
Endtown RPG Session #17

Dec 13th, 2015
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  1. [11:53] == GM_anon [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  2. [11:53] <GM_anon> Hey everybody!
  3. [11:54] <Suule> Hey
  4. [11:54] <Manalisha_Walker> Hey there!
  5. [11:54] <Maels> Hey GM. Sorry about not being here last time.
  6. [11:54] <GM_anon> That's fine, the important part is that you didn't die or anything.
  7. [11:54] * Maels nods.
  8. [11:55] == Martin_Baron [] has joined #endtownrpg
  9. [11:57] <Martin_Baron> Hey y'all. I'm on my phone so I can't see who's here, and I might disconnect here and there. But I'll try to pitch in every now and then.
  10. [11:57] <Box-O-Rocks> Aight
  11. [12:04] <Martin_Baron> (I hope my phone's not missing any messages. Isn't the game supposed to start now?)
  12. [12:04] <Box-O-Rocks> Soon I think
  13. [12:04] <GM_anon> Sorry, last minute edits.
  14. [12:05] <Martin_Baron> Ok, just making sure my connection is only sending and stopped receiving.
  15. [12:05] <Martin_Baron> *isn't
  16. [12:05] <GM_anon> Okay, I'll remember to save the log this time. With that is everyone ready?
  17. [12:06] <GreenStripes> ok, now its my turn to announce that i'll have to leave sooner today
  18. [12:06] <GM_anon> Cool.
  19. [12:06] == GreenStripes has changed nick to Simon_Michaels
  20. [12:06] <Simon_Michaels> in about 2 hours
  21. [12:06] <Martin_Baron> As ready as I can be. And thanks, e-mail it to me aftetwards and I'll put it with the others for convenience sake.
  22. [12:06] <Box-O-Rocks> I'm ready
  23. [12:07] <GM_anon> Good, let us begin!
  24. [12:08] <Manalisha_Walker> Awesome!
  25. [12:08] == Maels has changed nick to DJ-Max
  26. [12:08] == Box-O-Rocks has changed nick to Clayton_R
  27. [12:11] == Suule has changed nick to Everett_Mallory
  28. [12:11] <GM_anon> Welcome to the 17 session. Here is the current version.
  29. [12:11] <GM_anon>
  30. [12:11] <DJ-Max> 3 more and we get a free pizza.
  31. [12:11] <GM_anon> The quick sheet.
  32. [12:11] <GM_anon> Whoot.
  33. [12:11] <Martin_Baron> Get to go to a pozzeria, say hi to best-lizard
  34. [12:12] <Simon_Michaels> i already have free pizza
  35. [12:12] <GM_anon> So we begin.
  36. [12:13] <GM_anon> Last session you dropped off some stuff with Mallard, got paid, and are now given afew more gigs.
  37. [12:13] <GM_anon> 1: Do something about your rigs topside. Mallard has voluteered to haul them to a secret garage and of course there is the option to disassemble.
  38. [12:14] <GM_anon> 2: Find the missile factory and destroy it, so says Mallard.
  39. [12:14] <GM_anon> Some of you are wounded and some of you are fatigued in the brain.
  40. [12:15] <Martin_Baron> (How much time do I get to mend and how much does it heal? I remember Martin's HP at 60 or so with a -4 MP.)
  41. [12:15] <GM_anon> (Hey, I'm just the GM. You say how much you want to rest and I won't stop you.)
  42. [12:16] * DJ-Max figures he might as well go for option one, that's far more important at the moment as that has a stricter time limit. Probably.
  43. [12:16] <Martin_Baron> (Suppose an hour will suffice. Heals 10 in HP and MP?)
  44. [12:17] <Everett_Mallory> ( Well I got 32/80 HP but also healed in hospital... +25 HP so that's 57/80 HP
  45. [12:18] <GM_anon> (Usually it takes a whole day to heal.)
  46. [12:18] <GM_anon> (For regular mutants its +10hp and +5mp.)
  47. [12:19] <GM_anon> (10 hp an hour is like wolverine or something.)
  48. [12:19] <Martin_Baron> (Give about 2 HP and 1 MP for an hour or less?)
  49. [12:20] <GM_anon> (Yeah, that's kind of threading a needle but sure.)
  50. [12:20] <Martin_Baron> (Not enough to heal the stress, but whatever helps.)
  51. [12:21] * Manalisha_Walker is at her bunk in the temporary housing facility, zoning out a bit from the background noise of other vagrant mutants.
  52. [12:21] * Clayton_R stretches. "I'm gonna head to the market to pick up some gear. You need anything Everett?"
  53. [12:21] <GM_anon> (Well, if Mallard is going to hide your rigs then you have alot of time to do other things.)
  54. [12:22] * Martin_Baron wanders off from the group, mumbling something about taking a rest.
  55. [12:22] * Clayton_R doesn't take much heed to Baron leaving
  56. [12:23] * DJ-Max could help, but if Mallard says he has it handled, then he has it handled. DJ might just got to get a bit of rest himself, maybe something to eat. Could be nice.
  57. [12:23] <GM_anon> (So, item shopping?
  58. [12:23] * Simon_Michaels ponders over helping those two guys with their trucks, while laying half awake on a mouldy old matress in the middle of his dusty apartment.
  59. [12:23] <Everett_Mallory> (Am I still at the hospital?)
  60. [12:23] <Clayton_R> (Yep. I made a list. ANd yes, you are in the hospital)
  61. [12:24] <GM_anon> (If you want, EM. You're bandaged and told, "Don't get into anymore fights today.")
  62. [12:24] <Martin_Baron> (I thought we got him out and he treatened me to tell him about the mutts?)
  63. [12:24] <GM_anon> (He's wherever he says he is at this point.)
  64. [12:25] <GM_anon> Now, DJ, you said you wanted to repair your armor?
  65. [12:25] <Everett_Mallory> (Well I guess then I came back )
  66. [12:26] * Clayton_R awaits Everett's response.
  67. [12:26] <Everett_Mallory> Yeah Clayton... some flares and two boxes of nails
  68. [12:26] <DJ-Max> Yes.
  69. [12:27] <GM_anon> Flares: $15. Burns one hour
  70. [12:27] <GM_anon> Nails: $4. 40ct. box
  71. [12:27] <Clayton_R> Clayotn nods, "Alright... I'll see you in a bit. Don't forget to meet up at the security elevator later. I'm gonna go visit Walker, see if she needs anything too."
  72. [12:28] <GM_anon> (Technically, a flare gun would cost $80)
  73. [12:28] <Everett_Mallory> ( Yeah I should have enough )
  74. [12:28] <Everett_Mallory> ( Well but no firearms skill to wield it properly )
  75. [12:28] <Everett_Mallory> I'm just gonna lie down, think of my own mortality and do panda things
  76. [12:29] <GM_anon> Which ironically, is thinking about your own mortality.
  77. [12:29] <Simon_Michaels> (>panda rings)
  78. [12:30] * Clayton_R heads down to the hostel to meet up with Walker.
  79. [12:30] <GM_anon> So, actions?
  80. [12:31] <Clayton_R> I'm just gonna try and meet up with Walker before I head to the Market
  81. [12:31] <Simon_Michaels> (well, im waiting on the group to meet up at the lift, then I'll decide what to do)
  82. [12:32] <GM_anon> So Clayton moves to the hostel where Walker is booked. I am assuming Everett is in tow.
  83. [12:33] * DJ-Max goes to get his armor repared...probably means he has to visit a tailor.
  84. [12:33] <GM_anon> How much hp is left on the concealed armor, DJ?
  85. [12:34] * DJ-Max looks. Jeez... like...12.
  86. [12:34] <GM_anon> That's something.
  87. [12:35] <Martin_Baron> (Oh right, I asked about repairing mine too, but it's completely dead Jim. You said it was better just to buy a new set?)
  88. [12:36] <GM_anon> Paid repair for concealed armor is roughly 40 per hp point.
  89. [12:36] <GM_anon> What was your armor, Martin?
  90. [12:36] <Martin_Baron> (Same thing, concealed)
  91. [12:37] * Clayton_R shuffles into the room, tapping on Walker's shoulder. "Hey, guess what. Mallard has us heading back up topside, this time to blow a place to smithereens. Fun, right?.. Also, I'm headed to the Market to pick up some supplies. You need anything or do you want to tag along?"
  92. [12:37] * Manalisha_Walker initially doesn't notice anyone coming to see her when they do. They find her half covered in the cot/bunk's blanket, sitting up and staring at her arms. She looks lost in thought.
  93. [12:37] <Everett_Mallory> ( Yeah I'm taking an extra time to rest, update my journal etc. I can't really craft new HE without nails )
  94. [12:37] <GM_anon> So 720 bones for DJ and 1200 for Martin.
  95. [12:37] <GM_anon> Concealed armor is actually really expensive spy stuff.
  96. [12:37] <Clayton_R> (Dasa lota bones)
  97. [12:38] * Manalisha_Walker flinches back to reality when Clayton taps her shoulder. "Hn...huh? O-oh. Um...I guess I'll tag along." rubbing her left ear
  98. [12:38] <Martin_Baron> (Might be bettet to save the teef and buy a new set, or cut losses and sell the scraps of leather.)
  99. [12:39] <GM_anon> You could actually get away with leather armor for like a fraction of price.
  100. [12:39] <GM_anon> But, you know, leather in the desert.
  101. [12:39] <Clayton_R> "Great... Let's go. We're on a timer."
  102. [12:39] <DJ-Max> Might be better to just buy some leather, it won't be to bad.
  103. [12:39] * DJ-Max might even look good in leather.
  104. [12:40] <GM_anon> (pg. 59)
  105. [12:40] <Martin_Baron> (Yeah, I'll remember to add the item and remove the money once I get home. Do I get any money for selling the scraps of concealed or is it complete junk?)
  106. [12:40] <Manalisha_Walker> "R-right...!" clambering out of her cot and straightening herself up beside Clayton
  107. [12:41] <GM_anon> You can find someone to give you $45 for it.
  108. [12:41] <Martin_Baron> (Cool)
  109. [12:42] * DJ-Max will get himself some soft leather once he gets the chance. He removes the cash money from what he's obtained.
  110. [12:42] <GM_anon> So, you all rest for an hour and get some armor?
  111. [12:43] <DJ-Max> (Speaking of coming back, I have been told I have to go to the store, now. I'll be back in like...30 minutes probably.)
  112. [12:43] <Martin_Baron> (Yep)
  113. [12:43] <GM_anon> Okay.
  114. [12:43] * Clayton_R heads out with Walker in tow. "It might be a good idea to get some more armor... or at least a helmet... Here let me show you the catalog."
  115. [12:44] == DJ-Max has changed nick to DJ-Gone
  116. [12:44] <Simon_Michaels> (DJ-What?)
  117. [12:44] <GM_anon> Endtown has no shortage of things, just about anything you can think of has been scavenged and brought in.
  118. [12:46] <Clayton_R> (GM, I want to grab a bat, a revolver, a grappling hook launching system for the revolver, and possibly more.)
  119. [12:46] <Martin_Baron> (How much is a flag pole with a sharpened tip with an american flag wrapped around it? I want to stab people with a freedom spear.)
  120. [12:46] <GM_anon> Sure...
  121. [12:46] <Simon_Michaels> (>America exists in Endtown universe)
  122. [12:47] <Martin_Baron> (*Neitherland flag)
  123. [12:47] <Simon_Michaels> (Thats more likely)
  124. [12:48] <Clayton_R> (How much do modifications for the bat cost?)
  125. [12:48] <GM_anon> Cost is roughly $775
  126. [12:48] <Clayton_R> (Woah, for a bat?)
  127. [12:49] <GM_anon> The bat: 25. Pistol: 240. Grappler attachment: 210. Freedom Spear: 300
  128. [12:50] <GM_anon> (Although I wonder why I put spears at $300 dollars.)
  129. [12:50] <Clayton_R> (Oh. I'm not buying a freedom spear, but I'm fine with the costs)
  130. [12:51] <GM_anon> $475 then.
  131. [12:51] <Martin_Baron> (I was joking, but now I'm seriously considering it?
  132. [12:51] <Martin_Baron> (How much damage does it do?)
  133. [12:51] <GM_anon> (Why not? it's a .38. 15+2d10)
  134. [12:51] <Clayton_R> (Okay, cool. I need to buy 3 flares and a box of nails for Everett too.)
  135. [12:52] <GM_anon> $49
  136. [12:52] <Clayton_R> (aight)
  137. [12:52] <Martin_Baron> (.38.?)
  138. [12:52] * Manalisha_Walker says "Okay...!" following beside him, browsing over the catalog.
  139. [12:53] <GM_anon> (.38 service six revolver. Middle of the road pistol.)
  140. [12:53] <GM_anon> (Unless you want to go full MAGNUM.)
  141. [12:53] * Clayton_R looks to Walker after buying a couple items, mostly fiddling with his grappling hook. "See anything useful? I'm buying this time."
  142. [12:54] <Martin_Baron> (Oh, thought it had to do with the spear. Also sure, sounds like actual good damage. Looks bloody stupid, but hey.)
  143. [12:54] <GM_anon> (Items are page 53 in the book. This might actually be a good test opportunity.)
  144. [12:54] <Martin_Baron> (I'll buy the freedom spear.)
  145. [12:55] <GM_anon> $30
  146. [12:55] <GM_anon> I've changed it because I don't know why I put it down with 300
  147. [12:55] <Martin_Baron> (Changed from 300? Neat.)
  148. [12:55] <Martin_Baron> (With prices that low, I can buy 9 more spears.)
  149. [12:56] <GM_anon> $180, you now have 10 spears.
  150. [12:56] <Martin_Baron> (Just chuck them at enemies, damn using guns.)
  151. [12:57] <Simon_Michaels> (God forbid you wound them though
  152. [12:57] <GM_anon> (You do get to add your speed bonus to thrown weapons so that is incentive.)
  153. [12:58] <Simon_Michaels> (That would allow mutagens to interact with the host, resulting in a far worse enemy to fight)
  154. [12:58] <Martin_Baron> (I've gone full bullshit with weapons. I'm gonna appear at the elevator with 10 flagpoles attached to my back)
  155. [12:58] <GM_anon> (Assuming it doesn't kill them.)
  156. [12:58] <Manalisha_Walker> (That'd be hilarious)
  157. [12:59] <GM_anon> (Really, it's win win!)
  158. [12:59] <GM_anon> Okay!
  159. [12:59] <GM_anon> Everyone has their kit on?
  160. [12:59] <Simon_Michaels> (GM)
  161. [12:59] <GM_anon> Ready to go or is there more shopping?
  162. [13:00] <Simon_Michaels> (Now, as i understood it, you can buy things at the start of character creation, right?)
  163. [13:00] <Martin_Baron> (All seriousness though, I'll just have one spear.)
  164. [13:00] <Everett_Mallory> (Ready here
  165. [13:00] <Martin_Baron> (Ready)
  166. [13:01] <Manalisha_Walker> (Same, got what I want/figure I need on the sheet already)
  167. [13:01] <GM_anon> Okay! You are all at the elevator!
  168. [13:02] <Clayton_R> (I'm gonna grad a set of studded leather armor before I head to the levator)
  169. [13:02] <Clayton_R> (Then I'll meet up with everyone.)
  170. [13:02] * Simon_Michaels Finally decides, its time to smell some fresh air. He'll help people out with the rigs, if thats where they're going to.
  171. [13:02] <GM_anon> 600 endollars
  172. [13:03] <Clayton_R> aight
  173. [13:03] <GM_anon> (Now all you guys need is razor boomerangs and metal hockey masks.)
  174. [13:04] * Simon_Michaels brought 3 cans of Tuna, 2 waterbottles, 2 bandages, one disinfectant and a metalworking kit.
  175. [13:04] * Martin_Baron walks onto fhe elevator, looking only a little better than before but still somewhat ill. He's more at ease having new leather armor and a new weapon, even if it's bigger than he is.
  176. [13:04] <GM_anon> Big question before you chase the sun. Are you bringing Mallard's blasters?
  177. [13:04] <Martin_Baron> (I already got a rubber, rabbit mask and a spear to chuck, so I'm ready for raiding)
  178. [13:04] <Simon_Michaels> (So, how many people are at the lift?)
  179. [13:04] <Simon_Michaels> (in total?)
  180. [13:04] * Clayton_R struggles somewhat with the abundance of gear he is now carrying. He tosses 3 flares and a box of nails to Everett. "How is everyone?"
  181. [13:05] <Martin_Baron> (Yeah, I'll take it. Stunning kaiju is worth the risk of exploding my hands off.)
  182. [13:05] <GM_anon> (5, there are some other people in there as well.)
  183. [13:05] <GM_anon> (Martin is bringing a blaster.)
  184. [13:06] <Simon_Michaels> (Ok, some of them i havent even met. Like Manalisha, and DJ maybe Everett too.)
  185. [13:06] * Clayton_R opts to bring his blaster along should he desperately need it.
  186. [13:07] <GM_anon> The power team is armed.
  187. [13:07] <Everett_Mallory> Hey Clayton, what's with the studs. Are you going to a concert?
  188. [13:07] <GM_anon> (He's just ready to rock and roll, man.)
  189. [13:08] <Simon_Michaels> "Martin! Clayton! You still need some help with those trucks of yours? Also, I see you brought some friends along."
  190. [13:08] * Clayton_R glares at the red Panda for a moment. He doesn't really have a snappy response.
  191. [13:09] <GM_anon> Next stop: Security.
  192. [13:09] * Manalisha_Walker checks out Simon, someone entirely new to her
  193. [13:10] * Simon_Michaels figures it'd be nice to introduce himself to new people
  194. [13:10] <Martin_Baron> (The rats stop and question why a 3 foot tall mutant has a flag pole on his back)
  195. [13:11] <Simon_Michaels> "Oh, hello there lady. Name's Simon" /me wants to shake hands.
  196. [13:11] <Simon_Michaels> (oh, cringe)
  197. [13:11] <GM_anon> You spend some time getting acquanted in the elevator after which you encounter the rats. Mallard phoned ahead and you've been issued...
  198. [13:11] <GM_anon> Rats have seen weirder stuff than your pole, martin.
  199. [13:12] <GM_anon> (I couldn't resist, I am sorry.)
  200. [13:12] <Everett_Mallory> (...)
  201. [13:12] <Simon_Michaels> (OH, Lets take that out of context)
  202. [13:12] <Everett_Mallory> (Dying here)
  203. [13:12] <Martin_Baron> (Haha! Innuendo)
  204. [13:12] <Clayton_R> (the suspense)
  205. [13:13] * Manalisha_Walker , a 5' black poodle cautiously shakes Simon's hand with a paw
  206. [13:13] <GM_anon> You've been issued 6 blocks of C-4. Each has a blast cap synced to a detonator. Each block is 10 oz. (300+30d10)
  207. [13:14] <Martin_Baron> (How far does it work?)
  208. [13:14] * Clayton_R eyes the explosives carefully, glancing back at Everett for reassurance.
  209. [13:14] <GM_anon> The trigger is set to arm, delay 30 seconds (2 combat rounds) and then detonate.
  210. [13:14] * Simon_Michaels worryingly glances over suspicious looking plastic bats
  211. [13:14] <GM_anon> Oop, sorry. (150+15d10)
  212. [13:15] <Simon_Michaels> "Guys, why would you need explosives to fix your wheels?"
  213. [13:16] * Everett_Mallory raises his hands "Well you know. I don't blow up things cause I'm some kind of a maniac. It's more of a necessity. But I can handle those
  214. [13:16] * Clayton_R glances back at the rats, "Are these the heavy weapons that Mallard had cleared for us? I thought you guys would've had something more bazooka-like."
  215. [13:16] <Martin_Baron> (I mean remote detonation. I'm more worried about the missle explosions)
  216. [13:17] * Simon_Michaels raises an eyebrow, shrugs all worries soon after.
  217. [13:17] <GM_anon> The rats reply, "This is the payload issued by Mallard afew hours ago. Requisition comments says that this is for some "special demo opt."
  218. [13:17] <GM_anon> 'Fraid that's all Mallard permited us to know.
  219. [13:18] <GM_anon> Citizen.
  220. [13:18] * Martin_Baron nods, still nervous of possible accidents
  221. [13:19] <GM_anon> Proceed to surface?
  222. [13:19] * Clayton_R nods. "Sure is, but I feel that we might need some explosives better oriented for a long distance strike. It could be very useful in insuring the success of our mission."
  223. [13:19] <Clayton_R> (Can I try to persuade the rats?)
  224. [13:19] <GM_anon> Sure.
  225. [13:19] <GM_anon> They have a mind of 2.
  226. [13:20] <Clayton_R> (What penalty do I have for rolling ?)
  227. [13:20] <GM_anon> They don't want to do anything, really so you suffer a -30 penalty
  228. [13:21] <GM_anon> This is kinda new so I'll break it down. its 1d100+mind bonus+bonus or penalty.
  229. [13:21] <GM_anon> Defenders just roll 1d100+mind bonus.
  230. [13:21] <Clayton_R> (Thanks)
  231. [13:22] <GM_anon> LETS ROLL
  232. [13:22] <GM_anon> .d 1d100+10
  233. [13:22] <Internets> :: Total 57 / 110 [51%] :: Results [47] ::
  234. [13:22] <GM_anon> Beat 57
  235. [13:22] <GM_anon> (Your mind bonus is mind*5)
  236. [13:23] <GM_anon> Last line in the quicksheet.
  237. [13:23] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+40-30
  238. [13:23] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  239. [13:23] <GM_anon> .d 1d100+10-15
  240. [13:23] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  241. [13:23] <GM_anon> Ah, just do +10
  242. [13:23] <Martin_Baron> You gotta have the total, can't do minus or adding twice
  243. [13:23] <Clayton_R> (okay)
  244. [13:23] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+10
  245. [13:23] <Internets> :: Total 25 / 110 [22%] :: Results [15] ::
  246. [13:24] <Martin_Baron> (I can try, but it's a minus 20 for me)
  247. [13:24] <GM_anon> The rat refuses. "You get what you were issued! This is important explosives! We need them for protecting the PEACE."
  248. [13:24] <GM_anon> Sure, why not?
  249. [13:24] <GM_anon> Roll for the moon.
  250. [13:24] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100-20
  251. [13:25] <Internets> :: Total 78 / 80 [97%] :: Results [98] ::
  252. [13:25] <Martin_Baron> Ey
  253. [13:25] <GM_anon> Eh, that's 57<
  254. [13:25] * Clayton_R shakes his head in disappointment, uttering something about dumbass palookas with guns
  255. [13:25] <GM_anon> "Fine. Fine. Here..."
  256. [13:25] <Everett_Mallory> Look we can manage with C4
  257. [13:26] * Clayton_R perks up with their sudden shift, impressed with Martin
  258. [13:26] <Martin_Baron> "Either you give us the stuff, or we don't finish. We don't finish, it becomes your problem."
  259. [13:26] <GM_anon> The rat gives you a six-stick bundle of dynamite.
  260. [13:27] <Clayton_R> (ayy)
  261. [13:27] <GM_anon> The bundle has a long fuse, roughly one minute (5 combat rounds). you light and run.
  262. [13:27] <Martin_Baron> "Thank you kindly."
  263. [13:28] <GM_anon> (I'll test you and let you figure out the damage.)
  264. [13:28] <Clayton_R> "Impressive work Martin."
  265. [13:29] <GM_anon> Proceed to surface?
  266. [13:29] <Martin_Baron> (Now that's pretty good. Light it next to the 30 sec c4, an extra 30 to book it)
  267. [13:29] * Everett_Mallory grabs the dynamite "I think that'll be safer with me"
  268. [13:29] <Everett_Mallory> (Have you ever considered Everett might modify the detonators)
  269. [13:29] <GM_anon> (Yes.)
  270. [13:29] <GM_anon> (That would be a skill roll)
  271. [13:30] * Clayton_R looks to the rest of the group. "Ready to head up?"
  272. [13:30] <Martin_Baron> (Didn't know anyone could modify timers. That's good to know. And yeah.)
  273. [13:30] <Everett_Mallory> Yeah
  274. [13:30] <GM_anon> Before you go...
  275. [13:30] <Simon_Michaels> "Well, I've got this far, sure. Lets do this"
  276. [13:30] <GM_anon> You are issued the standard 7 days worth of water and beans.
  277. [13:31] <GM_anon> You all head to the surface with a THWIP THWIP THWIP.
  278. [13:31] <GM_anon> You are above Endtown now. It looks like mid morning.
  279. [13:31] <Martin_Baron> (So... Only DJ and Gray know where the facility is?)
  280. [13:32] <GM_anon> There you see a Beaver struggling to open the door on the familiar APC.
  281. [13:32] <GM_anon> (Yes, only DJ and Gray know.)
  282. [13:32] * Simon_Michaels breathes in the fresh morning air
  283. [13:32] <GM_anon> (Well, know that it's there. Everyone else knows it as the brick tower sticking out of the ground.
  284. [13:33] * Manalisha_Walker shields her eyes a moment from the sudden sunlight, trying to recall the last time she saw one of these.
  285. [13:33] <GM_anon> (It was yesterday...)
  286. [13:33] <GM_anon> Anyway, your rigs are there.
  287. [13:34] <Simon_Michaels> "God damn do I hate topside. Still, you can't deny the beauty of the early desert morning."
  288. [13:34] * Clayton_R shrugs. "So... Are we taking the APC or the jeep?"
  289. [13:34] <Martin_Baron> "Might as well take the truck and leave the melted one behind for Mallard's mooks to take."
  290. [13:35] <Simon_Michaels> "WHOA, is that an APC?"
  291. [13:35] <Simon_Michaels> "You people mean BUSINESS!!"
  292. [13:36] <Clayton_R> "Well, I only hit it with gasoline. It shouldn't be too damaged really... or at least my flamethrower didn't do the damage.
  293. [13:36] <GM_anon> Take the Jeep and leave the APC to the Beaver?
  294. [13:36] <Martin_Baron> "Yeah, before gas-mask here and bomberman decided to nuke it."
  295. [13:36] <GM_anon> Okay. DJ!
  296. [13:36] <GM_anon> If you want to direct the party roll land navigation!
  297. [13:37] * Clayton_R chuckles, "Speaking of which, can you give me ahand Everett. I need you to help build something real quick."
  298. [13:37] <Martin_Baron> (Did he return from his shopping trip?)
  299. [13:38] <Clayton_R> (Clayton wants to reassmble his flamethrower.)
  300. [13:38] <Everett_Mallory> HEY
  301. [13:38] <Everett_Mallory> I didn't nuke a thing yet
  302. [13:38] <Everett_Mallory> Yeah sure
  303. [13:38] <GM_anon> (Oh, he hasn't!)
  304. [13:39] <Everett_Mallory> (What was the roll?
  305. [13:39] <Martin_Baron> (Nearly did though. Not trying to smack talk you, sorry for offending.)
  306. [13:39] <GM_anon> (It would be a straight roll depending on his skill level.)
  307. [13:40] <GM_anon> DJ for some reason points in the broad direction of east.
  308. [13:40] <Everett_Mallory> (Engineering, right?)
  309. [13:41] <Simon_Michaels> (Ey, thats what i have too. lv1 tho. Can i help ya out?)
  310. [13:41] <GM_anon> (Sorry, yes. Engineering or invention. Both work in this case.)
  311. [13:41] <Simon_Michaels> (I have both)
  312. [13:42] <GM_anon> Roll engineering for you got it.
  313. [13:42] <Simon_Michaels> ok
  314. [13:42] <GM_anon> Anybody who is helping.
  315. [13:42] <Simon_Michaels> what do i have to roll tho?
  316. [13:42] <Everett_Mallory> ( I have invention 2 )
  317. [13:43] <Martin_Baron> (I can't do diddly with engineering, so I'm gonna take a seat in the truck.)
  318. [13:43] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100
  319. [13:43] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 100 [80%] :: Results [80] ::
  320. [13:43] <GM_anon> Click clack it's assembled.
  321. [13:44] <GM_anon> Finding the tower again. Any ideas?
  322. [13:44] * Clayton_R thanks Everett, and extends his arm for a handshake.
  323. [13:45] * Everett_Mallory shakes it
  324. [13:45] <GM_anon> (Accidentally punch him!)
  325. [13:45] <Clayton_R> (no)
  326. [13:45] <GM_anon> (I know._
  327. [13:46] <GM_anon> Your options for finding the spot. Ask travellers, travel abit and roll land nav, wander aimlessly and hope you find it.
  328. [13:46] <Martin_Baron> ΔΊGo halfway and fistbump him)
  329. [13:47] <Martin_Baron> (Then roll for fist damage)
  330. [13:47] * Clayton_R paces around the vehicles. "Is there any kind of tracking data we can get off of the APC?..or Somethin?"
  331. [13:47] <Martin_Baron> (Oh crap, we still got the 3rd relay?)
  332. [13:47] <Simon_Michaels> "Anyone good with IT?"
  333. [13:47] <Martin_Baron> (We still gotta set that up)
  334. [13:47] <Everett_Mallory> I could try to tinker with its systems
  335. [13:48] <GM_anon> (That is correct.)
  336. [13:48] <Clayton_R> (yep, I believe mallard gave it to me)
  337. [13:48] <GM_anon> Examine apc?
  338. [13:48] <Everett_Mallory> Although most of my expertise is disassembling clock radios
  339. [13:48] <Clayton_R> (yep)
  340. [13:49] <GM_anon> Cursory examination of the vehicle shows that is very damaged.
  341. [13:49] <GM_anon> Examine cabin?
  342. [13:49] <Clayton_R> (yep)
  343. [13:50] <GM_anon> The interior is abit damaged.
  344. [13:50] * Manalisha_Walker shakes her head. "Sorry..."
  345. [13:50] <Clayton_R> (roll perception?)
  346. [13:50] <GM_anon> Some overhead panels have been torn off and a wires have been crossed, for unknown reason.
  347. [13:50] <Simon_Michaels> "Clayton, need help?"
  348. [13:51] <GM_anon> Besides that there is the odometer, voltage, and speed displays like a normal electric vehicle.
  349. [13:51] <Clayton_R> "It couldn't hurt."
  350. [13:51] <GM_anon> Which skill would you roll?
  351. [13:51] <Clayton_R> perception
  352. [13:51] <GM_anon> You do that.
  353. [13:52] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+40
  354. [13:52] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 140 [37%] :: Results [13] ::
  355. [13:52] <GM_anon> Through examination.
  356. [13:52] <GM_anon> You find animal hair, broken glass.
  357. [13:52] <GM_anon> The rig seems to be showing alot of power supply problems, odometer reads 45 miles.
  358. [13:53] <Clayton_R> could I find something else with a scavenge roll?
  359. [13:53] <GM_anon> Not really.
  360. [13:53] <GM_anon> There are chunks of glass everywhere, but that's little help.
  361. [13:54] <Simon_Michaels> (gm, can i roll perception?)
  362. [13:54] <GM_anon> Sure.
  363. [13:54] * Clayton_R sighs in defeat and climbs out of the APC. "We should probably leave this here. Very badly damaged... On the plus side though, Odometer reads 45 miles"
  364. [13:54] <GM_anon> If you are helping.
  365. [13:54] <Simon_Michaels> oki
  366. [13:54] <Simon_Michaels> (I think i am)
  367. [13:55] <Simon_Michaels> (do i add my IQ or what?)
  368. [13:55] <GM_anon> (Quick sheet.)
  369. [13:55] <Simon_Michaels> (iq it is)
  370. [13:56] <Simon_Michaels> .d 1d100+160
  371. [13:56] <Internets> :: Total 186 / 260 [71%] :: Results [26] ::
  372. [13:56] <GM_anon> What's your mind?
  373. [13:56] <Simon_Michaels> 8
  374. [13:56] <Simon_Michaels> oj
  375. [13:56] <Simon_Michaels> ojojoj
  376. [13:56] <Simon_Michaels> wrong
  377. [13:56] <GM_anon> What's 8*5?
  378. [13:57] <Simon_Michaels> d. 1d100+40
  379. [13:57] <Simon_Michaels> .d 1d100+40
  380. [13:57] <Internets> :: Total 120 / 140 [85%] :: Results [80] ::
  381. [13:57] <GM_anon> There you go.
  382. [13:57] <Simon_Michaels> there we go
  383. [13:57] <GM_anon> Still ridiculous.
  384. [13:57] <Simon_Michaels> yea
  385. [13:57] <Simon_Michaels> sorry for spaghetti folks
  386. [13:57] <GM_anon> Anyway, you notice that there are fluids dripping in the back.
  387. [13:58] <GM_anon> The glass is crumbling from the front.
  388. [13:58] <Everett_Mallory> Well too bad about the APC...
  389. [13:58] <Everett_Mallory> If we could get some of that fuel we could make few fuel bombs
  390. [13:58] <GM_anon> (Yes... Get some fuel.)
  391. [13:59] * Clayton_R likes how Everett thinks
  392. [13:59] <Simon_Michaels> "I'll leave that up to you guys."
  393. [14:00] * Clayton_R nods. "Go for it dude."
  394. [14:00] <GM_anon> You need to roll engineering or science to siphon fuel.
  395. [14:00] <GM_anon> Rather, to access where the fuel is.
  396. [14:02] <Simon_Michaels> (if you need my help, feel free to call me back)
  397. [14:02] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100
  398. [14:02] <Internets> :: Total 66 / 100 [66%] :: Results [66] ::
  399. [14:03] <Everett_Mallory> (Science works here better since I have 3 ranks )
  400. [14:04] <GM_anon> You examine the Science.
  401. [14:04] <GM_anon> brb
  402. [14:04] <Simon_Michaels> immerse yourself in the Science
  403. [14:06] <Martin_Baron> (Blinded me with science)
  404. [14:07] <GM_anon> True. Ack, I need a stretch break. Let's all be back is 30 to 40 mins, okay?
  405. [14:08] <Clayton_R> (aight)
  406. [14:08] <Simon_Michaels> I have to go
  407. [14:08] <GM_anon> Thanks.
  408. [14:08] <Simon_Michaels> unfortunatlely
  409. [14:08] <Martin_Baron> Long break, but alright.
  410. [14:08] <Martin_Baron> Nice having you Simonn you have a good one!
  411. [14:09] <Simon_Michaels> so these are my final actions, Im going in the jeep, putting some slapped on earphones and falling asleep
  412. [14:09] <Simon_Michaels> Thx Martin
  413. [14:09] <Simon_Michaels> Nice round all of ya, have fun and good luck with navigation
  414. [14:09] <Martin_Baron> Wont miss much, just prep for explosives. Most likely it'll start as soon as the Mutts appear.
  415. [14:10] <Martin_Baron> A heroic sacrifice must be made for everyone to run to safety
  416. [14:10] <Martin_Baron> Or just trip some poor sod and run like hell
  417. [14:10] == Simon_Michaels [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  418. [14:16] <GM_anon> Good news! I'm back early.
  419. [14:16] <GM_anon> Sorry for being inconsistent.
  420. [14:16] <Clayton_R> Hello again
  421. [14:16] <GM_anon> Heyo, so Everett had just succeed a science rool.
  422. [14:17] <Clayton_R> it was a pretty good rool, I agree
  423. [14:19] <GM_anon> Well, he finds the leaking port. There is a caustic smell coming from it.
  424. [14:20] <GM_anon> There are signs around the port but they've been obscured from weather and sand.
  425. [14:21] <Martin_Baron> That's not good
  426. [14:22] * Clayton_R is cautiously optimistic
  427. [14:23] <GM_anon> How will you proceed? Crack the port open and take the fuel? Try to read?
  428. [14:23] <Clayton_R> (I'd like to try and read any warnings)
  429. [14:24] <GM_anon> Roll perception (90 or higher.)
  430. [14:24] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+40
  431. [14:24] <Internets> :: Total 89 / 140 [63%] :: Results [49] ::
  432. [14:24] <Everett_Mallory> Trying to read...
  433. [14:24] <Clayton_R> (dang)
  434. [14:24] <GM_anon> You can't make out a thing.
  435. [14:24] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100+40
  436. [14:24] <Internets> :: Total 96 / 140 [68%] :: Results [56] ::
  437. [14:24] <GM_anon> You can make out a thing.
  438. [14:25] <GM_anon> There are alot of voltage symbols and some of the writing says "-RO-ON P-W-R"
  439. [14:26] <Everett_Mallory> ...Proton power?
  440. [14:26] * Clayton_R tries wiping the visor of his mask
  441. [14:26] <Everett_Mallory> (Can I make an educated guess with advanced science?)
  442. [14:26] <GM_anon> Yes!
  443. [14:27] <GM_anon> roll advanced science
  444. [14:28] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100
  445. [14:28] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 100 [19%] :: Results [19] ::
  446. [14:28] <GM_anon> Roon power, the power derived from fried noodles.
  447. [14:29] * Martin_Baron hums a quiet song to himself, fiddling with the pointy end of the spear while Everett and Clayton work.
  448. [14:29] <GM_anon> Least delicious of the pre-war power sources.
  449. [14:29] <GM_anon> Nah, just testing.
  450. [14:30] <GM_anon> It's proton power cells, an advanced system used just prior to the war in military and topsider vehicles.
  451. [14:31] <GM_anon> While technically producing water, in the cell its laced with liquid metals and likely a nasty radiation source.
  452. [14:31] * Clayton_R leans in close to Everett. "What do you make of this... I don't really understand what's going on here... Anything viable for us?"
  453. [14:31] <GM_anon> You shouldn't touch that fluid.
  454. [14:32] <GM_anon> You can still siphon it for the jeep... If you hated the jeep and wanted to see irradiated battery acid melt through the chassis.
  455. [14:33] <GM_anon> (On the upside, with the leak it should run for about 4-5 years.)
  456. [14:33] <Everett_Mallory> So...
  457. [14:33] <GM_anon> (So pucker up and drink it if you want to reroll a character.)
  458. [14:34] <Everett_Mallory> What we have here is proton cells. I can dislodge them but they're liability in the long run.... and by the smell one of it is leaking.
  459. [14:34] * Manalisha_Walker keeps an eye out on their surroundings, quietly fidgetting and fighting the urge to scratch her ears.
  460. [14:34] <Everett_Mallory> So yeah it's not a good find
  461. [14:35] <GM_anon> (Don't look a proton horse in it's molecular intake, EM.)
  462. [14:36] <GM_anon> The Beaver looks at you, "You want I should take this off site?!"
  463. [14:36] * Clayton_R huffs and stands up. "Well. At least we tried... Do you think it would be possible that we could use these cell's as a scent. Wlaker might be able to follow it... If it's leaking.. it's likely it spread across the whole waste on the way back here."
  464. [14:36] <Clayton_R> *Walker
  465. [14:37] <Everett_Mallory> Well do what you want. Thing is radioactive as far as I know and radiation poisoning is not what I want to die of in this apocalypse
  466. [14:38] <GM_anon> (I'm afraid Walker is going to have to act for this plan to work.)
  467. [14:39] * Clayton_R groans and turns back to Walker. "Hey Walker, we need you over here... we might have a lead."
  468. [14:40] <GM_anon> (The fluid is leaving a radiation trail.)
  469. [14:40] <Manalisha_Walker> "Oh! Right! S-sorry..." hurriedly clambering out and joining the others.
  470. [14:41] <Clayton_R> While waiting, Clayton calls the beaver over too.
  471. [14:41] <GM_anon> The beaver comes over.
  472. [14:41] <GM_anon> Lab coat and giant teeth beaming.
  473. [14:42] <GM_anon> "HELLO, YES?"
  474. [14:42] * Martin_Baron sees the others get out of the car. Not hearing his name, he stays in the truck.
  475. [14:43] * Clayton_R holds is hand out to stop Walker. "Hold on a sec. I want to make sure we don't have any more options before I ask you to do something dangerouse." he turns to the beaver. "You wouldn't happen to have a Geiger counter would you?.. or where to get one?"
  477. [14:44] <GM_anon> Says the shortie.
  478. [14:44] <Clayton_R> "May I borrow it?"
  479. [14:44] <Manalisha_Walker> "Oh, uh, oh good!" partly relieved that she didn't have to admit she'd forgotten.
  480. [14:45] <GM_anon> "WHAT DO YOU NEED THEM FOR..." At this point he whips out a wand and unit. Clicking it on he says, "OH-OH WOW."
  481. [14:45] <GM_anon> He hands you the Geiger counter. It's needle is jumping wildly.
  482. [14:46] * Clayton_R nods, "Well there's your answer, huh? .. do you think we could borrow it for the mission? It could be very useful in tracking this silo down."
  483. [14:46] * Clayton_R thanks the beaver, holding the Geiger counter in Everett's view. "you think this will suffice?"
  484. [14:46] <GM_anon> "SURE. I DON'T MIND." he continues, "SO... AM I TAKING THIS THING AWAY OR WHAT?"
  485. [14:47] * Everett_Mallory shrugs "Well if the leak was big enough then yes."
  486. [14:48] <Everett_Mallory> Maybe we can rig it to headphones and mount it on the front of the jeep for better use
  487. [14:48] <GM_anon> (Tracking with the Geiger: It'll be slower than other methods and will require an advanced science roll every while or so._
  488. [14:48] * Clayton_R points to the APC. "Get rid of this junk... Show extreme caution when disassembling please."
  490. [14:50] <GM_anon> He will take it when you leave.
  491. [14:50] <GM_anon> Talk to him again later and he'll bring it back if you want.
  492. [14:50] * Clayton_R calls Walker over again. I think it might be best for you to try and get the scent off of this thing if possible. It's always good to have a backup... Also, remember lab rules with these kind of chemicals."
  493. [14:51] <GM_anon> (Waft, don't sniff?)
  494. [14:51] <Clayton_R> (Yep.)
  495. [14:52] <GM_anon> Track the scent, Walker?
  496. [14:52] <Clayton_R> (not much we can do other than that I think when trying to track a scent from it.)
  497. [14:53] <Everett_Mallory> Look if we're gonna deal with radiation, maybe we could get you know
  498. [14:53] <GM_anon> Proceed into the wastes using the Geiger or Walker?
  499. [14:53] <Everett_Mallory> A hazmat suit?
  500. [14:53] <Clayton_R> (Couldn't we do both simultaneously?)
  501. [14:54] <GM_anon> (Of course.)
  502. [14:55] <GM_anon> There is little market for hazmat suits but usually the endtown government keeps a supply of them.
  503. [14:56] <Clayton_R> (you could ask the deaf beaver for them Everett)
  504. [14:56] <GM_anon> Let's just skip that and say a half hour later you have four suits.
  505. [14:56] == M_Walker [~qwebirc@989F0133.85EF550F.D162F2AD.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  506. [14:56] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@989F0133.85EF550F.D162F2AD.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  507. [14:57] <M_Walker> (Connection problems, guh)
  508. [14:57] <GM_anon> hp 10, full body. A rubber outfit with a transparent plastic hood.
  509. [14:57] <GM_anon> (I hate that.)
  510. [14:57] <Everett_Mallory> Perfect
  511. [14:57] <GM_anon> So, proceed?
  512. [14:57] <Everett_Mallory> Mhm
  513. [14:57] <GM_anon> Scent and rad trails point just east.
  514. [14:57] <GM_anon> Travel?
  515. [14:58] <Clayton_R> (Can Walker still roll to track the scent?)
  516. [14:58] <GM_anon> Yes.
  517. [14:58] <Clayton_R> (Oh, nevermind)
  518. [14:58] * Clayton_R calls dibs on shotgun for the jeep
  519. [14:59] <GM_anon> After traveling abit you notice that the rad trail is veering south
  520. [14:59] <GM_anon> Continue following the trail or look around?
  521. [14:59] <M_Walker> Continue following
  522. [14:59] <Clayton_R> "Huh... odd."
  523. [15:00] <Martin_Baron> (Should look around, find a spot for relay)
  524. [15:00] <GM_anon> You follow them. The radiation has been spiking alot more than on the trail.
  525. [15:00] * Clayton_R surveys the area curiously.
  526. [15:00] <GM_anon> You look around, in the north you see large puffs of dust being kicked up. About several miles away.
  527. [15:01] <Everett_Mallory> I don't like that
  528. [15:01] * Clayton_R Arches an eyebrow and tries to get a better look at the anomaly
  529. [15:01] <M_Walker> "Hm...?" pausing from following the scent, to notice the dust in the distance.
  530. [15:02] <Clayton_R> (roll perception right?)
  531. [15:02] <GM_anon> Yep.
  532. [15:02] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+40
  533. [15:02] <Internets> :: Total 44 / 140 [31%] :: Results [4] ::
  534. [15:02] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100+40
  535. [15:02] <Internets> :: Total 89 / 140 [63%] :: Results [49] ::
  536. [15:02] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+35
  537. [15:02] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 135 [43%] :: Results [24] ::
  538. [15:03] <GM_anon> You look on but can't make out what's the cloud or if anything is going on. It's not a storm, you can tell that much.
  539. [15:03] <M_Walker> .d 1d100+35
  540. [15:03] <Internets> :: Total 103 / 135 [76%] :: Results [68] ::
  541. [15:03] <GM_anon> You focus hard and see bright lights going on over there.
  542. [15:04] <GM_anon> The are blinking seeming at random.
  543. [15:04] * Clayton_R looks around back toward his group. "Any of you make out what that is?"
  544. [15:05] <Martin_Baron> It a giant truck being chased by a squad of cars, each one throwing bombs at it. You hear thunderous drumming and rock guitar music.
  545. [15:05] <Everett_Mallory>'re fucking kidding me
  546. [15:05] <M_Walker> "Hnng...I don't like that either...maybe we should keep going. Whatever it is has lights going on it."
  547. [15:05] <GM_anon> (That sounds like mario kart.)
  548. [15:05] <GM_anon> NORTH or SOUTH!
  549. [15:06] <Martin_Baron> You hear someone yelling "WITNESS ME!"
  550. [15:06] <GM_anon> (Oh, quiet you!)
  551. [15:07] * Clayton_R is beginning to feel nervous. "Maybe we should head south... and keep following the radiation... but they still might be following us for a while... maybe we should just face them here."
  552. [15:09] <GM_anon> (A viable choice.)
  553. [15:09] <Martin_Baron> "Maybe we can outdrive them? Might be able to get away if we drive quickly."
  554. [15:09] <GM_anon> There is always East.
  555. [15:09] <M_Walker> "I hope not..." scowling in it's direction and handling the strap holding her rifle on her back. "That'd be my vote..."
  556. [15:10] * M_Walker nodding to Martin's suggestion
  557. [15:10] <DJ-Gone> (I'M BACK NOW. My mom needed me to go to 3 other stores. She decided to tell me this while I was shopping at the first store.)
  558. [15:10] <GM_anon> (I'd like to go for another 20 minutes before we wrap up.)
  559. [15:11] <GM_anon> (I've been there. Super-fun.)
  560. [15:12] * Everett_Mallory whistles sandstorm
  561. [15:12] * Clayton_R nods anxiously. "Yeah... let's just head south... fast."
  562. [15:12] <GM_anon> South!
  563. [15:13] <GM_anon> You head south following the Geiger readings until you come across something odd.
  564. [15:13] <GM_anon> Craters in the sand.
  565. [15:14] <Clayton_R> "Aww hell!"
  566. [15:14] <Clayton_R> "I hope this isn't a minefield."
  567. [15:15] <Everett_Mallory> ( How big are the craters? )
  568. [15:15] <GM_anon> There are three large craters, one large enough for a bus the others modest sedans.
  569. [15:15] <Martin_Baron> (Worse. Remember the amesworth cratets?)
  570. [15:15] <Clayton_R> (I don't)
  571. [15:15] <Martin_Baron> (Remember how they disentigrate anything that gets near?)
  572. [15:16] == DJ-Gone has changed nick to DJ-Max
  573. [15:17] <Everett_Mallory> (I'll try to make educated guesses based on demolition)
  574. [15:17] <Martin_Baron> (Wally got a patch from a teach he killed later that tells him when amesworth radiation is near. He threw a rock into the crater and it poofed into dust)
  575. [15:17] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100
  576. [15:17] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 100 [38%] :: Results [38] ::
  577. [15:17] <DJ-Max> (Yeah that stuff's pretty nasty.)
  578. [15:17] <Everett_Mallory> (And adv. science)
  579. [15:17] <Everett_Mallory> .d 1d100
  580. [15:17] <Internets> :: Total 3 / 100 [3%] :: Results [3] ::
  581. [15:17] <M_Walker> "Me too...guh, Zero mines...what a hideous idea. Fitting."
  582. [15:18] * Clayton_R turns back toward the group, "Perhaps we should fall back a bit, and head east or west until we're certain we've cleared the field.."
  583. [15:18] <GM_anon> Those craters were probably made by missles or some other launching system.
  584. [15:18] <Martin_Baron> (Can I roll perception?)
  585. [15:18] <GM_anon> yes
  586. [15:18] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+35
  587. [15:18] <Internets> :: Total 112 / 135 [82%] :: Results [77] ::
  588. [15:18] <Clayton_R> (Wouldn't a missile crater be much deeper?)
  589. [15:19] <GM_anon> These things are almost half spheres, suggesting something in a tight ball of energy.
  590. [15:19] <GM_anon> Martin, you look around and see a pip South East.
  591. [15:19] <Martin_Baron> (Pip?)
  592. [15:19] <GM_anon> A dot
  593. [15:20] <GM_anon> You see, a dot.
  594. [15:20] * Martin_Baron nudges the others in the shoulsers. "Hey, there's something outthere, due southeast-ish."
  595. [15:21] * Martin_Baron points to the tiny dot, hoping the others will see it.
  596. [15:21] <GM_anon> (I prefer shouting, "Hark, look yonder!"
  597. [15:21] * Clayton_R turns to face the pip
  598. [15:21] * DJ-Max asks "Look like anything good...or is it the usual?"
  599. [15:21] <GM_anon> You all see the dot too!
  600. [15:21] <M_Walker> "Hm, oh, yeah!" noticing it as well.
  601. [15:21] <Martin_Baron> "Comrades! I forsee something in the distance! Be it a boon, or our doom?"
  602. [15:21] <GM_anon> (Are you going to use anything?)
  603. [15:21] <GM_anon> +5 to martin.
  604. [15:22] <Martin_Baron> (We got issued binoculars, right?)
  605. [15:22] <Martin_Baron> (Or just food?)
  606. [15:22] <Clayton_R> (get out of here chumbucket)
  607. [15:22] <GM_anon> (Of course, it would be silly to think you just ran up there without binocs and 50' of rope.)
  608. [15:22] * M_Walker rummages through her pack, retrieving her binoculars to get a better look at it.
  609. [15:23] <Martin_Baron> "Cam't tell, gimme a second." he says, trying to view it with binoculars.
  610. [15:23] <GM_anon> You look and see a large brick tower.
  611. [15:23] <Clayton_R> "See anything useful?"
  612. [15:23] <Everett_Mallory> What do your elf eyes see
  613. [15:23] <Martin_Baron> (Can we see a hole on the side? One a karate rat can fit through?)
  614. [15:23] <GM_anon> There appears to be some shining sources but you can't make them out. Maybe something just in the sand.
  615. [15:24] <M_Walker> "Huh...just a, solitary brick tower, maybe something else shining with it..."
  616. [15:24] <GM_anon> ...There is a small hole there.
  617. [15:24] <Clayton_R> "Can you get a better look at it?"
  618. [15:24] <Martin_Baron> "A tower... Brick. Light's real bright on the dust, making it shine."
  619. [15:24] <GM_anon> (Only through Manual Zoom.)
  620. [15:24] * Martin_Baron uses fhe zoom function on the binoculars.
  621. [15:25] <GM_anon> It's a brick tower, there is a hole in the side, looks like a pile of glass lying in the sand.
  622. [15:25] <Martin_Baron> "Hold up... Got a hole on the side. Max, you said something about how you tunneled through a silo-thing, right?"
  623. [15:26] * DJ-Max nods. "Yeah, it was to get away from some crazy bots like from the movie theater."
  624. [15:26] * Everett_Mallory lays back in the jeep "MMmmm... all we need now is a nuke launch facility"
  625. [15:26] * Martin_Baron nods. "Drive that way, I think that's our target guys."
  626. [15:27] <Martin_Baron> (Might get two birds one stone; blow up facility, put relay on top of tower.)
  627. [15:27] * M_Walker nods affirmatively
  628. [15:27] <Everett_Mallory> Target?
  629. [15:28] <Martin_Baron> (Maybe it wont destroy the tower. And the missile silo)
  630. [15:28] <DJ-Max> "Ballin'."
  631. [15:28] <Martin_Baron> (That's where Max and Gray entered and found the Apex stuff)
  632. [15:28] <Clayton_R> "Woah Woah! what about those giant craters guys?"
  633. [15:29] <GM_anon> (Yeah, are you going to poke around them?
  634. [15:29] <Martin_Baron> "What about them?"
  635. [15:29] <Martin_Baron> "There's weird crap all around the top. A few craters isn't something to write a book about."
  636. [15:29] <Everett_Mallory> They're no ordinary craters though
  637. [15:30] <Clayton_R> "I just want to make sure we're not walking into our deaths. Those craters are just really worrying is all."
  638. [15:30] <Martin_Baron> (The most viscious, cruel tempered craters you ever set eyes on)
  639. [15:30] <GM_anon> (A worried mutant is a mutant that stays alive!)
  640. [15:31] <GM_anon> Okay, let's adjourn for today.
  641. [15:31] <Martin_Baron> "Fine fine. Anyone got a big stick to poke things with?"
  642. [15:31] <Martin_Baron> Alright, cool.
  643. [15:31] <Clayton_R> (alright.)
  644. [15:31] * DJ-Max shrugs.
  645. [15:31] <Everett_Mallory> Cool
  646. [15:31] <GM_anon> Sorry guys, but I gotta get going.
  647. [15:32] <Martin_Baron> It's all good, I had fun. Can't wait to stab some Mutts with my freedom spear
  648. [15:32] <GM_anon> Today was alittle subdued so what I'm going to do is just tally up the actions and add them to the xp for the next session.
  649. [15:32] <GM_anon> Liberty right in their dang gord!
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