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Oct 18th, 2014
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  1. <davidreiss666> somebody message an admin yet?
  2. * Foamed (Foamed@user/Foamed) has joined channel #modtalk
  3. <TomRiddle> davidreiss666: what's wrong?
  4. <davidreiss666> we're not able ot add approved submitters to r/defaultmods
  5. <TomRiddle> oh
  6. <fritzly> I have to agree the jackal there though. Admins only care once shit already happens and don't like to keep us in the loop.
  7. <fritzly> We put in the time, its not like we get paid to do this (except BipolarBear0, he shills hard)
  8. <davidreiss666> I agree with that view in general
  9. * MeghanAM (MeghanAM@user/MeghanAM) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  10. <TomRiddle> 2brave4me\
  11. <davidreiss666> the admins could be more responsive and let people know if they are being disagreed with or if they are just missing their message
  12. <TomRiddle> all because of violent acrez?
  13. <fritzly> being responsive is the biggest key there
  14. <fritzly> just talk to us
  15. <TomRiddle> ..they do talk to us?
  16. <davidreiss666> as it is, with spam reports, the admins don't respond if they disagree with a report in the same way they don't respond to somebody becuase they missed the message
  17. <fritzly> TomReddle when do they talk to us?
  18. <TomRiddle> fritzly: uh..whenever you talk to them?
  19. <TomRiddle> I talk to krispykrackers nearly every day
  20. <fritzly> 4/5 messages don't get a responce
  21. <davidreiss666> when the admisn do talk, they are often cryptic about what they actually mean
  22. <fritzly> ^
  23. <davidreiss666> and leave it open to interputation
  24. <TomRiddle> fritzly: maybe the admins think you're ugly?
  25. <TomRiddle> jk
  26. <TomRiddle> <3
  27. <fritzly> words hurt tom
  28. <fritzly> lol
  29. <TomRiddle> :P
  30. <TomRiddle> well, they always respond to me
  31. <TomRiddle> the trick is to not be a dick. just be chill and they'll reply
  32. <fritzly> Im never a dick. I try to be as respectful as possible.
  33. <fritzly> but when I don't hear back Im left not knowing if they even care
  34. <TomRiddle> then hit them up on the IRC
  35. <fritzly> k
  36. <fritzly> krispykrackers do you care?
  37. * TomRiddle hugs fritzly
  38. <PhnomPencil> that's a good response, agentlame
  39. <fritzly> she doenst care
  40. <PhnomPencil> in that defaultmods subreddit discussion
  41. <fritzly> proof
  42. <TomRiddle> krispykrackers: pls respond
  43. <fritzly> Tom did you say something on hitting them up on irc?
  44. <TomRiddle> Yes
  45. <TomRiddle> don't hit tehm
  46. <TomRiddle> them*
  47. <TomRiddle> hit them up*
  48. <TomRiddle> if it's really that important
  49. <TomRiddle> I just don't understand why some people get their panties in a twist over this
  50. <fritzly> agentlame how do you use toolbox to /r/spam people?
  51. * snarkypants (snarkypants@user/snarkypants) has joined channel #modtalk
  52. <fritzly> TomRiddle: because we are doing a lot of work for them when we are not getting paid for it. Its not much to ask for a bit of responsiveness from people getting paid.
  53. <TomRiddle> fritzly: Meh, I guess I can understand. But there's thousands of subreddits. They probably get thousands of messages a day from different users. I'm sure it's nothing personal.
  54. <TomRiddle> it's not like they just say "meh, I don't feel like replying to fritzly"
  55. <fritzly> Its not personal, but Im sure they don't respond to a lot of people because they don't want to get into an argument or it would take to long to respond. That shouldn't happen. Ive messaged multiple times for a single issue and not gotten any response. Its more likely they decided not to respond instead of missing all of my messages.
  56. <TomRiddle> probably
  57. <TomRiddle> I just don't think the admins would just decide to not like us :P
  58. <fritzly> not liking vs not respecting
  59. <snarkypants> krispykrackers, are you around?
  60. <davidreiss666> I sent a note to the admins about the issue with approved-submitters in r/Defaultmods
  61. <davidreiss666> and I found a small problem with /r/spam that I messaged the mod team there about
  62. <davidreiss666> might be that both are related issues
  63. <ForestL> eh
  64. <ForestL> r/spam will work good for right now
  65. <ForestL> and it looks like the admins are working a new system
  66. <ForestL> all that really changes with all this drama is we now have a slightly shorter URL for spam
  67. * dontago (dontago@user/dontago) has joined channel #modtalk
  68. <fritzly> RES needs to update
  69. <ForestL> yell at honestbleeps
  70. <fritzly> I heard there was a way with toolbox but Im not sure how
  71. <agentlame> fritzly: Click on [H] next to the username and then click 'report spammer'.
  72. <fritzly> The H doesn't always show though. Only N
  73. <agentlame> It does in the mod queues, by default. If you're not in a queue, you have to activate modtools, by click on the tab.
  74. <agentlame> davidreiss666: that thread is a mess.
  75. <davidreiss666> I was in favor of removing that, agentlame.
  76. <davidreiss666> Others were approving it and saying that it was okay though
  77. <agentlame> Damn.
  78. <davidreiss666> So, I approve it just to make the report go away
  79. <agentlame> I've been busy with the RTS stuff most of my day and didn't check mod mail much.
  80. <agentlame> All well.
  81. <agentlame> I guess we're also approving the circlejerking comments then?
  82. <ForestL> euphoric
  83. <davidreiss666> I was told by one of the newer admins that r/Defaultmods hit the limit on the number of approved-submitters we are allowed
  84. <davidreiss666> I told him that wasn't true
  85. <davidreiss666> r/centuryclub has almost 1700 approved submitters
  86. <davidreiss666> where as defaultmods only has ~850
  87. <HandicapperGeneral> top kek
  88. <fritzly> I'm in private subs larger than default subs
  89. <ForestL> davidreiss666, fix it by adding me to r/defaultmods
  90. <ForestL> le
  91. <davidreiss666> it was one of the new guys though
  92. <fritzly> faken newbs
  93. <fritzly> but if they start having a limit, thats going to suck
  94. <davidreiss666> but I wonder if they are just going to ignore the thread now and assume I was making life hard for the admins
  95. <HandicapperGeneral> is that not what you were doing
  96. <agentlame> davidreiss666: I pnged Deimorz, he's looking at it now.
  97. <davidreiss666> okay
  98. <fritzly> admins ignoring mods? unheard of
  99. <davidreiss666> cool
  100. <agentlame> 20-to-1 it has to do with AutoMod.
  101. <ForestL> fritzly, 10brave
  102. <agentlame> pinged*
  103. <fritzly> k
  104. <davidreiss666> Automod broke defaultmods
  105. <davidreiss666> :-)
  106. <fritzly> Deimorz is the most responsive admin it seems
  107. <agentlame> It's only ratelimiting approved submitters, and AM is set to auto add people.
  108. <ForestL> literally hitler
  109. * EnigmaBlade3 (EnigmaBlade@user/EnigmaBlade) has joined channel #modtalk
  110. <davidreiss666> the rts guys do get ignored a lot by the admins
  111. <davidreiss666> And a lot of people laid into them today for having the temeriday to say that in public
  112. <ForestL> and the admins have said they are working on a new thing
  113. * EnigmaBlade3 (EnigmaBlade@user/EnigmaBlade) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  114. <davidreiss666> which they only meantion after the RTS-guys forced them too
  115. <ForestL> shutting down the subreddit is just kina stupid
  116. * IAmAN00bie (uid25331@user/IAmAN00bie) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  117. <davidreiss666> Considering that mod-mail has been having a redesign of it so very soon for two+ years now
  118. * EnigmaBlade4 (EnigmaBlade@user/EnigmaBlade) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  119. <fritzly> stupid or just lighting a fire under their ass?
  120. <davidreiss666> I do think there is cause ot wonder if the *new thing* is real or a story to shut people up
  121. <agentlame> The RTS mods handled it like kids, though.
  122. <fritzly> they did
  123. <ForestL> davidreiss666, even if it was flawed, shutting down the sub had a bigger negative effect than positive
  124. <ForestL> before the admins got r/spam
  125. <fritzly> spam should be their issue, rts should have been ran by the admins from the start
  126. <davidreiss666> I regularly send the admins lists of spammers with karma
  127. <davidreiss666> with evidence that they are really spammers
  128. <davidreiss666> and I get no response
  129. <agentlame> 'from the start' is relative.
  130. * JustPassingThrough is now known as justboneringthrough
  131. <agentlame> You forget when there was like five admins.
  132. <davidreiss666> I don't know if they disgaree with me or just missed the message cause of lots of mod mail
  133. <ForestL> davidreiss666, they need more people
  134. <fritzly> "from a reasonable period of time"
  135. <ForestL> that is the main problem
  136. <davidreiss666> causse when they disagree they also say nothing.
  137. <fritzly> communication is something they need to work on
  138. <ForestL> again, most of the problems are because they are understaffed, and not much we can do to change that right now
  139. <fritzly> We also get mod mails from admins saying "this is our idea we want to do with your sub" we agree and say we will help and we never hear back.
  140. <fritzly> 2 different admins did that with /r/trees
  141. <snarkypants> probably because using /r/trees as a platform for ideas is a bad idea from a business perspective
  142. <fritzly> then they should approach us in the first place
  143. <snarkypants> i sent them an idea once
  144. <snarkypants> and the were like, hey lets talk more
  145. <snarkypants> and then i never followed up
  146. <snarkypants> so, it goes both ways, i guess
  147. * EnigmaBlade (EnigmaBlade@user/EnigmaBlade) has joined channel #modtalk
  148. <agentlame> ITT: the admins are a single, unified entity in all actions and statements.
  149. <snarkypants> not a bad thing to be
  150. <snarkypants> !mods askreddit
  151. <redditBot> r/askreddit has 30 mods: krispykrackers, BritishEnglishPolice, PhilxBefore, jedberg, jamt9000, flyryan, nitrousconsumed, ll_shades, DEADB33F, karmanaut, Ooer, ImNotJesus, ducky-box, canipaybycheck, splattypus, noahjk, AutoModerator, GustavoFrings, roastedbagel, UnholyDemigod, herpderpherpderp, brownboy13, ani625, TheJackal8, sexrockandroll, CowJam, e36, pursuitoffappyness, xscz, and Iamducky
  152. <snarkypants>
  153. <snarkypants> what did this say
  154. <snarkypants> are any of these mods even in here?
  155. <Sems> yeah
  156. <agentlame> I gonna be for real for a sec. Do people not see the FUCKING INSANE irony of the mods shit on the admins circlejerk? "They hide" "They don't respond" "They are one person" "They don't do shit" "The make rule changes without consulting us"
  157. <agentlame> Do people here, of all fucking places, not see that?
  158. <Sems> :)
  159. <agentlame> It's literally mods being typical redditors to the admins.
  160. * justboneringthrough is now known as JustPassingThrough
  161. <snarkypants> hey, it's a business, and it is what it is
  162. <fritzly> You saying you don't respond to people in mod mail agentlame?
  163. <agentlame> No, but not every mod does.
  164. <agentlame> And sometimes, when there is a big mess going on, we don't.
  165. <agentlame> That's true of many subs.
  166. <fritzly> there should be a response to people asking questions or they feel how we do now.
  167. <fritzly> especially if they message multiple times
  168. <agentlame> During the tech mess we were responding to like 1% of mod mail.
  169. <snarkypants> sometimes when there is a big mess going on, some moderators get louder
  170. <EnigmaBlade> to be fair, when there is a big mess 99% of modmail is "GO KILL YOURSELF FGTS"
  171. <snarkypants> when is creq gong to be allowd in here anyways
  172. <fritzly> agentlame if reddit turned into /r/technology I would consider that analogy as a valid one
  173. <EnigmaBlade> and not worth responding to
  174. <agentlame> fritzly: mod mail is literally tech, just at all times, times 10000000000
  175. <fritzly> They are getting paid, we are not. Asking to be treated a bit more fairer isn't unreasonable
  176. <MillenniumFalc0n> Is creq in defaultmods?
  177. * MillenniumFalc0n goes to check
  178. <agentlame> You have: trolls, sbanned users, people reporting mods, people demanding heads, mod reporting stuff and on and on and on.
  179. <fritzly> agentlame, that should only encourage them to fix mod mail. They been saying they would for years
  180. <snarkypants> reddit is fluid, and I don't think you can really put your finger on it, and say exactly what it is or what it is becoming
  181. <agentlame> fritzly: this conversation has nothing to do with mod mail.
  182. <MillenniumFalc0n> Yes
  183. <MillenniumFalc0n> Yes he is
  184. <fritzly> that is disturbing mf
  185. <MillenniumFalc0n> All default mods are in defaultmods
  186. <fritzly> agentlame if mod mail was better they could communicate more efficiently
  187. <snarkypants> MillenniumFalc0n!
  188. <fritzly> to us
  189. <MillenniumFalc0n> snarkypants!
  190. <agentlame> Sigh... I think you entirely missed the point.
  191. <agentlame> k. mod mail
  192. <ek_khiladi> hi
  193. <snarkypants> MillenniumFalc0n, what are you saying yes to
  194. <fritzly> agentlame the point was that we do not see the irony in complaining.
  195. <fritzly> that is not ironic
  196. <snarkypants> im not complaining about it
  197. <MillenniumFalc0n> That creq is in defaultmods
  198. <snarkypants> he should be
  199. <agentlame> Not in 'complaining'... in literally every thing 'we' complain about.
  200. <snarkypants> but does he know?
  201. <snarkypants> why hasn't he joined #modtalk yet?
  202. <agentlame> You can hang your hat on one of them. But I was making a broader point.
  203. <fritzly> the very least they could communicate when we need help, mod mail improvement would help that since I'm sure they are spammed.
  204. <davidreiss666> Deimorz on the approved submitters situation
  205. <davidreiss666> Looks like I actually broke this when I was getting everybody added initially after I started the bot up again. I'll fix it and get the bot to run through and add everyone that's backlogged.
  206. <agentlame> fritzly: they are re-writing mod mail, along with 10000000000 other feature ~~demands~~requests.
  207. <snarkypants> my guess is they would beed more money to invest in hiring more talent to make the improvements you are hoping for
  208. <agentlame> And that's **really** not the crux of the issue. Nor what I was saying.
  209. <snarkypants> so they worked on improving advertising
  210. <davidreiss666> I worked for a company once that had a top-5 projects list
  211. <davidreiss666> there were 22 projects on the list
  212. <fritzly> davidreiss666: that means the younger admin just lied to you/responded without checking
  213. <davidreiss666> I think "lied" is a loaded word there
  214. <snarkypants> and adjusted default subreddits, and are anticipating growing ad revenue
  215. <davidreiss666> but yes, they did
  216. <snarkypants> and then when they have more money, they can hire more people
  217. <fritzly> agentlame what is your broader point then?
  218. <Sems> i see it, al o7 no worries
  219. <agentlame> huh?
  220. <fritzly> you said Im missing your broader point that you were trying to make. pls explain
  221. <agentlame> fritzly: how bad is your hard on to bitch about the admins when you're now complaining that someone who DID get an almost instant response, now got an incorrect one?
  222. <fritzly> agaentlame: I am quickly losing faith in the admins. The fact that the younger mod said their was a limit or /r/defaultmods reached it shows that they don't care enough about us to even look into a situation.
  223. <fritzly> All Im asking is a bit of respect and they clearly are showing they don't care about us
  224. <JustPassingThrough> lol this channel omg
  225. <davidreiss666> I do think that guy who told me there was a limit to the number of approved-submitters should have at least looked into the situation a little
  226. <fritzly> exactly
  227. <davidreiss666> But he didn't. He just blew me off with a "there must be a limit" answer
  228. <redtaboo> maybe it was a mistake?
  229. <davidreiss666> And didn't respond to me at all when I pointed out that there are other subreddits with more approved-submitters in them
  230. <redtaboo> why assume the worst, that's what users do to us all the time
  231. <fritzly> redtaboo, because deimorz confirmed there was a problem
  232. <fritzly> after he was pied
  233. <fritzly> pm'd
  234. <redtaboo> so?
  235. <ek_khiladi> hi
  236. <davidreiss666> if it was a one-time thing, I would agree with you
  237. <fritzly> so the first admin didn't even look into a problem brought to them
  238. <redtaboo> how does that mean anyone lied or was blowingyou off?
  239. <davidreiss666> And I think the word "lied" is a loaded term here
  240. <fritzly> lied is strong but I can't think of a better word
  241. <davidreiss666> but they did just jump to an assumption and then ignore me after that
  242. <redtaboo> jesus, we only discovered an issue like an hour ago
  243. * Sems eats popcorn
  244. <fritzly> and they didn't care enough to investigate
  245. <ek_khiladi> Sems: share the popcorn?
  246. <fritzly> no respect
  247. <Sems> k
  248. <ek_khiladi> cool
  249. * Sems shares popcorn
  250. <ek_khiladi> *eats popcorn with Sems*
  251. <ek_khiladi> Sems, they mad!
  252. <Sems> i love modtalk
  253. <ek_khiladi> me2
  254. <snarkypants> what is an approved submitter limit
  255. <fritzly> I don't think the admins realize that we (the mods) could come together and shut down the site. If they keep down this rode it won't take much to make all the defaults private. Once they start losing money their attitudes will surely change.
  256. <JustPassingThrough> lol
  257. <Sems> lol
  258. <fritzly> it would obviously take much more than this to do that. But don't rule out the possibility
  259. <Sems> you make me laugh, fritzly
  260. <Sems> never change, plz
  261. <redtaboo> is this copypasta and i don't know it?
  262. <redtaboo> or are you serious?
  263. <greenduch> btw, its my understanding that a re-do of modmail basically requires an entire re-write of how commenting/pms/modmail works. its a large undertaking, and considering theres 1-2 admins who apparently work almost exclusively out of modmail, im sure its something they themselves would fucking love to see happen
  264. <fritzly> Im just pissed. I just spent 3 hours trying to cheer up my mom because her dad is dying. Im not in the mood.
  265. <fritzly> and I haven't sleep well in months
  266. <greenduch> im sorry your mum's dad is dying. im not really sure what youre upset about wrt the admins, except that modmail is shit
  267. <JustPassingThrough> 53Sems well tbf i still have an alt in JTT for no fucking reason i dont even know pls kill me, and they mentioned making the sub
  268. <Sems> lol
  269. <fritzly> redtaboo: thought IPs were per device and not per internet source
  270. <JustPassingThrough> switching and IP takes very little effort
  271. <Sems> meta subs still confuse the shit out of me. i've had people explain the circle subs a million times and i still don't get it
  272. <JustPassingThrough> if making a new account isnt gonna stop em, better ban all of russia
  273. <redtaboo> nope, entire building can be behind a single IP address
  274. <davidreiss666> redtaboo, if we can only have tools that always work for the most decicated of trolls. Things that can only stop the James Bond of the troll world, then we shouldn't have any tools for anything
  275. <davidreiss666> cuase such a tool can't even be imagined
  276. <fritzly> JustPassingThrough: redtaboo isn't a fan of /r/oppression. Thinks we are mocking people there.
  277. <agentlame> fritzly: colleges and businesses are often subnetted off of a single IP.
  278. <JustPassingThrough> wut
  279. <redtaboo> fritzly you are mocking people
  280. <agentlame> single *public* IP, pardon.
  281. <fritzly> no
  282. <greenduch> i dont think the admins even use IP bans
  283. <relic2279> I think wikipedia once banned an IP, and it just so happened that an entire country used that IP, they accidentally banned the entire country of Qatar I believe
  284. <greenduch> at least not strictly IP bans
  285. <greenduch> its likely more complicated than that
  286. <davidreiss666> the admins have used ip bans in the past
  287. <greenduch> i feel like i recall intortus talking about it a while back
  288. <redtaboo> satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
  289. <agentlame> greenduch: they can do an IP ban that auto-sbanns new accounts from the same IP.
  290. <JustPassingThrough> yeah well the qatarians had it coming for having a country that has such a cheap scrabble name
  291. <agentlame> They almost never use it.
  292. <davidreiss666> they have admitted to using them occasionally
  293. <JustPassingThrough> >:C
  294. <agentlame> That's what happen to Ides.
  295. <JustPassingThrough> she moved to qatar???
  296. <greenduch> no its not agentlame
  297. <greenduch> her housemate's account wasnt touched
  298. <JustPassingThrough> her housemate lives in qatar with her though
  299. <greenduch> wat
  300. <agentlame> Did they *create* a new account in that time?
  301. <JustPassingThrough> with the whole country gone, the housemate would have definitely been banned
  302. <fritzly> redtaboo: "or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or VICES" We mock the act not the people
  303. <redtaboo> in the process you mock the people
  304. <fritzly> we never single out a user
  305. <redtaboo> they aren't seperate things
  306. <JustPassingThrough> youve singled out the entirety of qatar
  307. <fritzly> cuz they suck
  308. <JustPassingThrough> well ya
  309. <fritzly> and oppressive
  310. <redtaboo> except when you tell them to post their problems there from the help subreddits?
  311. * JustPassingThrough is now known as JustQataringThrough
  312. <fritzly> better than removing the post without reason
  313. <redtaboo> that wasn't mocking the person?
  314. <fritzly> No. It was advertising
  315. <redtaboo> lol
  316. <fritzly> Plus those comments had legitimate advice the ops thanked me for it.
  317. * JustQataringThrough is now known as JustPassingThrough
  318. <fritzly> removing it 13 hours after did nothing but showed you have a bias against comedy /s
  319. <redtaboo> or someone had just reported it?
  320. <fritzly> Doesn't matter if someone reported it. It didn't break the rules.
  321. <fritzly> It also wasn't down voted
  322. <redtaboo> lol
  323. <fritzly> not like that played a factor but it shows people were not unhappy with it
  324. <fritzly> redtaboo, can I redirect to /r/karmacourt or is no satirical subs allowed in the help subs?
  325. <redtaboo> no subreddits like that, te help subreddits are for helping people not starting witch hunts
  326. <redtaboo> karma court is good at those
  327. * Forest|_ (Forest@user/ForestL) has joined channel #modtalk
  328. <fritzly> which hunts?
  329. <fritzly> Who is talking about witch hunts?
  330. <TomRiddle> karmacourt is great at starting witchhunts
  331. <TomRiddle> remember when they made that video to say fuck you to a user?
  332. <fritzly> Yeah
  333. <fritzly> that isn't a witch hunt
  334. <TomRiddle> ahh, goood times
  335. <TomRiddle> tfw they are all neckbeards
  336. <TomRiddle> here
  337. <fritzly> remember when NotAMethAddict was a mod there
  338. <TomRiddle> seal of approval, fuck yeah.jpg
  339. <JustPassingThrough> isnt karmakourt supposed to be roleplaying and not stupid
  340. <TomRiddle> turns out he was like 12?
  341. <greenduch> yeah JustPassingThrough but people think its real
  342. <TomRiddle> in the video he looked like a kid
  343. <redtaboo> JustPassingThrough it's supposed to be, but with all subreddits like that some people take it seriously
  344. <greenduch> as far as i can tell, half the folks are roleplaying and the other half are witchhunting
  345. <fritzly> its a parody of the real legal system adapted for reddit
  346. <greenduch> shush redtaboo get out of my head you asshat
  347. <agentlame> fritzly: oppression is a shit show.
  348. <redtaboo> greatyellowshark no u
  349. <fritzly> its funny
  350. <greenduch> lel
  351. <greenduch> #rekt, cant even hilight me right
  352. <redtaboo> fak
  353. <agentlame> fritzly: it's not if they are brigading subs.
  354. <greatyellowshark> lol
  355. <redtaboo> ilu greatyellowshark
  356. <JustPassingThrough> #consider_yourself_wrecked,_friend
  357. <agentlame> Which they (the mods) are.
  358. <greatyellowshark> <3
  359. <redtaboo> i hate u greenduch
  360. <greenduch> ;_;
  361. * greenduch sobs
  362. <redtaboo> <3 im sry
  363. <JustPassingThrough> D: but i like both u and greenduch I SUCK AT PICKING SIDES
  364. <Addyct> .
  365. <fritzly> agaentlame: I haven't seen any brigading. Please show proof if you have it
  366. <Forest|_> fight4life
  367. <JustPassingThrough> 53ill just be here in the corner with sems and YoloSwagBot
  368. <greenduch> oi dont leave weeedbot all by his lonesome!
  369. <weeedbot> gotta love me!
  370. <greenduch> i do luv, i do!
  371. <JustPassingThrough> weeedbot is a strong independent bot man who dont need no like
  372. <agentlame> fritzly: I didn't mean that as a debate. I'm saying you might want to leave that sub, because mods are vote brigading. I don't care if you stay or don't.
  373. <Sems> \o/
  374. <Sems> best corner
  375. * titrc brigades agentlame
  376. <Sems> we have popcorn, candy, and misogyny
  377. <Sems> wait
  378. <titrc> how does that feel?
  379. <TomRiddle> Ok
  380. <TomRiddle> I gotta rant about this again
  381. <agentlame> If I see one more... meh. n/m
  382. <TomRiddle> apologies
  383. <TomRiddle> but how am I supposed to get karma at /r/spam? people just post then leave, not upvoting
  384. <Sems> i have hilarity for you, jpt, you're gonna love it
  385. <TomRiddle> that's a really broken system
  386. <agentlame> lol... I have like -47 link karma in RTS.
  387. <agentlame> 250 posts, most with one upvote. And a single post right in the middle of the tesla mess. :/
  388. <TomRiddle> ooh
  389. <agentlame> Karma spends so easy.
  390. <TomRiddle> so are we getting a spam button for the toolbox? that would be so much easier
  391. <agentlame> TomRiddle: toolbox has always had one.
  392. <HandicapperGeneral> yeah...
  393. <TomRiddle> agentlame: a button to report it?
  394. and click 'report spammer'.
  395. <TomRiddle> ooh
  396. <agentlame> Yis
  397. <TomRiddle> i'll have to try that
  398. <TomRiddle> RAGE you are doing that too much. try again in 7 minutes.
  399. * creesch (creeesch@user/Creesch) Quit (*.net *.split)
  400. <XavierMendel> TomRiddle: story of my life
  401. <TomRiddle> by the time I do submit it, someone else will have reported it already
  402. <TomRiddle> ;_;
  403. <TomRiddle> y u do dis admins
  404. <TomRiddle> y
  405. <agentlame> They didn't.
  406. <XavierMendel> 3 years and >200k combined karma, mods a bunch of subs
  407. <XavierMendel> Fuck you untrustworthy piece of shit
  408. <TomRiddle> lel
  409. <XavierMendel> probably a spammer
  410. <XavierMendel> playing the long con
  411. <agentlame> maxwell?
  412. <TomRiddle> >2 years >more than 100k karma >must be a spammer from india
  413. * creesch (creeesch@user/Creesch) has joined channel #modtalk
  414. <XavierMendel> dohoho
  415. <TomRiddle> ;________;
  416. * creesch (creeesch@user/Creesch) Quit (*.net *.split)
  417. <agentlame> I kid, I kid. submitting spam is a mod action. maxwell wouldn't do that!
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