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Twilight Sparkle and the bimbo pizzeria

a guest
Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. >It was three months ago when you first saw her.
  2. >Since you were purple and nerdy, that must mean you were Twilight Sparkle
  3. >It was lunch time at Canterlot High. You were sitting with your friends when you noticed her out of the corner of your eye.
  4. >She sat alone at one of the tables, happily gorging herself on what appeared to be her third serving of the cafeteria's food.
  5. >Light blue skin with magenta eyes much like your own, and cyan skin with a dark blue streak in them.
  6. >She was dressed in a pink hoodie that BARELY covered her sizable stomach, with matching sweatpants and white sneakers.
  7. >Perfectly large breasts that didn't sag despite her weight.
  8. >She was everything you've ever wanted in a woman but were too afraid to actually say out loud.
  9. >And at that moment, you knew you had to have her.
  10. >"Yoohoo! Twilight, something wrong?"
  11. >Your friends noticed your staring.
  12. >You blushed in embarrassment.
  13. "S-Sorry. I just zoned out for a minute."
  14. >"Ah can see that. Just what were you looking at, anyway?" Applejack asked.
  15. >You panicked internally and scrambled to think of an answer.
  16. >"Just that girl over there! I-I don't think I've ever seen her around before."
  17. >They turned to glance the blue girl you were oogling at the faraway table. When they saw her, most of their faces scrunched up as if they tasted something sour.
  18. >"Oh. Her."
  19. >They told you about an incident a few months prior at a school-sponsored Battle of the Bands.
  20. >The girl and two others you hadn't seen were sirens, magical beings who fed on negative energy generated by conflict.
  21. >With help from your Equestrian counterpart, they managed to defeat them and strip them of their powers before they could brainwash the entire school.
  22. >Now they were just normal girls, that everyone ignored for the most part.
  23. >Apparently, the blue girl used to be a lot skinnier back then.
  24. >Rainbow Dash joked that losing her powers made her eat a lot to cope.
  26. >You laughed along with the others, despite not finding the joke very funny.
  27. >You spent the rest of the lunch period talking with your friends as usual, while sneaking glances towards the girl that had grabbed your attention.
  28. >After that, you mulled over the possibility of talking to her and trying to become her friend.
  29. >But if she tried to brainwash everyone at Canterlot High, then perhaps she could be dangerous even without her powers? You didn't need magic to hurt people after all.
  30. >This... required further research before a definitive action could be taken.
  31. >Or at least that's what you told yourself to justifying stalking her one week later.
  33. >It was one week later.
  34. >You were still Twilight Sparkle
  35. >And you were decked out in the best spy equipment at your disposal.
  36. >That is to say a hoodie, sunglasses, some dark jeans, and sneakers rather than your usual outfit.
  37. >You were walking a fair distance behind the object of your fetish. Far enough that if she turned around you' have more than enough time to hide behind something.
  38. >According to the information you gathered over the past week, her name was Sonata Dusk.
  39. >She walked home every day rather than take a bus, so you didn't have to worry about ending up lost somewhere.
  40. >She didn't seem to notice you right now, she was listening to some sort of music with earbuds on.
  41. >At the moment you were just admiring the sight of Sonata's ass as you followed her.
  42. >U-Unf.
  43. >It was large, large enough that you could fantasize about using it as a pillow. Her hips were wide, and the cheeks were straining the fabric on that WAY too-short skirt she was wearing.
  44. >You could actually catch a glimpse of her panties too...
  45. >So it went on like that for about twenty minutes.
  46. >You following her while oogling her magnificent behind, and scrambling out of sight whenever she turned around for some reason.
  47. >...
  48. >God you're pathetic. Unable to even talk to this girl so you've resorted to stalking her.
  51. >Anyways, your impromptu adventure ended at an unexpected destination.
  52. >Not a house or an apartment like you'd been expecting.
  53. >Sonata had stopped at a pizzeria.
  54. >Papa Non's Pizzeria, if the sign was any indication.
  55. >You've never heard of this place. The building was small, but it looked to be kept in good condition.
  56. >Well you WERE hungry after walking all this way.
  57. >A slice or two wouldn't hurt.
  58. >You waited until she went inside before you followed suit.
  59. >And that's when you wondered if you had died and gone to Heaven.
  60. >Because that's what the inside of this pizzeria was like for you.
  61. >While they weren't that many people inside, the majority was women of varying ages.
  62. >All of whom shared the exact same body type that made you follow Sonata here.
  63. >You pulled the collar on your hoodie as you quickly worked up a sweat from so many enticing bodies in one place.
  64. >UNF.
  65. >"Like, excuse me?"
  66. >You were broken from your nirvana by the voice of the smiling woman at the cashier.
  67. >Who of course was just as pleasantly plump as the patrons.
  68. >Her name-tag read Sugar Belle. She had pink skin, curly dark reddish-purple hair, and a smile that reminded you of Pinkie Pie.
  69. >Although not quite as manic.
  70. "O-Oh! I'm sorry. I just... got distracted"
  72. >She giggled. "It's alright."
  73. >You walked up to the cashier, taking off your sunglasses and putting back on your regular pair. No need for them now that you were inside.
  74. >"Like, welcome to Papa Non's Pizzeria! What can I get you today?"
  75. >You looked up at the menu.
  76. "Um. Just two slices of pepperoni is fine, please."
  77. >Sugar Belle nodded, writing it down.
  78. >"Do you want, like, a drink with that too?"
  79. >You nodded.
  80. "A medium Pepsi?"
  81. >"Okay, that'll be 7.23!"
  82. >You pay the woman with a ten, and she gives you your change back.
  83. >You were too distracted to check if it was wrong, which you would later realize that it was.
  85. >"Okay! Just take a seat and we'll be right with you, cutie~."
  86. >She gives you a wink that makes your face heat up like a furnace.
  87. "T-Thanks."
  88. >You stiffly walk over to an empty table and sit down, trying to slow your breathing.
  89. >You needed to take a shower when you got home.
  90. >A COLD shower
  91. >"Two slices pepperoni!" you heard Sugar Belle shout to whoever was in the kitchen.
  92. >Wait a minute....
  93. >"Okay!" a familiar-ish voice replies.
  94. >You tilt your neck a bit to see none other than Sonata Dusk, dressed in a collared t-shirt with an apron over it, working in the kitchen alongside a man and two other girls.
  95. >She WORKED here?!
  96. >Well that explains why she didn't go home after school...
  97. >Now what? Do you just wait for her shift to end?
  98. >You decide to look around at the pizzeria for anything else of interest.
  99. >Now that the initial amazement had worn off, you noticed something weird.
  100. >Few of the guys here seemed to be actually eating.
  101. >They looked like they were... feeding, the girls they sat with, presumably their girlfriends.
  102. >Whenever their female companions would run out of pizza, the men would get up, order more, and bring it back to them.
  103. >All to watch them eat it.
  104. >They looked with barely hidden desire at their plump bodies.
  105. >Did you walk into a fetish story or something?!
  107. >Be Anon.
  108. >Owner of Papa Non's Pizzeria, which has been handed down through your family for GENERATIONS!
  109. >And despite the name of the place, you weren't actually a father. But you were working on that.
  110. >It had been a normal day at work, making pizzas and enjoying the fruits of your labor, when you noticed a teenage girl walk in.
  111. >This wouldn't be so abnormal, except for the fact that you don't remember inviting her.
  112. >Your pizzeria was different than most. In addition to providing people with cheap food, it also allowed people with certain tastes to indulge themselves.
  113. >And by tastes you mean fetish.
  115. >A fetish for chubby women of low intelligence and high sexual appetite. In other words, bimbos.
  116. >Your pizza had a special ingredient that was also passed down through your family for generations.
  117. >Magical pink tomatoes that were originally found by your great-great grandfather, the first 'Papa Non'.
  118. >He had discovered that when fed to women these tomatoes decreased their intelligence, increased their libidos, and expanded their bodies in all the right places.
  119. >Leading to huge tits and asses.
  120. >Naturally, this was a VERY well kept secret.
  121. >Your regular costumers were either personally chosen or the kids of older customers chosen by your dad and grandfather.
  122. >Walk-in costumers were treated to a perfectly normal experience with perfectly normal, non-magical pizza.
  123. >But this girl had the same lustful look in her eyes that you see in your regular costumers, if restrained out of a desire to figure out what was going on here.
  124. >She definitely wanted what they were having, even if she didn't entirely understand what that was.
  125. >She also seemed to be sneaking frequent glances at your newest employee, Sonata.
  126. >Did she know her from school or something?
  127. >Damn it, you told that girl not to tell anyone about this place!
  128. >But a thought crossed your mind.
  129. >Maybe this was an opportunity to increase profits? You were struggling to pay the bills recently.
  130. >Breaking into the teenage market could be the solution you've been looking for.
  131. >You think the prospect over as you take another pie out of the oven.
  132. >You glance over to see how your employees are doing.
  133. "Sonata! Stop eating the customers' pizza!"
  134. >"Sorry boss!"
  135. >You need to get a read on this purple girl, so you make a mental note to talk to her once she gets her pizza.
  137. -opened to be continued-
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