

Oct 25th, 2013
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  1. Saturday, October 12, 2013
  2. [5:28:08 PM] * martureo1 sent file Terraria
  3. [5:34:02 PM] Call to Amber, duration 01:57:54.
  4. Thursday, October 17, 2013
  5. [8:43:22 PM] martureo1: Hey
  6. [8:43:24 PM] Amber: hey
  7. [8:43:34 PM] martureo1: youve been hiding off skype or something
  8. [8:43:59 PM] Amber: I don't actually stay on skype much
  9. [8:44:04 PM] Amber: I use it when I actually need to talk to someone
  10. [8:44:08 PM] Amber: but otherwise I just idle on IRC
  11. [8:44:09 PM] martureo1: ah
  12. [8:44:11 PM] Amber: you know my channels =p
  13. [8:44:36 PM] martureo1: Lol yes.. yes i do
  14. [8:56:53 PM] Amber: immigration is hard -_-
  15. [8:57:02 PM] martureo1: hows that?
  16. [8:58:21 PM] Amber: waiting for the various bureacracies.
  17. [8:58:46 PM] Amber: getting medical care depends upon getting your ID card, which means registerring with the tax board which means getting a residence permit card which requires admission to the country...
  18. [8:59:00 PM] Amber: and once you've done all that, THEN you enter the queue for the medical care, which would have been reasonable on its own...
  19. [8:59:09 PM] Amber: but when you're tacking it on to everything else, it's just obnoxious.
  20. [8:59:25 PM] Amber: the good news is at least I can order my prescriptions online. It's more expensive, but that's kinda par for the course with immigration. Expense.
  21. [8:59:42 PM] martureo1: wow
  22. [8:59:55 PM] Amber: I'm very, VERY glad to be where I am.
  23. [9:00:14 PM] Amber: And Sweden's immigration is much, MUCH easier than United States's immigration policy.
  24. [9:00:21 PM] Amber: (I can be a citizen in as little as 3 years)
  25. [9:00:32 PM] Amber: but it's still a hassle.
  26. [9:01:06 PM] Amber: And once I do get my Swedish citizenship? I can't even just say, "Fuck it! I'm Swedish now."
  27. [9:01:20 PM] Amber: If I want to give up US citizenship, I have to go to the embassy, have an interview, go home, have ANOTHER interview...
  28. [9:01:24 PM] martureo1: could we communicate with least swearing as possible
  29. [9:01:24 PM] Amber: and then pay the bastards $460
  30. [9:01:30 PM] Amber: sorry <_<
  31. [9:01:32 PM] martureo1: preferable... none really
  32. [9:01:42 PM] Amber: just a little upset after a rough week.
  33. [9:02:04 PM] martureo1: anger and frustration is normal,, we are human, we have emotions..
  34. [9:02:11 PM] martureo1: but to use words that make you look lazy....
  35. [9:02:25 PM] Amber: "lazy", or "angry"?
  36. [9:02:29 PM] Amber: Because anger is a legitimate response here.
  37. [9:02:30 PM] Amber: Very legitimate.
  38. [9:02:32 PM] martureo1: no..
  39. [9:02:39 PM] Amber: The US does much to justify anger.
  40. [9:02:44 PM] martureo1: i didnt say that
  41. [9:02:57 PM] martureo1: i said using words to express yourself, and being lazy about it
  42. [9:03:09 PM] martureo1: IM just saying.. I hate swearing
  43. [9:03:23 PM] Amber: And I hate institutionalized discrimination.
  44. [9:03:46 PM] Amber: I happen to think that the latter has a more signifiant impact than the former.
  45. [9:04:18 PM] martureo1: hows that
  46. [9:04:43 PM] Amber: swearing doesn't hurt anyone. It really, really doesn't.
  47. [9:04:50 PM] Amber: Try going to another country some time.
  48. [9:04:50 PM] martureo1: how do you know that
  49. [9:04:59 PM] Amber: Listen to people that learn your language second hand.
  50. [9:05:19 PM] Amber: They know the language. They know swear words. But they don't get the impact, because they didn't live in the culture.
  51. [9:05:25 PM] Amber: And nobody...nobody is affected by this.
  52. [9:05:35 PM] Amber: Demons don't descend from the sky when someone says something "naughty."
  53. [9:05:41 PM] martureo1: ok lets take for example a word...... "mother fucker".... in every sense of the words.. it means one to have sex with its mother..... now... lets take a rape victim... Or a person who knows their mother been raped
  54. [9:05:49 PM] martureo1: Or... bitch.. female dog in heat....
  55. [9:05:53 PM] martureo1: or other words
  56. [9:05:55 PM] Amber: Mmhmm...but these are words.
  57. [9:05:56 PM] Amber: Not acts.
  58. [9:05:57 PM] Amber: Just words.
  59. [9:06:05 PM] martureo1: so your saying words cant hurt anyone
  60. [9:06:06 PM] martureo1: wrohng
  61. [9:06:12 PM] Amber: Threats hurt people.
  62. [9:06:16 PM] Amber: Inciting violence hurts people.
  63. [9:06:28 PM] Amber: When you're not directing it at a specific person or cultural group?
  64. [9:06:31 PM] Amber: They don't hurt anyone.
  65. [9:06:35 PM] martureo1: forth from mouth comes knives....
  66. [9:06:50 PM] martureo1: wait..
  67. [9:06:54 PM] martureo1: taht wasnt.. right
  68. [9:06:55 PM] martureo1: lol
  69. [9:06:57 PM] Amber: Mmhmm.
  70. [9:06:59 PM] Amber: Here's the thing.
  71. [9:07:08 PM] Amber: You're concerned with the specific words, right? Your "swear" words?
  72. [9:07:19 PM] Amber: Speech can harm. It can.
  73. [9:07:25 PM] Amber: ...but it doesn't need swear words to do so.
  74. [9:07:32 PM] Amber: And whether they're used or not is quite irrelevant.
  75. [9:07:44 PM] Amber: The message matters. Not the format.
  76. [9:07:50 PM] martureo1: and yet you said ":04:43 PM] Amber: swearing doesn't hurt anyone. It really, really doesn't."
  77. [9:08:03 PM] Amber: And I meant it. The swear words themselves are irrelevant.
  78. [9:08:07 PM] Amber: It's the message that matters.
  79. [9:08:40 PM] Amber: When you're throwing people out of neighborhoods or threatening their children, that's significant harm.
  80. [9:08:49 PM] Amber: But that's true whether the person swears or not.
  81. [9:08:57 PM] Amber: The irrelevant.
  82. [9:09:10 PM] martureo1: the problem i have with swearing in general, is this
  83. [9:09:27 PM] martureo1: many people have laxed themselves in such a way t be lazy.. even i myself
  84. [9:09:32 PM] martureo1: to *
  85. [9:09:41 PM] martureo1: I wont dare deny that i have been lazy in alot of things,
  86. [9:09:47 PM] martureo1: specially which what you helped me with..
  87. [9:09:57 PM] martureo1: Swearing.. is to me an act of being lazy..
  88. [9:10:13 PM] martureo1: an attempt to express oneself with words that mean alot more than what they are trying to use them for
  89. [9:10:21 PM] martureo1: which they could use better words
  90. [9:10:25 PM] martureo1: more expressive words
  91. [9:10:28 PM] Amber: Alright. Then I'll express it clearly, and without swearing.
  92. [9:10:34 PM] Amber: I think your priorities are misplaced. Badly.
  93. [9:11:12 PM] martureo1: thats my own as i have a right to sheild myself from certain things. and allow certain things to interact..... as so do you
  94. [9:11:16 PM] Amber: The US incarcerates almost 1% of its adult population. That's more than China. More than Iran. More than North Korea. Nor than literally ANY other country on earth.
  95. [9:11:35 PM] Amber: Your government literally trades in human flesh.
  96. [9:11:46 PM] Amber: police and prosecutors and judges profiting on the jailing of their own citizens.
  97. [9:12:07 PM] Amber: Your country has created the most intense surveillance network on earth, exceeding even the Stazi of East Germany.
  98. [9:12:10 PM] martureo1: what america does and doesnt doesnt change the fact that i have my own wants my own needs my own ideas my own requests,
  99. [9:12:27 PM] Amber: Your country remains, to this day, the only nation to ever employ nuclear arms in war. And did so against civilians. Twice.
  100. [9:12:36 PM] Amber: These are atrocities.
  101. [9:12:42 PM] Amber: There's no lesser word for this.
  102. [9:12:56 PM] Amber: But what matters to you is apparently...swearing.
  103. [9:12:58 PM] martureo1: that doesnt change the fact about who i am and what i want, true america has done alot of atrocities..
  104. [9:13:01 PM] martureo1: But im me
  105. [9:13:03 PM] Amber: This is called complicity.
  106. [9:13:15 PM] martureo1: How do you know what only matters to me
  107. [9:13:20 PM] martureo1: a lot of things matters to me
  108. [9:13:23 PM] Amber: If you want to stand up against something, try picking something that matters next time.
  109. [9:13:28 PM] martureo1: just one which i hold higher ground IS swearing
  110. [9:13:34 PM] Amber: Then you're a fool.
  111. [9:13:42 PM] martureo1: and how do you know i wont stand up to anything
  112. [9:13:47 PM] Amber: And I just understand a little better why I had to leave.
  113. [9:13:48 PM] martureo1: you dont even know me
  114. [9:14:33 PM] martureo1: all you know is a person who doesnt believe in transgender, a person whos complete idiot about linuxc..... much less xna... or .net 40 framework
  115. [9:14:40 PM] martureo1: are you really sterotyping me with the rest of americans?
  116. [9:15:03 PM] Amber: When you get worked up about something so trivial? Yes.
  117. [9:15:33 PM] martureo1: all i asked was simple, could you please refrain from using words that are designed to degrade and ridicule another...
  118. [9:15:35 PM] martureo1: and ...
  119. [9:15:39 PM] martureo1: me ... getting worked up
  120. [9:15:47 PM] martureo1: I would like for you to reread the current convo
  121. [9:16:08 PM] Amber: Understand something: Those words exist because humans found it necessary to create them.
  122. [9:16:29 PM] Amber: When something evokes such revulsion, such disgust...
  123. [9:16:38 PM] martureo1: humans found its neccesary that poop exist..... doesnt change the fact that its harmful to be eatend
  124. [9:16:57 PM] Amber: The response of humans from antiquity to the modern day was to create words to ridicule and degrade -- and it's only fitting, because often this was the only recourse.
  125. [9:17:26 PM] Amber: When political means provide no respite, we resort to speech.
  126. [9:17:41 PM] Amber: And censorship is the hypocrite's response.
  127. [9:17:43 PM] martureo1: humans found a need that urine needs to be existed... doesnt mean anything except the vile content can harm human beings
  128. [9:18:05 PM] Amber: The only "vile" thing here is what happens when one humans suppresses the speech of another.
  129. [9:18:23 PM] Amber: is when one human suppresses*
  130. [9:18:38 PM] Amber: *sighs* I've little desire to continue this.
  131. [9:19:01 PM] Amber: It's evident that I'm not going to convince you of anything.
  132. [9:19:01 PM] martureo1: ok so, since obviously we disagree on certain things, and for whatever current reason, You feel you need to take it out against me.. for no fault of my own... I shall do you a favor, let you relax.. calm down.. and find another vent source.. because this one isnt your "doll" as such... i shall remove you and put you on ignore on all available irc channels which i connect to
  133. [9:19:07 PM] martureo1: good day or night :D
  134. [9:19:20 PM] * martureo1 blocked corollax from the chat.
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