
The Derpy’s Speech (Challenge No.25 winner)

Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. Hugboxfag, May 7, 2013; 19:11 / FB 10741
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. The Derpy’s Speech
  5. >you are a foal
  6. >and mommy is talking, so you’d better listen up
  7. >”Gud fwuffies haf wotsa fwends. Fwends make fwuffies happies when fwuffies haf saddies! Fwends gif huggies ta fwuffies! Fwends pway wif fwuffies!”
  8. >sounds reasonable enough
  9. >”Babbehs nee’ fwends. Aww fwuffies nee’ fwends.”
  10. >mommy walks over to you and put a hoof on your head, petting your mane
  11. >”Babbeh say ‘fwend’ ta mummah?”
  12. >oh no
  13. >you don’t know if you can talk like mummah does
  14. >what if it comes out sounding all dummy?
  15. >you’ve barely even said more than a few words in your whole life!
  16. >well, you might as well start now
  17. >you feel scaredy poopies, but stop them
  18. >if you’re gonna do this, you need to be a brave fluffy
  19. >planting your hoofs in the ground and drawing a deep breath, you muster up the best possible pronunciation you can
  20. >”F-b-wend.”
  21. >no, that’s not right!
  22. >fwend, not fbwend
  23. >”Fbwend!”
  24. >wrong again
  25. >you start to cry into your hooves
  26. >if you can’t get it right now, you never will!
  27. >suddenly, you feel mommy pick you up and give you a big hug
  28. >”Shh, babbeh. Shh. Dat gud twy. You nee’ pwactice. Pwactice.”
  29. >you don’t understand why mommy is hugging you, since you’re such a dummy for not saying it right
  30. >but, soon, she begins singing a little song, and you feel happy again
  31. >mommy makes pretty song noises
  32. >you wish you could tell her, but you can’t even say “fwend”
  33. >that’s okay
  34. >mommy told you that you just need some practice
  35. >you’re not sure what a “practice” is, or how it’ll make you say words better, but it’s a start
  37. -----------------------------------------------------
  39. >you wake up in a soft bed
  40. >you are Derpy, now a much bigger fluffy
  41. >and you had a dream about mommy
  42. >looking back, you really miss mommy
  43. >but your new daddy is nice, too
  44. >he saved you from the loud monster that got mommy and the rest of the herd
  45. >you just wish he got there a bit faster
  46. >but what’s done is done, and having lots of saddies isn’t going to help
  47. >daddy walks in, and sees you awake in bed
  48. >”Oh, hey, Lazybones. Guess you finally decided to wake up. C’mon, I’m gonna give you some more speech lessons.”
  49. >your name isn’t Lazybones
  50. >it’s Derpy
  51. >silly daddy
  52. >despite this, you follow him down the big hallway into the talking room
  53. >daddy calls it the ‘living room’, but it’s where you practice your talking, so you call it the talking room
  54. >oh, and you figured out what a practice is!
  55. >it’s when you do something lots of times until you can get it to work
  56. >and while it may be boring, it’s managed to help you talk like a good fluffy
  57. >daddy sits down in the big Daddy Chair, and puts you on his lap, petting your mane
  58. >”Alright, Derpy. Are you ready? Repeat after me: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…”
  59. >daddy trails off, waiting for you to repeat what he said
  60. >you clear your throat just like he taught you to, and raise your head up so you have a prettier voice
  61. >”Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.”
  62. >you speak like the best fluffy now!
  63. >you even sound like a human!
  64. >daddy taught you a whole lot of things about how to properly use your voice
  65. >drink lots of wawas, have lots of sleepies, how to pronounce “hard and soft” letters, and all sorts of other fun things
  66. >you still have the high-pitched voice of a fluffy pony, but daddy says that just makes you sound cuter
  67. >it makes you happy when daddy says you’re a good speaker
  68. >the two of you continue with the lesson, and go through the entirety of the poem
  69. >when it’s all over, daddy puts you down on the floor, and talks on his magic toy
  70. >it lets him talk to other daddies all over the world!
  71. >you’re not even sure how big a world is, but you know there are a lot of daddies out there
  72. >at least more than you have hooves
  73. >so that’s a lot
  74. >daddy talks and talks on his magic box, and you wander off to go play with your blocks
  75. >you can roll one end over end all the way across the room by pushing it with your sniffer
  76. >it’s fun!
  77. >you do that for a very long time, and daddy comes in and talk to you
  78. >”Derpy? We did it! I finally managed to get us a spot at the Fluffy Conference!”
  79. >the Fluffy Conference?!
  80. >daddy taught you all about the Fluffy Conference!
  81. >it’s where all the smarty humans get together and talk all day about fluffies
  82. >and you and daddy get to go there
  83. >”But wait, Derpy! It gets better! You’re going to have a seat with all of the other Senators!”
  84. >your jaw hits the floor
  85. >not literally, that would give you ouchies
  86. >you get to sit up there and talk with all the smarty hoomins, all day long!
  87. >you’ve never heard more exciting news in your whole life!
  88. >”Thank you, daddy! When Derpy and daddy going to the Conference?”
  89. >while your voice may be clear, your grammar is still poor
  90. >”Today, Derpy. We’re going to board the plane in just a few hours. Hey, you know, we might have time to stop by the park. Maybe even meet a friend or two.”
  91. >”Fbwend?”
  92. >”Still can’t pronounce that one, hmm?”
  93. >you shake your head
  94. >”That’s fine. Everyone at the Conference is going to think it’s endearing.”
  95. >daddy scoops you up in his arms, and the two of you head out of the house
  96. >wow
  97. >you’re going to go to the Fluffy Conference
  98. >mommy would’ve been so proud
  99. >maybe you’ll take a little bit of sleepies to see her again, and tell her the good news
  100. >yeah
  101. >that sounds pretty good
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