
batpony training.... (needs better title.)

Jun 28th, 2013
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  1. Someone liked it, asked for more so made it a pastebin, doubt I'll update it but if someone enjoyed it then no point in leaving it off.
  2. Title may change.
  6. >Day training with the nightguard oneshot.
  7. >Sparring against guards has become something you rather enjoy.
  8. >The way ponies move and fight with weapons is always different, its even more impressive when its not a unicorn.
  9. >Raising your simple long sword you parry and deflect the various stabs from your current partners spear.
  10. >Attempting to catch you off guard she spins the spear around with her wings to take a swipe at you.
  11. >Moving in close you grab the spear and attempt to yank it away from her.
  12. >She reacts by quickly spinning and launching off of you with her spear held in her mouth.
  13. >Taking a step back as the spear flies by it grazes your arm cutting it.
  14. >Now you have an injury, what a rookie mistake.
  15. >Taking the offensive you throw a flurry of vertical and horizontal slashes
  16. >Between dodging and using her spear to give her momentum she launches into the sky.
  17. >The problem with fighting a Pegasus with only a longsword is you have to wait for them to come down.
  18. >She goes into a divebomb.
  19. >Slipping to the side the Pegasus twist's her spear catching the back of your knee's,
  20. >Falling on the stone floor you throw your sword and arm up to defend your self from her attack.
  21. >Sure enough your guess is correct as the end of the spear hits your sword you direct it into the floor before grabbing it with your hand.
  22. >Face to face she gives the spear a tug with her wings.
  23. >It doesn't budge but what does happen is she leans forward and kisses you, invading your mouth quickly flicking your tongue with hers
  24. >Sensing your confusion she quickly reacts by using her body to launch her self off your stomach yanking the spear out of your hand.
  25. >Letting go of your sword it falls to the ground with a loud clang as you roll over holding your stomach.
  26. >Going into a coughing fit you look up briefly to watch her walk away slowly.
  27. >She looks back and winks at you before leaving the training hall.
  30. ---
  33. >Day I continue this stupid one shot because I died on Path of exile and I'm butt hurt.
  34. >Patched up and ready to continue sparring your next partner is another Pegasus...
  35. >You've watched her toy with other guards, she likes to play with her prey.
  36. >Grabbing a shortsword and your longsword you adopt a stance you have been working on.
  37. >Wielding two weapons isn't something you are comfortable with but you know her weapon of choice are the claws in her front pony shoes.
  38. >they call them pony shoes...
  39. >Nodding you are ready she instant bounds toward trying to go for a low slash at your legs.
  40. >Shifting backwards shes whiffs, doing a little roll past you just bounces back straight toward you trying it again.
  41. >Using your longsword to interrupt the attack, the claws meet sword as you hold her claws in place.
  42. >Throwing out a quick stab with your shortsword she gets her claws free and sprints away before you can land anything.
  43. >Shes much quicker then you but she fails to think ahead as she puts her self in a corner.
  44. >Already closing in on her she knows attempting flight is dangerous so she goes for an attack directed at your chest.
  45. >Between quick bucks and attempted slashes with her claws you are pushed backward.
  46. >You are beginning to regret picking up the sword as her flurry of attacks continue to push you back.
  47. >Your heel touches the wall telling you its time to do something or admit defeat.
  48. >Reaching her hooves up, you drop both weapons as you duck into a tackle bringing her to the ground.
  49. >Using your weight you keep her to the ground as you grab one of her hooves and force it to the side.
  50. >Face to face she leans forward to your ear.
  51. >A soft noise is heard before she whispers.
  52. "But I wanted to be on top." she whines.
  53. >She continues making the sound which causes you to stop.
  54. >Is.... is she purring?
  55. >What th-
  56. >Your thoughts are interrupted as she plants both of her hind hooves on your stomach and pushes. launching you right over her and onto the stone floor.
  57. >Giggling she walks out leaving you rolling around on the stone floor complaining about your back.
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