
branches (chapter 3)

Jul 13th, 2015
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  3. Defensive: abilities primarily focused on strengthening and protecting the affected's body
  4. Creation: abilities that involve the creation of physical objects
  5. Elemental: abilities that involve the creation and manipulation of an element such as fire or water
  6. Control: abilities primarily focused on controlling or manipulating other living things in some manner
  7. Other: abilities that do not fit into the other classifications
  12. Dragon's Tooth: [that which devours]
  13. Type: Defensive
  14. Synapse range: Extremely small
  15. Physical effects
  16. Primary: The affected's jaw muscles and teeth are greatly strengthened, along with the digestive system. The affected is able to consume and digest a wide range of organic and inorganic matter as if it were ordinary food.
  17. Secondary: Minor muscular enhancement
  18. Other effects (full bloom): After pulling out and planting one of the affected's teeth into fertile soil, a new instance of the affected is grown within the span of a day. Each of these extra bodies begins life at the age and wearing the same clothing that the affected was wearing when the tooth that they grew from was removed. All instances of the affected share a singular mind and are capable of acting in concert without verbal communication.
  19. Known holders: Irene Lindegaard
  22. Gardener: [that which plants the seed]
  23. Type: Other
  24. Synapse range: Massive
  25. Physical effects
  26. Primary: Muscular enhancement (unknown extent)
  27. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to bestow "seeds" to others at will. Does not require physical contact.
  28. Known holders: Lorelei
  31. Blind Spot: [that which does not exist]
  32. Type: Control
  33. Synapse range: Long
  34. Physical effects
  35. Primary: Enhanced stamina, speed and agility
  36. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to cloak their presence from other living things. This is not limited to sight, all sensory perception of the affected is blocked while this ability is active.
  37. Other effects (full bloom): By making physical contact with any part of a target's head, the affected is able to remove all of said target's memories which involve them. This memory loss is permanent and irreversible.
  38. Known holders: Theresa
  41. Over Shine: [the sun which casts its light upon all things]
  42. Type: Elemental
  43. Synapse range: Average
  44. Physical effects
  45. Primary: The affected's eyes are altered, granting them night vision and also the ability to see beyond the usual spectrum of visible light.
  46. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to create and manipulate light, though using ambient light is significantly less draining than creating it outright.
  47. Known holders: Cecile Navarre
  50. Forest Witch: [that which communes with the lesser]
  51. Type: Control
  52. Synapse range: Long
  53. Physical effects
  54. Primary: Enhanced senses, night vision, minor muscular enhancement
  55. Secondary (full bloom): The affected gains the ability to alter their body to mimic the abilities of animals that they have had close contact with. This effect is cumulative, though restricted to the basic limits of human physiology.
  56. Other effects: The affected is able to communicate with and control animals, as well as being able to form a mental link with specific individuals.
  57. Known holders: Charlotte Gauthier
  60. Ornamental Tangram: [that which gathers the fragments]
  61. Type: Creation
  62. Synapse range: Average
  63. Physical effects: Unknown
  64. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to materialize small flat triangles of varying size, known as Tangrams, in the air within a certain radius of their body. Upon leaving this set range, said Tangrams lose consistency and disintegrate.
  65. Other effects (full bloom): It is possible for the affected to combine multiple Tangrams to form three-dimensional structures, which become far more resilient than their base components.
  66. Known holders: Archibald
  69. Oathkeeper: [that which seeks honesty]
  70. Type: Control
  71. Synapse range: Average
  72. Physical effects
  73. Primary: Enhanced visual perception
  74. Other effects: The affected is capable of setting an "order" upon entering an agreement with a target. Should the target break their word and go against said agreement, this "order" takes effect and the target loses all agency until it is carried out.
  75. Other effects (full bloom): Multiple "orders" are able to be placed on an individual person.
  76. Known holders: Antonio Riselli
  79. Lucky Rabbit: [that which avoids calamity]
  80. Type: Other
  81. Synapse range: Extremely small
  82. Physical effects
  83. Primary: Enhanced reflexes and agility
  84. Secondary (full bloom): leg muscle enhancement
  85. Other effects: The affected is subject to "hunches" which are believed to be subconscious analyses of known variables within their environment. When acted upon, said hunches always lead the affected to the best possible course of action in a given situation.
  86. Known holders: Matteo
  89. Armored Heart: [the devil that guards the priceless treasure]
  90. Type: Creation
  91. Synapse range: Average
  92. Physical effects
  93. Primary: Enhanced stamina and endurance
  94. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to manifest a humanoid armor at will. This armor may be used to cover the affected's body, granting them enhanced strength and allowing them to survive without breathing, but it may also manifest as an independent entity within a certain radius of the affected. Should the armor leave this range, it will lose coherence and dissipate.
  95. Known holders: Mina, Sun-Mi
  98. Song of Unison: [that which brings harmony to all things]
  99. Type: Elemental
  100. Synapse range: Average
  101. Physical effects
  102. Primary: Enhanced hearing
  103. Secondary: Strengthened skeletal composition
  104. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to control and amplify sound waves.
  105. Known holders: Joshua Schweitzer
  108. Howling Soul: [that which cries to the moon]
  109. Type: Defensive
  110. Synapse range: Long
  111. Physical effects
  112. Primary: Enhanced senses
  113. Secondary: The body of the affected's regenerative capabilities are greatly enhanced, even going so far as to completely grow back organs and limbs which were removed.
  114. Other effects: By varying degrees, the affected gains the ability to transform their body into a wolflike state and back. The furthest extent of such a transformation has very rarely been witnessed.
  115. Other effects (full bloom): The affected gains the ability to communicate with animals.
  116. Known holders: Luiza
  119. Titanic Shift
  120. Type: Defensive
  121. Synapse range: Small
  122. Physical effects: Unknown
  123. Other effects: The affected is able to increase the size of their appendages at will, with an upper limit of several times their original size.
  124. Known holders: Unknown
  127. Traumatic Reflection: [that which shares pain]
  128. Type: Defensive
  129. Synapse range: Average
  130. Physical effects: Unknown
  131. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to transfer any injuries that they incur to another living thing. However, the target must also possess the same bodypart that was injured in order for this to be done.
  132. Other effects (full bloom): The affected gains the ability to transfer injuries from any living thing to any other, this power is no longer limited to just the affected's own injuries.
  133. Known holders: Lloyd
  136. Basaltic Dominion: [the cold stone which flows like blood]
  137. Type: Elemental
  138. Synapse range: Long
  139. Physical effects: Unknown
  140. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to control all stone and stone-based materials over a certain size that exist within a limited range of their person.
  141. Known holders: Eric
  144. Divine Breath
  145. Type: Elemental
  146. Synapse range: Average
  147. Physical effects: Unknown
  148. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to control all freely existing gases within a certain radius of their person.
  149. Known holders: Unknown
  152. Roaring Soul
  153. Type: Defensive
  154. Synapse range: Long
  155. Physical effects
  156. Primary: Enhanced senses
  157. Secondary: The body of the affected's regenerative capabilities are greatly enhanced, even going so far as to completely grow back organs and limbs which were removed.
  158. Other effects: By varying degrees, the affected gains the ability to transform their body into a catlike state and back. The furthest extent of such a transformation has very rarely been witnessed.
  159. Other effects (full bloom): The affected gains the ability to communicate with animals.
  160. Known holders: Unknown
  163. Sunflower
  164. Type: Defensive
  165. Synapse range: Average
  166. Physical effects
  167. Primary: The affected's eyes are altered, granting them night vision and also the ability to see beyond the usual spectrum of visible light.
  168. Secondary: The affected's body draws power from the sun, allowing them to survive on its light without the need to consume food.
  169. Other effects: The affected's body absorbs sunlight, storing it in a similar fashion as a solar battery. As long as said solar reserves aren't fully depleted, the affected's physical strength is increased and they also gain limited regeneration from wounds.
  170. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to manipulate light to a limited degree.
  171. Other effects (full bloom): The affected is able to draw from their stored solar reserves to create a destructive blast of light.
  172. Known holders: Unknown
  175. Directional Gate: [that which guides the way]
  176. Type: Other
  177. Synapse range: Long
  178. Physical effects
  179. Primary: increased endurance
  180. Secondary: The affected suffers no ill effects from travelling or changing direction at high speeds.
  181. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to materialize intangible black rings, known as "Gates," within a set range of their person. Anything that passes through said Gates is accelerated or decelerated by a degree and in a direction that is up to the affected's discretion.
  182. Other effects (full bloom): The affected gains the ability to specify which objects are affected by the Gates that they create, down to something as specific as only accelerating a certain person who passes through them.
  183. Known holders: Leonardo Riselli
  186. Blood Witch: [that which feeds from its comrades]
  187. Type: Control
  188. Synapse range: Large
  189. Physical effects
  190. Primary: Night vision, muscular enhancement, minor regeneration
  191. Secondary: The affected is able to mimic the physical abilities and non-Branch talents of any human who is under their control.
  192. Other effects: The affected is able to control any human whose blood they have ingested. The duration and extent of this control is dependant on the amount of blood that was consumed.
  193. Other effects (full bloom): The affected is able to freely manipulate their own blood.
  194. Known holders: Noelle Graham
  197. White Crystal: [the chilling silence that pierces through all]
  198. Type: Elemental
  199. Synapse range: Average
  200. Physical effects
  201. Primary: The affected is unaffected by subzero temperatures.
  202. Secondary: The affected's natural ability to sense heat sources is amplified by a great degree, granting them what is effectively thermal vision.
  203. Other effects: The affected gains the ability to decrease temperatures to a great degree, as well as to create and control ice.
  204. Known holders: Jessica Monell
  207. True Familiar: [that which is never alone]
  208. Type: Creation
  209. Synapse range: Large
  210. Physical effects
  211. Primary: Enhanced strength (minor)
  212. Other effects: After "claiming" an object to use as a focus, the affected gains the ability to mentally control its shape and movement. By absorbing other objects into it, the affected is able to increase the object's mass and volume up to a certain upper limit. Control of this object is restricted to within a certain radius of the affected, and leaving this range may cause it to lose consistency and dissipate.
  213. Known holders: Gabrielle Gauthier
  216. Sleeping Hand [the embrace of damnation]
  217. Type: Other
  218. Synapse range: Average
  219. Physical effects
  220. Primary: Increased skin durability
  221. Secondary: Slightly enhanced grip strength
  222. Other effects: By making skin-to-skin contact with a target, the affected is capable of paralyzing whatever body part is touched for up to twelve hours at a time. With prolonged contact, this paralysis effect is able to spread from the area which was touched initially. It is possible for the affected to paralyze a target's entire body without any further contact simply by touching their head.
  223. Other effects (full bloom): The affected is able to prematurely end the duration of the paralysis ability's effects at will.
  224. Known holders: Wayne Morrissey
  227. Starlight Rain: [the aurora of the divine]
  228. Type: Elemental
  229. Synapse range: Average
  230. Physical effects
  231. Primary: The affected's body interacts with concentrated light as if it were a solid object, unaffected by the heat that it may produce.
  232. Secondary: Increased durability
  233. Other effects: By drawing from ambient light sources or producing said light on their own, the affected gains the ability to create blades of concentrated light. The affected is able freely to control the movement of these blades.
  234. Known holders: Glenn Markham
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