

Nov 13th, 2013
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  1. [07:26:13] [&zoofman] Here's my fears about Lasher, since you mentioned it, cast
  2. [07:26:44] [&zoofman] A) It' a case of class identity issues? It doesn't really seem to know if it's a mentor class or supposed to be like ace trainer, or if it's more like Mastermind in that it's proactive. It lacks focus
  3. [07:27:35] [&zoofman] B) Press is a very interesting trade off. I guess my major fear is it doesn't really seem to pay that much to be mean to your Pokemon compared to just being a hardass Ace Trainer. Ace Trainer does a lot of what Lasher does without, well, backlash
  4. [07:27:51] [&zoofman] I think Press needs to either be a bit less damaging, or Lasher's benefits to it need to be better
  5. [07:28:41] [&zoofman] C) Failure Is Not An Option is garbage, but we discussed that. I think the base feat is...okay I guess? As I said, I'm not exactly sure your Pokemon losing around 25% EHP is really WORTH its trade off atm.
  6. [07:29:40] [&zoofman] D) Mental Whip. It's for league matches, I get that, but it doesn't really have -any- synergy with the rest of Lasher, which is sorta odd.
  7. [07:30:32] [&zoofman] E) No Pain, No Gain's main issue is it's sorta pale in comparison to what Ace gets as a default. Not Yet is obviously a good feature so not sure what to say about it.
  8. [07:30:51] [&zoofman] I dunno, I think it just needs to be decided if it's gonna be like Ace Trainer, or more like a mean Mastermind
  9. [07:30:59] [&zoofman] cause it's stuck between the two atm
  10. [07:31:14] [&zoofman] Also, you can't even -take- it till level 5, which is weird cause it's really not that great.
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