnings, and when he kicked me it really hurt and I jumped and bit him. But I must be poisonous or something cause he started thrashing everywhere but after awhile he stopped and I thought I killed him and I freaked out and he looked really tasty for some reason and then I ate him I'm so sorry!”
  108. >You panted a little from your explanation, not having breathed throughout it.
  109. >”He might actually still be alive, but we need to act quick he probably doesn't have much time before he suffocates in there”
  110. >What
  111. “W-what do you mean he could still be alive? I'm a poisonous snake!”
  112. >”Your not a poisonous snake, and unfortunately we don't really have time for this. I wish I didn't have to do what I'm about to do but I'm afraid I have no choice, now I'm going to pick you up now”
  113. >Fluttershy picks you up by the scruff of your neck with her mouth and walks out of the room
  114. >She quickly brings you into what appears to be her kitchen and places you on the table
  115. “Your not going to cut me open are you?”
  116. >”Oh heavens no! Actually I'm going to give you a massage and then induce vomiting”
  117. “Oh, um okay I guess that makes sense”
  118. >Fluttershy immediately starts her 'massage'
  119. >It makes you feel like a tube of toothpaste, but it works in getting Angel up your esophagus
  120. >It starts getting a little hard to breathe
  121. >”you're doing great, but now is the 'not fun part', I'm going to give you some castor oil so you'll start throwing up and I'm going to need for you to unhinge your jaw for me”
  122. “What!”
  123. >“I know that throwing up is no fun, but I'm afraid you're going to have to”
  124. “Not that! I mean the unhinging my jaw part!”
  125. >”Sweetie you don't have to lie about that, especially to me, its nothing to be ashamed of. But there's no way you could have swallowed a whole bunny without unhinging it”
  126. >Well it made sense you guess, snakes unhinged their jaws to swallow prey, and there's no way you could do as a regular filly, at least not without chewing first
  127. >And you certainly don't remember doing THAT
  128. “O-o-okay”
  129. >”Alright then, now this is going to taste really bad now, but after this we can have something else to eat okay?”
  130. “Okay”
  131. >Flutter-butter gives you a large spoonful of castor oil
  132. >Castor oil really does its job
  133. >”Now please be sure to aim for the towel I laid out out Alright?
  134. >As you attempt to retch up that stupid bunny, you feel your mouth open wide
  135. >Then wider
  136. >Okay this felt really fucking weird, it didn't hurt, but you could feel your jaw disconnect from your skull
  137. >Not a pleasant feeling
  138. >How did you not notice this the first time?
  139. >After a few particularly large retches, you feel him finally leave your throat[spoiler]oh god this sentence[spoiler]
  140. >Angel has seen some better days
  141. >He was covered in mucus, castor oil and judging by the missing patches of fur, stomach acid
  142. [spoiler]>You might have at one point have had a bit of a vore fetish, it's gone now[/spoiler]
  143. >Fluttershy quickly rubs him off with another towel and rushes him out of the room
  144. >For now you were content to lie on the table and recover/try to forget this whole experience ever happening
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