
GodAnonXDT,Cadance,Flurry, Pt 1

Mar 28th, 2016
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  1. >Your eyes wander side to side, taking in the majestic glory of the crystal empire around you
  2. >Hell, it looks better than anything your architects have ever built for you
  3. >But you're their god
  4. >You have to look bored
  5. >Regal
  6. >Uncaring
  7. >Your hand slowly strokes the mane of the filly before you while her tongue laps against underside of your shaft
  8. >Your other hand rests under your chin, the elbow on the arm of the golden throne underneath you
  9. >A fancy as fuck one with silk sheets and a gigantic golden sun on the back
  10. >The palanquin sways side to side, but your loyal mares underneath mostly hold it steady
  11. >It used to be a lot worse, and you'd get motion sickness just riding from temple to home
  12. >But now?
  13. >They don't even breathe hard
  14. >The pink filly underneath takes your tip in her little mouth
  15. >Her tongue licks at the tip, swirling around it
  16. >And it's hard
  17. >Really hard
  18. >But you manage to sit still, holding that gasp and moan back
  19. >A few crystalline ponies bow to you as you pass
  20. >Did you build a church here or something?
  21. >You're pretty sure you didn't
  22. >Your hand rubs over the soft, silky purple mane underneath you as she starts bobbing her head
  23. >Your tip pokes against the back of her throat every now and then
  24. >But she never gags
  25. >The castle soon approaches, riddled with holes for some reason
  26. >Maybe it was too beautiful?
  27. >Did they really swiss their castle just for you?
  28. >The princess and her consort are there to greet you, the princess holding the newborn
  29. >The sole reason you were here
  30. >And so very far away from home
  31. >The litter stops in front of the monarchs
  32. >The crystal heart spins idly behind them
  33. >As you approach, they bow
  34. >You try hard not to smile
  35. >"Greetings from this humble princess to you, milk of the heavens, bringer of the sweetest nectar, river from which all joy flows.."
  36. >You bite your tongue to keep composure as she continues rattling titles
  37. [spoiler]Yes, it's another Flurry story, I really like her[/spoiler]
  39. >"...and holiest of all the fountains in the world of Equestria..."
  40. >She takes a breath, and you see her husband peeking his eye open to glance at her
  41. >"...the great invigorator..."
  42. >The baby's asleep and snoring gently
  43. >"...Anon."
  44. >It had started out fun and hilarious when ponies listened to you
  45. >And actually started calling you all that
  46. >It is getting a little tiring
  47. >But traditions are hard to change
  48. "I have heard your prayers, princess."
  49. >Trying to go so deep hurts your throat
  50. "And it will please me to answer them."
  51. >Your voice cracked a bit at the end
  52. >Do any of them notice?
  53. >The constant flicking of Diamond's tongue doesn't really help either
  54. >You're a bit surprised you manage to say the whole thing
  55. >"And I am honored, so very honored, milk of the heavens..."
  56. >You shift your head upright, giving room to your hand
  57. >You hold it out, an open palm, pausing her
  58. >She stops
  59. >Every one is silent
  60. >Somehow, the wind has answered your call for silence too
  61. >Her eyes widen a bit
  62. "You need only to speak my name once."
  63. >Her eyes relax
  64. >And she nods
  65. >Was that a sigh of relief from her husband?
  66. >The filly before you moves her hoof up, brushing against your sack
  67. >You cough, hiding your grunt
  68. "Have you arranged a suitable temple for my stay?"
  69. >Her hoof massages your balls, rolling them a bit
  70. >Cadance nods, stepping aside, her magic opening the doors to the castle behind her
  71. >"Our palace shall be your temple."
  72. "That is..."
  73. >The filly pushes against your balls
  74. >Getting a churning feeling underneath
  75. >You feel really close
  76. >The ponies around you lean in
  77. >Waiting for your next word
  78. "...Acceptable."
  79. >Sighs of relief
  80. >You grit your teeth
  81. >Here it comes
  82. >And you shift your hips a bit forward
  83. >She realizes and brings her hooves to your thighs
  84. >And you release your godly cum into her mouth, keeping composure
  86. >Her cheek puffs up as she sucks in your holy semen
  87. >She keeps it all in her mouth
  88. >She would never dare swallow it
  89. >The ponies gathered around ooh and ahh in admiration of the holy event
  90. >Their heads lean in, eyes staring at the miracle
  91. >She sucks you dry, bobbing her head a little
  92. >Her lips squeeze around your shaft, coaxing every single last drop from you
  93. >Your hand moves away as you finish your last squirt into her
  94. >She keeps her tongue licking against your tip, toying for more
  95. >A few moments pass as she pulls out, her little cheeks full with your seed
  96. >"The high milker has brought another miracle!"
  97. >Cadance steps up
  98. >You hold your hand up
  99. >She stops
  100. "No."
  101. >Diamond looks up at you, eyes wide and curious
  102. "This bounty shall be for the your ponies."
  103. >You glance down at her, moving a hand to pet your milker's mane
  104. "Your royal child shall receive only the freshest."
  105. >She almost chokes, eyes wide
  106. >Cadance looks at you, just as surprised
  107. >And immediately she bows down
  108. >"I am eternally grateful, your..."
  109. >She pauses, a little unsure
  110. >You're just as unsure
  111. >"...milkiness."
  112. >Close enough
  113. "Distribute my gift, milker, and let them know the joy of my followers."
  114. >She nods, bowing with her full mouth, kissing your tip
  115. >And turns around, hopping off the sedan
  116. >Cadance looks a little below you, eyes on your holy shaft
  117. >You see the questioning look in her face
  118. "This evening, I shall bless her. Bring all the ponies under your rule so that they may, too, partake in her christening."
  119. >Your voice was pretty deep
  120. >That execution must've been perfect
  121. >Being a god is so much fun
  122. >She nods, smiling
  123. >The little filly walks up in front of her
  124. >You had tied her tail up in a bundle, giving you a nice view
  125. >And she turns around, facing the crowd
  126. >The mares underneath start to move you
  127. >But you tap the chair
  128. "I shall watch."
  130. >The princess and her husband looks like they also opt to stay
  131. >You put on a gentle smile
  132. >It has to look like you're looking happy that your subjects are getting joy
  133. >But not too giddy
  134. >They can't know you enjoy this in other ways
  135. >The first pony steps up to your beloved milker
  136. >A mare with grey fur and a darker grey mane
  137. >She leans down, closing her eyes, muzzle facing forwards
  138. >Diamond leans forwards, pressing her lips against the other
  139. >And they lock
  140. >You hear the gulp
  141. >See the bulge travel down her throat
  142. >She had better ration it well
  143. >There's other ponies here
  144. >And you see the change immediately
  145. >It starts slowly at first
  146. >A relaxing of the muscle
  147. >Her face, her eyes, losing their lines
  148. >She leans back, panting
  149. >A thick strand connects their lips
  150. >A strand that's quickly gobbled up by the mare
  151. >You see her body teeter, left to right
  152. >Her smile growing wider
  153. >There's a fire, a light in her eyes that wasn't there
  154. >And...
  155. >You can't tell for sure, but did she seem a little more translucent than before?
  156. >She bounces up and down
  157. >And starts giggling
  158. >"I feel it! I feel his holy warmth inside me!"
  159. >She turns around, hooves squeezing the cheeks of the mare behind her
  160. >"I am one of his chosen! I am saved!"
  161. >It always does turn mares crazy
  162. >You lean on your arm, watching her run around, bouncing
  163. >"I have tasted the milk of the heavens!"
  164. >There's a brief pause in the crowds around you
  165. >And then the small chatter starts
  166. >And then the louder shouting
  167. >And then the clamoring for more
  168. >They crowd towards your little milker
  169. >Begging for a drop
  170. >Frenzied by the mare's sudden enthusiasm
  171. >You only lean back and enjoy the scene
  173. >The poor little filly is passed from mare to stallion to mare
  174. >You seeher grabbed first by another mare
  175. >Their lips lock without any warning
  176. >You see her suck your precious fluids from your little filly
  177. >And see your milker's hooves beat against her chest, trying to get her off
  178. >She's tugged off with a pop
  179. >Held in the arms of a stallion
  180. >Who leans in, lips meeting her, muzzle scrunching
  181. >And the cycle continues on
  182. >The ponies passing her around like a toy
  183. >Using her, pressing lip against lip, sucking your milk from her mouth
  184. >The crowd gets louder, the sounds of kissing and smacking and popping crescendoes as more and more light pours out
  185. >The crystalline ponies are almost see through as they pass your milker around
  186. >Your deed is done
  187. >You rap against the arm of the chair
  188. >And the ponies underneath start tugging you towards the palace doors
  189. >Cadance's small and gentle smile was now a slight frown
  190. >Her eyes stare onto the crowd in mild shock
  191. >But you make eye contact with her
  192. >You glance at the door
  193. >And she understands
  194. >The royal family follows you into the palace
  195. >Amazingly, the doors are big enough for your seat
  196. >You weren't expecting that at all
  197. >Now you don't even have to walk to your destination
  198. "Princess."
  199. >"Yes, your holiness?"
  200. "Lead me to your throne room."
  201. >"My th-throne room?"
  202. >Your smile has faded, and what probably looked like a bored expression meets her surprised look
  203. >You stare at her, unflinching
  204. >"Yes, of course."
  205. >She steps ahead of the palanquin
  206. >The only reason you're still on it is because the castle's halls are unbelievably large
  207. >"Follow me."
  208. >The servants in front of you nod, following her
  209. >As you get closer, you notice a dais
  210. >And...
  211. >Of course
  212. >The throne is straight ahead
  213. >You're already in the throne room
  215. >The soft hooves of your chosen mares echo in the gigantic room
  216. >The walk to the throne is silent, and you're soon in front of it
  217. >A large crystal throne
  218. >Far more brilliant than your gaudy golden throne
  219. >The curves, the chiseled faces, the wondrous refracted light
  220. >You want it
  221. >You look over to Cadance, who is just standing next to you, waiting for your next move
  222. >You tap the arm of your smaller chair
  223. >And the ponies set you down
  224. >They just know
  225. "Princess."
  226. >"Yes?"
  227. >Shining stands next to her, holding the little sleeping child
  228. "I will need to prepare for your child's blessing."
  229. >"Yes, anything we can do."
  230. "Send your husband to gather the crowds and prepare."
  231. >You look to her husband
  232. >He nods, giving a small bow
  233. "But I will need your help today."
  234. >"I am yours."
  235. >Maybe it was the way she said it
  236. >Maybe it was how her husband was right next to her
  237. >But that sends a jolt through your half-mast shaft
  238. "I will sit on the throne with you."
  239. >"W-with? Of course."
  240. "Deal with your courtly matters as usual, I need only your presence."
  241. >She gives a long bow, her muzzle pecking against the mirrored floor
  242. >You step up, walking slowly towards the throne before you
  243. >Your hand moves up, waving as gracefully as you can, dismissing your entourage
  244. >Your bearers behind you lift up your sedan, and start walking away
  245. >As you turn around and sit down upon the throne
  246. >It's a bit cold, but that's okay
  247. >Your eyes peer over at the obedient princess and her husband
  248. >Shining doesn't look at you, eyes cast to the side, body teetering, rocking the baby
  249. >Cadance looks a little happier, a soft smile on her lips
  250. >They're yours
  251. >That's the price they paid for this visit
  252. >This whole place is your temple now
  253. >Your palace
  254. >Your playground
  255. >You spread your legs
  256. >Tapping the spot between them, your shaft throbbing as you make eye contact with Cadance
  257. >It's good to be a god
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