
flarei full race flavor

May 18th, 2015
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  1. Flarei
  3. “The heat of the volcano tempers the spirit of this noble race.”
  6. Average Height: 5’ 2” - 5‘8”
  7. Average Weight: 110 - 200 lbs
  9. Size: Medium
  10. Speed: 6 Squares
  11. Vision: Low-light
  13. Languages: Common, Primordial
  14. Ability Scores: +2 Constitution and Dexterity
  15. Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Acrobatics
  17. Volcanoborn: You are immune to the effects of extreme heat, and do not have to make Endurance checks to survive in such conditions. In addition, you gain 5 + half level Fire resistance.
  19. Guts: When inflicted with a status condition, you gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls for melee attacks. This effect ends when the status condition ends.
  21. Flash Fire: When first bloodied, the enemy who bloodied you takes ongoing 5 + half level Fire damage. Increase to ongoing 10 + half level at level 21.
  24. Long ago, there was a race known in history texts as the Eeveri. These people were fragmented and tribal, and lived on the edge of realms outside the mortal plane, where the veils that separate those realms from the mortal wear thin. As a result of their allure to the places where the realms touched, they eventually transformed from their original state into eight distinct races of their own.
  26. The Flarei are the descendants of one of those tribes, who were drawn to places where fire seeping through from the Elemental Chaos scorched the land. To this day, they continue to live in conditions that would ordinarily be considered much to arid and hot for most ordinary humanoids.
  29. Play a Flarei if you want to...
  30. * Survive in the harsh conditions of volcanic calderas and deserts.
  31. * Be a member of a race that values the will to survive.
  32. * Play a character that favors the Monk, Druid and Rogue classes.
  37. Flarei are furred and somewhat feline in nature, with some traits that resemble canine traits also mixed in. Overall, they are built solid and square despite their limber nature, though there are some examples of a Flarei instead having a more lithe, quick build. Each has a fluffy, bushy tail and mane around the neck, and a pair of long ears, resembling some crossover between those of a rabbit and fox.
  39. Their hands are overall humanoid, though they end in small, catlike claws, which are retractable. For feet, they have feline paws, padded to match, which also end in such claws. Overall, their heads are catlike, with a small snout and somewhat large eyes. Their eyes are similarly catlike, slitted in pupil and wide in iris, and range in color from deep reds to browns to yellows. Only very rarely does a Flarei have blue or green eyes.
  41. Flarei fur ranges from deep brick red, to golden yellow, to the fiery orange that members of the race most commonly have, and very rarely snowy white. This fur in particular is coarse and streamlined to the body. Each Flarei also has a long, fluffy mane of a creamy color, and a large, bushy tail of the same color. This too ranges from pastel yellow to white. On their heads, they have hair like a human's, and this ranges in not only the normal human ranges, but also cherry reds and bright whites.
  43. Flarei tend to be somewhat tribe-like in nature, and the leaders of their monasteries, villages and towns are almost always seen done up in tattoos of tribal patterns, large ears full of piercings utilizing beads the bones of small animals and feathers as their decoration. Even those of lower standing usually have at least one piercing, done at the age of 13 as a sign of becoming an adult. Their usual clothing consists of tanned leathers and roughly-woven fabric in fiery reds, oranges and yellows as well as midnight blacks.
  45. Young Flarei are as developed at 5 years of age as a human would be at 8 years. They are able to produce offspring at approximately 12 years of age, and are considered fully grown at 16. They live about as long as humans do.
  50. First and foremost, Flarei culture values toughness and the will to survive. Organized sporting events are very frequent in communities which contain many Flarei, and they are very athletic overall. They are also very secluded as a race, in general, due to their comminities' tendency to live within dormant volcanoes or arid deserts, only truly interacting with other such races that are able to tolerate the environments they do. Even those Flarei who grow up largely separated from their own kind have these sorts of traits.
  52. In mixed communities, Flarei prefer their ears to the streets, because the streets are mean, and they have the drive to survive them. As such, it isn't uncommon to see them as rogues, or willingly undergoing vows of poverty. However, they also value the art of discipline and training, and in the places where they live, volcano-side monsateries are not uncommon. Those who find themselves willing to brave the cold can sometimes be found in the mountainside communities of the common Luca, though this is infrequent. More often, you see them intermingle with desert-dwelling tribes, as it suits their preferred environment.
  54. Flarei can be suspicious when greeting new people by nature of their preferences toward the streets. They will leer, and they will question, but they will not go against the plans of a group leader. Once a group of friends has earned the trust of a Flarei, often through surviving particularly intense combat, or surviving a tough adventure, the Flarei considers them bonded by blood, as good as siblings. When one betrays a Flarei whose trust has been earned, it is perceived as a crime worse than murder, and they will consider you their personal mortal enemy for as long as they shall live, and it is no small feat to earn that trust you lost back.
  56. When heavy with child, a Flarei enters a seclusion in which they prefer not to allow anybody but their significant other, family and blood-bonded friends in to see them. The gestation time is spent training in every way the Flarei can think, to keep physically fit in spite of her widening girth. They can be tempermental in this state, and certainly anti-social. It is generally understood by their communities that it is best to leave the new mother alone until she is ready to give birth, unless some catastrophe would put both lives in danger. When she is ready, it is considered a community event, and the entire village will gather to celebrate the new parent and child. Often, the names given to Flarei children have some sort of significant meaning; perhaps it was a lost parent or comrade's name, or simply a name with a lot of symbolic meaning to the individual.
  58. Though the Flarei's ties with the Elemental Chaos are strong, most individuals see no reason to seek it out, instead preferring to stay in the mortal world. Tales of the folly of the Eeveri before them are common, and the Flarei believe their predecessors were fools to split as they did. Even despite this, they feel a certain sympathy toward the other seven races that came from that ancient people, and allegiances frequently form between communities. It is, however, only rarely that this occurs between a Flarei tribe and a Glacé community, due most frequently due to the climates the two require, the Flarei needing heat and disliking cold, and the Glacé being unable to approach Flarei locales because of the heat.
  61. Flarei Characteristics: Athletic, adamant, stubborn, loyal, ascetic, roguish, surviveable
  63. [Sample names]
  66. [Sample adventurers]
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