
My Roommate Was a Teenage Superhero - (Re-issue)

Oct 6th, 2016
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  1. >It's an average Saturday night in Manehatten.
  2. >Your roommate, Sunset Shimmer had gone out to see some old friends as she does most nights, you had no work tomorrow, and were free to while away the hours as you please.
  3. >This of course means arguing with random strangers about why their tastes in Vietnamese shadow-puppet theatre were shit.
  4. >Plebs, all of them.
  5. >Just as you were about to post a smug animu girl image to prove your superiority a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass jolts you out of your seat.
  6. "JESUS FUCK!"
  7. >You shout as your ass impacts the floor.
  8. >Getting up slowly your mind jumps to thoughts of what could've caused such a racket.
  9. >A bird certainly wouldn't be able to make that much noise, and you didn't feel any sort of earthquake.
  10. >Wait a minute.
  11. >The fire escape /is/ outside Sunset's room.
  12. >Sweet merciful Jesus! You're being robbed!
  13. >Without hesitation you retrieve your trusty Louisville Slugger from under your bed and rush to your bedroom door.
  14. >The door opens to reveal the living room/kitchen area.
  15. >Taking a quick look around you find nothing out of the ordinary, meaning the burglar must still be in Bacon Head's room.
  16. >With the bat in hand and your back against the wall adjacent to Sunset's door you shuffle closer as quietly as you can.
  17. >Wouldn't want to alert the invader now, would you?
  18. >Placing a hand on the door handle and steeling your nerves for the upcoming encounter with the "Urban youth" on the other side.
  19. "The Emprah protects!"
  20. >In the blink of an eye you throw the door open and flick the lightswitch, bathing the room in the bright light of the incandescent ceiling lamp.
  21. "Culturally enrich this!"
  22. >You shout defiantly as you stride into your roommates bedchamber, baseball bat at the ready.
  23. >...
  24. >Instead of a red-handed teen of the African persuasion you are greeted by something much different.
  25. A broken window, its pieces scattered across the unmade bedspread and the ground, lamp, knocked over and its shade crushed and dented against the wall, and on the floor, amongst the shards of broken window glass is your roommate, Sunset Shimmer, face down, unconscious with a myriad of cuts and wounds adorning her body, all the while clad in blue and red spandex.
  26. >As if your body were on autopilot you drop the bat and scoop Sunset up into your arms.
  27. "Sunset?! Can you hear me?"
  28. >No response, she's out like a light.
  29. >Quickly you rush her to your own room and place her on your safe, not-covered-in-broken-glass bed.
  30. "Fucking hell Sunset! what have you gotten yourself into?"
  31. >Looking over her body the signs of intense combat were obvious.
  32. >Torn fabric, lacerations, fresh bruises, cuts.
  33. >How your holier than thou companion could've gotten into such a state, much less manage to climb the fire escape was behind you.
  34. >Until you noticed the spider adorning the form fitting catsuit she was wearing.
  35. >Now things were starting to make a bit of sense.
  36. >Revelations aside, there were bigger things to worry about.
  37. >Namely Sunset's injuries.
  38. >Faster than you could say "Holy shit my roomie's a superhero!" You take off for the bathroom.
  39. >With speed unrivaled you rifle through the various drawers and cabinets looking for medical supplies.
  40. >Ba*Adhesive medical strips.
  41. >Rubbing alcohol.
  42. >Tweezers.
  43. >Gauze.
  44. >They're not much, but they'll have to do.
  45. >You gather up the items you've found and high-tail it back to Sunset.
  46. >Not wasting any time you open the bottle of alcohol and wet some of the gauze with it.
  47. >As gently as you can you begin to dab at her wounds.
  48. >With each touch sunset groans and whimpers, her face scrunching in pain as the disinfectant bits at her injured flesh.
  49. "Sorry Sunny, this isn't gonna be pleasant."
  50. >You mutter to her, unsure if she was able to hear.
  51. >You just hope you can get her patched up.
  53. >You are Sunset Shimmer.
  54. >Perfectly normal college student/amateur photographer by day.
  55. >Superheroine Spider-Woman by night.
  56. >Perfectly normal probably isn't accurate, considering you're actually a magic horse from another universe, but after all these years you don't really think about that much.
  57. >You are also in a great deal of pain thanks to Kraven.
  58. >All you tried to do was stop a bank robbery, instead you got thrown through a wall, cracked with a whip, and assaulted with a machete.
  59. >It was lucky that you even got out there alive, let alone made it back to your apartment before you collapsed.
  60. >Speaking of collapsing, you were almost certain you had hit the floor after you crashed through your window, but you don't remember the burbur carpet being this soft.
  61. >Or smelling like hotpockets.
  62. >Something is definitely off.
  63. >Slowly your eyes flutter open to give you an excellent view of the ceiling.
  64. >Damn, that's some quality craftsmanship right there.
  65. >Turning your attention downwards onto yourself reveals that your wounds have been hastily cleaned and bandaged, and you've been neatly tucked under the plain black covers.
  66. >Wait, plain black?
  67. >Your bed sheets are red and yellow!
  68. >That means...
  69. >With some difficulty you sit up and glance around the room.
  70. >On the walls are various posters for Korean Renaissance tapestries.
  71. >Foot of the South Moon
  72. >Murder Le Murder
  73. >Argon Revelation Righteousion
  74. >Oh no.
  75. >This is Anonymous' room.
  76. >That means he's the one who bandaged you up.
  77. >That means he knows that you're the Spider-Woman!
  78. >This is not good!
  79. >With a heavy sigh you let yourself fall back onto the bed.
  80. "Stupid stupid stupid!"
  81. >You curse yourself.
  82. "Now Anon's going to get caught up in this."
  83. >This is the last thing you wanted to happen.
  84. *knock knock*
  85. >A gentle knock at the door interrupts your train of thought.
  86. >A second later the door opens and Anon steps into the darkened room carrying a tray full of food.
  88. >You are Anonymous.
  89. >You think you heard Sunset talking to herself, so she must be awake now.
  90. >Probably could use something to eat after all she's been through.
  91. >The contents of the fridge are less than gourmet, but day old pizza is as good as anything right now.
  92. >Quickly you throw the cold pizza onto a plate, pour a glass of water and place them onto a baking sheet to use as a makeshift serving tray.
  93. >As you approach the door to your bedroom you hear Sunset muttering to herself.
  94. >With a gentle rapping, softly tapping upon your chamber door you knock to make your presence known before you twist the doorknob and step inside.
  95. "Morning Bacon Bits, how're you feeling?"
  96. >You say cheerfully as you set the tray down on your computer desk.
  97. >Sunset doesn't say anything, instead she averts her gaze from you and looks down at the bed.
  98. >Her refusal to respond causes you to furrow your brow as you take a seat in your swivel chair.
  99. "You sure took a beating by the looks of you when you came in."
  100. >You say.
  101. "I'm glad to see you're already awake.
  102. >Still nothing.
  103. "I brought you some of the leftover pizza we had in the fridge."
  104. >You move the tray from your desk to the bed and set it down beside her.
  105. "If you want it warmed up I can nuke it for you."
  106. >Sunset shakes her head.
  107. "All right."
  108. >You say with a sigh.
  109. "Just call if you need anything."
  110. >You say as you get up and head for the door.
  111. >"Anon!"
  112. >Sunset addressing you causes you to turn around.
  113. >"You've figured it out, haven't you?"
  114. >She says with a pang of guilt in her voice.
  115. "Well..."
  116. >You begin.
  117. "Between the costume, your injuries, and the news report I saw while I was waiting for you to wake up I think I've got a pretty good idea of the situation."
  118. >Sunset sighs heavily.
  119. "But for all I know I could be wrong, why don't you tell me what's going on?"
  120. >You add.
  121. >Looking at the wall away from you Sunset mumbles something you can't quite hear.
  122. "Come on Bacon Bits, use your big girl voice."
  123. >You tease.
  124. >"I, am Spider-Woman."
  125. >She says defeatedly.
  126. >Just as you figured.
  127. >Pretty obvious at this point really, but you can't stand seeing her so miserable.
  128. "Spider-Woman?!"
  129. >You say with mock surprise.
  130. "I thought you were the man behind the grassy knoll!"
  131. >Sunset giggles for a few seconds in response before giving you a small smile.
  132. >"Thanks Anon. I needed that."
  133. >You smile back as you begin to close the door.
  134. "Get some rest Sunset."
  135. >You reply.
  136. "We can talk more in the morning."
  138. ++++
  140. >Mornings.
  141. >They suck.
  142. >They suck at least 3x harder when you sleep on a couch.
  143. >You are Anon, and you hate mornings.
  144. >With effort far and beyond what it should require you raise yourself from the couch and rub the crust from your eyes.
  145. >It's at this moment that your less than 100% functional brain begins asking the big questions.
  146. >"What is the average flight speed of a laden swallow."
  147. >And.
  148. >"Why the fuck are we sleeping on the couch?"
  149. >Both are excellent quandaries, only one of which you know the answer to.
  150. "Because Sunset is sleeping in our bed brain."
  151. >"Why?"
  152. >Responds your ornery grey matter.
  153. "Because she's actually Spider-Woman and got her clock cleaned last night."
  154. >Your brain ponders this for a moment.
  155. >"Implying that wasn't a dream."
  156. >Rebukes your brain.
  157. >He's got you there.
  158. >Sunset being the city's local heroine?
  159. >That's the biggest load of bologna you've heard in a long time.
  160. >It had to have simply been a leftover pizza and anime fueled dream.
  161. >Right?
  162. >"Fact check that shit nigga."
  163. >Says your brain.
  164. >With a sigh of exasperation you make your way to your bedroom door and place your hand on the knob.
  165. >The DOOR knob.
  166. [spoiler]>Get your minds outta the gutter, come on.[/spoiler]
  167. >Opening the door slowly, you perk inside.
  168. >There's Sunset, lying in your bed in her super suit.
  169. >"Yep."
  170. >Brain says.
  171. >"You were right."
  172. "Damn skippy!"
  173. .
  174. ..
  175. ...
  176. >And that's when it hits you.
  177. >The realization slams into your worldview faster than a locomotive!
  178. >Your roommate is a superhero.
  179. >What.
  180. >The.
  181. >Fuck?!
  183. >Coffee, that's what you need.
  184. >Coffee.
  185. >Lots of black coffee.
  186. >Maybe then you'll be awake enough for this shit.
  188. >You are Sunset Shimmer, and you hardly slept at all.
  189. >Between the full body ache you feel, and the sharp pain in your side from where Kraven nicked you with his machete sleep wasn't exactly on the menu.
  190. >Spider sense wasn't always reliable you guess.
  191. >Should've switched to AT&T when you had the chance.
  192. >Looking out the small window to your left you can see the sun creeping over the Manehatten sky.
  193. >Lurid streaks of orange and pink radiate out over the rooftops of the far off skyscrapers.
  194. >A beautiful sight.
  195. >As you lie beneath the comforter in your ruined spidey-suit the smell of fresh coffee wafts it's way into your nose, drawing you from your torpor.
  196. >Time to get up.
  198. >You are Sergei Kravinoff, big game hunter extraordinaire.
  199. >You are also nemesis to the most valuable prey on earth.
  200. >Spider-Woman.
  201. >She is the only quarry that has repeatedly managed to escape your grasp.
  202. >Somehow she always manages to slip through your fingers and get the best of you.
  203. >Except for last night.
  204. >Last night you had her on the ropes.
  205. >She struggled to avoid each of your attacks, every strike was a step closer to her defeat.
  206. >But alas, just as you were ready to strike the final blow, the police arrived.
  207. >They had distracted you enough for her to escape.
  208. >But escape was all she did.
  209. >You were not bested by her inhuman strength, not restrained by her impossibly strong web.
  210. >No, you were the clear winner, and next time you will take your trophy.
  211. >Sitting in your lavishly decorated sitting room, you sip away at your jungle herb elixir, feeling the strength flow through your muscles, smelling the vibrant scents of each beast whose visage adorned your walls.
  212. >Retrieving a torn and bloodied scrap of fabric from your coat pocket you admire the workmanship put into the tattered garment.
  213. >Red spandex, lined with fine hexagonal plates of a chitinous material, with ridges of flexible plasticized cloth intersecting across the surface.
  214. >Spider-Woman certainly designed her costume for durability and comfort, but that doesn't matter to you.
  215. >What does matter was the blood that stained it.
  216. >The sanguine fluids that carried the taste and scent of your prey.
  217. >Breathing deeply you inhale the odor of your foe.
  218. >Yes.
  219. >You can smell her, taste her!
  220. >Next time you will not fight the Spider-Woman on her terms, no.
  221. >You will take the fight to her doorstep.
  223. >Once again you are Anonymous, master of the coffee pot, lord of all things bitter, black and caffeinated.
  224. >That's a fancy way of saying that you managed to fill the coffee maker without fucking up.
  225. >Hey, the working world lives and dies by that shit, why not revel in your successes from time to time?
  226. >As the heavenly nectar drips down through the filter into the carafe your thoughts drift back to the less than super superhero in the other room.
  227. >She could probably use some breakfast, if she's awake that is.
  228. >Not to mention that you're feeling a tad peckish yourself.
  229. >That settles it.
  230. >You're making pancakes!
  231. >Opening the fridge door you reach for the milk jug and the egg carton.
  232. >Strange.
  233. >Eggs are usually heavier than this.
  234. >You pop open the carton and discover, lo and behold that you have no eggs.
  235. "Fuck."
  236. >Is all you can muster.
  237. "At least we've got milk."
  238. >You say as you look at the half full jug in your hand.
  239. >Best before; last week asshole.
  240. >That settles it.
  241. >McDonald's is making you pancakes.
  243. >One brief trip to the nearby McDick's later and you're loaded with piping hot pancakes.
  244. >Truth be told, they're probably better than the ones you would've made.
  245. >Fumbling with your key fob for a moment you find the correct one and open the door to your apartment.
  246. >"Morning 'non."
  247. >Comes Sunset's voice, albeit significantly more haggard than her usual cheery self.
  248. >Looking towards the sound reveals Ms. Shimmer seated at the kitchen table, no longer wearing her ruined costume.
  249. "Good to see you up and about."
  250. >You say.
  251. "Feeling better I take it?
  252. >Sunset shakes her head.
  253. >"Not really, I'd just feel awful if I spent all day making you look after me."
  254. >She smiles lightly.
  255. >"I'm a big girl now after all."
  256. "Fair enough."
  257. >Is your response.
  258. >Placing the paper bag in your hand down on the table you pull up your own chair.
  259. "I picked up some grub, figured something sweet would help perk you up."
  260. >Sunset smiles.
  261. >"Pancakes?"
  262. >Asks the injured heroine before you.
  263. "You know it."
  264. >You reply as you pull the styrofoam serving trays out of the bag and set them down on the table
  265. "Dig in Shim-Sham, it's not gonna stay hot forever."
  267. >You are now Kingpin.
  268. >The big bad Mother-Hubbard of this city's organized crime scene, and you are ecstatic.
  269. >Not only did your diversionary bank robbery distract that meddling Spider-Woman from stopping your goon squad nabbing some very important military equipment down by the marina last night, but she also got her sorry ass beaten by Kraven the Hunter.
  270. >He hadn't even been a part of your plan.
  271. >He showed up of his own accord.
  272. >No matter, his appearance still help advance your goals.
  273. >Maybe you should send him a thank-you note.
  274. >As if!
  275. >But on the topic of an injured Spider-Woman...
  276. >This could be your chance to get rid of the worrysome webslinger once and for all.
  277. >No more hang-ups in your schedule, no more interrupted deliveries to your clients.
  278. >Just you, and complete control of Manehatten.
  279. >Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea.
  280. >Smiling wretchedly you lift your desk phone from its cradle and dial the number of a very special "acquaintance".
  281. >The phone rings once.
  282. >Twice.
  283. >Three times before you hear the other end pick up.
  284. >"Hello?"
  285. >Says a voice like nails on a chalkboard.
  286. >It's him all right.
  287. "Good morning Mr. Wilson."
  288. >You say loudly.
  289. "I have a job for you."
  291. >You are the Spectacular Spider-Shim, and you are in love with these pancakes.
  292. >Perhaps it's because you're hungry, or because you haven't had time for a decent breakfast recently, but either way they're exactly what you needed.
  293. >Across from you sits Anon, preoccupied by his own plate of golden-brown deliciousness.
  294. >The two of you eat in near silence.
  295. >The only real sounds being the ear piercing shriek of plastic cutlery against the polystyrene plates, and the smacking of lips in between mouthfuls.
  296. >Honestly it's nice to be able to sit down and share breakfast for once.
  297. >Between school, work, and time spent prowling the city for troublemakers you don't have as much time in your schedule as you'd like.
  298. >Most mornings you get up too late to have an actual meal so you end up starting your day with little more than a breakfast bar and some orange juice.
  299. >"So..."
  300. >Anon is the first to break the silence.
  301. >It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's on his mind.
  302. >"About last night."
  303. He says, the trepidation in his voice is obvious.
  304. >"I'm not going to ask how you got your powers, because it's probably scientifically impossible."
  305. >To be fair, he's not wrong.
  306. >Radioactive spider bites should give you cancer, not superpowers.
  307. >Not that you're complaining mind you.
  308. >"What I want to know is why?"
  309. "Why?"
  310. >"Yeah. why do you do this?"
  311. >He asks plainly.
  312. >What possesses you to dress up in coloured underwear and swing around the city roughing up crooks all night long?"
  313. >You look away and sigh.
  314. >There's the question you dreaded most.
  315. >Not because it was a hard question, no, you dread it because it is far too easy for you to answer.
  316. >You take a deep breath in as all the memories come flooding back.
  317. >Your time at CHS, Twilight and the others, Celestia, your home, Equestria.
  318. >It's all coming back.
  319. "It's a long story."
  320. >Your voice is low and you can feel the guilt rise up in your chest.
  321. >"If you don't want to tell me... It's fine."
  322. >Anon says.
  323. "No."
  324. >You reply.
  325. "It's just..."
  326. >Deep breaths Sunset.
  327. "When I was a little fi- Girl, I had a mentor."
  328. >You begin.
  329. "One of the first things she told me was that 'With great power, comes great responsibility.'"
  330. >Another deep breath.
  331. "Somewhere along the line I forgot about that, and I did a lot of things I'm not proud of."
  332. >Anon's face softens from determined curiosity to genuine concern.
  333. "In highschool I was the worst person you could imagine, I lied, I manipulated people, all for my own gain."
  334. >"Sunset, I..."
  335. "It wasn't until someone else who knew my mentor reminded me what she had said that I realized what I had become."
  336. >As you continue your recollection of the darkest days of your life you can feel the tears fighting to free themselves.
  337. "When I got these powers I... All I could think of was what she said to me."
  338. >The tears start to leak down your face.
  339. >Anon reaches across the table and rests his hand on your forearm.
  340. >"Sunset, it's okay."
  341. "No, it's not."
  342. >The words sound more like sobs than proper speech.
  343. "I finally had the power to help others, not just tear them down."
  344. >You clench the tablecloth in your hands tightly.
  345. "It's my responsibility to help this city now, so I can make up for what I did, for what I tried to do."
  346. >Anonymous gets up from his seat and wraps you up in a hug.
  347. >"Why didn't you tell me?"
  348. >He whispers quietly as he holds you.
  349. "I-I didn't want you to get c-caught up in t-this."
  350. >You say as you bury your face into his shoulder.
  351. "I p-planned to move out when I first became the Spider-W-woman so if anyone out who I was, they wouldn't end up hurting you by g-going after m-me."
  352. >Anon squeezes you gently.
  353. >"Good thing you didn't."
  354. >He says with a hint of mirth in his voice.
  355. >"I wouldn't have been there to patch you up last night."
  356. >Anonymous pulls away from you and gives you a smile.
  357. >"Then how would you protect Manehatten?"
  358. >His smile proves infectious and you can't help but smile back.
  359. "Thanks for that, the first aid I mean..."
  360. >"Don't mention it."
  361. >He says as he pats your head.
  362. >"You pay half the rent, if I let something happen to you I'd be homeless in a heartbeat."
  363. >Despite the circumstances Anon's half-joke compels you to laugh.
  364. >A second later he joins in, and you both share a hearty bout of guffaws and giggles.
  365. "Thanks Anon... For everything."
  366. >"Anytime Bacon Bits."
  367. >With that Anonymous releases you and returns to his seat at the table.
  368. >"Now."
  369. >He begins.
  370. >"How about we finish these pancakes before they go soggy?"
  372. >You are "Mr. Wilson" and you have just been given a very big task.
  373. >Find and kill the Spider-Woman.
  374. >It's not the kill part that's hard, it's the find.
  375. >Secret identities are secret for a reason.
  376. >But for the kind of dosh that Kingpin was offering you were more than willing to go to any length to find her, even of it means checking the wardrobe of everywoman in Manehatten.
  377. >Hey, best case you find Spider-Woman, worst case you add some more panties to your collection.
  378. >Speaking of which, you wonder what kind of underwear the web-slinging wench wears.
  379. >With hips like hers, they've gotta be those high waisted hip-huggers.
  380. >Damn, that's a hot mental image you've painted for yourself.
  381. >File that one under "U" for "UNF!"
  382. >You'll come back to that later, for now you've got to get ready to canvas the city.
  383. >Pistols?
  384. >Check.
  385. >Katanas?
  386. >Check.
  387. >Deep emotional scarring from years of parental neglect and abuse?
  388. >Double check.
  389. >Que stylish Bodyslide to outside of your apartment
  390. >Watch out world, Wade Wilson is on a mission!
  392. >You are Anonymous P. Oster.
  393. >After your little heart to heart with Sunset you figured it'd be good to get her mind off of Superheroing for a while.
  394. >In your infinite wisdom you decided that the best way to do so would be to introduce her to the magic of Chinese cartoons.
  395. >Which is why you and Sunset are sharing the worn-out sofa while watching JoJo.
  396. >"How many breads have you eaten in your life?"
  397. >Asks the blonde bastard on screen
  398. >"YOU MONSTER!"
  399. >Shouts Sunset.
  400. >Seems shes a lot more interested than you expected.
  401. >It's kind of cute actually.
  402. >"They beat Dio, right Anon?"
  403. "Eventually."
  404. >You say with a smirk.
  405. >Poor girl doesn't know what she's getting into.
  406. >You hope she isn't too attached to Jonathan.
  407. >Suddenly you feel a rumbling in the pit of your stomach.
  408. >Your hunger senses are tingling!
  409. >Like a black man at an Air Jordans sale you rush to the kitchen and open the cupboard.
  410. >Wow! It's fucking nothing!
  411. >Come to think of if, it was your turn to pick up groceries this week.
  412. >Probably should've done that earlier.
  413. "Hey Sunset?"
  414. >"Yeah?"
  415. "We're out of food, I'm gonna go pick up some groceries, do you want anything?"
  416. >You inquire.
  417. >"Meh."
  418. >Is her reply.
  419. >Women, amirite?
  420. >With a shrug you grab your keys and wallet and head for the door, leaving Sunset to continue the JoJo marathon on her own.
  422. >You are Kraven the Hunter, and you are on the prowl for your prey.
  423. >Spider-Woman.
  424. >After the vicious beating you have gave her it's unlikely she'll be in action, but that gives you plenty of opportunity to scope out the locations she's commonly seen, and plan your attack.
  425. >Even if she shows her masked face, she'll already be at your mercy in her weakened state.
  426. >Either way you'll have the upper hand.
  427. >Leaping from rooftop to rooftop you survey the area, searching for a suitable ambush location near the Web-Slinger's most common haunts.
  428. >Someplace without tall building nearby to hinder her ability to swing away, yet claustrophobic enough to entrap her so she can't simply flee on foot or by climbing the walls...
  429. >Wait.
  430. >That smell...
  431. >It's her!
  432. >The Spider-Woman!
  433. >She's nearby, but where?
  434. >You inhale deeply.
  435. >Below you, on the street.
  436. >With unparalleled swiftness you leap from ledge to ledge, making your way down the building into the busy street below.
  437. >Pedestrians scatter at your arrival, enough recognize you and either flee or simply back away and shield themselves with their arms.
  438. >They have no need to fear you, your only goal is defeating Spider-Woman.
  439. >Wordlessly you shove aside a few bystanders as you follow the scent of your quarry.
  440. >Your legs carry you down the sidewalk at a blistering pace as you smell out the soon-to-be-dead superhero.
  441. >With each step you take the scent grows stronger.
  442. >You're so close, you can almost taste your victory.
  443. >With a burst of speed you jump above a crowd of civilians and land in the middle of an open-air market, much to the surprise of those present.
  444. >Yes, you can smell the Spider-Woman, she is close.
  445. "Which of you is the Spider-Woman?!"
  446. >You loudly demand.
  447. >There's no response, everyone present is either terrified or shocked at your sudden arrival.
  448. >Again you bellow in your deep, menacing voice.
  449. "Where is the Spider-Woman?!"
  450. >You scan the crowd.
  451. "I know she is near! I can smell her."
  452. >Still no response.
  453. "Fine, if you will not give yourself up willingly, then I will smell you out myself!"
  454. >Brandishing a bolas in your hand you address the crowd of frightened onlookers.
  455. "If anyone runs, you will not get far."
  456. >You take a deep breath, focusing your nasal acumen onto the scent of the spinneret bound superhero.
  457. >Without hesitation you follow the odour through the crowd, pausing only momentarily to take another whiff of the Spider.
  458. >Closer.
  459. >Closer.
  460. >Closer.
  461. >Finally you stand before the source of the olfactory emission.
  462. >You've found who you're looking for.
  464. >Oh sweet fucking motherfucking fuck.
  465. >You're Anon again, and you're in some seriously deep shit.
  466. >All you were trying to do was buy some groceries.
  467. >Instead that whacko with a Russian accent and leopard print pants that beat sunset's ass last night showed up searching for her.
  468. >That wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for one thing.
  469. >He can track her by scent, and you live with her.
  470. >There's no way you don't smell like Spider-Woman to him right now.
  471. >Oh god!
  472. >He's coming this way.
  473. >Maybe if you just stand still he won't notice you.
  474. >He's getting closer.
  475. >Closer.
  476. >Wait...
  477. >He's stopped.
  478. >Maybe he's giving up?
  479. >Yes! He's looking away.
  480. >You're safe!
  481. >You're home free!
  482. >You're...
  483. >Absolutely fucked, he's looking right at you.
  484. >Calmly the muscular villain approaches, each of his steps sends a new wave of terror through you.
  485. >Reflexively you clench your eyes, and ass tightly in preparation for what's to come.
  486. >Any second now.
  487. >Nothing happens.
  488. >Cautiously you open your eyes, spurred on by a small glimmer of hope that he had moved on.
  489. >Unfortunately [spoiler]UUUU[/spoiler], the big guy was right in front of you, arms folded as he stated into your eyes.
  490. >"Privet Tovarische."
  491. >You can feel the hostility drip from each word.
  492. >"You bear the scent of the Spider-Woman."
  493. >His every word is cloaked in the thick, imposing, drawl of a Slavonic tongue.
  494. >"But as one can clearly see, you are not her."
  495. >The hulking beast of a man sneers at you.
  496. >"So, I can only assume you know where she is."
  497. >You swallow hard, as the super villain stares at you expectantly.
  498. >"I would like it very much if you were to tell me where she is."
  499. >Well shit.
  500. >You can't exactly say no to a 300 pound slab of muscle.
  501. >But there's no chance in hell that you're going to drag him back to your apartment so he can kill your roommate.
  502. >The landlord would have a conniption fit!
  503. >That, and Sunset's your friend.
  504. >Getting each other killed isn't something friends do.
  505. >With no other options available you're forced to take action.
  506. "Spider-Woman is..."
  507. >Kraven leans forward slightly, eager to hear your answer.
  508. "OVER THRE!"
  509. >Pointing over Kraven's shoulder as you shout distracts the soviet spider hunter long enough for you to turn and peel out into the street, running as fast as you can.
  510. >Somewhere across the vastness of space a cosmic entity acknowledges your struggle.
  511. >"Gotta go fast." Faintly echoes through the void as you flee.
  513. >You are Deadpool.
  514. "I know that already, why are you telling me this?"
  515. >I'm not telling you, I'm telling the audience.
  516. "Why are you telling the audience that they're me? Is this some weird Freudian thing?"
  517. >What? No. This is a 2nd person greentext story on a Japanese image board dedicated to discussing a cartoon for little girls. It's supposed to be like that.
  518. "That's sad. What kind of weirdo reads this drivel?"
  519. >This particular story? Maybe 2-3 people at best.
  520. "They need help."
  521. >And I need you to shut up and let me finish without anymore interruptions.
  522. "No promises."
  523. >I'll take what I can get.
  524. >Now, as I was saying...
  526. >You are Deadpool, and you're on a job for Kingpin.
  527. >Bring him Spider-Woman, dead or alive.
  528. >To be honest, dead is probably your best option.
  529. >Trying to take someone with super strength hostage is easier said than done.
  530. >It'd be a crime to kill someone with those hips though.
  531. "In all fairness, assault, battery, and murder are crimes on their own, regardless of 'DEM HIPS.'"
  532. >Thanks for the tip.
  533. >Standing atop one of the many near identical apartment buildings that make up most of Manehatten, you keep vigil for something, anything that could help you find Spider-Woman.
  534. >That's when you hear the sounds of women shrieking, men yelling, and above it all, someone incessantly repeating the words 'Jesus fuck.'
  535. "Well isn't that convenient."
  536. >You say as you turn towards the sounds of commotion.
  537. "Sounds like it's about a block away."
  538. >You state flatly to yourself.
  539. "And judging by how hectic it sounds, Spider-Woman's got to be on her way."
  540. >Beneath your mask you smile widely.
  541. "Show time!"
  543. >You are Anon again, and you're up shit creek without a paddle.
  544. >Tired, on the run from a crazy Russian man,your legs are aching from the continued sprinting you've been doing, and you don't even have the groceries you were supposed to get.
  545. >What a bunch of bullshit.
  546. >To be fair, trying to outrun Kraven the Hunter wasn't one of your brighter ideas.
  547. >Still better than the alternative you guess.
  548. >As your feet pound against the pavement to carry you away from your assailant you duck and weave through the people walking along the sidewalk, occasionally shoving the people you can't avoid in time.
  549. >"Hey! Watch it!"
  550. "Sorry!"
  551. >"Fuck you too buddy!"
  552. "I'm sorry!"
  553. >"Where's the fire?"
  554. "Behind me!"
  555. >Continuing to run, stumble and crash through the crowds of Manehatten the only vindication you get for your turbulent passage through the city streets is the sound of once angry citizens yelling out in fear as Kraven powers through them to catch up to you.
  556. >A cursory glance behind you reveals that he's gaining on you, drawing closer as your fatigued legs begin to give in to the steady build up of lactic acid.
  557. "Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck!"
  558. >You yell as you fight to keep moving.
  559. >Just ahead you see an alleyway between two buildings.
  560. >Desperate to escape your pursuer, and eager to rest your legs you sprint as fast as possible through a large group of bystanders and continue on towards the alley.
  561. >As you approach the alleyway again you glance behind you and see that Kraven is still hidden within the crowds.
  562. >Feeling somewhat relieved you whip around the corner and pump your feet as fast as your tired muscles will allow as and carry yourself down the narrow passage until you come to a stop next to a garbage bin.
  563. >Finally able to stop, you double over and take deep breaths, each burning against your throat and lungs after the uncharacteristic exertion you just underwent.
  564. >After a few seconds your legs give out and you slump to the ground and lean against the trashbin as you continue to breath your ragged heavy breaths.
  565. >At least you're safe now, sitting in the relative quiet of the alley.
  566. >Several minutes of rest later you rise to your feet, your legs shaking as you do.
  567. >No doubt about it, you're gonna feel that in the morning.
  568. >Cautiously you make your way towards the street, half expecting the crazed hunter to attack you at any moment.
  569. >With great apprehension you poke your head out into the street and look around.
  570. >No sign of Kraven, just regular people going about their day.
  571. >Home free!
  572. >*clack*
  573. >The sound of something hitting the ground behind you prompts you to quickly look back into the alleyway.
  574. >glancing about to find the cause of the noise yields nothing, and you relax.
  575. >Most likely it was just a piece of stone knocked loose from the buildings.
  576. >Satisfied in your safety you turn to face the street once more, only to be face to chest with a certain man in a lion pelt vest.
  577. >"You didn't answer my question Tovarisch."
  578. >Reflexively you stumble backwards in shock at his sudden appearance and fall to the ground.
  579. >"So I will ask you again."
  580. >He says in his menacing accented voice as he advances towards you.
  581. >Each word punctuated by the sound his heavy footsteps against the asphalt and concrete.
  582. >"Where."
  583. >*step*
  584. >"Is."
  585. >*Step*
  586. >"Spider-Woman?"
  587. >On his final step he slams his foot hard against the ground mere centimetres from your groin as he leers down at you, the desire visible in his eyes, the action itself makes you flinch out of instinct and you scuttle back a foot or so to put some space between you.
  588. >"Well?!"
  589. >Kraven barks.
  590. "I-I don't know where she is!"
  591. >You lie, unable to muster the conviction to deliver the falsehood convincingly.
  592. "I've never even seen her outside of TV and newspaper articles!"
  593. >Kraven's face contorts to one of anger.
  594. >Between the obvious scent you carry, the attempt at escape, and the lack of conviction in your voice your words fail to persuade the villain to relent.
  595. >"Really?"
  596. >Inquires the beast of a man.
  597. "Really!"
  598. >You respond.
  599. >Kraven leers at you, it's plain as day that he's called your bluff.
  600. >"Funny, because you do not seem to be being truthful to me."
  601. >He says as crouches down in front of you.
  602. >"You look like you're a liar."
  603. >He gestures to you and the swear beading on your forehead.
  604. >"You sound like you're a liar."
  605. >Kraven says while pointing to your mouth.
  606. >"You feel like a liar."
  607. >Reaching out Kraven's rough fingers run briskly over your forearm, the clammy sweat obviously dampening his fingertips.
  608. >With a deep inhale the great hunter stares you in the face.
  609. >"You smell like a liar."
  610. >No doubt a reference to the transient smell of sharing an apartment with Sunset.
  611. >"And lastly..."
  612. >Kraven leans close to you, his forceful breaths blow across your face as he extends his tongue and gently likes your cheek.
  613. >"This taste..."
  614. >He says.
  615. >"It is the taste of a liar!"
  616. >Without warning the heinous hunter grabs you by the scruff of your neck and lurches to his feet, lifting you off the ground and holding you aloft.
  617. >"Tell me where she is little man!"
  618. >He roars.
  619. >"I will not let her escape me again, even if I must take you as bait for her!"
  620. >Fear grips you tighter than a neckbeard grips his dakimakura while crying himself to sleep.
  621. >'Become live bait' wasn't exactly high up on your list of things to do.
  622. >Fortunately for you, things are interrupted by a voice best described as 'Gargling pea gravel and burning napalm'.
  623. >"Hey leopard print! Shaka Zulu wants his clothes back!"
  624. >ThisTriggersTheKraven.jpg
  625. >Still hoisting you by the collar of your shirt, Kraven turns to face the source of the intruding voice, disdain worn plainly across his face.
  626. >Turning your attention to the reciever of the hunter's stare reveals a well built man clad in black and red spendex with assorted weapons strapped to his limbs.
  627. >"What are you doing here Deadpool?"
  628. >Demands your captor.
  629. >The masked mercenary shrugs.
  630. >"Oh you know,"
  631. >He says nonchalantly.
  632. >"I was in the neighborhood and felt like saying hi."
  633. >Despite the opaque mask you swear that you see the smug grin plastered across his face.
  634. >Kraven however, is not amused.
  635. >"Youve said your hello mercenary, now take your leave."
  636. >Deadpool chuckles quietly and shakes his head.
  637. >"Sure thing buddy, you two just keep having your fun back here, I'll be on my way."
  638. >With a wink and brisk wave Deadpool strides back out into the street and disappears from view, leaving you alone with Kraven once again.
  639. >"Now, where were we?" Growls the hunter.
  640. >"Ah yes, you were about to tell me where the Spider-Woman is."
  641. >The venom in his voice burns at what vestiges of bravado lurked in your mind.
  642. >Looks like you're doomed.
  643. >Only a miracle could save you now.
  644. >"DYNAMIC ENTRY!"
  645. >Without a chance to react a red boot flies in from behind and connects with Kraven's skull, his grip on your shirt relaxes and you drop to the ground, no longer restrained by the brutish strength of the Slavic spider-slayer.
  646. >Quickly you spring to your feet and shake yourself off.
  647. >Looking up at your saviour gives you a good look at Deadpool, now standing triumphantly on the shoulders of the unconscious cretin.
  648. >"Tah-Daaaah!"
  649. >Exclaims the mercenary as he throws out jazz hands.
  650. >"Whaddya think kiddo? Pretty sweet huh?"
  651. "Y-yeah."
  652. >You stammer.
  653. "Thanks."
  654. >"Don't mention it."
  655. >Replies the crimson contract killer as he hops off of Kraven's back and onto the concrete surface of the alley floor.
  656. >Kraven grunts and begins to stir, the kick to his cranium clearly not enough to keep him down.
  657. >Swiftly Deadpool crouches next to the villain, lifts his head a few inches, and promptly slams his forehead against the cold grey ground.
  658. >"Sleep tight, preferably not as tight as your pants."
  659. >Deadpool visibly recoils.
  660. >"Seriously, tight pants on guys are bad, leopard print just makes it worse."
  661. >Springing to his feet the masked man faces you once again and extends his hand.
  662. >"Nice to meet ya kid, the name's Pool, Deadpool. How 'bout you?"
  663. >Apprehensively you shake hands with your saviour.
  664. "Anonymous."
  665. >"Ahh, keeping things on the DL, I get ya. Don't want to be giving your name out around a freakshow like the Slavic shitknocker huh?"
  666. >He says as he nods towards the unconscious Kraven, still shaking your hand awkwardly.
  667. "No, Anonymous is my name."
  668. >You explain.
  669. >Deadpool's mask contorts with his facial expression to show a facsimile of his bemusement.
  670. >"Ah, so your parents hated you, I know the feeling. Anyhow, pleased to meet you!"
  671. ...
  672. ....
  673. >Seconds pass in silence, your hand still held in his firm grip as he works it up and down, up and down.
  674. >What was once an awkwardly long handshake has now grown into an uncomfortably long one.
  675. >Your attempts to break free are met with a tightening of Deadpool's grip, and an increase in the speed at which he pumps your arm.
  676. >Growing more irritated, and somewhat concerned with each passing second you open your mouth to object.
  677. >Only for your arm to be pulled downwards roughly and Deadpool's knee to drive itself hard into your face.
  678. >CaptainFalconKnee.gif
  679. >With all the grace of a paraplegic giraffe you stagger backwards and collapse onto the ground, painfully striking your head against the concrete.
  680. >As your vision begins to fade you hear the scratchy, irksome voice of the masked mercenary talking to himself.
  681. >"Show me ya moves!"
  682. >And with that the world goes dark.
  684. >Pain.
  685. >Intense, constant, pain.
  686. >That's what you're feeling right now.
  687. >In your head mostly, but your legs are feeling it too.
  688. >As much as you'd like to sleep off whatever was ailing you, the little voice in the back of your head was telling you open your eyes and get up.
  689. >Realizing that that's sound advice you slowly open your eyes and force yourself to sit upright.
  690. >Nothing.
  691. >Well, nothing you can see at least.
  692. >Wherever you are it's pitch black, no light of any kind.
  693. >Just inky darkness all around.
  694. >Instinctively you call out.
  695. "Hello!?"
  696. >"Howdy!"
  697. >Is the reply you get as a 140 watt incandescent bulb flashes to life directly at your face, casting a blinding white light into your eyes.
  698. >"It's a good thing you're awake! My ass was getting sore from sitting in this chair so long."
  699. >As your bleary mind tries to process everything that's happening a certain red and black suited man steps into the blinding cone of light.
  700. >"Now I know what you're thinking."
  701. >Announces Deadpool.
  702. >"Mr. Pool, where am I, why am I here, why did you knee me in the face?"
  703. >With each phrase he strikes an over exaggerated thinking pose.
  704. >"Those are all good questions, only two of which I'm actually going to answer."
  705. >The mercenary roughly plants his boot on your chest and forces you back against the floor as he applies he weight.
  706. >"Because I felt like it, and because you have information that is very VERY important to me and my 'Deadpool wants lobster dinner' fund.
  707. >More force is applied to your sternum.
  708. >"You see, Kingpin is willing to pay me a great deal of cold, hard cash if I can bring Spider-Woman in dead or alive."
  709. >He says as he twists the sole of his boot against your flesh.
  710. >"I know that Kraven isn't stupid enough to be chasing some random shmuck and accuse him of knowing where Spider-Woman is for no reason. Clearly you know /something/, or I wouldn't have had to save you from him."
  711. >The weight on your rib cage increases further, reducing your breathing to shallow huffs.
  712. >"Now I was watching your little exchange with Squats McSlavshit so I know you weren't willing to talk for him, however! Kraven doesn't like hurting people unnecessarily."
  713. >Deadpool pushes his masked face mere centimetres from yours and smiles widely beneath the form fitting fabric.
  714. >"I do."
  715. >He says, voice barely above a whisper.
  716. >Standing up Deadpool removes his foot from your chest and stares down at you.
  717. >"So how's it gonna be kid, the easy way, or the fun way?"
  718. >As you breath heavily to replace the air that was squeezed out of your lungs you struggle to sit upright again.
  719. >"Tick-tock bucko! Gimme an answer or I'll decide for you."
  720. >Heaving for breath you start to speak your answer..."
  722. >Only for your phone to start ringing in your back pocket.
  723. >Your captor calmly bends down, reaches into your jeans and withdraws your [nondescript smartphone] and stares at the screen for a second before answering it.
  724. >"Hellooooo!"
  726. >You are Sunset Shimmer, and you are on the verge of tears.
  727. >Fuck Anonymous for convincing you to watch his stupid Cambodian Claymation videos.
  728. >"Fare... Well..."
  729. "No no no!"
  730. >"...Erina."
  731. "No!"
  732. >The fiery explosion on the TV screen blankets the room in a yellow glow, as you stare intently at the scene unfolding before you.
  733. "It can't end like this!"
  734. >"Let me go, JoJo!"
  735. >Hisses the severed head on screen, and your face instantly scowls.
  736. "SHUT UP DIO!"
  737. >You yell as you bite down on your fingernails.
  738. >Heedless to your shouts the episode continues uninterrupted.
  739. >"Let me go! Think about it! I can heal you! You can live forever with Erina! JoJo!"
  740. >You're on the edge of your seat as the animated flames continue to engulf the ship as the two characters on screen are surrounded by the red and orange lights of the burning vessel.
  741. >You can feel your heart rending with each passing second.
  742. >"JOJO!"
  743. >Shrieks the disembodied cranium.
  744. >Dio receives no answer.
  745. >"He's... He's..."
  746. "Don't say it. For the love of Celestia! Don't say it!"
  747. >"Dead."
  748. >With those final words your emotions are pushed over the edge and the tears begin to pour forth from your eyes, obscuring the tv screen.
  749. >You can hear sounds and words in a foreign tongue, but the actual scenes and subtitles are hidden behind the blurry mask of tears.
  750. >The remaining few minutes of the episode run their course, but once they finish you simply turn the television off and lie on the couch as you come to terms with what you just watched.
  751. "Too pure for this world."
  752. >You mutter to yourself after your tears had dried.
  753. "I'm never letting Anon convince to watch these shows again..."
  754. >Speaking of Anonymous, didn't he step out to buy some groceries almost two hours ago?
  755. >You figure it'd be a good idea to call him and see what's keeping him so long, you're getting hungry after all.
  756. >Reaching into your pocket and pulling out your [nondescript smartphone] you navigate through your contacts and highlight Anon's name and hit "call".
  757. >one ring...
  758. >Two rings...
  759. >Three rings...
  760. >Four rings...
  761. *Click*
  762. >You hear the telltale sound of the call being answered and someone on the other end.
  763. >But the voice you hear is most definitely not Anon's.
  764. >It's a hoarse, grating voice that automatically gets on your nerves, as well as strike fear into you.
  765. >"Hellooooo!"
  766. >You know exactly who it is.
  767. >Deadpool.
  768. >You nearly drop your phone in shock, but manage to catch it as Wade's wretched voice continues speaking.
  769. >"Anonymous can't come to the phone right now, he's.... /Busy/."
  770. >Through the speaker you can hear the sound of a hard impact and Anon crying out in pain.
  771. >"But he'll call you back later. Toodle-loo!"
  772. *Click*
  773. >The audio cuts out and the call ends.
  774. >You let your phone fall out of your hand as your eyes widen in shock and horror at the realization that Anon is in danger.
  775. >Without hesitation you scramble to your bedroom, and pull open the closet door.
  776. >Ignoring the horrendous pain in your aching muscles you get on your hands and knees and reach into the far right corner, retrieving a small cardboard box.
  777. >Reaching inside you withdraw your spare spidey-suit.
  778. >Practically identical to your regular one, just without the webbing in the underarms.
  779. >Or a fuckton of holes and cuts.
  780. >Mental note: invest in Kevlar.
  781. >You sling the spandex over your shoulder and head to Anon's room to grab your web gauntlets.
  782. >No bruises, cuts, fractures or other wounds are going to stop you now.
  783. >Come hell or high water, you've got to save your roomie!
  785. >Your head throbs as you heave yourself up from the dark concrete ground.
  786. >You curse yourself for not expecting more from Deadpool.
  790. >You gasp violently for breath as Deadpool withdraws his crimson boot from your stomach.
  791. >"Don't you know it's rude to make noise when someone's on the phone!?"
  792. >He shouts as you writhe in agony.
  793. >"Kids these days, no respect, no respect I tell ya!"
  794. >you continue your gasping and heaving for a few moment before you feel yourself being pulled upwards by the scruff of your neck.
  795. >"On your feet bucko!"
  796. >Says your ornery captor as he stands you up.
  797. >"Now I think I've made my point clear, so just tell me where Spider-Woman is and you'll leave with more than half your ribs intact."
  798. >As much as you don't want to get Sunset in trouble, not being hospitalized is also a big priority.
  799. >Neither of your available options are very good.
  800. >Guess you gotta go with Door number 3.
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