

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. Ambidextrous: can use either hand equally well, do not suffer -20 penalty for using weapons in offhand
  2. When used with Two Weapon Wielder, drops penalty for making attacks with both weapons to -10.
  3. Air of Authority: Command tests affects a number of NPCs equal to 10 times Tloloc's Fellowship BOnus. Minions also add +10 to loyalty in his presence. No effect on hostile targets.
  4. Ancient Warrior: +10 Fel/Skill tests when dealing with Veterans of the Long War, easier to acquire Legion Weaponry.
  5. Bulging Biceps: always counts as braced.
  6. Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight): +10 to all senses.
  7. Iron Discipline: Followers may reroll failed WP tests made to resist Fear and Pinning as long as Tloloc is visible or in vox communication.
  8. Nerves of Steel: Reroll WP tests to avoid/recover from pinning, +10 to WP tests against intimidation.
  9. May call upon them for favors at the GM's discretion.
  10. Pity The Weak: Tloloc gains a +10 on Command/Commerce/Deception/Intimidation tests when opposed by someone with either a weaker S or WP characteristic. Suffers a -10 to Charm tests when dealing with the same group of people.
  11. Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons): +10 to tests to resist relevant group.
  12. Sure Strike: Reduce melee attack called shot penalties by 10.
  13. Quick Draw: Draw weapon as a free action.
  14. Unarmed Warrior: Unarmed attacks do 1d10+SB I Special: Primitive 7.
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