
Genki Robo tools

Mar 19th, 2017
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  1. Key: RinsSDwasEpic
  2. Character: Genki
  3. Application for: Robo Tools
  5. ---------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1---------------------------------------------------------------
  6. ----------------------------------------------------------------Origins----------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Genki awakens in a bewildered state, looking around at his surroundings unsure of how he ended up there. It was then that he saw the company name across the ruined walls. Lester Corp. In an attempt to move the spirit doll felt his leg, pinned to the floor by a rock. The place was in shambles. The entirety of Moe's secret lab had been brought to a sunder, leaving experiments of all sorts all over the floor and splattered across stone. Genki could see several different subjects, a few jars left intact, a few pieces of hardware laying around in the rubble and strange fluids leaking into a grate in the floor. He had no idea how he got there but he presumed that it was the same way that the other subjects did.
  10. As he brought himself to a standing position he could hear a faint static sound, like a television left on a snowy channel. Genki brought himself over to it and stared at it just a moment watching it flicker between the static and an image of someone. A voice broke through the static now and again. The spirit doll tried to listen carefully to what it was saying but it was a little difficult.
  12. "H-y, is this---On? What th- -ell did you d- to the T.V.?!" It was Om Lester, in all his pirate hatted glory, yelling at someone in the background. He looked to be well seasoned, his hair turning grey and his wrinkles prominent. Genki felt like he was meeting someone important for the first time, even though it was just a video of some sort, but why was it on now?
  14. "I DIDN'T D- -NYTHIN' T- TH- -V!" A shrill in the background of the television, some short person yelling back at Moe. Genki couldn't really see properly who they were, but he could see a faint blue head behind Moe. The head must have been rather large since it could be seen slightly behind Moe's entire body. Genki felt a slight static zap the back of his head, as a reflex he placed a hand over it. He could feel an empty spot there, a hole in his head. It was a strange feeling, one that irked him in a way that didn't sit right. He then heard banging coming from the television, Moe smacking whatever he was using to record the broadcast. The image became clear and the snowy buzz of the television faded. Genki could see Moe properly and hear him better now.
  16. "Alright you little shit! Get the hell out of here before I kick in your BIG HEAD!" Moe shouted at the blue guy. There wasn't much to gather from the two, but he could see that their relationship seemed like an abusive one. Though they looked sort of happy treating one another as they were. Moe took a breath and stared into the camera for a second before speaking again. The blue person in the back could be seen walking by and then a slam of a door could be heard.
  18. "SO! Now that I have a minute let me tell you a few things. This recording was to turn on upon your activation. I'm probably not around anymore, either this little blue shit killed me and stole my pills or old age finally caught up to me. Regardless! None of that matters anymore. What matters is, that you are awake now." He began to explain pulling up a chalkboard that had a sort of chart on it.
  20. "Now you are probably wondering what the hell I am talking about, but don't worry your grey little ass! I've got you covered! You are an experiment made by me, well, er, worked on by me. I sort of knocked you out and kept you sedated in one of my tubes. Sorry about that, but we are BEYOND that now and it's too late to get your revenge on me." Moe cleared his throat while Genki stared at the screen with a look of concern. He was an experiment? Did he have a normal life prior to this? Why would Moe knock him out and stick him in a tube?
  22. "You might be wondering why I knocked you out and stuck you in a tube. Truth is, I needed a test subject for something I was working on, and I didn't feel like using myself. If the project worked, I couldn't have that little blue ass hole having the power it would give, he'd most likely use it to steal more stuff! So I need you to listen, you were created with modification slots, I never got to finish the chips for your software cause well...I'm old, lazy and too tired for this shit anymore. To be HONEST, I didn't even feel like finishing you at all, if you are awake right now, it's probably because of some freak accident and you are lucky to be out of that tube at all!" Moe's words gave Genki a shiver down his spine. Was he a robot now of some sort? What exactly had he done to him?
  24. "There is a drive you can plug into, it'll have all my workings on it. Just take the chord and stick it in your port, the spot in the back of your neck. Got that shit from a movie! Totally genius! After getting all the stuff from the drive, you'll have my life's work in your head. You'll be able to know shit that I've been working on for years! You'll make tons of MOOLAH!" Genki sighed listening to Moe. He couldn't believe this was the guy his life had gone to, it was in his hands for so long, and now it was finally in its rightful owners possession. There -was- a plus side however, now Genki could figure out how to improve himself with whatever modifications Moe was talking about.
  26. "One more thing. I put a device in your arm that controls your inner workings. You'll have to cut it open to get at it, but, if you do you can tune yourself up. It -SHOULD- make it so your energy is distributed properly, so that you can be strong, but I only suggest doing it after you've trained your genetic portion of your body. Once you do it, you will be relying heavily on hardward, software, malware, wait no, not malware, never mind. Just stay away from electromagnetic crap! It'll knock your ass out!" Moe sighed a bit and looked around in his lab.
  28. "I know I had one of these things somewhere..." Genki watched as Moe frantically pulled apart at his lab looking for something. He wasn't super organised. Jars were falling over, papers were flying everywhere. But as Moe left the screen for a moment Genki saw in a tube a grey little person floating in a blue fluid. It had blue hair, wires coming from every which end and a tattoo on the right side of it's chest. The tattoo read, 'Lester Corp.' Genki looked at his own chest to find the same mark, he soon realised that this was actually happening to him, or had happened to him rather. Moe came back on the screen and began to show off some small green tool that looked almost like a Swiss army knife.
  30. "SO this is made out of a bunch of crap I found while travelling through space! It has a laser that can be used to weld, a few things to plug into your port to configure your gear ratios. It also makes an amazing paper weight! But don't be fooled! This little guy has a lot more uses. It can literally configure anyone into something like you with enough training. There will be files on how to use it on others and make them like you, just be careful, it actually take moolah and turns it into a lifeblood for your engine. It can be used to wire hardware from the brain to the rest of the body allowing full alloyed parts to function like a normal skeleton. I highly suggest charging people for this if you want to get the most out of it, also..." Genki looked at the tool Moe was holding. It didn't look much larger than a television remote, in fact that was exactly what it looked like. It must have been a prototype of some sort, but clearly the guy knew what he was doing if he was able to do what he did to Genki. Though, he never finished.
  32. "This thing will help you get into your arm, tune you up, put in the chips you need and take them out. I call it the multipurpose arm opening tuner and hopefully not kill yourself tool!~ Courtesy of Lester Corp. Of course.~ You can buy yours today for only nine million R! Come on by the shop!" Not moments later could explosions be heard, some sort of commotion and yelling. The screen shook and Moe looked worried for about a second before saying. "Gotta go! Shit's hittin' the fan! Good luck!"
  34. Genki stared for a moment as the screen turned black, empty and cold. If Moe never got to leave the lab, if he was dead, there was a good chance that he had dropped the one tool he was holding somewhere in the lab. The spirit doll looked around, tossing bodies of left over experiments to the side, several of which looked like something massive had destroyed their rectums. After hours of flipping the place upside down he finally found what he was looking for. The multipurpose arm opening tuner and hopefully not kill yourself tool. It was a lengthy name but as long as it did the trick he'd be okay with it. The spirit doll lifted up into the air taking one last look around. There were some clothes laying about, and a strange looking sword. Putting them on he levitated and cut his way out of the broken down lab seeing daylight for the first time. He wondered what to do now with his life, maybe try to find more answers, he would be back to look for the drive another time, for now he needed a moment to himself.
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