
Tree of Peace

Jan 6th, 2014
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  1. Sadness that is what stalked the heart of Antimony Carver as climbed the hill towards the tree, their tree. Tears streaked her face red with embarrassing flushes to her cheeks. How could she have not seen this coming but she knew the answers to that already. Annie had never been that good with people and now it looked as if she was going to lose the only one she had ever really felt to call a friend.
  2. Annie stared at the bottle that she had brought with her to the tree. The people of the forest had given it to her when last the feeling of loss had entered her heart. She rolled the glass bottle around in her hand, those feelings were had been from the last time Kat had been gone and now this time those feelings were increased tenfold. She pulled the wood plug and drank deep the elixir.
  3. The tree grew warm aginst her back and she could feel the life surging through it just like the elixir had done with the trees in the forest. Annie reached out and grasped the trunks lowermost branch. The small branch was stubby and terminated in a smooth flat cut on its end.
  4. Annie placed her hands on the end of the stump and channled the energies the elixir allowed. The branch became spongy almost like flesh under her careful touch, she'd been warned to keep her emotions netural during this lest the wood become, rowdy. Annie molded the wood into a thickened shaft half the length of her arm curving it slighty as to give one decent purchase. She moved her hands shaping the glans her mouth puckering in anticipation.
  5. The tree twitched as she finished the head, it lacked the texture of the actual thing but the trees girth would be sufficient for her needs.
  6. Annie removed her skirt and undergarments and kneeled down her face level with the branch's tip her bare knees digging deep into the soft soil.
  7. She grasped the base of the branch and worked the head of the branch with her mouth steadly moving the enchanted length in and out revelling in the sensation its flesh mimicking contenice sent across her pallete. She pushed herself further onto the branch letting the branch glands slide further in up and down her throat.
  8. Balancing herself so as not to relent Annie placed one palm flat on the ground as she started to explore her own moist regions. Spreading her lower lips with thumb and ringfinger she plunged her middle finger deep onto her sweltering hot insides. Relentless she sucked and plunged throwing herself utterly into her own esclating passions and away from the present and those currents of emotion and return to the sea of ancient pleasure.
  9. Annie collapsed into a shuddering climax her mouth popping off the branch and leaving the branch coated and slick with spittle. Wobbling and short of breath she pulled herself up onto the branch and pulled herself along its warmed lengthy mass thrumming with magical life. She felt her lower lips part as she pulled herself tighter along the length grinding deep into nethermost regions.
  10. She she let out a short as she came over the small rise and landed on the thick swollen glans of the branch. Steadily she pulled herself over the head feeling each inch of the trees grainy texture slide inside her.
  11. Carefully she wrapped her legs around the branch and pulled herself up and down the length of wood pulsating inside her. The warmth of the wooden shaft helped chase away her concerns and doubts, she peace, Annie channled more magic into the branch causing it to become more erect and slam her into the trunk.
  12. She grunted as she bound herself to the tree channeling into the branch to keep its trusting pace. She willed her bark restraints to spread her legs and give the livley branch greater access to her lower regions. She giggled as the branch began to poke her bottom.
  13. "Awww, you poor thing." She teased her animate wooden "puppet" "Would you like to play some more?" making its fluid slicked head nod vigorously splashing her with fluid like some slobbering puppy. Annie smiled as she willed the tree to extend the restraints on her legs elevating them till they we're about level with her head and giving her eager branch access to her eager clenching bottom.
  14. She bit her bottom lip as willed the branch up into her the opposing force of her own reflex attempts to force out the obstruction helping her attain a consistent thrusting pace. She was about to reach climax again when this time she felt the tree shudder.
  16. Annie gasped the tree bent under her, blood rushed to her head as she looked up the hill, down at the sky and someone standing in front of her.
  17. Annie's heart raced and her face turned even redder from embarrassment rather than just the blood rushing to her head as she looked at, Paz.
  18. She looked just as she had earlier only those big eyes and smile were now directed at her, instead of Kat.
  19. Paz reached out and touched Annie's cheek "I'm not stealing her you know, doubt I ever could." she said almost wistfully.
  20. "I know," Annie croaked out over the lump in her throat "I was just scared."
  21. Paz smiled and Annie knew what Kat saw in her.
  22. "Now, are you going to be finished with that tree, or do you want me up there with you?" Paz asked.
  23. Annie shook her head, "no, the tree has served its purpose.I could use some assistance in getting down though."
  24. Paz moved over to Annie's side as she withdrew the energy from the tree.
  25. Annie felt the bindings grow slack and release her from the trunk. Paz caught her and rested Annie at the base of the tree as it reverted to its inanimate state.
  26. "So, what was with you and the tree?"
  27. Annie smiled, "This is mine and Kat's special place."
  28. Paz gave Annie's shoulder a friendly squeeze, "Not that," Paz dropped her voice to a wisper. "I mean with the whole tree thing getting all, Posesión inferna."
  29. "Well, I was a bit upset with her before my summer in the forest" Annie reached into her pile of clothes and pulled out the elixir bottle and handed it to Paz. "I was given this to help ease those feelings."
  30. Paz shook the bottle judging it to be to contain about a fourth of its original contents. "Did you use lot of this over there?" Paz asked tossing the bottle back to Annie who deftly tucked it back among her pile of clothes.
  31. Annie shook her head, "not as much as today, back then I'd mainly been mad, this time it was afriad, of you."
  32. Paz sat and put her head on Annie's shoulder, "You will never have anything to fear from me Annie, you are as much a part of Kat as she is you."
  33. Annie nodded, she felt a little guilty dodging Paz those times when she'd seen her with Kat now, her anxiety had gotten the better of her and instead of letting another in she'd run away.
  34. Annie leaned in and rested her head on Paz, "I'm sorry Paz, I shouldn't have run from you two, probably just made it harder on Kat thinking I didn't approve."
  35. Paz chuckled, "Well as you saw she handled herself pretty well."
  36. Annie felt her face heat again, "I didn't mean to watch, I didn't even know you'd be with her."
  37. "Annie, its okay." Paz slipped an arm around her bare shoulders and hugged her. "I can just hope to share some part of what you two have."
  38. "So, she did okay?" Annie asked.
  39. Paz looked at her , "did she do what okay?"
  40. Annie twisted her hand looking sheepish, "you know..that."
  41. Paz grinned and leaned close to Annie's ear "Are you asking me, if Kat is a good kisser?"
  42. Annie nooded, it had been a thought hanging in the back of her mind for some time .
  43. "Well," Paz poised the question to herself "she's not bad," Paz laughed and hugged Annie close ", when I left our dear Kat was still in a daze."
  44. Annie felt her face heat as she worked out what to say next. "Do you think, maybe we could."
  45. Paz put a finger to Annie's lips "Only if you are comfortable."
  46. Annie bit her lip and nodded.
  47. "Okay," Paz said, "now sit up and close your eyes."
  48. Annie did as instructed her heart hammered in her chest.
  49. Paz leaned over and gave Annie a small peck on the tip of her nose.
  50. Annie opened her eyes looking crestfallen. "That's it?" She asked more than a little confused.
  51. "Well yea," Paz laughed and waggled a finger "only my girlfriend can get those kinda kisses." Paz offered her hand to Annie to help her up, "Now hurry and get cleaned up and dressed, Kat will likely be showing up here soon and I likely shouldn't be here when she shows up."
  52. "But why?" Annie asked.
  53. "Because I'll likely be the topic of conversation." Paz replied as they made their way back down the hill towards the door.
  54. Annie reached out and put a firm hand on Paz's shoulder, "No, I mean why did you come in here?"
  55. Paz turned and held Annie's hand "Because, I felt you needed me."
  56. Annie felt tears in her eyes, she drew Paz in and hugged her tight "Thank you, Peace"
  57. Paz fought back a tear as she hugged Annie, "You are welcome, Antimony." She dried Annie's eyes. "Now lets get you settled down in the hallway, I don't want Kat seeing you like this."
  58. The two girls went out into the hallway and secured the door and with one last parting hug Paz left Annie there alone to meet with Kat, her best friend.
  59. Annie was totally calm as she waited no anxiety about what would happen , she was at peace.
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