
Aviation (AiE Short)

Jun 25th, 2013
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  1. >The large barn echoes with the clinking of metal and tightening of bolts.
  2. >You dig your arms down further, almost elbow-deep into the engine, making what are hopefully the final adjustments.
  3. >Big Mac watches from a small distance.
  4. >His hooves and face are coated in engine grease and oil, as are your own arms, hands, and face.
  5. >He yawns.
  6. >It's been a late night.
  7. >With one last crank of your wrench, you lift out your arms and wipe your hand across your forehead.
  8. "...Alright. That should be good."
  9. >Big Mac nods, and begins to walk over.
  10. >You pull out your once-white cloth and wipe down your hands.
  11. >"D'ya think ya finally got it?" he asks, peering at the engine block.
  12. >You close down the hood and nod.
  13. "I hope so."
  14. >You put your cloth back into your back pocket and move away slowly from the front of the machine, walking around the side.
  15. >Months of close-but-no-cigars and failed start-ups have made you wary.
  16. >But you haven't given up hope.
  17. >You duck under the two protruding wings from the side and peer over into the cockpit.
  18. >The familiar knobs and gauges greet you.
  19. "Alright..."
  20. >You say, reaching toward the ignition.
  21. "Let's see if this old crop duster can still purr for me."
  22. >Big Mac smiles.
  23. "Can you give the propeller a push for me, buddy?"
  24. >He nods, and places his hoof on one of the blades. "Eeyup."
  25. "Alright, ready?"
  26. >"Eeyup."
  27. >You start up the biplane, the engine vibrating the entire machine and giving a low growl.
  28. >Big Mac simultaneously pushes down hard on the propeller, assisting in the start up.
  29. >It spins for a little bit, sputtering an odd noise, then stopping.
  30. >Mac reaches again with both hooves and cranks down as hard as he can.
  31. >The propeller spins once more, but this time, it catches.
  32. >It begins to spin on its own; quickly, rapidly, blurring the blades til you can't tell which is which.
  33. >The entire plane moves with a healthy vibration.
  34. >The barn contains and multiplies the sound of the machine's low rumble.
  35. >As you lean into the cockpit, you smile.
  36. >A feeling of joy and success wells up inside your chest.
  37. >You lean out with a big grin on your face, give Big Mac a look, and raise your arms up in the air.
  38. "...We did it!"
  39. >He hops up a bit and stomps his hoof to the ground.
  40. >"Yee-haw! And it's about time, too!"
  41. >Your smile could split your face in half.
  42. >Finally... after all of these months...
  43. >After the damage your poor crop duster took when you arrived in this magical land...
  44. >You can fly once more.
  45. >You peek back into the cockpit.
  46. >The fuel gauge catches your eye.
  47. >It's only a little above halfway full.
  48. >...
  49. >You quickly reach in and shut the old bird down.
  50. >The propeller sputters a bit before slowing to a stop.
  51. >The growl spirals quieter and quieter until the barn is settled again in silence.
  52. >You back away from the craft and admire it.
  53. >...You breathe in deep, then let out a content sigh.
  54. >Big Mac walks up and joins you in your admiration.
  55. "...Thanks, buddy."
  56. >You finally say.
  57. "I couldn't have done this without your help, or your space here."
  58. >He nods.
  59. >"Anythin' for a friend."
  60. >You smile, then walk out to the entrance of the barn.
  61. >As you observe the beautiful night sky, complimented by Luna's full moon, you pull out your cloth once more and wipe your face down.
  62. >The open sky seems so endless...
  63. >Big Mac again joins you.
  64. >"...Ya think she'll be excited?"
  65. >You look down to him, then smile, laughing a little bit.
  66. "She'll be ecstatic."
  67. >You give your plane a quick glance.
  68. "She's been waiting for this forever. Since I got here. Wanting it so bad... hell, probably more than me."
  69. >He nods.
  70. "I'll have to tell her first thing in the morning."
  71. >Big Mac laughs.
  72. >"Tell? Why not just show?"
  73. >You wipe your hands a little more, then hand the cloth to Mac.
  74. >He nods in thanks, and begins wiping down his hooves.
  75. "Like a surprise...?"
  76. >You think for just a moment.
  77. "...Yeah. Yeah, that sounds even better."
  78. >Big Mac smiles, then hands your cloth back.
  79. >"Good. Now go git some shut-eye, Anon. Ya got a big, exciting day ahead of ya tomorrow."
  80. >You let out a breathy laugh.
  81. "I sure do."
  83. >8:30 am.
  84. >Your alarm starts buzzing loudly, signaling your waking.
  85. >You sit up in bed and take a deep breath, then reach over and shut it off.
  86. >Absorbing the morning for a bit, you gaze outside at the beautiful, sun-lit landscape.
  87. >A smile graces your lips.
  88. >It's going to be a great day.
  89. >You throw your covers off and stretch your legs out, then stand up on your feet.
  90. >Better hurry.
  91. >Rainbow Dash will be here in about half an hour.
  92. >You quickly get dressed, finding an appropriate shirt and pair of pants to don for the day.
  93. >You scope out your leather flight cap and flight goggles and store them in your bag, throwing it over your shoulder.
  94. >The wooden stairs of your house thump as you climb down, then scurry to the kitchen and grab some breakfast.
  95. >You throw a pot of coffee on, and by the time you just finish your meal, you have a cup of black gold to idly sip on.
  96. >The caffeine only seems to add to your anticipation as you sit down at your table, waiting.
  97. >...
  98. >9:00 am, on the dot.
  99. >A knock is heard at your door.
  100. >You smile, placing your cup down and walking over to the source.
  101. >You swing the door open.
  102. >There she is, Rainbow Dash, greeting you in the morning as she almost always does.
  103. >She sees your happy demeanor and smiles.
  104. >"Hey Anon," she announces happily, "you seem real upbeat today."
  105. >You laugh a little through your nose and nod.
  106. "Yeah, I think today's going to be a pretty special day."
  107. >She grins.
  108. >"Oh yeah? I do too. I have, like, four new moves to show you! I've been working on them all week!"
  109. "That so?"
  110. >You say nonchalantly, adjusting your backpack for comfort.
  111. >She nods.
  112. >"Yeah! So, wanna head over to the field now?"
  113. >You drum your fingers against your doorframe, poking your tongue into the side of your cheek.
  114. "Mmm... in a bit. I need to stop by Sweet Apple Acres for something real quick. Want to tag along?"
  115. >She spreads her wings and takes to the air.
  116. >"Sure. Let's not take too long though, I'm already all warmed up!"
  117. >You close the door behind you and begin walking.
  118. >Rainbow Dash hovers at your speed next to you.
  119. "Oh, I don't think it'll be too long."
  120. >You two make idle chat as you walk through town.
  121. >The other p0nies up bright and early smile and wave at you two as you pass by.
  122. >It isn't long before you find the path down to Applejack and Big Mac's farm.
  123. >You two snake down it, and soon, the endless sea of apple trees are in sight.
  124. >Your eyes fall to the big, red, Apple family barn.
  125. >Big Mac is already up, doing some miscellaneous farm work and rearranging some equipment.
  126. >He spots you two coming from a distance.
  127. >You can see his smile from here.
  128. >Your chest is starting to well up with excitement once again.
  129. >"So what are we getting from here, anyway?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  130. >You try to hide your smile.
  131. "Oh, I bought some apples yesterday, but I'm only picking them up now."
  132. >She nods slowly, but squints her eyes a bit when she notices you two approaching the barn.
  133. >"Hey... isn't your machine stored in there?"
  134. >Your facial muscles give, and your smile broadens across your face.
  135. >You don't respond, opting to keep walking.
  136. >Dash looks at your face and pouts.
  137. >"Hey! What's so funny? What are you actually doing?"
  138. >You close in on the barn, and Big Mac gives a wave with his hoof.
  139. >"G'morning, Anon. Hiya Rainbow Dash," he greets.
  140. >You wave back.
  141. "Good morning, Mac."
  142. >Dash flutters next to you, confusion on her face.
  143. >"Y'all ready?" he asks, beginning to unlock the barn.
  144. >You laugh a little.
  145. "Yeah, I think we're ready."
  146. >He nods, and grips the door in his teeth, pulling it open.
  147. >"Anon," Dash begins, "honestly, what is going on? Why are you--"
  148. >She cuts herself off when the door finally opens completely.
  149. >Your old crop duster is in full view, completely repaired and ready to fly.
  150. >Dash's mouth gapes.
  151. >You and Big Mac look at each other and smile.
  152. >"A-Anon... Is that your machine?"
  153. >You cross your arms and laugh.
  154. "Sure is."
  155. >She zips into the barn and starts inspecting it all over, at a rapid pace.
  156. >"B-But the wing here! It was completely demolished!"
  157. "We fixed it."
  158. >You say, walking in with her.
  159. >"And... and the engine! You said it would take half a year to finish!"
  160. "We found a way."
  161. >"The rust! The giant scratches and holes in the side! They're all... all--"
  162. "All gone."
  163. >You pat your old bird a few times.
  164. >You look Dash in the eyes.
  165. "We did it, Dash. She's all fixed up."
  166. >Her eyes begin to well over.
  167. >"Does... does that mean that we can... that you and I can..."
  168. >You gaze deeper at her, a broad smile completely overtaking your face.
  169. "She's all ready to fly."
  171. >The excitement on her face was absolutely priceless.
  172. >Ever since you first crash-landed in Equestria, she's wanted to fly with you.
  173. >To share the sky together, to see how your people have actually modified themselves to do things they normally can't.
  174. >Fixing your plane was originally in your own interests.
  175. >It evolved into a hobby, almost.
  176. >But the last few months of working on it... they've been for her.
  177. >You push the back of your plane as hard as you can, getting out into the open field the Apples have.
  178. >Applejack and Big Mac pull with ropes from the front, and the plane slowly makes progress to the makeshift runway.
  179. >Applebloom and Granny Smith watch from afar with interest.
  180. >Time to see what the hunk of junk taking up their barn space is for.
  181. "Alright, here should be good!"
  182. >You call.
  183. >Mac and Applejack look to you and nod, then drop their ropes.
  184. >They untie it from your plane as you place your bag down onto the ground.
  185. >You pull out your flight goggles and snap them onto your face.
  186. >Ahh... it's been too long.
  187. >You take your flight cap out and do the same.
  188. >Rainbow Dash flies circles above you in excitement.
  189. >"Are you almost ready!?"
  190. >You look up to her and smile.
  191. "Just about."
  192. >You walk over to your plane and open the cockpit.
  193. >You climb in and close the door, securing yourself in safely.
  194. >You look over to Big Mac.
  195. >He smiles, already knowing what to do.
  196. "Alright, we're ready to get started!"
  197. >Applebloom, Applejack, and Granny Smith all cheer from their spot.
  198. >Rainbow Dash lands back to the ground next to your plane.
  199. >You ready yourself, physically and mentally, and hover your hand over the ignition.
  200. >Big Mac places his hooves on the propeller.
  201. "Alright... let's go!"
  202. >You press the ignition.
  203. >Big Mac pushes down the propeller with all his might.
  204. >The engine catches it, and the propeller begins spinning rapidly, beautifully just like last night.
  205. >The plane hops a bit and vibrates, the engine growling perfectly.
  206. >Rainbow Dash smiles.
  207. >You take a deep breath, then exhale.
  208. >You look out to the vast, straight land ahead of you.
  209. >Perfect...
  210. >Your eyes trail down to the fuel gauge.
  211. >In the same spot as before.
  212. >Your eyes linger on it, and you give a soft sigh.
  213. >You'll worry about that when it comes.
  214. >You give the old biplane some gas, and the mass of metal begins to slowly roll forward.
  215. >Rainbow Dash hops in excitement and begins trotting next to it, matching its movement.
  216. >The engine purrs a little louder as you gain speed, rolling at a nice pace down the flat surface.
  217. >Rainbow Dash's trot turns into a run.
  218. >You continue accelerating, bumping and swaying a bit in the cockpit as your wheels run over rocks or dip into uneven surfaces.
  219. >You're going very fast.
  220. >She's full-on galloping beside you now.
  221. >When you've hit the optimum speed, you pull up.
  222. >You can feel the force push you back softly into the seat of your plane.
  223. >Your craft tilts upward, the air catching underneath its wings, and you begin to lift up into the air.
  224. >The engine bellows its entire cry now: a high-pitched, growl-like roar that radiates throughout the sky.
  225. >Your p0ny flight companion takes off with you, her own wings carrying her into the air.
  226. >The plane continues to climb, crossing over apple trees and pulling leaves off as the air sucks past them.
  227. >The landscape broadens around you, and the land grows lower and lower.
  228. >Everything starts to get smaller.
  229. >Blue begins to surround you.
  230. >You look over to your right, spotting the cyan p0ny.
  231. >She's focused, but smiling, staring right ahead.
  232. >She tilts her head to meet you.
  233. >Your eyes lock.
  234. >The cool wind barrels past your face, whipping into your clothes and dancing around your limbs.
  235. >It does the same to Dash's mane, the mess of rainbow colors spiraling beautifully around her head.
  236. >You give her a happy nod, then return your focus ahead of you.
  237. >You're plenty high in the sky now, so you begin to bank to the right.
  238. >Your craft tilts, shifting the landscape ahead of you sideways from your perspective, and you begin to turn.
  239. >Rainbow Dash matches this movement, turning in synch with you.
  240. >The miniscule town of P0nyville crawls into your sight.
  241. >You smile, and stop your turn, straightening back out.
  242. >The blue mare follows, but, once you're on a normal path again, breaks off and begins spiraling around your biplane.
  243. >She leaves a rainbow trail that corks around you.
  244. >You let your eyes wander for a moment to observe its beauty.
  245. >She catches onto this, smiling at you, before zipping back up and above you.
  246. >She lands on the top of your plane, just in between the two wings, and lies down.
  247. >You crack a smile.
  248. >The town grows closer.
  249. "Hey!"
  250. >You call, grabbing her attention.
  251. "How about an aerial tour of P0nyville?"
  252. >She laughs, resting her head onto her hooves.
  253. >"Sounds great! Please, show me!"
  254. >You laugh as well, pulling down on your controls.
  255. >The plane begins to gracefully dip downward towards the town.
  256. >The land around you grows larger, and P0nyville gets closer and closer.
  257. >You pick up some speed as you drop, and Rainbow Dash stands to her hooves, her mouth open and smiling in excitement.
  258. >You smile yourself.
  259. >Despite doing this herself, not to mention much, much faster, she seems to be having a lot of fun.
  260. >The plane continues to drop and pick up speed until it's about 150 feet above P0nyville.
  261. >You can easily make out the buildings and p0nies that walk about them.
  262. >You pull back up, and your aircraft straightens out, soaring above the town.
  263. >The cry of its engine whines and radiates between the buildings and throughout the village.
  264. >All of the p0nies drop what they're doing and look up, gazing with awe and confusion at the flying contraption above them.
  265. >Rainbow Dash cheers loudly as you cross the town, then pull up right as you reach the town's limits.
  266. >You begin your ascent once more.
  267. >"That was amazing, Anon!"
  268. >You laugh and shake your head.
  269. "Oh trust me, you haven't seen anything yet!"
  270. >You continue to climb, as high as before, then just a little higher.
  271. >A ceiling of clouds sits above you, and your plane passes through it, the fluff pushed up onto and then off of your machine.
  272. >Several weather pegasi, about their daily jobs, stop and gaze at the loud machine that flies by them.
  273. >You wave at every awestruck p0ny.
  274. >When you reach the end of the sea of fluff, you dip back down, again dropping and gaining speed.
  275. >When you get a little faster, you pull back up.
  276. "Get ready!"
  277. >You call to your pegasus companion.
  278. >She straightens her wings and takes off to the air once again, gracefully and seamlessly transitioning from on top of your plane to flying beside it.
  279. >You press to the left on your controls, tilting your plane but keeping it level.
  280. >The landscape begins shifting to the side again from your view.
  281. >You can feel the gravity of the planet pulling you toward it, seemingly on your side.
  282. >You keep it going, tilting the plane even further.
  283. >The land soon appears to be upside down, and your head gets slightly lighter.
  284. >You finish up by continuing the tilt, rotating the plane completely around, finishing your slow roll.
  285. >Rainbow Dash zips ahead of you, clapping her hooves together.
  286. >You smile, the cool, fast wind blowing into your face and moving your smiling lips a bit.
  287. >You raise your finger toward her, as if saying "one more."
  288. >You pull up and to the side, moving your craft in a diagonal direction.
  289. >The engine roars as you continue this trend, moving up and to the side, then, flipping upside down, twirling to the other side.
  290. >The entire world shifts around you like a rolling ball.
  291. >You fly upside down, moving to the side, corkscrewing through the air, before moving back down to where you started, leveling out.
  292. >A successful barrel roll.
  293. >You did them all the time back home.
  294. >Dash claps again, then emulates your move, something she's probably done a million times.
  295. >Her rainbow trail corkscrews in the air, leaving a gorgeous, breathtaking path in the sky.
  296. >You grin.
  297. >Moving your plane toward the trail, you begin to follow it, corkscrewing and barrel rolling in its wake, as if following Dash.
  298. >She catches on to this, and you two play in the air for a bit.
  299. >She leaves a trail for you to follow, and you copy her as best as you can with the limitations of your aircraft.
  300. >Soon, she breaks off and slows down, matching your biplane's speed.
  301. >You look to her and smile, and begin another barrel roll.
  302. >She follows the exact opposite way, mirroring your move.
  303. >You spiral together in the air, continuously rolling as you swirl around one another.
  304. >The p0nies on the ground look up in bewilderment and wonder at the mysterious air show put on before them.
  305. >You break off the stunt and level out, flying straight once again.
  306. >Rainbow Dash spirals around your plane, then flies up to the cockpit.
  307. >As the clouds blow past your craft and the wind graces your face, the cyan p0ny sits herself onto your lap.
  308. >"Anon!" she cheers, "This is the most fun I've had in so long!"
  309. >The smile looks beautiful on her face.
  310. >Her eyes are closed happily, in the style of genuine content and joy.
  311. >You smile back, and take one hand off of your controls, petting down her mane.
  312. "It's been a blast!"
  313. >She smiles, and settles into your lap a little more.
  314. >And it has.
  315. >You gaze out to your side, looking down at the far away landscape of Equestria.
  316. >You look ahead, seeing the distant mountain and the city of Canterlot.
  317. >The thin air that you breath... the cool wind against your face...
  318. >It's been so long since you've flown.
  319. >You smile, and let out a content sigh.
  320. >...
  321. >Your eyes trail to your fuel gauge.
  322. >The needle almost sits at E.
  323. >...
  324. >You tap Rainbow Dash on the neck with your finger.
  325. >Her head looks up to meet your eyes.
  326. "We need to head back now."
  327. >You call over the wind.
  328. >Rainbow Dash sighs.
  329. >"Already?" she says disappointedly.
  330. "Afraid so. Will you fly back with me to Sweet Apple Acres?"
  331. >Her mouth curls again into a smile, wiping the sadness from her face.
  332. >She stands up in your lap and stretches her wings, the hops out into the air, acrobatically spinning around your plane.
  333. >You smile. A soft, bittersweet smile.
  334. >You look down to your fuel gauge, just one more time.
  335. "Alright..."
  336. >You mutter to yourself, turning your plane to the right, back towards P0nyville.
  337. "Let's get this thing grounded..."
  339. >As you descend lower toward the ground, the red dots on the apple trees become clearer.
  340. >You can make out the Apple family at the end of the makeshift runway waving toward you.
  341. >You dip the plane lower, keeping it level for a nice, steady landing.
  342. >Rainbow Dash mimics your movements next to you, gliding with her wings toward the ground.
  343. >The runway approaches quickly, and your wheels touch down nicely to the ground.
  344. >Your plane hops a bit, rattling you around in the cockpit, but they place down again softly and properly, and you speed on the level Apple family territory.
  345. >A perfect landing.
  346. >Dash lands next to you and gallops alongside.
  347. >You slow the hunk of metal down as efficiently as you can, at first speeding quite quickly, but by the end, rolling to a nice stop.
  348. >You cease movement right by the Apples, and the clap their hooves together happily and cheer as you switch off the ignition and climb out of your plane.
  349. >"That was amazing, Anon!" Applebloom cheers as you take off your goggles.
  350. >You smile at her, trying not fall over.
  351. >Need to get your land legs back.
  352. >Big Mac walks over and pats the machine he helped repair.
  353. >"Eeyup. Ah'd say it was all worth it."
  354. "Definitely."
  355. >You comment, removing your flight cap.
  356. >Rainbow Dash takes to the air and zips around you, spiraling to the top of your head, then hovering.
  357. >"That was awesome! It was exactly how I imagined that machine would be like!"
  358. >You smile and lean against your plane.
  359. >The poor thing, worked so hard.
  360. >"When can we fly again?" Dash asks in excitement and hurry. "Can we go again tomorrow? Or! We could go again tonight, if you're up for it!"
  361. >Your smile slowly fades from your face as you look to the excited mare.
  362. >The excitement and high in your chest quickly whittles down.
  363. >She grins widely, but her own happiness mellows when she sees your change in expression.
  364. >You sigh, then look over to Big Mac.
  365. >He as well has stopped smiling.
  366. >You look to his eyes.
  367. >...He nods.
  368. >...
  369. "Dash..."
  370. >You start, rounding around your plane to the cockpit once more.
  371. "...I'm afraid there isn't going to be another time."
  372. >Her expression doesn't change, but she looks to you, her magenta eyes slowly moving back and forth between your own two eyes.
  373. >"...Wh... What do you mean...?"
  374. >Big Mac closes his eyes, then leaves the plane, returning to his family.
  375. >You pat your aircraft, a solemn mood suddenly overtaking you.
  376. "...That was my plane's first and only Equestrian voyage..."
  377. >Rainbow Dash slowly flutters toward you.
  378. "...She won't be flying again."
  379. >She looks over your plane.
  380. >"What's wrong...? Is it... is it damaged somewhere?"
  381. >She examines the outside, the wings, the propeller.
  382. >"B-But you can repair it, right? You and Big Mac can--"
  383. "No, Dash, it isn't the plane itself."
  384. >She looks to you and hovers over.
  385. >She peers over your shoulder, and you lean into the cockpit, tapping the fuel gauge.
  386. >It sits completely on E.
  387. "It's what goes inside it."
  388. >Her face hangs stoic.
  389. >"I don't... I don't understand..."
  390. >You sigh.
  391. "My biplane needs fuel, Dash. Only a specific kind of fuel will allow it to fly."
  392. >You look over to Big Mac.
  393. >He's happily chatting with his family.
  394. >Trying to avert them from your conversation with Dash.
  395. "Mac and I tried to find an alternative, but... nothing worked."
  396. >Rainbow Dash lowers herself to the ground, then sits.
  397. >Her eyes begin to water as she stares downward..
  398. "I just used the last of the fuel I had with me from Earth."
  399. >She looks up to you, her lip beginning to slowly quiver.
  400. >"Then... Then why did you waste it? Why just mess around in the air doing tricks?"
  401. >She lays her head down.
  402. >"...Now we'll never fly together again..."
  403. "Hey, hey,"
  404. >You say, walking over and sitting down beside her.
  405. >You pat her back.
  406. "I didn't waste my fuel. Not in any way."
  407. >Her eyes slowly rise to meet yours.
  408. "Flying in the air once more, after so long... sharing the sky with you, interacting as we maneuvered together..."
  409. >You smile.
  410. >It's so bittersweet...
  411. "It's about the best way I could think to use it."
  412. >She closes her eyes, trying to conceal her emotions.
  413. >She sniffs, then places her head on your lap.
  414. >You place your hand on her back and begin to pet, looking at your old crop duster.
  415. >You let out a breathy laugh.
  416. "The old bird may never fly again... but her last flight was a damn fun one."
  417. >Rainbow sniffs again, then snuggles into you a little more.
  418. >"...Th-Thanks for sharing your final flight with me, Anon..."
  419. >You laugh, then rustle her mane.
  420. >She playfully flinches and looks up to you.
  421. >Her tears are juxtaposed by the smile on her face.
  422. >You return it.
  423. "...Now come on. I believe you had some tricks to show me, didn't you?"
  424. >She wipes her eyes with a hoof, then nods happily.
  425. >"Uh-huh. Come on, let's go to the usual field."
  426. >She widens her wings and takes to the air.
  427. >You sit yourself back up and stretch.
  428. >You glance over to your trusty airplane...
  429. >And smile.
  430. "Thanks, old bird."
  431. >You then turn around, and begin your walk to the field with Rainbow Dash.
  433. The End
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