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a guest
Apr 1st, 2013
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  1. .method private setOwner : (Lyc;IIILjava/lang/String;)V
  2. .limit stack 5
  3. .limit locals 8
  4. aload_1
  5. iload_2
  6. iload_3
  7. iload 4
  8. invokevirtual yc q (III)Lany;
  9. astore 6
  10. aload 6
  11. ifnull L53
  12. aload 6
  13. instanceof dan200/turtle/shared/TileEntityTurtle
  14. ifeq L53
  15. aload 6
  16. checkcast dan200/turtle/shared/TileEntityTurtle
  17. astore 7
  18. aload 7
  19. iload 5
  20. putfield dan200/turtle/shared/TileEntityTurtle string Ljava/lang/Object;
  21. aload_1
  22. getfield yc I Z
  23. ifne L53
  24. aload_0
  25. aload_1
  26. iload_2
  27. iload_3
  28. iload 4
  29. invokevirtual dan200/turtle/shared/BlockTurtle refreshInput (Lyc;III)V
  30. L53:
  31. .stack append
  32. locals Object any
  33. .end stack
  34. return
  35. .end method
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