
Flutterrape: [Delicious] Let's just get to the gore already

Dec 13th, 2012
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  1. >Wake up
  2. >Shit, shower, shave
  3. >There’s a knock on your door
  4. >You sigh
  5. >Get up and answer it
  6. >Well, well, Yellow Quiet
  7. What do you want?
  8. >She smiles meekly and displays her outfit
  9. >It’s…..a disco suit?
  10. >It’s really shiny and tacky
  11. >Yeesh
  12. >Where is she getting these things?
  13. >Most likely from Rarity
  14. >Oh, Rarity
  15. >You’re surprised she hasn’t told Fluttershy yet
  16. >That’s probably a good thing
  17. >She might take it better if it’s from you
  18. >Sigh
  19. >You’ve used the “No horsefucking” excuse on Fluttershy for sometime
  20. >But she won’t be happy to know you’re in a relationship with Rarity
  21. Okay, um so Fluttershy I’m going to be honest…
  22. >She smiles
  23. >”Disco suits are your fetish?”
  24. No, they’re not
  25. >You love Rarity, but sometimes her outfits can be really bad
  26. >This one was awful
  27. >It was a literal eyesore
  28. I’m in a relationship with Rarity, Fluttershy
  29. >She gasps
  30. >”B-but you sai-“
  31. I know, and I wasn’t originally lying. I fell in love with Rarity.
  32. >Tears form in her eyes
  33. >”Why? W-why not me?”
  34. Because she didn’t always lust after me. She didn’t try to guess my fetish and act all desperate. Rarity has been charming, and supportive.
  35. >Fluttershy shuts her eyes tightly
  36. Are you okay? Look I’m sorr-
  37. >”No!”
  38. >She takes flight
  39. >You can see some tears flowing from her eyes as she zooms off
  40. >You can’t help, but feel a bit guilty
  41. >That was draining
  42. >You’d best visit Rarity, tell her about making this relationship public
  43. >And to stop leading Fluttershy along
  44. >After a few minutes of walking you find yourself opening the door of Carousel Boutique
  45. >The smell, and the sight of this place is very comforting to you
  46. >As you enter you see Rarity inspecting her latest creation
  47. >It looks beautiful to you, but you’re sure she could find a thousand flaws
  48. >That only she could see you might add
  49. >You chuckle and begin to tiptoe behind her
  50. >Ponies may have good ears but they usually don’t associate your silent footsteps with someone approaching
  51. >They’re used to the clipping and clopping of hooves
  52. >You kneel down on one knee
  53. >Then wrap your hands around her eyes
  54. >She cries out in surprise but then composes herself
  55. >”Anon! I didn’t expect you to be visiting so early!”
  56. >Neither did you
  57. >She uses her magic to move your hands away
  58. >Your marefriend turns around and pecks your cheek
  59. >”I am quite busy at the moment. However, I do admit to being pleasantly surprised.”
  60. >Her expression becomes sultry and her eyes glow with intended mischief
  61. >It tugs at your heart, because now you’re going to have to kill the mood
  62. Rarity?
  63. >”Mmmhmmm ~?”
  64. You know Fluttershy?
  65. >”Oh Anon, let her have ho-“
  66. I told her about us, and it’s best if you don’t encourage her pursuit of me anymore
  67. >Rarity’s mouth gapes
  68. >”Oh…I see.”
  69. >”The poor dear! Anon you didn’t intentionally try to break her heart, did you?”
  70. No I didn’t!
  71. >You raise your hands defensively
  72. >Rarity and Fluttershy are quite close
  73. >She’s always worried about what Fluttershy is feeling and how she’s treated
  74. >Pfff Fluttershy is a mare not a filly, she shouldn’t have to be treated any differently
  75. >Still she’s sensitive
  76. Rarity, you know Fluttershy, she didn’t take it well regardless
  77. >”Are you sure?”
  78. >Nod
  79. She flew off. Probably back to her home.
  80. >Rarity looks troubled
  81. She’ll get over it Rarity. Trust me.
  82. >She still looks worried but smiles a little
  83. >”I suppose she will. Maybe, I can find her a suitable stallion.”
  84. >Someone as crazy as her?
  85. >You dare not say that aloud
  86. I’ve suggested she try to pursue a pony willing to be with her
  87. >”You’re a different case Anon.”
  88. Ugh
  89. >Because you were exotic
  90. >And Fluttershy could relate to you easier, because she saw you as an animal in some ways
  91. >Rarity rubs your chest with a soft hoof
  92. >”But there’s much more to you than that darling.”
  93. >”Trust me.”
  94. >You grin, true, true
  95. >Thoughts of Fluttershy begin to leave you and your lover when the ringing of a bell interrupt both of your thoughts
  96. >Please be another customer
  97. >Anyone but her
  98. >Turn around
  99. >It’s Fluttershy
  100. >Of course
  101. >It always is
  102. >Oddly enough she seems to be showing no hints of sadness
  103. >You’re quite shocked actually to see her already
  104. >Rarity looks happy
  105. >Maybe Fluttershy is starting to accept your relationship with Rarity
  106. >You frown
  107. >And maybe Fluttershy will be able to guess your fetish, and maybe pigs will fly
  108. >Fluttershy trots up to the two of you
  109. >”Um I have a present…for you two.”
  110. >She holds up two sandwich slices
  111. >You reluctantly grab yours
  112. >You raise a brow but Fluttershy maintains a poker face
  113. >You remove the content of the bread
  114. >See a large horse tranquilizer
  115. >You give Fluttershy a deadpan look
  116. Did you really expect me to fall for this?
  117. >She squeaks
  118. >You turn to Rarity
  119. Check your sandwi-
  120. >Rarity already ate hers and is passed out
  121. >Man these ponies are so naïve
  122. Alright so you knocked her out, I’ll take care of her and pretend this never happened….go home.
  123. >”No, I must do this.”
  124. >Before you can ask what she sharply slams your head into a wall
  125. >You are knocked the fuck out
  127. >Your head swims
  128. >Slowly you regain your vision
  129. >It’s dark in here
  130. >You’re on your back
  131. >”Wake up~.”
  132. Wha-who?
  133. >You hear giggling
  134. >”It’s me, your one true love.”
  135. Rarity?
  136. >”Don’t sass me mister!”
  137. Oh…Fluttershy
  138. >You blink and you can see everything now
  139. >It’s very late at night
  140. >You appear to be in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner
  141. >Wonder how the cakes haven’t woken up yet
  142. >Also your head still fucking hurts
  143. Why am I strapped to a table?
  144. >”So you can witness my d-devotion to you.”
  145. Are you going to cut me up? You’ve already done a fine job of seriously wounding me.
  146. >”Wha-“
  147. Yeah, didn’t you know? If you hit someone with enough blunt force to make them unconscious that’s a big deal!
  148. >She fumbles with her hooves nervously
  149. >”Listen, Anon I-“
  150. No, you listen here. We aren’t in some bad fictional story that ignores serious injuries when it’s convenient only to get into detailed bodily harm later for convenience! Take me to a hospital!
  151. >”You seem fine to me…”
  152. >She’s right, but that’s no excuse
  153. We both got lucky then. I could have had skull fractures, brain damage, internal bleeding, maybe I would have died!
  154. >Ugh, you’re hoping Rarity is alright…
  155. >Rarity!
  156. Where is she!
  157. >Fluttershy grins
  158. >It’s an unsettling kind of grin
  159. >She flutters over to a cupboard
  160. >Opens it
  161. >Rarity falls out
  162. >Her horn is bound with something, and her hooves are tie together
  163. >She has a ballgag in her mouth
  164. >You can see the tears in her eyes
  165. Let her go!
  166. >”No! This slut stole you away!”
  167. >Fluttershy screams this
  168. >It actually makes you jump
  169. What are you going to do?
  170. >”Make you love me again….”
  171. Stop being vague…
  172. >”I’m going to kill her Anon, and feed her to you.”
  173. >Rarity’s screams are muffled
  174. >You’re disgusted
  175. Really? I won’t love you if you do that.
  176. >She looks puzzled
  177. You know this is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard to commit murder. Like, if you wanted me to love you maybe you could be tasteful? Heck, if you wanted to drive me and Rarity apart maybe you should be more subtle about it and not try to murder one of your close friends? What makes you think I won’t tell the authorities or that no one will find out?
  178. >”Ano-“
  179. No! I’m not done yet! This is all some cheap uncreative excuse with the flimsiest justifications! I knew you were a creepy stalker, but you’re also the element of-
  180. >While you were ranting she switched the ballgag from Rarity to you
  181. >Fluttershy gives you a stern look
  182. >”Now just rest, relax, and behave yourself mister.”
  183. >A glint of bloodlust light up her eyes
  184. >”Momma’s got a slut to take care of.”
  185. >Your heart races
  186. >Rarity flails about
  187. >”No, Fluttershy don’t!”
  188. >Fluttershy kicks her
  189. >It sounds like marshmallows colliding with marshmallow, but Rarity appears to be in pain
  190. >What is she going to do?!
  191. >Choke her to death?
  192. >Oh shit!
  193. >Maybe chop her to pieces?
  194. >Cooks always keep the best knives
  195. >Speaking of that…
  197. >Are they not helping because of that one time you called Mrs.Cake Paula Deen?
  198. >Well they wouldn’t know who that is…
  199. >They’re probably on a vacation
  200. >Who knows?
  201. >To your right you notice a large wooden oven and a large open fire pit
  202. >So that was what was lighting up the room
  203. >You watch in horror as Fluttershy carries Rarity over to the fire pit
  204. >Oh dear god no!
  205. Mmmmph! Mmmmph!
  206. >”Anon! Close your eyes don’t watch!”
  207. >Rarity pleads with you
  208. >But you can’t look away
  209. >Fluttershy lines up Rarity’s ass on a spit
  210. >Is she going to skewer her?
  211. >Is that even possible?
  212. >Rarity screams as Fluttershy jams the long metal rod through her ….wait
  213. >She doesn’t have an anus
  214. >It’s like putting a marshmallow on a stick
  216. >Fluttershy grins evilly and jams it all the way through Rarity’s butt and out her mouth
  217. >Then she positions her over the fire
  218. >You’re mortified, but the smell is really delicious
  219. >Like cooking marshmallows
  220. >Rarity flails about
  221. >”Darling don’t look!”
  222. >Her lower body begins to become toasty and brown
  223. >Fluttershy takes a while to get the motion right, but then begins spinning her around
  224. >And around
  225. >A good portion of Rarity is now a golden brown of toasty goodness
  226. >Fluttershy does not like the way you are ogling Rarity
  227. >She lowers her closer to the fire
  228. >Rarity’s beautiful mane and face catches on fire
  230. Mmmmph! Mmmph!
  231. >Rarity’s face begins to char and drip
  232. >You can smell ashes and smoke now
  233. >What was once her face is now goopy drippy and in some cases, charred mess
  234. >Rarity’s tail flails about in agony, and but she can no longer form words
  235. >Her head is one giant glob of marshmallow
  236. Stop! Stop!
  237. >Fluttershy giggles
  238. >”Of course, we don’t want to ruin the meal.”
  239. >You glare
  240. >Rarity begins to flail about
  241. >Fluttershy takes out a knife and cuts her stomach
  242. >Your marshmallow lover has no mouth and she must scream
  243. >White warm yummy goo pours out of her
  244. >It falls into the fire and the smell of burnt marshmallow fills the air
  245. >While Rarity drips in misery Fluttershy searches through the cupboards
  246. >She finds a large mixing bowl
  247. >Fluttershy runs the sink and a bunch of water fills the bowl
  248. >She moves it next to Rarity
  249. >Then by lifting the spit she holds Rarity over the bowl
  250. >Her marshmallow form melts into the bowl
  251. No! Rarity! Stop this Fluttershy!
  252. >”Sweetie, I’m cooking for you.”
  253. >She says sweetly as if nothing was wrong
  254. >”Be more considerate, I’m going to make you a very special treat!”
  255. But I don’t want to eat Rarity you fucking freak!
  256. >Fluttershy shows you another bowl with marshmallow goop
  257. >”See? I prepared this earlier to show you how I’m going to prepare your meal.”
  258. That’s not Rarity though, that’s just marshmallow goop!
  259. >”Exactly mister! That’s all she is and that’s all she should ever be to you!”
  260. >She forces Rarity into the large bowl water
  261. >Apparently her disfigured face can still breathe because you can hear gasping and bubbles
  262. >Fluttershy forces her again and again into the water
  263. >She slowly melts until she’s nothing but goop
  264. >Fluttershy takes out a spatula
  265. >You shudder as the yellow menace begins mixing it
  266. >”Cooking is fun~. Cooking is so fun~.”
  267. >She sings cheerfully
  268. >”Now it’s time to take a break and see what we have done~.”
  269. >She moves the bowl all the way over to you, and the bitch balances the goo covered spatula over to your face
  270. >”Would you like a sample?”
  272. >Tears run down your eyes
  273. >Fluttershy crams it into your mouth
  274. >It’s so delicious
  275. >That wonderful marshmallow goop tastes warm and wonderful
  276. >Creamy
  277. >Thick
  278. >Full of gelatin
  279. >But this was the love of your life!
  280. >”Don’t cry, this is a new beginning.”
  281. >You move your head away to prevent her from giving you more goop
  282. >Unbeknownst to the both of you the marshmallow mixture that was once Rarity slithers out of the bowl
  283. >It knocks over a conveniently placed canister of oil
  284. >Fluttershy has just finished forcing the last sample down your gullet
  285. >She turns back but then slips on the oil
  286. >Her spine shatters
  287. >Blood leaks out everywhere
  288. >Well….
  289. >That escalated quickly
  290. >What is her back made of?
  291. >Marshmallow?
  292. >Probably…
  293. >You notice your bindings weren’t really that secure
  294. >This all could have been avoided if you noticed ponies can’t tie knots for shit
  295. >Idiot
  296. >You break out of your bindings and pick up Fluttershy
  297. >”Anon….I…”
  298. >Throw her into the oven
  299. >You want to weep, but you’re empty
  300. >You move over to the pile of marshmallows that was once your lover
  301. >It smells delicious
  302. >You can’t help but feel hungry
  303. >Lick your lips
  304. >It’s what she would have wanted
  305. >You get a graham cracker
  306. >Some chocolate
  307. >Then you proceed to make the greatest smore ever
  308. >You’re about it bite into it when
  309. >”Anon….is that you?”
  310. >You gasp
  311. Rarity?
  312. >”Darling, I’ve somehow have come back to life to you in this form.”
  313. >You tear up
  314. I’m so glad!
  315. >”But aren’t I hideous?! And what happened to Fluttershy?”
  316. Neither of those are important, let’ make love
  317. >”Oh alright.”
  318. >You unzip your pants
  319. >Her soothing voice already made your member erect
  320. >You move Smore Rarity down to your crotch
  321. >”Be gentle, it’s my first time as a smore.”
  322. >You nod
  323. >Slowly and gently you penetrate her marshmallow center
  324. >It’s warm and toasty inside
  325. >You stifle a moan
  326. >Her marshmallow body quivers
  327. >You assume she came on insertion
  328. >”Oh Anon I love you so much!”
  329. Me too!
  330. >You thrust in and out
  331. >You’re gripping so tight you’re surprised those sexy graham crackers haven’t been crushed yet
  332. >The heat from your love making melts the chocolate making it an even more delicious treat
  333. >You thrust out and the thrust in a final time
  334. >You cry out as you unleash your stay puft into her
  335. >You look down at the beautiful smore in your hands
  336. Rarity no matter what happens I’ll always love y-
  337. >Notice the smore is gone
  338. >Hear crunching sounds
  339. >Pinkie is beside you eating something
  340. >”Mmmmm~! That was chocolately, salty, gooey, and all kinds of yummy!”
  341. >You fall to your knees
  343. >You glare at Pinkie who looks confused
  344. What are you even doing here?! Why now?
  345. >”Well Twilight says we need the Elements of Harmony to stop this big bad monster!”
  346. >Ah shit
  347. >”Where’s Rarity and Fluttershy?”
  348. Cooked and eaten…
  349. >You begin to sob again
  350. >Pinkie Pie giggles in disbelief
  351. >”They’re just hiding.”
  352. >She trots around
  353. >Slips on oil
  354. >Everything moves in slow motion
  355. >She gasps in shock
  356. >Pinkie begins to hit the ground
  357. >Her neck falls onto a knife that happened to be lying around
  358. >Blood oozes out of her jugular like a fountain
  359. >Pinkie is dead
  360. PINKIE!!!!!
  361. >Rainbow Dash rushes in
  362. >”Never fear your friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash is here!”
  363. >Unfortunately she flies too fast
  364. >She cannot turn in time
  365. >Dash just flew right into the oven
  366. >”Aaaaaaaagh!”
  367. >”It burns! It burns!”
  368. >Your mouth gapes
  369. >Her form slowly fades to ashes
  370. >Rainbow Dash is dead
  371. >Twilight Sparkle teleports inside
  372. Twilight! Twilight! Most of our friends are dead!
  373. >"All of them are!"
  374. >What about Applejack
  375. >You turn to your right
  376. >She's bleeding out on the floor
  377. >Skinned alive
  378. >....
  379. >Okay...
  380. >She gasps
  381. >”NO! Now we’re all doomed!”
  382. >The roof is broken off
  383. >You see this horrifying monster for the first time
  384. >It’s the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
  385. >He grins happily
  386. >You hold Twilight
  387. >She holds you
  388. >He moves in to eat you
  391. >That’s what happens when an Element of Harmony dies
  392. >Now the whole world is screwed
  393. >Fucking Fluttershy
  394. >BAD END
  396. A parody of gore writers (Fractured Flow in particular) in the Flutterrape threads. Sorry Fractured, but it's true. Stick to your non-gore stuff in Flutterrape, take your gore to AIE or a gore thread.
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