
Rarity takes shelter from the rain in Anon's house

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. >"*sigh* excuse me, kind sir. May I please take refuge in your kind establishment? The rain today is... more than I expected."
  2. >well, you never thought this would happen
  3. >you can't say no to girls... especially sad looking ones
  4. "Uh... screw it, you're obviously drenched and you'll probably catch a cold. Come inside and I'll grab a towel for y- WHOA, OK, WHAT'S ON YOUR HEAD?!"
  5. >she lets out another sigh and looks away
  6. >"If you would be so kind as to not talk about it, that would be lovely."
  7. >ears
  8. >those are ears
  9. >non-human ears
  10. >...
  11. >you remember what old Mama-Anon always said
  12. >'If a man accepts a girl, even though they got something freaky going on, they'll never leave ya! That's how I met your father!'
  13. >they got along...
  14. >maybe this is fate
  15. >or maybe you're making this girl more and more cold as you ponder these thoughts
  16. >note to self, don't act dumb
  17. "Fine fine, just come in."
  18. >you lead her into your house and shut the door
  19. >she's examining your place, but clearly shivers from the cold
  20. "The heater is on your left, so you can warm up near it. I'll grab some towels."
  21. >you quickly make your way into the closet and find one of the biggest towels you had
  22. >you hope she doesn't think its ugly
  23. >as you walk out, you see her warming her hands up, still shaking a bit
  24. >you walk up to her and show her the towel
  25. "Here, dry yourself off with this."
  26. >as she reaches for the towel, she stares at it for a second before taking it
  27. >she immediately starts drying off every part of her body
  28. >her clothes are wet enough so that you see...
  29. >you turn around
  30. >you know exactly what will happen if you don't
  31. >after a minute, she finally speaks up
  32. >"Thank you, kind sir. I simply could not walk home in this terrible weather."
  33. "Not a problem."
  34. >"However, my clothes are still wet..."
  35. >oh no
  36. >"Pardon me for asking, but... do you have a dressing room for me to change my clothes?"
  37. >...dressing room?
  38. >how did she know you had a...
  39. "U-upstairs."
  40. >"Thank you."
  41. "Anytime... just follow me."
  42. >you and...
  43. >wait, you never even asked this girl's name
  44. >just as you got close to the stairs...
  45. "Excuse me, but... what's your name?"
  46. >"Oh! I'm terribly sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Rarity, and its a pleasure to meet you, darling."
  47. "Please, call me Anon... and its nice to meet you too, Rarity."
  48. >you and Rarity trek up the stairs now
  49. >your second floor isn't too big, besides your room, but-
  50. >"I say, what an interesting design on this towel."
  51. >fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK
  52. "R-really?"
  53. >"I'm not too fond of the pallet, but the overall design and patterns are just... well, I can easily see this on a dress... just not in Red and Orange."
  54. "Oh... ok."
  55. >you make your way towards your room and stop at the door
  56. >"Anon, darling, you seem a little disheartened. Is everything alright?"
  57. >well, you're bringing a girl into your personal room, she's wet and probably wants to get naked, the comments on the towel means you have a long way to go, and this is extremely humiliating
  58. "Nothing... I just need time to think."
  59. >you turn the knob on the door, but before you fully open it, you turn your head to face Rarity
  60. "Just so you know, whatever you see in this room, stays in this room, alright?"
  61. >"Um... sure."
  62. >upon hearing that, you quickly open the door to see...
  63. >darkness
  64. >its pitch black in this room
  65. >good
  66. >you reach to the left and find multiple switches
  67. >the one on the far right...
  68. >*flip*
  69. >light finally shines on the room, which promptly shows... another door
  70. >Rarity seems rather confused by all of this
  71. "The dressing room is through there. Don't worry about other clothes... just pick one out and you may wear it. Just... please don't look around the room when you come out, alright?"
  72. >"This all seems rather... odd."
  73. "Fine, I'll walk you there! Just don't wonder off, alright!?"
  74. >several seconds later, you make it to the door, open it up, and flip a light switch
  75. "Here, now just pick one and-"
  76. >Rarity marvels at the sight before her
  77. >dresses
  78. >suits
  79. >get ups
  80. >costumes
  81. >outfits neatly hanged accordingly upon the walls
  82. >you can see sparkles in her eyes
  83. >is she alright?
  84. "Um... Rarity?"
  85. >"Oh my gosh! Look at all these outfits! So many dresses to try on, so many designs. I've never seen anything like these before! Ah~ this is incredible!"
  86. >she lunges for the first dress she sees, but before tackling it down, she stops herself
  87. >you're glad she realized her clothes were still wet
  88. >"Leave."
  89. >wat
  90. "wat."
  91. >"Leave! I must try one of these!"
  92. >you are immediately shoved out of your own closet
  93. >did she just take over your house?
  94. >you recall Papa-Anon would say...
  96. >you should listen to these words
  97. >you take a deep breathe
  98. >you face out
  99. >you hold out
  100. >you reach out for... the door knob-
  101. >*slam!*
  102. >or, you know, the door could just open up
  103. >and what comes out baffles your mind in far too many ways
  104. >out comes Rarity, sporting one of your dresses
  105. >a black dress with soft pink stars placed around the chest, also showing the pink outlines around the arms and waist
  106. >not only that, her haired somehow dried up and is now shows an elegant curl, showing off her beauty
  107. >"These are finely crafted works of art... how do I look?"
  108. "Oh."
  109. >"I must say, the pink really does help lighten the dark tones of this dress."
  110. "My."
  111. >"Oh... I'm so sorry for barging in and forcing you out... I just cannot help myself when it comes to fashion of any kind... darling, are you alright?
  112. >you leap at her
  114. >you side step all around her, looking at how she models your designs and makes these colors really work
  115. "Without any need for a resize, you pull off the look without fail! Oh~ how the colors just blend together with your hair and skin in just the right places! Oh, this is just fab...u...lous..."
  116. >you just realized what just transpired
  117. >it was at that moment, you knew
  118. >you fucked u-
  119. >"...Did you just say... gorgeous?"
  120. "Uh..well I sorta kinda maybe uh...bleh?"
  121. >you're brain is nao teh ded
  122. >"Oh, if only it wasn't so dark in here!"
  123. >brain.exe is not reaponding
  124. >"There must be a light switch somewhere..."
  125. >Brain.exe has stopped responding. would you like to look for a solution? >yes >no >[close]
  126. >"He did flip something near the door..."
  127. >activating brain.exe
  128. >"Ah! here we are!"
  129. >there we go!
  130. "...Wait, what?"
  131. >*flip* *flip* *flip*
  132. >...fuck
  133. >Rarity stumbled upon your light switched and turned them all on
  134. >and your room is now revealed...
  135. >Rarity looked to her right
  136. >your sewing machine and threads...
  137. >forward
  138. >a little walk-way with a 2 cameras around it
  139. >her right
  140. >...your bed and dresser with a gigantic mirror next to it
  141. >this isn't happening
  142. >everyone always hated this secret of yours
  143. >now someone actually knows...
  144. >this is The. Worst. Possible-
  145. >"This is incredible!"
  146. >...
  147. "..."
  148. >"Anon.. is all of this yours?"
  149. "..."
  150. >respond, dammit!
  151. "uhklbcvxkbjndo yes?"
  152. >she looks at the dress she's wearing
  153. >"You made all of those outfits?"
  154. >you nod quietly
  155. >she walks closer to you
  156. >you look down in shame
  157. >"Anon..."
  158. >knees weak
  159. >"Does this mean..."
  160. >arms are heavy
  161. >"You also have a love for fashion?"
  162. >also
  163. >also?
  164. >you look up to see a nice smile on her face
  165. >what else can you say right now?
  166. "Yes..."
  167. >she jumps up in delight
  168. >"Ooooooh, this is so exciting! I've never seen anyone with such a love for fashion before. I thought I was the only one in the whole town!"
  169. >you give out a sigh of relief
  170. "So... you're not disgusted?"
  171. >"Disgusted?!"
  172. >she gives you a surprised look, followed by a pose that really flaunts your dress
  173. >"How could anybody possibly be disgusted by such art?! Why, it would be a crime against nature to show any disdain for anything of the sort."
  174. >you put on a smile
  175. "I know, right? Some people just don't know what art is! To really bring out the heart and soul of the wearer, all while making them even more beautiful. How could anyone despise such a thing!"
  176. >"You're absolutely right! not only that, but fashion waits for no one!"
  177. >she grabs your arm
  178. >"Let's see what we can do!"
  179. "Huh?!"
  180. >Rarity pulls you towards all of your fabrics and threads
  181. >this girl is stronger than she looks...
  182. >or maybe you're just that small
  183. >she takes a look at your equipment
  184. >"Oh my, this old thing has been thought so much! considering your wardrobe, it only makes sense for this sewing machine to be in this shape."
  185. "Heh... yeah. I've been using that since I was a young teenager."
  186. >after looking at everything you have, you clearly see her lost in thought
  187. >you can only wonder what she's thinking
  188. >"Anon, there is something that's been bothering me."
  189. "Uh... what?"
  190. >"This dress is the right size for me. I consider myself to be on the slim side for a woman..."
  191. >oh boy, here we go...
  192. >"Why are all these outfits so small? not only that, how do you get all the proportions correctly?"
  193. >deep breath...
  194. >she's into fashion, you can trust her
  195. >...
  196. "Well... about that. Have you noticed my height?"
  197. >"Yes, its the same as mine."
  198. "And the clothes I'm wearing? They tend to make me look a bit bigger than I normally do..."
  199. >"Oh... I think I understand now."
  200. "Yeah... my looks and such were never exactly masculine."
  201. >"Anon... you're the same size as me, aren't you?"
  202. >you always hated that
  203. "Yes... I am small enough to wear things like this."
  204. >she seems a bit startled by this
  205. >not only that, she doesn't seem fully satisfied by your answer
  206. >"Anon... I know this is uncalled for, but..."
  207. "Yes?"
  208. >"Are you... into men as well?"
  209. >oh no, she did not just say that
  210. >you stand firmly in place
  211. >you can stand when people ask that question
  212. "Are you saying I like dudes?!"
  213. >"I was just making an observation based on-."
  214. "How I like all this girly stuff, huh?"
  215. >"Well, I didn't mean to-."
  216. "Yeah, well nobody else does and yet they just HAVE to bring it up. If someone likes ANYTHING that's not masculine, they're either a girl or gay!"
  217. >you feel someone hold your hands
  218. >Rarity just gives you a nice smile
  219. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I had no intention of inciting anger from you. I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place."
  220. "*sigh*... fine, just... I'm not gay, alright? Everyone always assumed so, but I never was. I mean, I never exactly made it hard to think that, considering people caught me wearing dr-..."
  221. >you realize what you were about to say and back off
  222. "Uh... anyway, so about my designs! They're really something, huh?"
  223. >"Hmm... yes, quite true. As much as I would love to try them on, you've given me an interesting idea."
  224. "Interesting idea?"
  225. >"Well, considering what you said and the new inclusion of an audience, would you mind... showing off your designs?"
  226. "W-what?!"
  227. >you almost trip over a roll of fabric after that statement
  228. "I-I've never done anything like that before! I-I just can't do something like that! I've always wanted to but-..."
  229. >you see Rarity smiling again
  230. >note to self, keep inner thoughts in
  231. "This is a bad idea!"
  232. >she grabs your hand and pulls you towards your walk-way
  233. >"No it isn't!"
  235. *few minutes later*
  237. >this is bad
  238. >not good
  239. >this is totally not good
  240. >you never thought this day would come
  241. >"Are you ready, Anon?"
  242. "Uh...uh....UH...!"
  243. >dammit, Anon! This is the dream!
  244. >finally doing something with these outfits!
  245. >you hear a switch get pulled
  246. >"Go on, Anon! Show the audience what you've got!"
  247. >...just like you've rehearsed
  248. >this is the real deal
  249. >just act natural!
  250. >the curtains break away, revealing you and your outfit
  251. >not only that, your smoke machine is only showing your silhouette
  252. >this is it
  253. >its time to be...
  254. >beautiful
  255. "Ohhhhhh Yes~
  256. >
  257. >you break into a walk, quickly making your way towards the center
  258. >"And here we have Anon, wearing an incredible outfit based on 1980's culture. The red and green combinations create a glamorous look, all while avoiding a Christmas look."
  259. >you make it to the center, striking a pose by putting your hand over your face and pushing your body outwards
  260. >fake cheering from the speakers are now heard
  261. >this is fucking amazing
  262. >"And the crowd goes wild!"
  263. >you quickly walk backwards, keeping that sassy look you still have
  264. >soon enough, after you get behind the curtains, you swiftly change into another outfit
  265. >it doesn't take long
  266. >a true designer knows all the techniques to change clothes with utmost haste
  267. >not long afterwards, you come back on stage
  268. >"And here we have an exquisite mix of black and white, making patterns all throughout the outfit. The black hair truly gives the darker colors dominance."
  269. >...what?
  270. >all designers have wigs
  271. >right?
  272. >you come to the center yet again
  273. >"Now, bring out your inner beauty!"
  274. >you can feel the burning passion in your heart
  275. >this feeling warps your body into positions you didn't realize you were capable of
  276. >were you always this flexible?
  277. >pic related (
  278. >while making these poses, you can see Rarity becoming just as excited as you are
  279. >considering how young she looks, maybe this is her first time being a part of this kind of thing as well
  280. >this really does feel amazing
  281. >nothing could possibly ruin this whole- wait, why is Rarity glowing?
  282. >You stop posing to see what the fuck is going on
  283. >for some reason, Rarity is god damn glowing
  284. >her ears are...
  285. >oh fuck, you forgot about those
  286. >they're fucking irradiating light
  287. >and now she's floating
  288. >this totally isn't creeping you out or anything
  289. >its not like you want to run away or something
  290. >no... its fine
  291. >Rarity is a nice lady
  292. >you mustn't run away...
  293. >even through all this chaos, you remember what Papa-Anon would say
  294. >'GET IN THE CAR, ANON'
  295. >wait, wrong saying
  296. >'Girls do some crazy shit. You gotta learn to deal with all of that if you want a girl for yourself. Even if its life threatening... trust me, you'll get used to it.'
  297. >maybe he's right
  298. >this may be one of those crazy things he was talking about
  299. >maybe this isn't so- OH GOD, SHE'S FLYING TOWARDS YOU
  300. >before you completely get the fuck out of there, she wraps her arms around you
  301. >you're constricted at this point
  302. >the light is almost burning your eyes
  303. >"Oh, Anon! I'm so happy you're enjoying this so much! You've probably wanted to do that for a long time. not only that, but I've always wanted to do that. Oh, Anon... why are you struggling?"
  304. "Light... ears... flying... why?!"
  305. >she let's go immediately, prompting you to fall backwards
  306. >"Oh my, I forgot about this! sorry, darling, this happens when I... well..."
  307. >ok, now your head hurts
  308. >that's it, time to be manly!
  309. >Papa-Anon was right
  310. >no more Beta Anon!
  311. >time to get to the bottom of what the fuck this girl is
  312. >you get up, find a table near your sewing kit, bring it on over to Rarity, and get two chairs as well
  313. "Sit"
  314. >"But I-"
  315. "Please?"
  316. >dammit, that was so girly of you
  317. >you have to be assertive, many, and aggres- oh, she listened
  318. "Ok, that was weird, and you know it. Before we do anything else, I want to know everything. Those ears, that light, everything."
  320. *several minutes later*
  322. "...Ponies."
  323. >"Yes"
  324. "Magic."
  325. >"Yes."
  326. "And your element of..."
  327. >"Generosity."
  328. "Yeah, that. It reacts when you're... being generous?"
  329. >"Yes."
  330. "And apparently, you were supposed to keep this a secret."
  331. >"Heh heh... well, no one specifically SAID to do so..."
  332. "I see."
  333. >"I know Twilight made plans for us to follow in case we... pony up. It was awfully extensive, but..."
  334. "Was getting caught part of your plan?"
  335. >"Of course! how could it not be! I mean, I would never do something like this in public."
  336. "And so you... pony up in my house."
  337. >"Uh... yes?"
  338. "...Yeah, ok, you don't have to lie. You just got excited over all of this, didn't you?"
  339. >Rarity starts to look sad
  340. >"Oh, you're right. I came here because it was raining, and soon afterwards, here I was in aw of your love for fashion. you looked so sad at points that... I just wanted to help you. I'm not sure what came over me"
  341. >sad girls
  342. >it breaks your heart to see girls look like that
  343. >you get up and walk towards Rarity and put a hand on her shoulder
  344. "Look... I gotta admit. I had a lot of fun today. I never get a chance to do any of this with ANYONE. Its great to see some appreciation for all this stuff."
  345. >Rarity's smile returns, along with a hint of appreciation
  346. >she gets up and gives you a hug
  347. >"Thank you, Anon. I hope my little secret is safe with you, of course."
  348. "Yeah, its safe with me..."
  349. >those ears are still there
  350. "There's something still bugging me, though."
  351. >"Hmm?"
  352. >she breaks the hug
  353. "Why do you still have those ears?"
  354. >she actually seems to ponder that for a moment
  355. >"I'm not quite sure. They usually go away after some time, but now... its not leaving."
  356. >she touches them while she's talking
  357. >now that you know the truth... they actually look cute
  358. >really cute
  359. >adorable even
  360. >little pony ears
  361. >...
  362. >your mind is telling you no
  363. "Hey, Rarity..."
  364. >but your body
  365. >"What is it?"
  366. >your body is telling you yes!
  367. >not your dick
  368. "Those ears... uh... how do I say this."
  369. >"Yes, what about them?"
  370. >you really hope you're not blushing
  371. >probably are
  372. "Can I... touch them?"
  373. >she looks at you
  374. >and you look at her
  375. >...she continues to look at you
  376. >and you do the same to her
  377. >this is getting awkward
  378. >very awkward
  379. >"Alright, but just for a moment."
  380. >pic related (
  381. >she leans forward as you put your hand out
  382. >this is the moment of truth
  383. >you touch the pony ears
  384. >they're so... soft
  385. >such cute little ears
  386. >you just want to pet them
  387. >sadly, Rarity stops you by leaning back
  388. >"That's all you're getting for now. These ears are sensitive to the touch."
  389. >profound sadness
  390. "Thanks... they just looked so cute."
  391. >the blushing gets worse
  392. >"Oh... why thank you."
  393. "Heh... I just have a fondness for cute things."
  394. >it seems Rarity doesn't mind that incredibly awkward moment
  395. >she's such a nice woman...
  396. >you and Rarity chit chat for a bit before looking towards the window
  397. >the two of you both realize the torrential downpour outside has stopped
  398. >"Well now, that's my queue to finally get home."
  399. "It seems that way."
  400. >the two of you get up and make your ways downstairs
  401. >you open the door to see a bright, sunny day... with tons of water on the ground
  402. >"Thank you for your hospitality, Anon."
  403. "No problem Rarity... wait, shouldn't you get out of my dress?"
  404. >she lets out a giggle
  405. >"I think my clothes may still be wet. I hope you don't mind me borrowing this until tomorrow."
  406. "Tomorrow?"
  407. >"Of course, darling! I would never pass up the chance to become friends with another designer!"
  408. >friends
  409. >Rarity wants to be... your friend
  410. "That's... great! Fantastic, even!"
  411. >Rarity begins to walk away
  412. >"I'll be back tomorrow in the afternoon. Ta ta!"
  413. >she waves goodbye
  414. >you do the same...
  415. >today was an awesome day
  416. >seemingly as random, you met a girl who actually likes what you do
  417. >you've actually made a friend...
  418. >with someone younger than you, no less
  419. >such an amazing day couldn't possibly- oh shit, you're at the front door dressed like David Bowie
  421. Epilogue
  423. >its been a year since you met Rarity
  424. >after that random encounter, she's visited you at your house many times a week
  425. >sometimes, she would even bring her own friends
  426. >they were mostly kind... except that Rainbow Dash
  427. >too rough for you to handle...
  428. >anyway, on some days, she would talk about plans for the future, showing off her designs, and opening up a shop
  429. >you encouraged her, but you knew absolutely nothing about starting a business
  430. >if you knew anything, maybe you would have put your clothing to good use
  431. >the fun times you had with Rarity were amazing... until you hit a road block in your life
  432. >you lost your job at the nearby factory
  433. >now you don't have any income
  434. >you consulted Rarity about this last month, and she immediately talked about being able to fix this
  435. >again, that was a month ago
  436. >today, she was supposed to meet you at Sugarcube corner for something
  437. >"Anon!"
  438. >and there she is
  439. "Hey, Rarity. What's up?"
  440. >she has a big smile on her face
  441. >"Remember when I said I would fix your little money problem?"
  442. "Yeah... why?"
  443. >she holds out a large piece of paper
  444. >"I think I found the solution!"
  445. >you take the paper and look over it
  446. >property of yata yata, 5 year lease on something something...
  447. "What is this?"
  448. >"Its a lease on a small store a block away from here! I've arranged it so the first few months are already paid, but we can open up a fashion boutique! Isn't this fantastic?!"
  449. >holy fucking shit balls
  450. "That's... I mean... seriously?!"
  451. >she nods her head in excitement
  452. >"We can put our designs out for everyone to see! You'll own the store along with yours truly."
  453. >you're even happy
  454. >extremely happy
  455. >like, you want to see this shit right now
  456. >you get up from your seat
  457. "Well, come on! Let's see this new place!"
  458. >you grab her hand and start running towards the new shop
  459. >this is a fresh start on a new life
  460. >one you've always dreamed
  461. >all thanks you a girl you met on a stormy day
  462. >Rarity..
  463. >your new life begins now
  464. >Time to make the most of it!
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