
Needs Must When the Devil's Familiar Drives III

Jul 1st, 2012
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  1. >For twenty days after discovering your kitten had attached himself to his fluffy pony wetnurse, you let the intolerable situation continue.
  2. >Finally, the date approaches when he should be ready to start weaning.
  3. >Not too soon, either; the pony foals, who are older than the kitten, had already stopped suckling several days ago.
  4. >They went on a diet of the cheapest pony chow in the store.
  5. >You thought it'd mean peace and an end to all the demands; an end to the "Why steaw miwk?" and "Nuu take fwom behbies!"
  6. >The demands stopped, but there was no peace.
  7. >Now the dam just asks you hourly "Why behbie stiww need miwk?" when she feels the drag on her teats.
  8. >"Because he's not ready to wean yet."
  9. >"Bwack behbie stupid. Twow bad behbie away."
  10. >A three-inch shoe heel to the eye would solve that attitude problem... no, too soon.
  11. >The big day arrives, and you move the kitten over to solids with a small, relief-tinged ceremony.
  12. >The mare gets to stay bound for a while longer, since the kitten needs to slowly be trained off of his suckling instinct.
  13. >Her foals are, admittedly, cute.
  14. >Their development was a bit retarded as the lion's share, a-ha, of the milk went to the cat.
  15. >But on the whole it's amusing to watch them skitter across the room and crash into things harmlessly.
  16. >You've no illusions on that lasting for very long, though; one look at their mother tells you eventually they'll be big enough to break stuff when they tear around like cranked-out jackasses.
  18. >Their ongoing growth impressed itself on you at dinner several weeks later: the little ponies muscled the kitten away from his food and started to eat it.
  19. >Shit, they're bigger than he is now, and it's only exacerbated by their adult coats starting to grow in.
  20. >The kitten instinctively backs away mewling as the fluffies pour feathery shoves on him.
  21. >The mother, sitting unbound but still jelly-legged from her atrophied muscles, looks on... is that a glint of schadenfreude in her eye?
  22. >"Good behbies! Onwy food fo' good behbies!"
  23. >Footwear check... nope, took your heels off earlier.
  24. >Time to assume direct control.
  25. >Grabbing the little kitten forepaws, you rake them once against the assholes.
  26. >The assholes' assholes, that is.
  27. >A piercing shriek fills the kitchenette as cat claw finds pony pucker and draws blood.
  28. >"Nuuu!" screams one foal, pissing itself.
  29. >The other, possibly smarter, foal is tearing away from the food bowls as fast as his little hooves can carry him.
  30. >Since the bowls are on linoleum and his footing is now wet, this results in him comically stumbling all over himself and leaving a tiny trickle of blood in a zagging pattern behind until he smashes into the baseboard and passes out.
  31. >An interesting dilemma.
  32. >Going forward, the kitten needs to know that it's okay to defend himself with claws out against fluffy ponies, but that it's not okay to defend himself against, say, the coffee table leg.
  33. >Well... do what you've been doing: wing it.
  34. >The next day at PetCo you pick up a scratching post, as well as some pet odor remover and a citrus spray in case bad habits develop.
  35. >You're starting to consider quitting your job and working there for the discount, at this point.
  37. >You set your new post up next to the sofa.
  38. >"What dis fing?"
  39. >The dam, with wobbling legs, comes to look, foals in rank beside her.
  40. >"Making something for the babies. Wanna help?"
  41. >She gives you a dubious look. "Dunno..."
  42. >Snatching her up, you laugh, "Of course you do! You'll love it!"
  43. >Her legs flop weakly in the air. "No wan'! Wet go fwuffy!"
  44. >Into the bathroom you go, foals scraping weakly at the closed door with their hooves.
  45. >One session with pet trimmer and razor produces a plastic bag full of pony fluff and a nicked-up, shivering mare, naked everywhere except her face, anus, fetlocks, and hooves.
  46. >"WAN FWUFF-"
  47. >The tirade is cut off by sobbing and yelping as you drop her.
  48. >Her legs are still near-useless from the binding, but now contacting the carpet floor anywhere but on her hooves or face leads to painful chafing and aggravated razor burn.
  49. >She tries to lower herself gently to the floor to rest, gets her belly down, and then involuntarily shifts her weight, which prompts wincing and shedding of tears as she shoots to her feet.
  50. >"Hewp fwuffy... why take fwuff... weggies pwease stop huwt..." she gasps, between sobs.
  51. >"Hewp mumma," squeaks a foal. "Hug mumma."
  52. >Foals latch onto her backlegs, rubbing their faces and forehooves against her skin.
  53. >"Behbies no... pwease!" she moans, as their ministrations compound the pain of lactic acid buildup. "Weggies huwt!"
  54. >"No can hug mowe! Wuv mumma! Pwease okay!" The foal clings on as she painfully lifts the leg to try dislodging it.
  55. >It whimpers and clamps down in fear, knocking its chin on her shinbone as she shakes. "Ow! Why mumma?"
  56. >"Aaagh! Huwt bad! Pwease no hugs!"
  58. >This is hilarious.
  59. >Oh damn, you forgot you had a job to do; the kitten is pawing at the side of your travel carrier, confused by the noise.
  60. >Opening your bag o' fluff, you apply a layer of superglue to the post and then pat the peach pony fluff onto it, repeating several times.
  61. >Your scratching post is now adorned with overlapping rings of fluffy pony fluff.
  62. >You take the kitten out and get a bit of food in him as you wait for the glue to dry.
  63. >Mercifully, you call the foals to eat too, leaving the dam to bear her fatigued legs alone.
  64. >The memory of the claw stil sharp, heh, the ponies give the kitten a wide berth as they eat; the gulf between them will only increase if what you have planned works.
  65. >After your kitten finishes, you take him back to the couch for a postprandial scratch.
  66. >Jingling a cat toy in front of it, you lead him to catch his claws in the fluff-shrouded pole.
  67. >He pulls expermientally, scraping the surface underneath the pony fuzz.
  68. >The expression of gradual discovery that comes over his face is the cutest; soon he's gouging away at the pole.
  69. >Other scratchable, kitten-height surfaces get a covert dose of the citrus spray.
  70. >You cross your fingers and turn in for the night.
  72. >In the morning, you take stock of the situation.
  73. >The post has a small-but-satisfying drift of fluff scraped off by the vigorous scratching.
  74. >The dam worked her way over to it, passing the night with her ass against the fluffy post and her face pressed against the mat, relieving pressure on her legs.
  75. >Smarter than you would've given credit, though a major neckache is likely.
  76. >As you work through your morning routine, the noise stirs your cohabitant.
  77. >"Fathe huwt... weggieth huwt... pweathe..." she mumbles, fixing a look on you, her face half-slack with numbness born of no bloodflow.
  78. >The kitten, formerly laying by her side, hops up and walks away; the foals rouse at the noise next, and trundle over to their mother.
  79. >"Wuv mumma," one says sleepily, nosing into her. "Hugs pwease?"
  80. >She flinches visibly at the contact and the request. "Nuu hugs!"
  81. >It chokes back a sob. "Why no hugs? Fwuffy bad fwuffy?"
  82. >The other chimes in now, chirping "Hugs, pwease hugs! Am good fwuffy!"
  83. >Crying begins again in earnest on all three ponies as the dam wracks her brain over how to get out of hugging her progeny without affirming them as 'bad fluffies'.
  84. >The foals, unwilling to wait for an answer, try to initiate morning hugs, nuzzling her flank.
  85. >She yelps and involuntarily kicks one across the face; it begins wailing.
  86. >"Sowwy behbie! Pwease no cwy!" "Wan hugs!" "Why huwt fwuffy!?"
  87. >You stifle a snort of laughter, fill food and water bowls, make sure the kitten gets to them first, and head out the door.
  89. >Lunch visit is uneventful; the dam has resumed her ill-advised attempt at becoming statuary and has her legs locked under her to keep her belly off the floor.
  90. >She sways groggily, almost tipping over a few times, as you socialize your kitten and refill the bowls before going back to work.
  91. >The post bears several fresh gouges as well.
  92. >That night, when your workday is finally done, you enter your apartment to find bedlam.
  93. >The kitten is clumsily chasing one of his 'brothers' around the kitchenette and hallway; the other pony is shivering next to the food bowls with a stream of red dripping from his muzzle, and the dam is a sobbing wreck in the middle of a patch of tear-stained carpet.
  94. >You make your tri-daily circuit of cleaning up dry pony poop and then stand over the dam.
  95. >Her feet are pinned under and behind her and she's facing the bowls; you piece together what happened.
  96. >Foals probably tried to take catfood again - or maybe the cat just wanted pony food? - and one of them caught a faceful of claws while the smarter one had the sense to take off running when the cat started swinging.
  97. >The dam probably tried to intervene but couldn't get her exhausted legs to work, toppled forward, and now her leg is pinned between her own torso skin and the carpet, making attempts to slide it forward into horrors of agony.
  98. >"Pwease... munsta hewp fwuffy..." she moans, as if to confirm your guess.
  99. >Shit, she must be really hurt if she's asking YOU for help.
  100. >You pick her up, clammy skin and tiny new stubble and all, and set her on a somewhat softer throw pillow.
  101. >"Fa-fank you," she sniffles.
  102. >Leaning down, you scoop up the blue-eyed kitten as he toddles past in pursuit of a foal.
  103. >Good kitty.
  105. >After playing with your kitten a bit, you set him back down; the foals who had gathered at your feet begging to be picked up fall over themselves backing away as he pads past them, tail up.
  106. >You turn your attention to the dam, who is lying as still as she can on the pillow, trying to catch up on rest.
  107. >You had noticed while playing with the cat that fluffy ponies apparently aren't designed to sleep completely still.
  108. >She occasionally twitched a leg as though dreaming about running, or shivered... though that's probably from being naked and cold.
  109. >Every time she moves, she gives a jerk of pain and a sob.
  110. >The jerks sometimes trigger more jerks, creating a feedback loop that shakes her right awake again.
  111. >"Fwuffy so tiwed..." she whines, "Why no sweepie... fwuffy huwt so much."
  112. >The foals at your feet whimper and declare their desires to hug their mother and make it better, reaching up and scraping hooves on your pantleg.
  113. >You kick them off softly and lean down. "So, you foals wanna help your mom? She's just tired and needs to lay down, I don't know if you can."
  114. >"Hewp mumma!" one declares, defiantly.
  115. >Okay then.
  116. >You fish the yarn out of the craft box in the closet again.
  117. >The dam eyes you with alarm, a vague bell sounding in her head at the sight of the instrument of her bondage.
  118. >"Wha do...? Nuuu... go WAY! NO WAN-"
  119. >You clap a hand over her mouth to keep the skittish foals from bolting.
  120. >"Be quiet. I'm going to help you get fluff again."
  122. >"Wha? Give fwuffy fwuff?"
  123. >You lay down a length of yarn, then pick the dam up and set her on it, belly up.
  124. >"Ow. Wha do?" she complains.
  125. >The yarn is brought over and the end is tied onto the string, with the rolled ball off to the side.
  126. >"Come here, ponies. I need you to hug your momma."
  127. >"Yay! Hugs!" shouts the vocal one.
  128. >"Nuuu!" the dam whines as the foals trot over.
  129. >You pick them up and set them on her bare belly; they obediently begin full-body nuzzles as she writhes.
  130. >"Good fluffies. Make sure to hug nice and tight!"
  131. >"Wuv mumma!" they affirm.
  132. >Heh... it's almost cute, despite the grotesque naked pony belly and exposed teats squirming under the giggling youngsters.
  133. >You pick up the slack and drape it over the foals, and then, before any pony can react, you've turned them over, lifted the whole bundle and passed the yarn around all three of them several times, pinning the foals in place.
  134. >"Wha? Nu!" the vocal one cries. "Mumma hewp!"
  135. >As the dam stammers, shocked beyond words, you pass loop after loop around the bundle, until the dam's entire midsection is covered with rings of yarn.
  136. >Nothing of the foals can be seen except their tiny faces and hooves peeking out.
  137. >"Too hawd mumma! No hugs! No can move!" the whiny one cries.
  138. >The normally-talkative one just stares at you dumbly.
  139. >"Nuu huwt behbies!" screams the dam, thrashing her legs despite the chafing; a slick, raw spot is already appearing behind her front thigh.
  140. >You give the yarn a few turns around the legs to cover them, passing it crosswise over the belly, and then set the dam upright on her feet, foals pinned to her underside with little hooves waggling uselessly in the air.
  141. >Fluffy wombat complete.
  143. >"There you go. Now your belly has fluff and you can sleep on it again!"
  144. >The dam looks at you in terror before managing to spit out, "No wan sweep on behbie!"
  145. >"Gosh... you try to do something nice for someone!"
  146. >You change and make yourself dinner, grab your cat, and turn on the TV, setting the volume up loud enough to drown out pony protests.
  147. >The dam eventually begins tugging at your sweatpants once she realizes you can't hear anything she or the foals are saying.
  148. >You kick her away absently, every time.
  149. >Finally, she just stands stock still, staring at you.
  150. >Or it would be stock still, if sudden noises from the television would stop startling her.
  151. >You watch peaceably all night with your cat.
  152. >When the TV goes off, you look around for the dam; she's lying at the foot of the couch.
  153. >Looks like either her knees or her willpower gave out, she's sitting in the standard pony sleep position with legs folded under her and belly touching the ground, deep asleep.
  154. >Muffled squeaking is coming from underneath.
  155. >"... wease... hug... oo har... no mo..."
  156. >Choking and tearing up, you tuck your kitten in with the dam quickly and turn in for the night, where you scream laughter into your pillow.
  157. >You really need to get rid of these fucking ponies before you start to like this shit.
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