
Ponelands: The Weirder West

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >Anon shifts and grimaces as his back flares with pain. Cursing to himself, he carefully leans up and takes a look at his surrounding. Narrowing his one good eye in disbelief, he rolls over and pushes himself to his feet, finding himself in some kind of miniature market.
  2. “Colored ponies?” he quietly mumbles as he brushes the dirt and grime off his long duster coat.
  3. Shaking his head, he grabs his discarded hat off the ground and quickly puts it on and tips it forward to hide his pale sickly face. “Fracking spirits..”
  4. >Deciding not to pay the world or its inhabitants much mind, he checks his weapon. A colt revolver he got off some ranger who had no business playing cards with such a terrible poker face, not that it stopped him from fleecing the man for all he was worth.
  5. >Sighing in frustration, he, with practised ease, re-holsters the empty weapon and gasps as his back spasms again, reminding him what his last rumble took out of him.
  6. >A little pony with a balloon rapped around their hoof trots up to him. “You ok Mr?”
  7. >Anon just grumbles sourly at the kid and starts walking, trying his best to ignore all the funny looking ponies giving him concerned looks as he stumbles by. “I need to find some ghost rock… that’ll fix what ails me..”
  8. >The pain in his back starts to intensify so he leans heavily against one of the many market stalls. Wiping the fresh sweat from his brow, Anon wonders how long he can hold out.
  9. >Still leaning, he remembers an old technique he learned from a traveling china man. Visibly relaxing, he closes his eyes and starts to slow his breathing. Slow intake, followed by and even slower exhale.
  10. >Its then that he notices the grey pony with the blond mane. Well not really her, but what she was carrying on her back.
  11. Anon pushes himself off the stall and stumbles forward with his hand held out in front of him. “That package…”
  12. >Derpy, who was eyeing the BBQ corn stall hungrily turns to Anon with her usual wall eyed enthusiasm. “What’s that Mr?”
  13. Anon steadies himself and points at the glowing parcel. “That rock…”
  14. >Derpy grabs the package and looks it over. “Is this for you?”
  15. >Sweating heavily again, Anon quickly nods his head.
  16. >Checking the sticker, Derpy gives him a once over. “You’re Mrs Twilight Sparkle?”
  17. >Gasping for air, Anon just nods again.
  18. >Derpy looks over the box, then to him then back to the box. “I don’t know… you seem a little different then when you were in all the papers…”
  19. Anon stumbles to the side but catches himself by grabbing onto another stall. Leaning on it he just shakes his head. “Don’t believe all that hub bub they put in the..” he gasps and starts coughing. After a few moments he catches his breath and continues. “Tombstone Epitah, half of its old wives tales and the rest is horse shit.”
  20. >Derpy rummages through her mail sack and pulls out a greyed picture of Twilight. She squints as she looks from it to Anon. “I don’t know…”
  21. >Patience having run out. Anon pulls out his colt and aims it at Derpy, with a quick word, the world darkens and everything freezes. Anon pushes himself off the stall and stands steady, all his aches and pains momentarily gone. He quickly looks over the three lightly glowing cards that appeared in his left hand.
  22. Squinting he takes a closer look at the multi coloured cards. “The hell are these? The hell is a Pokmar?”
  23. >An old grizzled voice answers him. “Pokeamares, the kids all coo coo for em nowadays.”
  24. “Mantou? Spirit!” he turns every which way, trying to find the source of the voice. “Where are you?! I command you to appear before me!”
  25. >“Hold yer dang horses youngin, I ain’t exactly a filly no more.”
  26. >A slow and rickety old mare steps out of the frozen crowd. “Now what ya want youngin? I ain‘t got all day, there’s apples to be checked and chores to be done…”
  27. “I need your power, a fireball!”
  28. >“A fireball?! Are you dang loko in the poko?! You might hurt somepony!”
  29. Anon almost drops his cards in surprise. “What?”
  30. >“Dang fool, I ain’t givin you no fireball.”
  31. “Then a… wall of fire! So I can trap my enemy and deal with her myself!”
  32. >The mare just shakes her head as she looks at Anon’s enemy. “That’s yer enemy? The mail mare? You got a couple screws loose?”
  33. Anon just slams his hand down and a table magically appears to catch it. “Just play the game damn it!”
  34. >The mare spits and takes a seat. “Alright alright…” she shuffles her hoof and drops down a Squigly Maned Clothmancer. “Pfft… Pokeamare… sounds awful leeeeeewd if you ask me…”
  35. “Well I didn’t…” Anon throws down a Reckless Rainbow, easily pranking the Clothmaster out of the game.
  36. >She scratches her flank and plays a Spiky Helmeted Rockomancer, easily flinging the Reckless Rainbow to the discard pile.
  37. Anon plays the trap card Stairs, trapping the Rockomancer before playing his last card, Cotton Candy Orchestra which immediately starts playing ‘music‘.
  38. >Unable to take the bouncing erratic tune, the mare throws away the rest of her cards. “Fine youngin, you win. I grant you some of my power.”
  39. >With that, the world brightens up and unfreezes. Grimacing as the pain starts to come back with it, Anon quickly pulls the trigger.
  40. >With a loud pop, a bouquet of flowers slides out of the barrel.
  41. >Derpy’s eyes light up. “Awww.” She slinks closer and takes a sniff. “Are those for me?!”
  42. >Shocked, Anon just watches as Derpy starts nibbling at his flowers.
  43. Glowering, Anon fans the hammer and the world darkens, once again freezing everyone but him. “MANITOU!!!!!!!”
  44. >Sitting beside him, the old mare spits. “What?”
  45. Anon angrily points to his gun, now overflowing with half eaten flowers of all kinds. “The hell is this?!”
  46. >The mare just shrugs. “What? Ya gotter eating out of the frog a yer hoof.”
  47. “This isn’t what I gambled for!”
  48. >“Well I wasn’t gonna give you what you wanted! You coulda hurt the poor mare..”
  49. Temper rising, Anon fights the urge to strangle his Manitou power source. “I need.. That package! It’s very important!”
  50. >“What, you a bandit now? Some kinda package rustler?”
  52. >She takes her hooves off her ears. “Now just settle down there kiddo, we can just chat this out here.”
  53. “There is nothing to chat about!” Anon grips the three new cards in his hand and takes his place at the table.
  54. >Grumbling to herself, she takes the spot opposite him again. “Dang youngins… think they own the whole dang world…”
  55. >Anon once again wins having cleverly used his Indentured Serpent to sneak past the mares Sparkling Bookworm and attack her life points directly.
  56. >“Tch, ya win again youngin.”
  57. >Taking a deep breath, Anon braces as the world unfreezes. Staggering from the pain he quickly levels the revolver and pulls the trigger.
  58. >This time, the guns fires out a steady stream of freshly buttered popcorn.
  59. >Paralyzed with rage, Anon just stands there, completely oblivious to his body breaking down.
  60. >Derpy’s eyes open wide as she gasps in awe. “POPCORN! Only a true wizard like Twilight Sparkle could summon popcorn!” She grabs the package and hooves it over to Anon before shoving a clipboard and inked feather in his face. “Signature!?”
  61. >Anon grabs the feather, signs the paper with a quick x and grabs the package. “Been a pleasure ma’am.”
  62. >Derpy takes back the clipboard and stares at it with quiet awe.
  63. Anon tears open the package to find a large chunk of ghost rock in a ziplock bag, marked ‘Sombra Crystal?‘. He laughs heartily as the pain starts creeping up his back.
  64. >Derpy, not wanting to be left out, joins in with her own happy laughter.
  65. >Wincing, he pulls the trigger again and disappears.
  66. >Derpy practically dances with glee as she rakes all the food into her pack. “Dinkies not gonna believe this! THE Princess Twilight Sparkle gave ME flowers and popcorn!”
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