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- Your Serperior has always been a mature and stoic Pokemon. She always kept her emotions checked, and radiated an air of composure. Maybe that's why you found it so satisfying to see her break down.
- It was the fifth day that you and your long time Serperior companion, Amelia, were spending, camping in the woods outside of your small town. You had spent the days alone together, playing between the swaying trees and rushing streams. At first, Amelia had displayed her cold exterior as usual. But as the days went by, the chilly façade faded to reveal a sweet and playful snake. She always enjoyed the outdoors and it showed! She was always eager to play with you. Wether it was hide and seek deep within the woods. Or splashing each other with the cold water of a nearby creek. You had to admit, you enjoyed seeing her so lively. You, however, were feeling more and more frustrated as the final day of your trip drew closer. The entire point of this outing was to find a rare Pokemon to catch. The local professor had said that because of an unusual temperature shift, more and more northern Pokemon were being seen this far south. You wanted desperately to catch a hardly seen Pokemon to show off to your friends. But so far you've seen nothing.
- And today is your last chance.
- As the sun begins to set on the last day of your trip you stand with Amelia surveying a large field. Looking, hoping to spot something that you can battle and clame for yourself.
- And there it is! Darting between the tall grass you spy a quick and nimble Weavile just ahead of you. You waste no time and send Amelia surging forward to subdue it. When she gets close, her vines suddenly dart forward and catch the Weavile by the legs. However, the wild Weavile slashes at them freeing itself. Amelia never hesitates and dives towards it, ready to coil around it. But is met with an ice beam to the face. You hear her cry out and thrash backwards. You call out her name and rush to her side. She coils around herself protectively and you can see she's hurt. You gently rub her long body, comforting her, and soon she raises her head and flashes you a weak smile. You smile in return and stand. But as you look up you notice that the Weavile is long gone. Lost within the trees. You stomp the ground in frustration. That was your best and last chance of catching anything. This entire outing has been a waste! Amelia notices you furious exspession and wraps her vines around you in an attempt to calm you.
- "Oh I'm alright." You sigh. "Here, let me get you a potion. " you say as you make for your backpack. But on the way over, a thought strikes you. Why should you do anything for her now? She failed you. Your one shot comes around, and she fails you. Is she even worth it?
- "You know what? I don't think I want to waste a potion on a failure like you." You say with out even turning to face her. She raises her injured head and stares at you in confusion as you walk back to her empty handed. "That's right. I don't think you're worth it after that pathetic performance. Now turn around and get lost. I don't want to see you again today."
- The look of confusion and pain deepened. You've never treated her like this before and you can tell she's hurt more than just physically now. She makes a motion towards you, perhaps in the hopes your just playing a mean prank on her. You raise your hand and quickly strike get across the face. "I'm not playing with you! Get out of here now!"
- She quickly shrinks back from you, eyes wide with pain. You dont see any tears forming though. You know she's stronger than that. She finally lowers her head to the ground and slinks off in the other direction. Every couple of meters or so she would stop and turn toward you, desperately hoping you'll change your mind. After she is out of sight you return to your tent and begin to pack your things for the return home.
- The smell of cooked eggs and toast fill the rooms of the tiny two bedroom house that you rent, as you make your breKfast in the kitchen the next morning. You hear the door to the kitchen swing open slightly as Amelia slithers in and up to the table. Her head is high and her composure has returned full force. She slips into her spot at the table and smiles unusual widely at you, hoping that yesterday was behind you two and that you had forgiven her.
- "What the hell do you think you're doing? If I'm not going to waste a potion on you I'm certainly not going to waste any food." Her smile drops instantly and her head lowers. She lets out a small sigh and begins to leave the table. "Get back here. I want you to watch me eat. I want you to see what you don't get when you fuck up like yesterday. " She slowly returns to the table and lays her head on the surface, gazing pitifully at you while you devour her favorite breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast. You wonder why you suddenly find so much pleasure in treating her this way but push the thought to the back of your mind. She's a failure. She deserves this. You hadn't given her any dinner last night so you know she must be starving. In fact, you have to stifle a chuckle when you hear her belly rumble with perfect timing. But even after all this she still dosent cry. When you finally finish your meal you catch yourself thinking, "I'll have to try harder."
- You rise from the table and return your dish to the sink. "Well that was delicious! Now how about we relax and put in a movie?" The shift in your tone and your suggestion causes Amelia to quickly raise her head and for her smile to return. Had you forgiven her? She quickly slithers out of the kitchen and into your cramped living room. Amelia had always been a sucker for movies, especially romances, and in fact it seemed like one of the few activities where her emotions would slip past her mask. You find her coiled up on the couch, the one place to sit in the room, eagerly waiting for you to select a flick and toss it into the player. The two of you have watched countless movies on that couch. At first she would sit on her side and you on yours, but recently she had begun to coil around you during the movie, using her tongue to lick up popcorn out of the bowl. You make your way to your DVD shelf and turn to her. " Alrighty then. What do you want to watch?"
- Her smile somehow wides even further and her vines shoot out to grab a familiar case. She places it in your hands and you glance at the cover. Of course it's a romance. A classic one at that. The story of a faithful Gardevoir, in love with her trainer, who sacrifices herself to save him from catastrophe. It's a little dark but ends on a high note with her being brought back at the end to be reunited. You open the case and pull out the disk. "Of course. This is one of your favorites, right?" She nods eagerly and motions for you to put the DVD in quickly.
- The look on her face when you snap the disk in half was priceless.
- "Yeah, like I said. I don't think you're worth it. Now get off the couch. I don't want to sit with you."
- For a second there, it looks like she was finally going to break down and cry. Her body goes limp and her eyes look at you in despair. As you pick out your favorite comedy you hear her slide off the couch and on to the floor. You grab the remote and step over her, falling into your most comfortable spot on the couch. She's silent throughout the whole movie, barely moving an inch even as you laugh loudly at the film.
- When it's finally over you stand up and stretch. "Always a good choice. Now how about-". You step forward and nearly trip over Amelia who still hadn't moved. She reacts quickly and makes an attempt to catch you with her vines, but you steady yourself. You turn toward her angrily. "What the fuck do you think you're doing! Are you trying to kill me?!" You shout loudly at her. She slithers back away from you, not looking up. Her face now fearful. "Ok that's it. I'm sick and tired of you. Come with me". You walk out the front door of your house, Amelia following slowly behind you. She hesitates at the doorframe, openly fearful of where you're taking her. You call for her to hurry up and she complies. You lead her away from your house and in to the woods where you were camping just the night before. After about fifteen minutes of walking you come to a clearing. "Alright. Stay here. I don't want you anymore."
- Your words finally seem to shatter Amelia's composure. She rushes to you and wraps you up in a deep embrace. Her eyes meet yours and you see what you were after. Tears stream down freely from her eyes. She presses her face against yours and you can feel the wetness of her tears. "Get off me!" You shout out. "I don't want a failure like you anymore. Stay the hell away from me." You grab her heavy body and drop her to the ground. She looks up at you, eyes red, hoping desperately that you'll hug her. That'll you'll say you forgive her. That the two of you can go back home and forget about all this.
- But you don't. Without a second glance, you turn away from the crying Serperior and walk past the tree line, leaving her all alone.
- After you're far enough away you stop and hide behind a nearby tree. You're silent now and listening intently. You can hear her now. Crying out loudly. You slowly lean out from behind the tree and spot your former companion. She's coiled around herself and weeping openly. You smile to yourself and rest your body against the tree. You'll leave her to cry for a little bit longer then you'll go back to retrieve her. Hopefully she'll try just a bit harder when you want to catch a Pokemon next time.
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