
Cap'n Blood

Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. Name: Cap'n Blood
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Griffon
  4. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  5. Deity: Gold Doubloons
  6. Hits: 5/5
  7. Class: Tracker
  8. Talent: Swashbuckler ( +1 Melee Attacks)
  9. Skills:
  10. Griffon Flight: Griffons can fly, and have a +1 bonus to divebomb attacks from high altitude. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  11. -Trap: spend 1 turn; starting next turn, first enemy to attack is helpless for 2 turns
  12. -Trick Shot: recharge 2, requires ranged weapon; 2- is a critical failure. When you learn this skill, choose one of the following effects for it to apply:
  13. Explosive: attack closely grouped targets at range with Cleave (increase crit fail range by 1 for each additional target: 3- for 2 targets, 5- for 4 targets, etc)
  14. -Marksman Shot: recharge 3, requires ranged weapon; autocrits (any success is critical)
  17. Weapons:
  18. -2 Dueling Pistols (50 shots)
  19. -Energy Scimitar(Fencing)
  21. Invetory:
  22. Space Paraite Captain's Outfit
  23. -Captain's Hat
  24. -Eyepatch
  25. -2 Dueling Pistols
  26. -Electron Charge Packs (50 shots)
  27. -Energy Scimitar(Fencing)
  28. -Bitcard (100 bits)
  29. -Medpack
  30. -50 ft synthrope
  31. -Canteen(fulL)
  32. -Bottle of Rum
  33. -Compass
  34. -Map of Equestrian System
  35. -box of Cigars
  36. -Lighter
  37. -Peg Leg
  39. Catalyst: Weapon
  41. Traits: This brown and dark red Griffon wears a elaborate Pirate Captain's Outfit. One eye (presumably missing)is hidden behind an eye patch while one of his hind legs is replaced with a peg leg.
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