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Road to Diamond V: Digbo's Way

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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. [ Road to Diamond V: Digbo's Way]
  3. I need to have a one-trick ponie to get to Diamond and a back-up. SO far it's been evaluated that
  4. I want Kha'Zix to be that ponie. I could play him in 2 different lanes I'm confident I can do:
  6. [Kha'Zix]
  7. Top
  8. Jungle
  10. And aswell I need a back-up. I really don't like the idea of playing an asssassin in lane as much as
  11. I like it in the Jungle so I'll have towards someone tanky. My options here are for [1 back-up] or
  12. a [3 champion pool]. I've kind of got my eyes on [Alistar] for filling the support role considering his nice
  13. CC and tank mixed with easy mechanics compared to the more meta supports. I really dislike the ADC role if
  14. I can't find a champion I'm confident in playing but maybe [Tristana] could fill that role and the one I've
  15. been practicing with; [Graves].
  17. For the mid, I'm liking [Lux] if I can kite really well. But I've seen [TF]'s cababilites and I'm eager to learn
  18. him and it'll go well if I can master him. [TF]'s really similar to [Lux] in a way that you wanna wait between
  19. your skills to use them and stay in the backline and try to kite the enemy team.
  21. Ok, here's the list I've got set up temporarly. Let's see if it works out.
  23. [Kha'Zix]
  24. Top
  25. Jungle
  26. Mid?
  28. [TF] or [Lux]
  29. Mid
  31. [Alistar]
  32. Support
  34. I've decided to get rid of the ADC role because I want to focus on just three champions currently.
  35. I could always play Yasuo considering my previos exp. with playing him. Fuck it. I'm changing the
  36. mid lane champ form [TF] to [Yasuo]. #HYPE
  38. EDIT 1: Nope, fuck Yasuo. Back to maybe [TF] or [Lux]
  40. [Kha'Zix] is going well every game. I'm not sure if I'm supposed be this easily fed or how mechanically
  41. hard [Kha'Zix] but I'm picking him up pretty easily. I'm kinda comtemplating going back to Season 2 and
  42. taking him Mid beacuse of how well I did against Milo as Azir in a Custom 5v5 with/against friends. But
  43. I think I made the mistake of maxing Q on [Kha'Zix] because when he was a popular midlaner maxing W and
  44. evolving W first was the good to do because of the poke potential which would lead to a kill confirmed.
  45. As for the rest of my in testing champion pool I haven't got to try [Alistar] at all in ranked yet or champs
  46. like [TF] or [Lux] because I just don't feel fun playing them. Which is understandable since I'm enjoying
  47. [Kha'Zix] a lot and he's most likely going to turn out to be my one-trick ponie to Diamond and beyond.
  48. But I definetely am going to need just 1 or 2 backup's incase I can't get what I prefer in champ select.
  50. I'm definetely looking for someone tanky for a support backup. So my choices here are [Alistar], [Thresh],
  51. [Braum], [Taric], [Tahm Kench], [Bard]. [Thresh] has always been a great standard support but can be really
  52. good if mastered. [Alistar] is so much more of a tank than anyone on the list because of his heal and ultimate
  53. which reduces 70% of all sources of damage excluding True Damage and if you can peel for your ADCarry throughout
  54. the fight you can do wonders for them. [Thresh] you really have to make sure you land the hook 70% or even 85%
  55. of the time if you wan't to peel for you ADC and make sure you use your ult. I think of a situation where there
  56. are one-shotting assassins that will immediately take your ADCarry down and I don't think I can depend on [Thresh]
  57. do get that job done. I feel [Alistar] can CC them for a good 3seconds with his combo and if not needed to peel
  58. he just frontline everything with his ult. [Braum]; I haven't had much exp. with to know how to use him and can
  59. also be really good as [Thresh] or close if used well. [Taric]; I'm not even sure anymore, he's not META, he's
  60. not that great with CC because of his one stun. I don't think I can really consider him right now. [Tahm Kench];
  61. He's really great at keeping his ADCarry in check with his E and can tank just almost as much as [Alistar] but
  62. is a lot like [Bard] in the sense that the fites will go slow if you don't have any DPS and only has a few skills
  63. to use. His Q is a slow and a stun with 3 proc's from his passive. W helps you sustain in lane and also retrieve
  64. health back for a certain amount of time. I don't think he could be something I'm looking for right now
  65. considering I don't have 6300IP to purchase him right now and I need my whole plan to get to Diamond right now
  66. instead of saving some time to risk training with it and maybe not liking him and that time may have been wasted
  67. if that so happens. [Bard]; Instead of [Tahm Kench] I actually own [Bard] so that good since he came out some-
  68. what recently. Let's see, his Q is a stun if hits something behind the initial target and the slow isn't
  69. really that important to me. His laning phase is helpful with his W: health packs. His E is just utility,
  70. engaging, disengaging, in/out to/of places. His ultimate does no damage and will probably be rarely used and for
  71. the purposes of freezing turrets or saving a low health target or disengaging/engaing and it's usually a holy
  72. mary for both purposes.
  74. The top at my list right now is [Alistar] with [Bard] going for second and because he's fun to play and [Thresh]
  75. sitting at last place here because of how mechanically challenged I think he is and hardly any mobility. No Mob-
  76. ility? Bard to Diamond? LOL Maybe.
  78. [Kha'Zix]
  79. Top
  80. Jungle
  81. Mid (Maybe Ekko?)
  83. [Alistar] or [Bard]
  84. Support
  86. [Tristana] (Fuck ADC)
  87. ADC
  89. I really just want to pick the easiest of ADCarry's for me because I've grown to really dislike the role because
  90. I have to defend on other people to peel for me during teamfights and [Tristana] is almost like [Kha'Zix] in the
  91. sense of jumping around (Tristana Double Jump?!?!?! :D) and that's great if I ever had bad positioning in teamf-
  92. ights and just all around good for mobility, which I love. I may even consider making [Ekko] my midlaner because
  93. of how much fun I had with him the first time I played him and for the mobility as well of course.
  95. I'm kind of feeling demolarized here beceause I haven't been doing well with [Kha'Zix] these recent games and I
  96. am thinking of switching champions until I've become better at [Kha'Zix] practicing him out-of-ranked. My other
  97. option right now I'm considering is [Lee Sin] and he could be a pretty good fit for the mistakes I make if I build
  98. him tank and that way I won't get punished as hard. I'll just have to leave the damage to the ADCarry's and Mid's
  99. while my main goal in teamfights would be to peel for them.
  101. [Lee Sin]
  102. Top
  103. Jungle
  105. [Yasuo]
  106. Mid (He's pretty much the only midlaner I'm decent as)
  108. [Alistar]
  109. Support
  111. [Tristana]
  112. ADC
  114. Tristana as my main ADC is working wonders for me. I've done really well in my opinion to the previous games
  115. I've played with her. I think I'll stick with her as my backup for ADC. Alistar; I just had a game with him and
  116. I think I'll base that game as my evaluation of whether or not I keep him as my backup support.
  118. Ok, so, [Tristana] will always be my main ADC for now and Alistar will be too but I'm interested in learning
  119. the mechanics for [Thresh].
  121. Goals: Become a [Master Yi], [Riven], [Thresh] main.
  123. Whenever I get picked for ADC I will just got [Tristana]. For now I'm going to practice those three champs.
  124. I've already got down Master Yi I'm sure so that doesn't matter but those other ones are high mechanic.
  126. **11-10-15**
  128. Uhm, let's strike all that thinking I was going through on getting to Diamond. I've recently
  129. found it fitting to play fill in most of my ranked games because I've won that way and also
  130. playing powerful meta champions, not champions I have to work for to learn and get rewarded for
  131. my experince in playing themm. Faker was like this in worlds, he used power picks like Ryze, or Olaf,
  132. or champion that were really good at carrying.
  134. Season 5 will end once the clock strikes midnight today and so will my rank. I might be able to get to
  135. Platinum IV today and get an easier time climbing back to Platinum as well as Plat IV on my border.
  136. I'm really excited for Season 6 to come and I am aiming for Master this time after going from Silver
  137. to Platinum in one season.
  139. My favorite currently is ADC though, it helps for my objective being that ADC's are the least likely to
  140. have people one-trick pony them. Gotta remember to play when I am at my best mood, not when I'm sleeply,
  141. depresssed, or incapable to because of an injury or sickness. This way I'll definetely win more games.
  142. Fucking christ, I just recently won 3 ranked gases in a row just after I decided to get onto league when
  143. I woke up at 1am.
  145. **11-30-15**
  147. Alright! I finished season 5 at Platinum V which is way better than Silver (1?) at the most. I've been doing
  148. a lot more ranked afterwards now that everyone is currently in pre-season 6 and I climbed as hard as I could
  149. and I'm on standby at Platinum II 22LP. I can't believe I've made it this far towards completing my goal of
  150. achieving Diamond rank. Some may think that playing ranked doesn't matter but it does count towards getting a
  151. better placement in the beginning of Season 6. I think I may even be able to get Diamond V before the pre-season
  152. ends but it's going to be a hard way through. Once I get Diamond V I'm sure I'll stop there to leave my ranking
  153. be for the end of pre-season 6. Hopefully decay is active in pre-season that I don't decay back to Platinum I.
  155. I've sorta found what I think could be my main lanes currently; ADCarry and Jungle. It seems quite fitting cons-
  156. idering I'm really anal about my cs count, always trying to keep up with the clock (100cs @ 10:00, 150cs @ 15:00).
  157. I've always loved to Jungle anyways but I'm not quite sure on the for sure of keeping that as my second lane to
  158. main. I'm also typically good at toplane and support is right under that having midlane be my worst lane. In mid-
  159. lane there just isn't a champion that really fits me or my playstyle besides [Yasuo] which he will be my backup if
  160. I'm forced to mid (yes it happens).
  162. I played over 10 [Kalista] games in a row with some being what I know being the best Thresh ever! We had so much
  163. synergy in lane and in conversation. We would always manage to get first blood and cause the enemy team to /ff
  164. over our snowball together in the botlane (w/ SupaFlyToast).
  166. Anyhow, I think I could potentially get to Diamond this way with these two lanes and I've pretty much got any
  167. backup champions incase I can't get my lane:
  169. (excerpt from notepad)
  171. Ranked Solo Q:
  172. Top: Jax
  173. Jg: Warwick
  174. Mid: Yasuo
  175. Adc: Kalista
  176. Supp: Blitzcrank
  178. Main:
  179. ADCarry
  180. Jungle
  182. Practice:
  183. Kalista
  185. Mastered:
  186. Yasuo
  187. Kalista
  188. Warwick
  190. I wish myself luck in not encountering a new and improved disco nunu's (clairvoyance gone), summoners on tilt, or
  191. just plain Teemo's :).
  193. "...And as always, goodluck in SoloQ and have a wonderful day."
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