
The Thief Prince of Aquilon

Mar 6th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. The Thief Prince of Aquilon
  3. By Anonymous Bard (Possibly Cardyon student of Thespianus c. 520s AR)
  5. Part 1 The City of Aquilon and Brave Calaban
  7. Behold and sing o muses of great city Aquilon
  8. Who’s beauty and sin ran for ages long
  9. Of wealth and poverty both abundant and plentiful
  10. But ever watched by her shielded sentinels
  12. Above all was a palace of splendor beyond measure
  13. Reside the Duke and Eagle Crown, his greatest treasure.
  14. Outside walls, the castle keep and redoubt
  15. Guardsmen of the shield did spread their doubt
  17. “Thief prince they say and what of this Myth?
  18. Why guard against a fable which does not exist?”
  19. Many agreed and some began to play dice
  20. When out from the air alarm bells rang thrice
  22. Inside the walls at the palace treasury keep
  23. Now awake failed guards who were once asleep
  24. Captain Renald scolded them hard for ignoring their call
  25. But he saved his true wraith one had earned it most of all
  27. Brave Calaban, sergeant of the shield came then
  28. Tardy and late, as he was time and again.
  29. For his failure he was struck, thrice for each alarm
  30. For he allowed the thief to do the most harm.
  32. “A dancer was here when the thief was at play,
  33. and she may have something interesting to say,
  34. Go now and question Imbara the Courtesan,
  35. Do this to redeem thy shame O Calaban.“
  37. Part 2 On How Calaban met Imbara
  39. Green Palace garden he went striding with unease
  40. Imbara the Dancer twirling betwixt the olive trees
  41. “Lady Imbara dancer fair, thou must confess,
  42. And account for thy part in all of this mess!”
  44. Though stunning to behold she then did scoff
  45. And broke the spell over Calaban, twas aloft
  46. "Thy question is baseless, it wearies me so,
  47. A court dancer am I, tis plain as a doe."
  49. Brave Calaban then made to start,
  50. And declare quickly, "Under arrest, thou art!"
  51. But before justice left his lips with might,
  52. Her sash blinded him, and Imbara fled from sight.
  54. His quarry ran beyond the walls
  55. And chased through market street and stall
  56. Out of the district, they ran with no end in sight,
  57. Imbara nimble and quick in her flight
  59. At last, atop a rooftop's end,
  60. Escape was no option for the dancer to defend.
  61. Like a cornered beast, she slashed dagger blade,
  62. And scarred Calaban's face, a mark forever made.
  64. With no shade, sword he drew, pain burning bright,
  65. And soon Imbara and Calaban were blade-to-blade in a fight!
  66. The dancer quick, Calaban put his fatigue at bay,
  67. With a single blow, he disarmed her, nothing left to say.
  69. Rushing in, Pain reminded him of his wounded pride
  70. He thought of revenge, but her tender form made him stand aside.
  71. Arrested was she and brought to East Tower most bleak,
  72. And later Calaban went, answers to seek.
  74. “But what of Imbara? The one that put up a fight?
  75. Her release was secured by the Duke, she left on this night.”
  76. At this news brave Calaban was wroth
  77. But then he did sink like a folded cloth.
  79. Captain Renald, cruel and loud,
  80. Made his displeasure known, cursing the entire crowd.
  81. For months without leave, he endured shameful misery,
  82. But promised to solve the Thief Prince's mystery.
  85. Part 3 Masquerade at the Night of Folly
  87. Moons later to the Night of Folly masquerade
  88. Where worries cast aside and merriment made
  89. With motive and purpose brave Calaban was come
  90. To foil the Thief Prince before villany done
  92. At the Duke's ball, did the guardsman of the Shield spy
  93. His nemesis Imbara, approached with unshaken eye,
  94. "Cruel guardsmen," she spat with demand,
  95. "Remove thyself from mine sight as a further reprimand."
  97. “Dancer beware for your toes are on wires,
  98. Lest they be chopped off, a fate most dire.”
  99. At this she did then balk but a note was strung
  100. Music filled ears and so their dance had begun.
  102. By convention they went, unwillingly at first.
  103. But not before Imbara kicked him where it was worst.
  104. Calaban groaned and then made to say,
  105. "Woe is me to dance with one so wretched this day."
  107. But regret he did those words from his lips
  108. When he felt the softness of the Dancer’s hips
  109. He said unto her, “I wish to know the truth of things.”
  110. And she said unto him, “We shall see what this night brings.”
  112. Dance, they did and more seriously now.
  113. “For one so dutiful would surprise ye to know of my sacred vow?”
  114. Calaban inquired skeptical of this claim.
  115. But she told him then of Holy Zallashi’s fame.
  117. Founder of an order like no other,
  118. Freer of slaves like Calaban's own mother,
  119. With Holy Mantle Imbara was once bonded
  120. But now with the Thief Prince had absconded.
  122. Calaban’s heart burned, his mind a battlefield
  123. He was stalwart, true, Guardsmen of the Shield
  124. Yet she smelled sweeter than the finest nectar,
  125. His drive was then, and always to protect her.
  127. "Guardsmen, let me help you against your foe,
  128. The Prince thinks he so clever, his folly we shall show!"
  129. The guardsmen sighed and replied “Perhaps,”
  130. “Though in your story there are many gaps.”
  132. And dance more and closer did they,
  133. As swelling music continued to hold sway
  134. Their bodies were drawn like the tides of the sea
  135. And soon lips almost touched, almost free
  137. But alas, fate intervened, and the spell was broken
  138. As the Duke's men declared, the thief's mark yet unspoken
  139. ‘The Eagle Crown was stolen!”, cried they in their fright
  140. “Imbara the Dancer is responsible tonight!”
  142. “My innocence! I protest!” Imbara declared aloud
  143. As Calaban stood stunned like all rest of the crowd
  144. Quick work they made in subduing Dancer fair
  145. And carted her off past bewildered Calaban to dungeon lair.
  147. Part 4 The Library Secret
  149. Heart of turmoil and a mind of rage
  150. Calaban left palace ground to consult with a sage
  151. Twas in the Thief Prince that held the final key
  152. To free Imbara in some way he would see.
  154. The wise man then said, “Like a light it will shine”
  155. “In dark palace library the secret thou shall find!”
  156. And so Calaban sought entrance but was blocked by force
  157. The guards mocking him with a cruel discourse.
  159. But his resolve did not falter, not one bit,
  160. For he knew the truth he sought, was there, to hit.
  161. So he crept into the library, under cover of night,
  162. Hoping to find even the smallest insight
  164. In shadows he found scroll that revealed
  165. The Duke fathered a son who vanished afield.
  166. Around the same time, the Thief Prince emerged,
  167. And so Calaban's suspicions there had converged.
  169. But then shock! Whispers of treachery and deceit!
  170. Through dark magic the Duke talking with Prince Thief!
  171. In shadow was said and Calaban clear heard
  172. “I’ll sell the crown, split the bounty, you have my word.”
  174. Calaban’s ire rose, resolved to expose conspiracy.
  175. But small noise made, and alerted Duke before he flee
  176. Sword draw and clashing blades for future begin
  177. The Duke’s skill unmatched yet Calaban valiant at end
  179. Disarmed and blooded brave Calaban fell
  180. At the mercy or his death, he could not tell.
  181. To East Tower he was taken in his pain.
  182. To disgraceful fate and eternal shame.
  184. Lying there when slowly aware again.
  185. Calaban found in dungeon cell he had been
  186. And though he thought all hope was lost
  187. Twas then he realized with Imbara he was jailed across.
  189. Part 5 The Thief Prince of Aquilon
  191. Heavy heart was he in dungeon locked
  192. Across from Imbara iron bars blocked
  193. Said she, “O sorrow that ever I got you involved
  194. Brave sweet Calaban of will and resolve”
  196. “Love I did the Thief Prince back then.
  197. But sham it was and passion thin”
  198. She smiled and sang a lilting tune
  199. Melting his sorrowful heart all too soon.
  201. The Guardsmen said “Though death claim me I do not care
  202. With my life to die beside a flower so fair.”
  203. At this the Dancer then began to weep,
  204. For her feelings in secret till now she keep
  206. “Alas we cannot fly away and flee!
  207. We could go to somewhere wild and free,
  208. No tyrants, but love and joy to reign.
  209. A realm where we are happy and free of pain.”
  211. Said sweet Calaban, “Perhaps we could go there now,
  212. As our deaths and final judgments await anyhow,
  213. So for now you may dream of that far-off-place,
  214. And content I shall, to memorize thy lovely face.”
  216. Reach out their hands did they as a sign of love,
  217. But stopped by bars and then sound from above
  218. Captain Renald called for headsman send
  219. Soon Calaban and Imbara would meet their end.
  221. At first light, were they taken then to the gallows
  222. And gathered throngs ordered stand fallow
  223. To the chopping block together they were led,
  224. Side by side and eye to eye, till they were dead.
  226. “Hearken to me my people, and let me speak!”
  227. Loud and shrill, the Duke said with a shriek
  228. “These two condemned conspired to steal Eagle Crown as you see!”
  229. This he accused them of and other outrageous deeds
  231. “Death!” But as the headsman's axe went on to chop
  232. Out from the shadows came a force to stop
  233. The Thief Prince in his hooded splendor
  234. Headsman's axe halted, shocked at new contender
  236. Buffeted once upon the nose
  237. The headsmen fell and the Thief then chose
  238. To attack the Duke and his guard
  239. Turning one’s shield and sword into shards.
  241. With magic he stunned the duke and his men
  242. And then ran blade into armpit, armored thin.
  243. The Duke cried out and saying, “Aquilaros my son!”
  244. Then toppled to ground unmoving, the Duke was undone
  246. The thief prince now revealed to the crowd,
  247. Did stop retribution when he spoke aloud,
  248. “Aquilaros son of Grimaldus am I
  249. Who am Prince and Thief of the Two Sides”
  251. “My father dead no desire have I to rule,
  252. And those who would take me would certainly be fools
  253. For kinslayer am I and done much more evil deeds
  254. So to the people and their assembly my power I cede”
  256. Imbara and Calaban were freed and shared kiss of passion fire
  257. For now they could live on as they had both desired.
  258. They celebrated with the people of Aquilon and then left for good
  259. Starting together afresh in what place they could.
  261. The people of Aquilon now ruled their own fate
  262. Through their efforts a new life they would create
  263. Happy were they, Imbara and Calaban, forever on
  264. So sing o muses of the Thief Prince of Aquilon!
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