

Aug 23rd, 2013
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  1. 07:58 *** lurkd joined #farrecon
  2. OOC: #farreconooc | Alt. IC Channel: #redpool | Outpost: #newpittsoutpost | Map of the New Site: | New Room Assignments: | The roof is open, by the way
  3. Topic set by ShockwaveLover on Sat Jul 27 2013 07:19:09 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
  4. 08:29 lurkd Elif is in rec doing some design work in CAD off of her laptop.
  5. 08:30 Gara Loren walks into rec, and takes a seat next to her. "Hey."
  6. 08:30 lurkd "Sup."
  7. 08:30 lurkd "Just working."
  8. 08:32 Gara "What on?"
  9. 08:34 lurkd "Some weapon mounts for some of the vehicles."
  10. 08:34 lurkd "Wanted to get it all drafted before I start fabricating."
  11. 08:35 Gara "Oh, that is a wonderful plan."
  12. 08:35 *** Aphex_ quit (Connection reset by peer)
  13. 08:36 lurkd "Seems that way. Knowing my luck I'll probably hit a snag or two."
  14. 08:37 Gara "Oh, you'll work though them."
  15. 08:37 lurkd " seem awfully cheery today."
  16. 08:37 lurkd Elif smiles.
  17. 08:40 Gara "Yeah, I guess I am."
  18. 08:40 lurkd "Just a good day... or did something cool happen?"
  19. 08:41 Gara "Both."
  20. 08:44 lurkd "Do tell."
  21. 08:44 lurkd *typing* *clicking*
  22. 08:48 Gara "Elif, I like you, and hope you feel that too, if not, well, damn." Loren is the directest.
  23. 08:49 lurkd Elif doesn't look up from her laptop. "Pffft, I like you too. Nothing new there." *typing*
  24. 08:49 Gara "No."
  25. 08:49 Gara "That's not what I meant."
  26. 08:50 lurkd Elif blinks.
  27. 08:51 lurkd She turns her head to Loren and pauses for a long time. "You... like me? In what way?"
  28. 08:51 Gara "Romanticilly." Beat. "I'm not sure that's a word."
  29. 08:52 lurkd "...This is not a trick, right? Just to clarify... because that would be in bad taste especially /right/ now."
  30. 08:52 *** MonkeyBomb joined #farrecon
  31. 08:53 Gara "I know, Elif, I'm occasionally a bitch, but I'm not that bad."
  32. 08:54 lurkd "...I'm sorry... I'm just trying to absorb this."
  33. 08:54 Gara "It's fine."
  34. 08:55 lurkd "Why now? Especially after I told you I'm putting a hold on this sort of thing."
  35. 08:57 Gara "There are a couple of answers to that. First off, because I wanted you to know. Second, I was encouraged pretty strongly."
  36. 08:58 lurkd "How long have you felt like this... and who is encouraging?"
  37. 08:58 Gara "Some time, and Ralph."
  38. 08:58 lurkd Elif is all serious face.
  39. 08:58 lurkd "Some time? A month, two months?
  40. 08:59 lurkd *"
  41. 08:59 Gara "Yes."
  42. 09:00 lurkd "Alright... how does this go from here?"
  43. 09:00 lurkd Elif closes her laptop.
  44. 09:00 Gara "Up to you, I think."
  45. 09:02 lurkd ".......I don't want to lose what we have......"
  46. 09:02 Gara "Neither do I."
  47. 09:03 lurkd "To be honest, I don't know if I feel the same way that you feel for me."
  48. 09:03 Gara "And if you don't, that's fine. I can get over that, and nothing would change."
  49. 09:03 lurkd "But..." She stops herself.
  50. 09:04 lurkd "This is just rather sudden."
  51. 09:04 Gara "I thought it would be better this way then dragging it out or trying to drop hints."
  52. 09:05 lurkd "Yes, thanks for not dragging me through that."
  53. 09:05 Gara "So, sudden had to be the way to go. Sorry."
  54. 09:07 lurkd "This... complicates things. I don't want it to, but it does."
  55. 09:08 Gara "How? We'll work that out, because I don't want it to."
  56. 09:08 lurkd "...I want to work it out... however it works out."
  57. 09:09 lurkd "Just to be clear..."
  58. 09:10 lurkd "I have deep feelings for you as well... though I haven't considered exploring them or even dwelling on them until now."
  59. 09:11 Gara "Why, if I can ask?"
  60. 09:11 lurkd "Why I haven't explored them?"
  61. 09:11 Gara "Yeah."
  62. 09:12 lurkd "I put it out of my mind that such a thing was even an option, and then all the distractions and stress piled on top of that."
  63. 09:13 Gara "Well, it's an option, and I really think the drama is done now."
  64. 09:14 lurkd Elif looks at the table and smiles.
  65. 09:16 *** PresidentEvil joined #farrecon
  66. 09:16 +++ ChanServ has given op to PresidentEvil
  67. 09:16 *** PresidentEvil is now known as Pres
  68. 09:16 Gara "So, then, where does this leave us?"
  69. 09:16 *** Pres is now known as PresidentEvil
  70. 09:16 lurkd "...firstly, who else knows?"
  71. 09:17 Gara "Ralph, and I talked to June to evade drama going in."
  72. 09:17 Gara "Which also means Eriko might know too."
  73. 09:17 *** Jukse quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  74. 09:18 lurkd "Can we just keep this under the radar for a while?"
  75. 09:18 Gara "Yeah, sure, okay.'
  76. 09:19 lurkd Elif tackles Loren in a hug.
  77. 09:19 Gara "Oof!" She laughs.
  78. 09:21 lurkd "Um yeah... so this is me using that option."
  79. 09:21 Gara "I noticed."
  80. 09:22 lurkd "I'm kinda scared though."
  81. 09:23 Gara "Why?"
  82. 09:24 lurkd "Most of these things for me wind up tragically bad."
  83. 09:25 lurkd "But I've only been in three of these situations previously."
  84. 09:26 Gara "I'll do my best. I can't make promises."
  85. 09:26 lurkd "I know... *chuckles* I never knew you were /this/ way."
  86. 09:28 Gara "Surprise?"
  87. 09:29 lurkd "Yeah I am."
  88. 09:29 Gara "So, keeping things quiet, why?"
  89. 09:30 lurkd "I mean after that basketball game, I was convinced you were just totally fucking with me. And... I just like to be discrete if possible... I'm comfortable, but I'm not sure about others. You know I've had traumatic experiences with this before."
  90. 09:32 Gara "There's already an open gay couple, to be fair, and I don't think there have been any blowback."
  91. 09:33 lurkd "I know... I'm just nervous. I don't think I could ever be that open." She sits up.
  92. 09:35 Gara "Alright..."
  93. 09:35 lurkd "Just... It's my weird thing. I don't feel safe enough."
  94. 09:36 Gara "Okay, if that's what you are comfortable with."
  95. 09:38 lurkd "Sorry... silly I know." She nervously scratches her neck.
  96. 09:38 Gara "A little, but it's fine."
  97. 09:40 *** Jukse joined #farrecon
  98. 09:40 lurkd " *ahem* So..."
  99. 09:42 Gara "Where exactly does this leave us?"
  100. 09:43 lurkd "....I think we upgraded?"
  101. 09:43 Gara "Great."
  102. 09:44 lurkd Elif takes a deep breath. "Okay."
  103. 09:46 Gara "I'm glad I did it like this."
  104. 09:48 *** TheRaven joined #farrecon
  105. 09:50 lurkd Elif nods.
  106. 09:51 lurkd "I hate overhead stuff."
  107. 09:51 Gara "Yeah, I figured that would get annoying quick."
  108. 09:53 lurkd "Well... my day is pretty open."
  109. 09:54 Gara "I have some work to do, but not too much."
  110. 09:54 lurkd "What kind of work?"
  111. 09:55 Gara "Espionage work. So paperwork, mostly."
  112. 09:56 lurkd "Very fun."
  113. 09:57 Gara "It is the literally the best thing."
  114. 09:57 lurkd "That sentence... you sure English is your first language."
  115. 09:58 Gara "I was dropped as a child?"
  116. 09:59 lurkd "I was kicked, you don't see me making excuses."
  117. 09:59 Gara "But english /isn't/ your first language."
  118. 09:59 Gara "So you have an excuse."
  119. 10:00 lurkd "You may have just sealed up my argument."
  120. 10:01 Gara "Probably."
  121. 10:04 lurkd "So, I'm going to ask. Why me?"
  122. 10:07 *** Gara quit (Quit: Leaving)
  123. 10:07 *** Gara joined #farrecon
  124. 10:10 Gara "Who else? You're my closest friend on site, have been for a while."
  125. 10:10 *** AgentFlowers joined #farrecon
  126. 10:13 *** Soots quit (Quit: Be right back; going to the moon. )
  127. 10:16 lurkd "Alright. I can dig it."
  128. 10:18 Gara "People who do know probably should get to know an update, because, well, they will start asking."
  129. 10:20 lurkd "Um question... why is it there business and what is there interest?"
  130. 10:20 Gara "It's totally not, but it's something they are going to ask."
  131. 10:20 Gara "And evading the question will only ask for so long."
  132. 10:21 Gara Last
  133. 10:21 Gara Not ask
  134. 10:21 lurkd Elif hesitantly agrees. "...kay..."
  135. 10:23 Gara "It'll be fine. Ralph is a good guy, and if he is a jerk, somehow, Eriko will keep him in line, I'm sure."
  136. 10:27 lurkd "I'm not worried about the people who already know. I'm worried about the ones that don't. Call it neurotic, but I feel like people like me, Steve, and Fish skating on thin ice as is just for being who we are. You don't know what it's like to be discharged just for being you or to what lengths people will go to see to it."
  137. 10:30 Gara "You're right, I don't. If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do."
  138. 10:31 lurkd "Yes please... I've lost my whole family over this and I'm not willing to lose anything else."
  139. 10:33 Gara "Okay, I understand."
  140. 10:34 lurkd "Thanks."
  141. 10:34 *** MonkeyBomb quit (Quit: MonkeyBomb)
  142. 10:37 Gara "Paperwork is going to be so great you don't even know."
  143. 10:37 lurkd "Youlie."
  144. 10:37 lurkd **"You lie."
  145. 10:38 Gara "I /never/ lie and get caught!"
  146. 10:39 lurkd Elif glares at her.
  147. 10:40 lurkd "I will always catch you."
  148. 10:40 Gara She grins.
  149. 10:40 *** Strife joined #farrecon
  150. 10:40 Gara "Sure, Elif. Sure."
  151. 10:40 lurkd "You think not?"
  152. 10:41 Gara "I think you are determined."
  153. 10:43 lurkd "I think I can wear you down."
  154. 10:43 Gara "Neh."
  155. 10:50 Gara "I doubt it."
  156. 10:52 lurkd "I have leverage now."
  157. 10:53 Gara "Oh, what have I done...." She smiles.
  158. 10:55 *** Magnolia joined #farrecon
  159. 10:55 *** Magnobile quit (Connection reset by peer)
  160. 10:57 lurkd "And now you are in a world of shit."
  161. 10:57 Strife Rick is in espionage. "Toner. My one true arch enemy."
  162. 10:57 Gara "Psh, I doubt it."
  163. 10:57 lurkd "I'll keep it tolerable."
  164. 10:58 Gara "I know, course you will."
  165. 11:00 *** Pixeltasim joined #farrecon
  166. 11:04 lurkd "...I think this is situation is going to either keep me firmly planted here or be the cause of a transfer request."
  167. 11:04 Gara "Oh, that would suck."
  168. 11:05 lurkd "Ya think?"
  169. 11:05 Gara "Only sometimes."
  170. 11:05 lurkd "Yup... we're hopeless."
  171. 11:06 Gara "Maybe you are, I'm perfectly hopeful."
  172. 11:07 lurkd "Be hopeful for both of us then."
  173. 11:07 Gara "Happily."
  174. 11:08 lurkd "Why... why are you sooo nice to me... I'll never understand what made me deserve you." She cuckles.
  175. 11:08 lurkd *chuckles
  176. 11:08 Gara "Would you rather I go back to bitchy?"
  177. 11:08 Gara "I can /totally/ do that too."
  178. 11:09 lurkd "Maybe a little for continuity. I'd hate for you to give up your streak."
  179. 11:10 Gara "It'll hard to let go of, I'll be honest."
  180. 11:12 lurkd "Well, don't change on account of me."
  181. 11:12 lurkd "I get along fine with bitchy Loren."
  182. 11:12 lurkd She grins.
  183. 11:14 Gara "I'm sure you'll get over me not being a bitch."
  184. 11:15 lurkd "Why is it always the assertive ones I can't resist?"
  185. 11:15 Gara "Pah ha ha ha ha ha."
  186. 11:16 lurkd "Yes, I'm sure that's /very/ amusing for you."
  187. 11:16 Gara "It is!"
  188. 11:16 lurkd Elif huffs and crosses her arms.
  189. 11:18 Gara "Oh, don't get sullen on me, stop that."
  190. 11:19 lurkd "Alright. So... I'm going to eat. About that time."
  191. 11:24 Gara "And I'm going to have to go to my paperwork so I can fully realize my fun."
  192. 11:24 Gara And she leaves
  193. 11:24 *** Gara quit (Quit: Leaving)
  194. 11:25 lurkd "Well that was also sudden." Elif continues her laptop work.
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