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May 28th, 2016
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  1. 出现!最后的京剧猫
  2. The Last Beijing Opera Cats Appear!
  3. 三小时前…
  4. Three hours ago…
  5. 卖鱼丸了
  6. Fish balls for sale!
  7. 上好的猫砂
  8. Good cat litter!
  9. 你们太慢啦
  10. You guys are too slow!
  11. 没吃早饭跑不动呀
  12. I can’t run before I’ve had breakfast
  13. 今天好多人呀
  14. There’s a lot of people today
  15. 看那大大的鱼丸 好香呀
  16. Look at that big fish ball! It smells good
  17. 还有那鱼尾烧卖
  18. There’s also fish tail shu mai
  19. 好啦 别看了
  20. All right, stop looking
  21. 一会就有了 谁让我们的粉丝多哪 嘿嘿
  22. We’ll have it in a bit, because of how many fans we have [sarcastic], heh heh
  23. 唉 人那
  24. Hey, there’s someone
  25. 这叫爪表 是我爸爸给我买的限量版
  26. This is a paw watch. My dad bought me the limited edition
  27. 当太阳照射到这指针上 投影落到表盘上 就知道时间了
  28. When the sun shines on this needle, the shadow on the dial tells you the time
  29. 我看看
  30. Let me see
  31. 嘿嘿 土老帽 没见过吧
  32. Heh heh, country bumpkin, haven’t seen one before, have you?
  33. 那晚上怎么看时间
  34. So how do you tell the time at night?
  35. 要 要你管 嘿嘿 是不是羡慕嫉妒恨呀
  36. N-none of your business [maybe “don’t you bother”], heh heh, aren’t you jealous
  37. 切 你确定你爸爸没蒙你 你往天上看看
  38. Yeah, right. Sure your dad didn’t trick you? Look up at the sky
  39. 你看这天空整天飘满混沌
  40. Look at the chaos floating around the whole sky
  41. 你们那儿怎么样
  42. You there, how is it?
  43. 整个镇子都探查过了 没有发现什么
  44. We’ve scouted the whole town. We haven’t found anything
  45. 可班主说了 今天咚锵镇天象导常 可能会有状况发生
  46. But the boss said the heavens [astronomical phenomena] look normal above Dong Qiang [onomatopoeia for a drum and a bell] Town today. Something might happen. [this is probably wrong]
  47. 再找找
  48. Look again
  49. 你看 阳光都投不进来 哪有什么投影啊
  50. Look, the sun isn’t shining through. How is it going to cast a shadow?
  51. 嘿 我看是没人买 才限量吧
  52. Hah, I bet no one else bought it, that’s why it’s a limited edition
  53. 大家还是去听我讲故事吧
  54. Everyone come and listen to me tell a story
  55. 想看的快点来呀 晚了只能站后排啦
  56. Come quick if you want to see. If you’re late you’ll have to stand in the back
  57. 咳咳 各位看官们 今天你们想听那段故事呀
  58. Ahem. Dear listeners, what story would you like to hear me tell today?
  59. 三岔口
  60. “At the Crossroads” [from Water Margin]
  61. 长坂坡
  62. “The Battle of Changban” [from Romance of the Three Kingdoms]
  63. 京剧猫
  64. “The Beijing Opera Cats”
  65. 既然大家都这么想 那咱们今天就将京剧猫的故事
  66. Since everyone’s in agreement, today we’ll tell you the story of the Beijing Opera Cats
  67. 他本来也没想将别的
  68. Of course, he never wants to tell any other story
  69. 好 那咱们就从京剧猫的始祖 修 开始讲起
  70. All right. We’ll begin the story starting with the founder of the Beijing Opera Cats: Xiu
  71. 传说在很久很久以前
  72. The legends say that long, long ago…
  73. 那时的猫土到处弥散着混沌
  74. In those times the primordial chaos covered the Cat Lands everywhere
  75. 有一只叫做 修 的猫
  76. There was a cat called Xiu
  77. 它可以抵御住混沌的侵蚀
  78. He was able to withstand the corrosive [corrupting?] power of the chaos
  79. 他游走在猫土上
  80. Wandering the Cat Lands
  81. 看到混沌之中那些痛不欲生的猫民们
  82. he saw within the chaos cat folk suffering to death [suffering as to not want to live]
  83. 他的悲惨无助
  84. He was tragically of no help
  85. 邪恶的混沌 它可以引着万物走向歧途
  86. The evil chaos could pull any creature onto the wrong path
  87. 救命 快帮帮我
  88. Help! Help me!
  89. 善良的修 因为无法拯救他们而痛不欲生
  90. Kind Xiu wanted to die for not being able to help
  91. 就在他即将绝望的时候
  92. Just as he was about to lose all hope
  93. 一道金光射向了他
  94. a ray of golden light shone onto him
  95. 他追随着那道金光一路前行
  96. He followed [went forward into] that ray of golden light
  97. 终于 他顺着那道金光
  98. Finally, following the ray of golden light
  99. 发现了一面巨大的金锣
  100. he discovered a gigantic golden gong
  101. 那就是原初锣
  102. It was the Gong of the Beginning
  103. 修 一跃而起 敲响了它
  104. Xiu leaped up in one bound and struck it
  105. 锣声震荡了猫土
  106. The gong’s sound shook the Cat Lands
  107. 原初锣产生的力量 驱散了所有混沌
  108. The power that arose from the Gong of the Beginning caused all of the chaos to disperse
  109. 阳光洒满大地
  110. Sunshine fell upon all the great earth
  111. 猫土恢复了生机
  112. The life force was restored to the Cat Lands
  113. 后来 修 收了十二名弟子
  114. Afterwards, Xiu gained twelve followers
  115. 手 眼 身 步 唱 念 坐 打 纳 督 录 判
  116. Shou, Yan, Shen, Bu; Chang, Nian, Zuo, Da; Na, Du, Lu, Pan [hand, eye, body, step; sing, read, sit, strike; accept, direct, record, judge. Should look up if these have some other meaning]
  117. 就这样建立了十二宗
  118. Thus the Twelve Ancestors were assembled
  119. 这就是最初的京剧猫
  120. These were the first Beijing Opera Cats
  121. 但是时间的混沌并没有被完全清楚
  122. But the chaos had not been completely cleared at that time
  123. 一旦有猫 不小心吸食了残余的混沌
  124. If a cat was not careful and was sucked in by the remnants of the chaos
  125. 就会变成魔物
  126. it would turn into a monster
  127. 而唯一能拯救他们的就是
  128. And the only ones who could save them were
  129. 京剧猫
  130. The Beijing Opera Cats
  132. Contact: yy8717 on youtube
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