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Anon Reincarnate pt 1

a guest
Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. "its been a loooong day"
  2. >you think to yourself
  3. >you're driving home from work
  4. >you decided for some reason to take the long road home
  5. >the fresh sea air might lighten your spirits
  6. >you drive along the cliffside lane overlooking the ocean
  7. >it was a beautiful view
  8. >even if it was at 11:00pm
  9. >total darkness besides the reflections of the moon
  10. >fuck its getting late
  11. >you haven't even had dinner yet
  12. >you think you might stop by McDiabeetus to get a burger or something
  13. >your car was now going around a tight curve on the road
  14. >as the car pulled more and more to the left, you see another car coming
  15. "God dammit, they have their brights on".
  16. >you flash your headlights to try and signal the oncoming car
  17. >the driver doesn't seem to notice
  18. >in fact... you start to notice it isn't slowing do-
  19. "OH FUCK!"
  20. >*SCREEECH*!
  21. >you hit the brakes and turn the steering wheel hard right
  22. >*CRASH*
  23. >you feel the front of your car hit the other car
  24. >*CRUNCH*
  25. >you feel your car run through the metal guard rail
  26. >you feel yourself, and the weight of the car, freefalling over the cliff edge
  27. >you see the rocks at the bottom of the cliff
  30. >then, blackness
  31. >nothing
  32. >this is a strange feeling
  33. >like when you're asleep
  34. >this doesn't feel right though
  35. >you want to wake up
  36. >you try with all of your might, but nothing happens
  37. >you stop struggleing, and instead relax yourself
  38. >things seem, 'calmer' now, you think to yourself
  39. >suddenly, light
  40. >yes, you can see a light coming
  41. >its getting bigger, and brighter
  42. >ow, it hurts to look at it
  43. >then when the light was almost pure white
  44. >the surrounding starts to clear
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