
Soulless - Chapter 1 (WIP)

Dec 3rd, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous, Master Sorcerer.
  2. >And you are starting to get a little annoyed.
  3. >It's been roughly 36 hours since you returned to life, thanks to the one and only Princess Celestia of Equestria.
  4. >She wants you to mosey on up to the surface world and help her take care of a couple of old former friends of yours.
  5. >That's all well and good, but...
  6. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK."
  7. > were currently a little preoccupied running for your newly-recovered life across the desolate wastelands of pony Hell.
  8. >You'd broken out of the prison you were in with a lot less trouble than expected. The guards there were caught unaware, having had no way of knowing your powers had recovered.
  9. >Now, though, they knew you were alive. And they knew you'd escaped.
  10. >All of Tartarus, all the horrifying demonic creatures meant to guard the souls of the damned, had their attention focused solely on you.
  11. >Well, maybe that was a little bit of an exaggeration. But it sure as hell felt like it.
  12. >You'd lost the majority of your pursuers within hours, but there seemed to be one in particular that was determined to drag your cursed ass back to your cell.
  13. >It might have been a pony, once. A pegasus, judging from the masses of rotten flesh clinging to it's sides that may have been wings at some point.
  14. >"Where are you, Anonymoouuussss..?" It's voice was harsh, it's jaw barely held to it's skull by a strip of decayed skin. It's S's were drawn-out, sibilant hisses, it's breath whistling through the jagged, bloody fangs in it's mouth. "You cannot esssscape me. I can sssssmell you, warm-blood."
  15. >You remain where you are, curling up in the shadow of a colossal rock formation. Could it really SMELL you? That's just unfair.
  16. >Under normal circumstances, you would have leapt out and blasted the stubborn fucker with a bolt of pure, unadulterated sorcerous whoopass. But it seems that in addition to being unable to channel your own magic while dead, it made you immune to most every other kind of magic as well. You'd found that out early on; you ended up blasting the walls apart in order to distract your undead jailors, since vaporising them wasn't working out as well as you'd hoped.
  17. >Not to mention it seems your current magical ability doesn't quite measure up to your pre-death self. Being recently revived, you weren't sure how long it would take to regain your full strength. Right now, you estimate you're about as strong as you when the three of you tried the first summoning.
  18. >Barely strong enough to blow your way out of that prison cell. Seems your stronger spells were out of the question. No massive offensive maneuvers, no flight, no long-range teleports.
  19. >Fuck.
  20. >You held our breath, praying to whatever deity would listen that the creature would pass your hiding place by.
  21. >You take a chance, peering around the corner to see if you could spot your dogged pursuer...
  22. >And ended up with a face full of undead pony.
  23. "FUCK!"
  24. >You fall on your ass, scrambling back until your back hits the rock wall.
  25. >"Hahaha," the equine abomination wheezes. "You are mine, now. Your healthy flesssh, that hot blood pumping through you... Yesss, it callsss to me, callsss to Ssssicariussss.."
  26. >You should be frightenened. You were, until the creature started talking. Every hiss of an S, you had to stifle a laugh. You couldn't help yourself.
  27. >But when it said it's name, you lost it. You laughed hard.
  28. "S-Seriously? Your name is Sicarius? Fuck, that's some hard luck with your jaw like that."
  29. >The zombie pony growls, it's face indignant.
  31. >You keep laughing, even as it steps closer to you. You stealthily slip one hand behind you, touching your fingertips to the rockface.
  32. "Just.. Just one thing, man. I gotta ask."
  33. >Sicarius stops, it's expression puzzled.
  34. "Are you a mare or a stallion? I mean, normally I wouldn't have to ask, but for all I know your junk rotted away eons ago."
  35. >With an outraged cry, it leaps at you, skeletal hooves outstretched.
  36. >You focus briefly, a short pulse of magical force traveling from your fingers to the stone. You quickly scramble aside, the unfortunate undead colliding with the wall. Your spell causes it to crumble, several tons of rock tumbling down to crush the hapless zombie. You watch, amused, as it struggles, attempting to free itself from beneath the boulders.
  37. >It manages to free it's head, at least, it's empty sockets glaring at you with as much hatred as it can muster.
  38. >Or at least you think so. Hard to tell, what with the expressionless skeletal face and all.
  39. "So, Sicarius ol' pal!"
  40. >You sit down, a few feet from the trapped creature.
  41. "You never did answer me!"
  42. >Your jovial tone seems to irritate it even more. It fights to free itself with renewed vigor, but only for a few moments. The futility of it's attempts finally sink in, and it seems to deflate.
  43. >"...ion."
  44. "I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch that, friend!"
  45. >You smile broadly, tapping the top of it's skull with a finger.
  46. >"..I was a stallion, in life."
  47. "Sicarius the stallion! I see, I see."
  48. >You laugh and stand, dusting yourself off. You make a mental note to find some decent threads as soon as possible; these rags that were the uniform at the prison just aren't going to cut it.
  49. "Well, ol' boy, I find myself in a bit of a predicament. You see, I need to get out of Tartarus. There's a girl up top who'll be awful sore if I don't make it, and she's not really the sort you'd care to disappoint. She's a bit scary when she's mad."
  50. >Sicarius does not respond, his body still.
  51. "And so I busted out, thinkin' to make my merry way up there. But it occurs to me, my friend, that Tartarus is an awfully big place. And I'm not much more than passin' familiar with the landscape. So, I need someone who knows the lay of the land, so to speak."
  52. >At this, the undead pegasus shifts as best he can, to look at you closer.
  53. >"You exssspect me to help you?"
  54. "I'm askin' politely!"
  55. >You grin again, before putting your palm on the top of Sicarius's skull and pressing down, grinding his jawbone back and forth against the hard stone beneath it.
  56. >"Alright, alright, ALRIGHT! I will help you! Just sssstop! I cannot reattach that if you break it!"
  57. "Attaboy!"
  58. >"Jussst.. releassse me, get thessse infernal rocksss off of me, and I will guide you to the Gatessss."
  59. "Now, see, there's another problem. I'm no Element of Honesty myself, but you, you're a right frightful freak of nature. You're an undead abomination dead set on draggin' my happy self right back to that prison. Now, I can't really free you knowin' that, can I?"
  60. >"You have my word that I will not attempt to do sssso."
  61. "I wish I could trust you, I really do. But I think I'll need something a little more concrete as insurance."
  62. >"Wh-...!"
  63. >The undead pony begins to speak, but you cut him off. Standing up, you lean over the pile of stones and reach in. You dig around for a moment, before your hands wrap around what they sought.
  64. "Ah, here we are! Let's... just.."
  65. >Your hands pull hard in opposite directions, and with a strangled yelp, Sicarius begins struggling once again.
  66. >But to no avail. With one final, sickening crack, you feel the rotted spine break beneath your fingers. You heft his seperated skull up from the rest of his body, which remains trapped under the rockfall.
  67. "..."
  68. >"..."
  69. "I can't believe that actually worked."
  70. >"I hate you with all that I am, warm-blood."
  71. >With a merry whistle, you tear a strip of cloth from your pants, and use it to tie the still-animated skull to your waistband.
  72. "You get to be my portable GPS, down here, friend! Much obliged!"
  73. >"I will rend your flesssh and grind your bonesss to powder, human."
  74. "I love you too, Mr. Sick. Mind if I call you Mr. Sick? Sicarius is so stuffy. Anyway, my name's Anonymous. Not human, not warm-blood."
  75. >"...Anonymoussss," he concedes, growling.
  76. "On second thought, call me Anon. That lisp of yours is distracting."
  77. >"I do not have a..!"
  78. "So what direction to the Gates of Tartarus, Sick?" You interrupt.
  79. >"..."
  80. "C'mon, now, Mr. Sick. Tell me, or I'll just dump your head off into a lava flow somewhere."
  81. >"The Gatesss lie to the north. Alwayssss north."
  82. >You aren't sure you can trust him, but you cast a quick spell to determine exactly which way is north and set out.
  83. "So, Mr. Sick. What all's gonna stand between me and the Gates, hmm? You look like a Hell-savvy sort of fellow."
  84. >"The firssst place we will reach isss the Changeling quarter. During their failed invassssion yearsss ago, sssso many Changelingsss were killed during the assssault that they were given their own sssection of Tartarus. Their Queen isss there, damned to ssssuffer for all time."
  85. "Right, right. Chrysalis, huh? I seem to recall hearing about her a time or two. She was quite the terror, wasn't she?"
  86. >You pause, midthought... Hmm.
  87. >Sure, you were powerful. You were one of the three most powerful mages ever trained, the disciple of one of the most feared and respected men in mankind's history. You could take on any ordinary challenge without breaking a sweat.
  88. >Of course, this was no ordinary challenge. Your opponents were the other two mages, and they possessed the Elements of Harmony.
  89. >Maybe getting a little helping hoof wouldn't be amiss...
  90. >Your zombie companion notices the thoughtful expression on your face.
  91. >"You cannot be sssserioussss." He deadpans.
  92. "I think we're gonna make a quick little stop there, my friend. Let's be going, now."
  93. >You start walking, a wicked grin worming it's way onto your face.
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